Can a game have too much content?

Can a game have too much content?

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no, if it gets boring then just stop playing

better than still wanting to play but having nothing left to do

Believe it or not, yes. To get to that point though, you have to basically make the reward not even worth the minimal effort needed to do the content.

For example, while having lots and lots of collectables in DK64 seems like a great idea on paper, in practice its a boring chore to collect everything.

World of Warcraft

it's not like you HAVE to do that boring chore though

what harm is there in having it, it's just something extra to do for those that feel like doing it

I ask because I started RDR2 earlier this week and Assassin's Creed Origins today and after one day of playing them I just had this overwhelming feeling of exhaustion, seeing the rest of the game stretching out before me like an endless desert. I like them, but I don't like them enough to play them for 50-60 hours on a single playthrough. I find that if a game is going to ask more than like 20 hours of me, it better be a fucking five star game, it better be the kind of shit that makes me forget to eat because I'm having so much fun.

>content locked behing time base evens/grinding with limit time so you need to waste months of subscriptions

I don't like ignoring content. If I end up skipping 30 hours of boring stuff to do the 5 hours of fun stuff I feel like I've cheated. So with a really long game that means either being bored out of my skull or half-assing it and feeling unsatisfied with the playthrough.

Its more appropriate to say a developer can do having lots of content wrong than saying the fault is having too much content. For example you can make a huge open world and make it fun with lots of unique stuff to do or you can make a huge open world and make it empty and full of repetitive filler.

>Black and White 2

Yes, especially when it's a game in a series known for fast paced, and not very lenghty games.

I'm looking at you Lacrimosa of Dana, you piece of bloated shit.

Dragon Quest XI is another example. I love that game to death, but at some point you just don't feel like playing it anymore.

its a waste of development

According to the Path of Exile community it can.

yes, gta 5

Only if it prevents you from reaching the real story/campaign end

GTA Online since 2017.
It doesn't even look like the same fucking game in the slightest anymore.

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If it's about quantity over quality, then yes. I'd rather take a game with a small number of interesting side-quests in a densely interactive environment over a game with 4,000 interchangeable grindy fetch quests in the biggest open world map ever conceived.

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Depends on what the "content" is.

If it deals with the main game then a games length can sometimes be to its detriment. Padding a games length with filler it is still content though it doesn't really benefit the game.

If its bonus material, extras, and expansions its harder to do but still possible. Collecting bonus shit that serves little to no purpose other than a 100% game file is padding. Extras are usually good but then you get weird shit like Kart racing in Mortal Kombat Armageddon and you just know that time could of be spent else ware for better results. Expansions when done right are sometimes even better than the base game but the can also bloat the game with gimmicks or even ruin core mechanics.

Basically, its not a strictly numerical value of content, but the quality of the content that is the factor.

I'm currently playing through Origins right now, and I agree. I autistically HAVE to get 100% completion anytime I play an AssCreed. General collectibles aren't too bad, since I just put on music or a video and can knock off all chests in a day. But I've done like ~60 (mainly sub)missions in Origins, and I read that there are about double that, and this seems like too much. I heard Odyssey is even fucking worse

It's why I'll probably never finish Trails in the Sky. I looked into it because of the story, but I was immediately overwhelmed by the shamelessly massive amount of optional dialogue.

I'm OCD about trying to see all that there is to see.

No, but the content needs to be consistent quality and the more content there is the harder it is to have proper pacing.
See: Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate

Yeah. You should be able to finish the campaign in a reasonable amount of time. And you should be able to master the multiplayer.

But you can always roll out more content if it gets stale.

I think Assassin's Creed is the series that kind of killed my desire to be a completionist in big open sandbox games. It's just too much of a time-sink for me to care about completing the same handful of challenges and luck-based scavenger hunts over and over again.

Yes, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

I don’t know GTA V felt like it had less content then GTA SA yet the content felt bloated in V

i actually used to really enjoy going for 100% completion in assassin's creed games, but every single game is just even bigger than the last and at some point it just became too much

This is just an example of having lots of content done badly, no one would complain about the size of the world in GTAV if there was more, and more importantly, more interesting things to do. GTAV's problem is not the size of the map but how simple boring its side activities are, how pointless stuff like random events felt, etc. and just how much empty space there was.

yeah, I was playing AC Odyssey and I just stopped after entering the third zone and getting like 20 new side quests
I don't like skipping anything but when you're constantly bombarded with the same quest only with a different bit of badly voiced dialogue I just can't bother
Also why the fuck is there not a greek language setting

I would say yes, I have tried to play through the Skyrims main story line several times but only managed to it once. other times the play throughs has choked on all the side quests I got during travelling around the game.

Yes, it's called bloat. Depending on the genre, it's easily possible for a game to have a lot of content that can be redundant, of low quality, and/or made vestigial.

Even the original high rank game had a ridiculous amount of quests in the village, and you also had to do them all to get the Hayabusa Feather.

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