List Games you regret buying

List Games you regret buying

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Mario Odyssey, it’s a good game but I find it pretty boring.

Decent story, but the gameplay was boring as fuck

>hide until you can get free kills
>no take this ladder and use it to solve all your troubles

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Kind of want to buy it for $60. Maybe just to get the P4d code and return.

Yakuza 0 on PS4 at full price. Never even finished it, got sick of the series and the localization of that one in particular didn't sit right with me, Majima straightfaced saying retarded things like "shitlord". I almost never regret my purchases, so it still stings.

One battle mechanics ruined what would otherwise be a good game for me.

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I didn't think Sqaure would lock several improvements to the game behind DLC.

Should of waited for Royal Edition

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witcher 3... presentation: 10/10 gameplay: 3/10

>saying things like “shitlord”
What, when?

Get the upgrade and play again, it's a good game after all's said and done

Legitimately in the running for worst game I've ever played

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>Get the upgrade and play again

I got too disappointed in playing the base game and the amount of content that is locked behind a $15 is pathetic:
Argmier Unleashed - ohhh, it's a button mashing mode for Argmier only after you get all 13 royal arms (meaning it's only useful for the final dungeon)
A boat - I never once thought "Man, I wish I had a boat" when playing this game
More bosses - great, more sacks of HP I can Hold O against

Plus the game is like 100 fucking gigs due to all the DLCs that I am not going to buy that AREN'T the Royal Upgrade

Tekken 7 with season pass, though mostly because i have a shitty 3rd world internet

I pretty much dont have any because i only buy what i know ill like. Batman, witcher, fallout, and assassins creed isnt for me so i skip them all. I guess games i was bummed about was nier automata and yakuza 0. Both just feel like shit to play and the boring stories run on forever. You read and watch more cutscenes, and when you do play, you play a basic launch ps2/xbox game combat system. Wasnt able to get refunds for either as well because i played them longer than 2 hours

was it because it was bad or overpriced? would you recommend buying it on sale?

I don't recall P4D being this bad and I didn't try P3D yet but P5D... it's really fucking bad. The songs aren't that good (I remember loving P4D's mixes a lot even though P5 has a better OST) and the gameplay seem worse? Maybe because it was the vita I let it slide.

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Fucking kingdom hearts 3 I fucking hate it.

Outward. I even cancelled a refund request to try it longer cause everyone said it got better at around 8 hours. It doesn't. $40 I'll never get back.

>Just cause 3
>Mortal kombat x
>Fallout 4
>Watch_Dogs 2
>For Honor
>The Division

One of the worst games I've played in a while.

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P3DML > P4DAN >>>>> P5DSL

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