Browse niche games that only I enjoy on twitch

>browse niche games that only I enjoy on twitch
>only find low viewer streamers
>I'm the only one in chat
>they're overwhelmingly happy that I'm there
>Feel weirded out and want to leave
>Don't want to make them sad so force myself to stick around

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What games OP?

Start talking /x/ material and either get them weirded out and leave making them grateful or unlock their true potential

A lot of older adventure games, puzzle games like Spacechem and The Talos Principle.

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Are those puzzle games worth playing without any experience in the puzzle genre?

streamers are either hugely popular and ignore chat except to fellate subscribers and donos or they are literal nobodies and read and react to every single comment, there is no in between.

just say you have to leave for work and it was nice watching someone play x game

These are pure logic/programming puzzle games. Having played traditional puzzle games won't help you at all.

There is. Streams that have around 200-500 reach a good middle ground where they can respond to all interesting comments and it feels like a community where everyone is contributing something.

so worth playing?

This happened to me in CavemanDCJ's stream when he was playing Dragon Age Origins.

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>go into stream with low viewers
>start typing stuff out in chat
>streamer can clearly see it on his screen because you can see him reading it
>doesn't respond
>ends the stream randomly

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its more like 70-400 imo

Never had such a dilemma. Interesting.

Absolutely. The Talos Principle is the best puzzle game I've ever played, both in terms of the puzzles and the world/story.

It's the only game that gets you to engage with philosophical ideas in such a direct way. The way it makes you think about philosophy in the background while also making you think about solving puzzles, while at the same time making you immersed in a world with great atmosphere, is part of what makes it one of my favorite games. The puzzles are also really good, similar to portal but more complex.

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Is there such a thing as a popular but also silent faceless streamer?

Faceless? Yes.
Silent? No.

>check game directory
>click on the dude with 6 viewers doing a first playthrough
>message in chat when you join "hey turdboy thanks for watching!"
>click X

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I'm faceless but the only reason I got views was because my fucking pears shaped body they mistook me for a dude.

>want to buy a multiplayer game on steam
>join a twitch streaming to watch the gameplay
>HI user

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>go to random streamer
>"hi user"
>sees that i'm the only viewer
>I leave

I think I just killed his career

got a link?

i visit streams incognito for this reason

>playing bayonetta for the first time on stream
>fucking suck
>everyone is nice to me anyway

i'll be on tommorow if anyone sees me and wants to say hi

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>Visit a twitch stream
>Realise I'm not an enormous cock-sucking fag and that I wouldn't watch twitch in a million fucking years

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Browse in offline mode

Speech 100

how is it weird? either chat or not at all.
what, you want a chat spamming bad jokes or LUL every half second?
fucking zoomers

