Do it faggot

Do it faggot.

you must autistically grind 1000s of hours of frame perfect tech skill to even be allowed to play and it only has 2 characters

fucking empty world, broken physics, shit framerate, cloned bosses... stupid ending

How about as funny as possible?

A kid kills monkeys in people's nightmares.


You are not special but pretended you were because you thought you were your best friend who actually was pretty cool. You dress in drag, hang out with a black guy and a dog, and get a woman killed.

only after 3 months can you properly fly that shiny new spaceship you just bought

You do the same thing for 95% of the game.

You are a sadistic furry and the developers who look like nu males fucking hate the game and everyone who bought it.

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old, shit-brown civ clone where you have to play as a political caricature

5 hour long pixel indieshit

>You get a girlfriend.
>"HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!"
>You die.

It's like King Arthur's story, but backwards.


Everything has a shitty aesthetic, combat is timed button presss. Theres a bunch of shitty builds and autists try not to level hp for this broken item. Story is shit and partners look like trash out of a kids cartoon.

3/10 was the studio's last game


puzzle fighting game where you dont even move your character

Mass Effect Andromeda

The game is the slowest in the series, making you want to fall asleep throughout it. Do you like HP bars that take decades to lower after an attack? Snow routes that are longer then the great wall of China? Villains who look like they came out of an cringeworthy Star Trek convention? Then Pokemon fucking Platinum is for you.

bunny hopping gassing literal niggers and people of color from around the world

it's shit

You're a young preteen that suffers an identity crisis that changes your controls without any real warning. You're also timed the entire time with a jarryingly compact overworld

You're able to punch 3 story Boulders into Lava but prefer to kill thousands of nigger throughout the game with modern weaponry.

Read manual the size of a novel then drown because some retard demolished the ozone layer through hyper-industry

everything around you is bullshit
but the bug you play as is cute at least

Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo

A massive grindfest in a series known for being grindy, while also having the slowest combat in the series (On launch). You can't even fully appreciate it if you haven't played the almost 10 games that came before it.

It's a bad video game.

You're a time god stuck using your powers to appease your bitchy girlfriend.

>all you do is grind endless amounts of constantly respawning enemies for the sole purpose of raising an arbitrary number


Majoras mask?

Bunch of men screaming into microphone. Women comes and screaming is yiff and hentai everywhere. Kids screaming nigger and no one is doing the object because we are all sucking each other's dicks while some are dancing in a corner. Some girl is sucking off some guy in the voice and we are all fapping to it. Political role-playing in the chat



Youre in the ballpark but not quite. The last sentence is what separates it from 12 in this example.

How rude, it was God Hand

You walk around an incomprehensible, mapless world with way too much empty space, populated mainly by neutral NPCs who do nothing. Every enemy in the game can instakill you. The combat is pointless as you only get money, which you can only spend on consumables that don't increase your damage, defense, speed or abilities.

The OST consists mostly of unpleasant noises that loop every 5-10 seconds.

The game never explains how to finish it, nor anything else.


Dung Beetle Derby

What the fuck is this?


demon souls?

yume nikki

How did you get that?

Ao Oni

Hint: One of you got it, while one of you made me extremely angry and led me to believe you are underage

there's no way an underage would know what Ao Oni is


wrong image am i retarded

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