Post dead games that you will never get to play again

Post dead games that you will never get to play again

I'll start.

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glad i never played it because this looks like shit

i hurt myself today

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Lawbreakers was fun as fuck before 1.4 patch
>inb4 cliffy, tranny toilets, billion dollar franchise

Never played that. Artstyle is amazing though

I wish I played this earlier and gave it more of a chance. The girls in this game are all top tier too

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This is kind of the trifecta honestly. Lawbreakers never, ever, ever stood a chance, Gigantic got fucked hard by Microsoft, and Paragon while upsetting I understand Epic's decision to put all their eggs into their diamond goose.

That game was so fucking shit , I'm angry just thinking about it .

>before 1.4 patch
What changed?

>mid 2017 release
>already over

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Oh boy where do I start...
Tabula Rasa
Global Agenda
Warhammer AoR
Star Wars Galaxies
City of Heroes
Tribes Ascend
Blacklight Retribution
Even Wildstar

Just those that immediately popped in my head. Some have p servers but they are subpar and don't give the same quality or populace as it was

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I still haven't deleted my gigantic reaction folder.

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Anyone here actually like the demo of lawbreakers? It was alright. I was waiting to see how it did and it did horribly so i didn't buy it.

I miss it every day

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I keep all my material from dead games around. They're like historical documents that I can wheel out when I want to get mad at X company.
See also: My Dawngate folder.

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I used to shill this game for free and was ridiculously hype when I played it during closed alpha and beta.
Then I stopped playing it when it launched lol

this game was really awful, only played it once

Planetside 2
Dirty Bomb

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I miss quota 2, what a shame

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It going Windows 10 exclusive for months slashed my chances of even playing.
At least I got to play some once they cut ties with Microsoft and reestablished the other versions, but by then the game was basically on its way out.

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The gameplay loop was to have an objective and use the low gravity zones to zip around the map while killing players and getting health packs - when the game was dying to make it more casual they made it so you regenerated health over time. it was a stupid and desperate attempt to make the game more easier for new players which made the more hardcore people who stuck with the game leave

I remember seeing this trailer and forgetting about it until the alpha and played both beta's - it was ridiculously fun and I fell in love with the gameplay, music, sound and artstyle. I'm so assblasted the game died and Cliffy being a obnoxious cock, majority of the people who shit on it are people who never played the game
I now understand the hurt that Battlebornfags go through

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>It had actual graphics...

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I prefered Super's more structured approach. Shame the overall quality of the characters designs and animations went into the shitter to support the larger cast.

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Oh man, I really miss this game. Only one of these moba things that did it right. I never even got to play that ghost dude or the mech with the cape.

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