Will it be good? Will it suck?

Will it be good? Will it suck?

Attached: psychonauts-2-banner.jpg (960x449, 97K)

>people who loved the original will gush about it and overlook its serious flaws simply because they got their sequel at long last
>for everyone else, it will be an extremely mediocre game with dated gameplay design (think Yooka-Laylee) and an obnoxious number of callbacks to the original
>game journalists will praise it regardless because most of them would lap up the taint sweat of the 3.3 Million Dollar Man
>ultimately it will be forgotten after a month or two
There. I just predicted not only Psychonauts 2, but every “revival” game to come out in the next decade as a bonus.

I think it might be the big comeback of double fine, although it is arguable if DF was ever good.

>Rhombus of Ruin showed Tim can still write Psychonauts
>Wolpaw came back to write
>Art style looks fine
>Mechanically looks loads better than the original
It'll probably be good

I hope that its good

Looks promising but we'll see.
>dated gameplay design
There is nothing wrong with Psychonauts' design. Well the Meat Circus is annoying but it was annoying then too, has nothing to do with age.

I feel like platformers, especially like Yooka-Laylee, are extremely hard to get right. Some definitely rely on nostalgia factor for certain gameplay elements. Although I wouldn't say they are completely dated. I'm sure the game will have plenty of call backs but does this necessarily mean that gameplay and the story will be bad?

>>Rhombus of Ruin showed Tim can still write Psychonauts
Was pleasantly surprised to learn this when I played it a couple months back. Shame the game itself was bland, but it was an earlier VR title made on a budget.

>dated gameplay design (think Yooka-Laylee)
Psychonauts isn't a collectathon platformer, brainlet. It's basically an adventure game with platforming elements.

>Psychonauts isn't a collectathon platformer, brainlet
Weren't you required to collect enough arrow-heads or level-ups or some shit to unlock abilities/buy gadgets needed to proceed?

when is this supposed to come out?

at the moment, just 2019

Only two items are necessary, the rest is optional. Mandatory powers are gained through story missions. It's not like the entire game revolves around collecting shit.

>remember Psychonauts 1 being a colourful game
>replay it a few months back
>it's a very grimy and depressing colour palette for the majority of the game
Don't know why I remembered differently. Even the 'brighter' levels like the Milkman Conspiracy and Milla's stage were washed in a muted haze.

Has there been any real looks into the sequel other than that one prototype area they were working on awhile back for the documentary thing?

Its def not hugely colorful besides levels like Freds and Edwards. I think I remembered it myself as more colorful too

Well, some low-level powers (Pyrokinesis, Invisibility, etc.) were mandatory, but you'd have to be a drooling idiot to manage avoiding them.

It's good.
It's okay.
It's shit.
Any other answer is objectively wrong.

I don't recall pyrokinesis being mandatory

best character?

Attached: psychonauts_2_renders-3.jpg (1200x2015, 331K)

In Glorias mind you have to set fire to some candles.

Also Telekinesis is mandatory as well.

mia seems like a cool person with horrible baggage

Rhombus of Ruin solidified him as my top choice.

I didn't play this, what makes it worthwhile and why does it make Sasha the best

The game isn't worthwhile other than a $2-3 romp if you happen to have a VR headset. He gets full on delusional later on, and it's fun fucking with the environment to his annoyance.