>Yea Forums has capeshit sticky
>Yea Forums has sticky for paid DLC to a kiddy party brawler
Yea Forums has capeshit sticky
cry about it OH wait you already are LUL
>browsing different boards
Is that you in that picture? I hope the aids kills you op
What do you want stickied? Sony's announcement that weebs are rapists?
Yea Forums has that sticky Yea Forums has
they're containment threads, not endorsements
Careful user, their janny is "cleaning up" all of these threads, yours is probably next
>browsing Yea Forums
lol the direct was only shit dlc,nintendofags are the worst
Why are snoybois so retarded? If you faggots don't like how Yea Forums operates, go to resetera and jack off about snoy censoring games
>hurr durr i liek to shit on nintendies so that's why i stay
Well than suck it up buttercuck
>browsing any of those boards
>implying I did not click on this thread from the homepage.
>Yea Forums has sticky for paid DLC to a kiddy party brawler
>additionally half the threads on Yea Forums are about the same topic
The intent is advertising, not containment. Smash threads aren't getting deleted.
>Watch it, Yea Forums!
shouldn't the sticky be on Yea Forums?
Do you seriously only browse Yea Forums?
This game was fun as fuck
When is the last stand alone game that got a positive sticky?
have sex
the only advertising sticky on Yea Forums i'd seen in recent memory was an asscreed game nobody cared about, whereas the catalog gets filled with smash threads no matter what
>browsing Yea Forums
>being mad that Yea Forums is being discussed at Yea Forums because it’s a type of Yea Forums you don’t like
user you realise stickies exist to contain cancer right?
why does everyone go nuts for smash anyway? they play for a week then just move on to more speculating.
The Smash shit is advertising aswell. Nobody cares about the game when Nintendo doesn't have anything to sell you.
absolutely destroyed
>The Smash shit is advertising aswell. Nobody cares about the game
imagine being this deluded
t. absolutely glowing ninten-kiddie who feels personally attacked. Imagine being offended.
You know I’m not usually the jaded contrarian type, but fucking christ I can’t take this. There isn’t a single franchise more overrated than persona and an entry more overrated than p5.
And it’s not even the fucking game itself but rather a dlc fighter for a dumbass party brawler.
>And it’s not even the fucking game itself but rather a dlc fighter for a dumbass party brawler.
When P5R gets revealed as on Switch, watch the sticky happen. When not, jannies will be awfully absent.
Absolutely worked into a seethe
Video games are inherently all kiddy shit. It's all for children
They're both, ResetEra. It's good so there aren't endless threads, but a majority of people who love video games love Smash, so it's definitely an endorsement. Sorry that people are allowed to love non-Sony games here, as much as you try otherwise
holy shit you're mad
>Yea Forums has a sticky for death of Monkey Punch (creator of lupin)
Stickies contain Smash thre-
wow that sucks to hear.
>I mass reply on Yea Forums
>Please notice me
says it all about how different are the boards
And Yea Forums has a capeshit crying about how spoilers are mean.
>they're containment threads
The Yea Forums and Yea Forums Avengers sticky is locked to prevent posting in.
>Japan Time
>Ultimate shiposting
>samefagging wojakuck criticizing how i post
>sonygger self censoring in filename
Do you want the whole catalog full of smash autism?