>ps5 Console war shitposting threads
>Ninsoydo Super Smash My Wife, Black Bros! Update
>Star Wars Uncanny /pol/ threads
>maybe 2 actual discussion threads
The absolute state of this board
Come back in two weeks and hope everything dies down
The state of Yea Forums
have sex
Check my 3
have sex faggot.
>>Ninsoydo Super Smash My Wife, Black Bros! Update
These are discussion threads.
They're talking about what's been presented and expressing their opinions while, that's discussion.
have sex
Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean it's off topic you stupid fucking redditor/ResetEra tourist
>complaining about people talking about a game
It's better than all the other /r9k/ and /pol/ tier posting being forced into a board about video games. Let me talk about actual video games or leave me the fuck alone
Smash is a casual tier for literal kids.
Get better taste in games.
you came to the wrong board dumbass
>thinking im one of these faggots that play smash
thats a yikes from me bud.
Have sex
>playing videogames
Confirmed incel
>knowing that smash is a video game means I play it
If you are over 24 and still browsing Yea Forums you should consider suicide.
>HOW DARE YOU FAGS NOT DISCUSS RISK OF RAIN, DMC5, OR [irrevelant jap game]????
Lmao, how about instead of 2 weeks you just never come back? K? Thanks.
>Anything I don't like is onions
I don't like this new Reddit era of Yea Forums where we beat a dead horse
I'm 30 now and I've been on here since I was like 19.
Shit's gay.
just gotta wait it out, this is how jancucks and mods make money by having spam because more clicks equals more money.
How does it feel to tell others to have sex, knowing you never will yourself?
Wow user, you don't like it when half the threads are wojack yikes wagie reee cuck black onions snoy boy loy incel?
>wasted potential with that 3 get
Have sex
It's crazy how Smashniggers just get to do whatever the fuck they want. There's a fucking sticky but they still need to take up the entire board. They can't even try to be considerate, I'd understand if it were a scheduled Direct day but it's the middle of the fucking night and now all normal threads are getting flooded off cause of this impromptu bullshit.
I hate waifufags more than the actual console flinging shitposting here. So im calling this post based.
However i actually like risk of rain. So im also calling this post cringe.
say it to me
>I am forgotten...?
> X Won
>Now that the dust has settled
Nothing will change, Yea Forums i always going to be shit
>game comes out
>talk about it for a few weeks
>keep it all in 1 thread
>mods try to move the threads to /vg/
>smash comes out
>60 daily threads
>around 10 threads up at all times
>praised and encouraged by mods
>he still comes to this garbage dump for more than 20 minutes a day
>60 daily threads
>playing video games
You should be outside saving the white race like all of us
>ps5 Console war shitposting threads
>Ninsoydo Super Smash My Wife, Black Bros! Update
Imagine being such a fucking gigantic hypocritical cunt that you simultaneously are butthurt about "console war shitposting threads" while posting braindead Snoyboy maymays about Nintendo. I get you're triggered that Nintendo is more relevant on a video game board than Snoy, but all you need to do is move over to /lgbt/ or Yea Forums and you'll find people with your interests.
complaining about it isn't making it better
145 threads archived in the last 3 days with the keyword ''smash'', that's not counting the ''he's in'' and all the other types of bullshit threads nintendies make. So yeah, 60 threads, daily.
say it to him
>keep it all in 1 thread
>for weeks on end
>why isn't a general thread moved to video game generals
this is a Nintendo board so that's a good thing
>coming to Yea Forums to do anything other than spam / shitpost
damn, get laid loser
It's all Br's they post here and compare who got the most (you)'s in their discord.
We've had way worse.
You still havn't answered why smash threads arn't being deleted when they swarm the board.
>he conveniently leaves out the best threads
>teratophilliacs vs robonigs
>sims threads
>VR lewder thread
Not him but it's the same reason shitpost/bait/spam threads hit bump limit. Shitty site staff.
have sex, incels
have sex (you won't though, unless you count being gay)
>Stop discussing video games!
The only thing we really need is an e-celeb containment board.
>Come back in two weeks and hope everything dies down
>two weeks
>fixing the fact that Yea Forums is at least 50% casuals from reddit at this point
Where the fuck have you been?
Fuck video games lol
It was just revealed that Joker will be playable tomorrow, 17. This is the reason. Everything will return to normal soon, retard.