Who did it better Yea Forums?

Who did it better Yea Forums?

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James learned of the soi memes and quit making those faces. He's /ourguy/ now.

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Somebody please make James reacting to the other guy reacting to blacked

Great another smash bros thread

technically correct

there's people in this board right now who are still susbcribed to gamexplain

I subscribed to them during the Smash 4 reveals just because most of the information was TL;DR and I forgot to unsubscribe.

shoot yourself in the head

you guys sure concern yourselves with the silliest of things.

left is just straight up sad, pathetic and actually kinda creepy.

t. eric

Who's the guy on the left? Original video?

yes eric here.

What the fuck am I looking at?

>VR is just huge eye cancer glasses and ugandan knuckles servers
Why are sonyfags so cancerous?


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guy on the right has an extremely punchable face

Right = soul
Left = soulless
Prove me wrong.

Left is more genuine, therefore embarrassing.
Right is more faked and played up for the audience.
Gotta go with left.

The OG basedboy is at least funny, this new one is disgusting. Going on camera with a giant pimple on your face, fuck off.

What a goddamn faggot

>all those faggots in the comments

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James came first and did it better.

If by better you mean most embarrassing then the winner is clearly the guy who cried like a bitch over a fucking Star Wars trailer.

It's not even a pimple it looks like staph or something

Why would you decide to record this, actually record this, view the material you've recorded and then still upload this to the internet? I don't understand. Surely at some point you would notice how ridiculous this is.

even in memes all we do is pushed the blacked stuff kek, what a timeline, not even realizing we're doing it

there's something genuinely fascinating about the freak on the left
I watch it through every time
guy on the right is obviously just faking

The one and only.

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Just some herpes he got after cleaning Jamal's contribution from his wife's pleasure box.

Holy shit

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The agony and the ecstasy of true cuckoldry.....how elegant....

>deleted all the mean mean comments
Oh lawd

Left is fake as shit too.

>his videos are all NINTENDO

Right is onions in a funny way. Left is just disgusting.

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Left guy needs to up his :O game

nice AIDS blemish

>when you're on your 117th day of "guess smash newcomers" thread and nintendo release joker video

>watch his latest video
>he's talking a break indefinitely because he hates youtube due to his channel getting fucked over by copyright
Yeah, he's definitely /ourguy/

He's married

We all know who did

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mods, ban please

good times create weak men

The fuck is that??

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Who was in the wrong here?

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Do you have the edited video/gif?

Holy shit you guys are insecure. Yeah these guys are embarrassing but I've seen about a hundred threads about this already and it's getting old.

>ywn be this excited about something

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mark of the onions

Now have star wars guy reacting to this

>notre dame burns
>jamal and abdul raping little pretty english girls
>governments are owned by international finance and big business
>the arab world is being raped by all sides and the ones responsible and pitting their hatred towards us and pitting our hatred towards them
>homosexuals can get married, transvestites have their pronouns protected by law, pedophilia is becoming common even amongst young adults
>all the descendants of europeans are sitting inside their cucksheds posting online, slackjawed about nintendo games, taking hormes so they can pretend to be women
>this is how the thousands of years of glorious european history go out

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His wifes boyfriend hit him because he was playing his Switch when he should have been cooking dinner.

Mark Hamil tweeted him to defend him after Yea Forums went ballistic on this fuckk.

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it's only been a couple of days, stop getting insecure when guys with beards and glasses get made fun of



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>all the heads exploding at this guy’s face

How does it feel to have a mere facial expression make your head explode?

Why are incels so obsessed with this guy

Herpes he caught during cleanup duty.

The MGSV hype and following devestation has made it impossible for me to get excited about anything any more. My outlook on life and video games are now the same, bleak and pessimistic.

>notre dame burns
Wow the fucking roof caved in and literally everything of value is still intact. In like 5 years the whole cathedral will look the same as ever and the fire will be another paragraph in the history of Notre Dame.

Cry more you little bitch holy shit

dude cmon

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honk honk

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When all you know is misery, happiness makes your head explode.


>Published on 24 Feb 2014

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but user! serious sam 4 is gonna come out and its gonna be great!


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>>all the descendants of europeans are sitting inside their cucksheds posting online
Look who's talking, faggot.

>this is how the thousands of years of glorious european history go out
>as he posts on


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>hiding gay and blacked porn in these webms
interesting tactic


bruh at least dont make it some gay shit

Notre Dame was neglected for centuries, retard. It can be fixed


James is reacting to the Infinity War trailer, right? Did the original video get deleted from youtube, can't find it anywhere

Fᵤcₖ ₙᵢggₑᵣₛ

You can tell when something is true when posts like these draw out seething cuck responses.

As if most physicists don't kill themselves out of lack of work. Like most physists contribute anything to anything.
>plans on
Oh yeah so I was right hasn't done anything.

D: woah

What a quality job.

He lives in a white country so whatever argument he was trying to make is completely irrelevant

she looked good in the calvin klein pic

>Love is love, Eric. You keep being you. The lovers far outnumber the vitriol.
yeah, until the mullahs appear on your street with a machete then you're in real trouble, sonny

I feel uncomfortable


Im sure that muslim physicist doesnt live in a muslim country though. Which just furthers the arguement.

>Thinking that’s genuine hype


Is this a proper reaction to seeing star wars?

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That webm makes me feel like I'd have a chance at sex in the gay community. Guess I'm gay now

You really think a muslim would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

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right: soul
left: soulless

Sounds like heaven for the crypto-f@scists

Only for Derrick, and the occasional mykonosfan when something Yakuza happens.

Everyone else is pure unadulterated shit.

is that that retard woke guy?

I would've excused it if it was TFA because it was a long time coming but everyone knew there was going to be an episode 9 like 3 years ago, this is just pathetic.

Not gay but I have to admit I got a little turned on.

Memes aside, unboxing and reaction videos are the worst thing to happen to the internet. It's the most narcissistic shit ever

Why is everyone on r*ddit such a self-righteous asshole?

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after how impossibly bad TLJ was? I don't understand how even the biggest drone wouldn't be at least a little skeptical

I don't blame people for delving into escapism as far as they can, we're not coming back from this.


the best way to refute this is call his personal bragging a lie. they won’t be able to refute this

Oh no.

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They started using the internet with the Iphone or later.
Seriously, all of these mother fuckers constantly do shit that people did as jokes in 2005-2006. Unironically post shit like "At least I get pussy." And other obviously buttmad argument to shit that is obviously trolling.
On the bright side, it means trolling made a huge comeback, because they don't actually know what trolling is.

I used to think the people on Tumblr were just stupid little girls with their fandom obsession and shit. But those bitches are fucking my age.

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Right is pretty funny. Left is pathetic

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be careful this meme is illegal in multiple western countries

>"Sneed's Feed & Seed" has been the source of intense debate amongst fans of The Simpsons
So is that what they call shitposting on Yea Forums nowadyas? "intense debates"?