>Sony unveils PS5 as a MONSTER console today
>Microsoft unveils a cheaper digital only Xbox today
>Sony unveils PS5 as a MONSTER console today
>Microsoft unveils a cheaper digital only Xbox today
>Sony unveils PS5 as a MONSTER console today
>Smash update gets more attention
>Microsoft unveils a cheaper digital only Xbox today
and its going for 250!? Should have been 199.
>Xboners have literally nothing going for them and have to latch onto the accomplishments of others
I don't even own an xbox one
keep seething, mentally ill snoy tranny
Christ I only just now realized how big of a day today was
>PS5 details revealed
>Xbox One S discless revealed
>Sony censoring more titties
>Joker officially revealed for Smash
Go cry in your Labo fort, you bing bing wahooing, low test manchild. You're underpowered tablet is irrelevant.
ng2 became backwards compatible
>You're underpowered tablet is irrelevant.
>meanwhile smash patch notes get more attention than revealed specs on a new playstation console
How do I learn to care about any of this? I feel like gaming is leaving me behind.
This is all part of Phil Spencer's master plan, make a shitty digital only console and make it where they will never make a discless Xbox Scarlett, smart move.
Why do you want to care? Gaming hasn't been good since 6th gen, and it's been on a downard trajectory ever since. Just look at all the controversy, gamer aggression, and company shenanigans every fucking week. Just keep shitposting on Yea Forums like you already do and ignore everything.
>Seething Xcuck and his crumbs
NG2 got announced for BC today. While you fags are sucking Sony's dick for a product that isn't coming til next year, I'll be playing NG2 in 4K while I wait for the Smash update tomorrow.
>xbrainlets excited at the announcement of and prospect of replaying a 10 year old game
Yeah i could just go dust off my 360 and play NG2 as well, you retard. Microsoft continues to blueball you guys, and then you have to damage control and spin some mediocre game, like Crackdown 3, or an announcement, like a Greaseproof controllers, as if it's based
>Trying this hard to get (you)'s
>Xbox owners are excited to replayed a beloved game, but with a graphical and framerate boost FOR FREE
>Meanwhile Sony owners are excited about new of the newest console, that won't release for another year, with info released by the jackass that tired to say the Pro would be more powerful than the X because of some retarded tech the Pro does to double its teraflops from 4 to 8
>Not to mention, other leakers has already stated that the New Xbox specs are better.
LMAO @ your life
Based AND redpilled
NG2 will always look like shit shovelware regardless of graphical enhancements, and the game already performed fine. Again, just dust off your 360.
>this is a big news day for xbox
Says a lot.
Yeah, and rumors said the NX would have base Xbox One level of power.
This is really fucking pathetic, which is appropriate given they just named the discless Xbox One "Xbox S. A. D.". Just go crawl back into your coffin, Skellybro.
>NG2 will always look like shit shovelware
>and the game already performed fine
Ah, I see. You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Carry on, retard.