How did you feel when you first found diamonds in Minecraft?

How did you feel when you first found diamonds in Minecraft?

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I was happy and then fell into lava about 6 seconds later and was sad.

I thought I beat the game and stopped playing for a while after making a sword.

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I started singing my favorite tune "You're such a frickin ore, I mine it"

Tfw you still havnt played this garbage.

Normies disgust me

my benis became the big pOnOs

>trying to fit in this hard

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>"Oh shit, diamonds! Okay, I'm going to take my time and carefully extract these in case anything goes wrong"
And I successfully extracted my first diamonds.

We get it, puberty is rough. You'll make it though little zoomer.

so how are you enjoying your first week on 4channel?

A genuine oh shit moment, followed by about 10 minutes of careful excavation and scurrying them back to an ore chest in the cave while giggling to myself.

>minecraft faggot calling anyone else a zoomer

Only normal people trying to fit in say "normie", faggot.

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>he doesn't know

I was excited and my friends were excited for me because they've been playing for years

felt good man

i don't remember. i wish i could remember what i called my first WoW character too. i should write that stuff down but that would be dumb cause you don't know what you're going to care about 10 years from now

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I feel like coming back to this game sometimes but I really don't want to go mining for hours again

I miss when chunks would randomly disappear from the world while you were walking around and you could get close to the edge, look down, and see where diamonds were. I got banned from servers for using that. The admins always thought I was using cheats because I'd dig straight down where it was.

Now finding diamonds is almost impossible. All you can really do is just spend hours digging near the bottom of the map in hopes of finding one vein.

>A genuine oh shit moment, followed by about 10 minutes of careful excavation and scurrying them back to an ore chest in the cave while giggling to myself.

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>All these people thinking minecraft is for zoomer faggots
>Not knowing Notch asked 4chans Yea Forums specifically about what to put in during alpha and beta
>Not knowing Notch released it through here first
>Everyone excited for Friday fundates to see what community decided changes there were going to be out in.

I miss the old days friends.