Now that the dust has setled, was it a good game? Did you buy it/pirate it? If yes, did you regret it later?
Resident Evil: RE2Make
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It was worth every penny
It's a great game. I give both RE2 and REmake 2 9/10.
RE1 - 6.5/10
REmake 1 - 7/10
RE2 - 9/10
REmake 2 - 9/10
RE3 - 6/10
RE4 - 8/10
RE6 - 5.5/10
RE7 - 10/10
>RE7 gets a perfect score
Are you just blind to its flaws, or have you done some mental gymnastics where its flaws are somehow strengths?
>REmake 1 - 7/10
>RE7 - 10/10
Did you purposely leave 5 off the list? Because if so I think 6 should also be disregarded
Maybe he really really loves dark comedies, 7 basically feels like a movie that lightly taps into the roots of the original 2 games
RE2:Make was a pretty solid game and the mods just made it better
You need to stop posting
Are there mods where Sherry get's eaten by Zombies? Is there mod where the zombies are turned into Hillary Clinton.
People always point out the tanker section as being its major flaw. It's not that long of a segment and it basically sets up for the plot twist. Maybe it's because players would rather be playing as Ethan, but they switch characters in every RE game. RE7 is the perfect homage to horror the way MGS3 is an homage to 60s spy thrillers and Rambo. Many other reviewers have compared RE7 to MGS, pointing out its tight story execution at the beginning. The game is a camp masterpiece unlike any game I've ever played - it does horror movies - and I think it deserves to be played by everyone.
9/10, only real flaw is the B Scenarios being gimped and the story continuity. Some divergence between the two stories outside the RPD would have been very welcome. Other than that it's my favorite game this generation.
I bought it full price a week after launch and don't regret it one bit, since I'm still playing it. If they release any substantial DLC my rating will go up to 9.5
it does horror movies better than horror movies*
Fantastic game, so good it pulled me back into the series.
Unpopular opinion here but I think RE7 is not a tightly put together game, riddled with flaws like swiss cheese, and I did not enjoy it at all. I played it in front of two of my friends, and we quickly developed an in-joke about "triple A game" whenever something shitty or stupid happened. I don't like shitting on things that other people love, it just really surprises me how much universal acclaim RE7 gets, when it disappointed me to such an extent. I could barely bring myself to finish the last hour or two of it.
Yes, it is a dark comedy - that's why it's so special. It's a unique game for sure. "Zoe, get yo ass back to the house. I will deal with you later." Genius.
She saved the series
I'm pretty worried about the state of comedy today when professional reviews of re7 point out the protagonist exclaiming "FUCK" as an example of the "campy humor" the series is known for. Jesus christ.
It doesn't get universal acclaim. It gets 8/10 from most reviewers and most reviewers forget that average score is 5.5/10, so basically they're saying it's average. I suppose only a select few will understand RE7
Was great, replaying now as Claire after Leon run, just as enjoyable second time around, think I’ll replay it many times
I want this game just for Claire. Do I have a problem?
i bought it and regretted it
today i bought the 5 dollar unlock for the infinite weapons
the game still isnt fun, i dunno it just, isnt fun at all. I thought it was gonna be made into RE4 style but it's really not
Only if you don’t buy it
No sir, Claire is an amazing girl
very good, just too short. would recommend waiting for sale
It's a fantastic game. I love how it just feels like a video game. There are puzzles that don't really make any sense in the real world and that is fine. It's a video game after all.
I'm tired of modern games trying to justify the existence for gameplay mechanics.
No, her side of the game was really well done waifuing aside.
>today i bought the 5 dollar unlock for the infinite weapons
Kill yourself
> I thought it was gonna be made into RE4 style but it's really not
Really kill yourself
stay mad
>he actually replayed a single player game a bunch of times to unlock shit
I take it you were born after the year 2000?
>He payed money for virtual items
>He tries to justify it
when are they gonna make a mod where mr.x follows you through the sewers and labs
Pretty based ideas about RE7, user
nah not even close
no i paid money to not have a $60 loss in a game that i dont want to play at all
i have no interest in playing it classic RE style but itll be fun to run through for a few hours with a fucking chaingun
didnt really pay anything anyway, sold dota 2 duplicate immortals to get $5 wallet money
fuck you, re3 was great
You are literally too young to post here
>today i bought the 5 dollar unlock for the infinite weapons
im probably oldest person in the thread
im sorry if you want to pretend to have video game clout youre going to have to try a lot harder, it doesnt come from playing slow single player japanese games and never did
>These mental gymnastics
jesus christ this is some next level coping
I only played it once. The point is to play the game though. You are simply playing a whole different game if you can just fly through it. The whole mechanic of have limited ammo and items is part of the game. This is hardly a game about story so there is really no point in having your only play-through be with cheats. You should have returned the game.
What did you expect from a brainlet that thought a remake of a game would play more like it's sequel instead of the original?
i honestly dont understand what youre telling yourself about my decision
its like youre dictating a way to me that i should be feeling that just isnt there in reality, i dunno what you get from this behavior
>The point is to play the game though.
I don't like playing the real game, it isn't fun. I never liked real RE games and always considered them shit. It's boring slow gameplay
It's great
>I never liked real RE games and always considered them shit. It's boring slow gameplay
then why the fuck did you buy it
you're just a mindless consumer, the perfect target for corporations. cope harder
A scenario was all worth it and then some.
B scenario was unpolished and a disappointment, But all in all, it was more than worth it.
Speaking of that.
No excuses nu-RE2 fans, you download and play the original right fucking now.
Source next RE2:
1.0 Patch:
RE2 Classic Rebirth:
RE3 Source Next:
Restoration Mod:
1, REmake, REmake 2 and 3 > 2
After replaying through the original series I just don't get it other than Irons being one of the most interesting villains in RE history as short lived as he was and the Kendo scene being perfect. 2 is too easy and the sewers and lab are fucking lame and other than Leon and Irons, no one really has any character.
it looked fun, but they revamped the game in a very unsatisfying way by making it take 6 headshots, to kill zombies.the real RE2 wasn't even like that
>cope cope!!!
ah that's the new word that people without personalities use I guess
it sounds like you're the one having to cope, i'm okay with all my decisions :)
>i'm okay with all my decisions :)
obviously not considering you're desperately defending them to complete strangers lmao. you act like a child
>you're the one having to cope
with what? you're just saying "no u"
no? pretty cut and dry really
>you act like a child
like the guy relentlessly attacking another guy for spending $5? I make over $30/hr dude...
yes, you're the one having to cope, because I'm absolutely comfortable with doing anything and everything I want with my money and playing video games annnnnnny way I want
I've been way better at video games than you, sp and multi, and have beaten way more and more relevant video games than you, and am way older than you, and youre just a peon whos personality is constructed off random rage you found on Yea Forums, its pathetic
Anyone think they wasted too much time prototyping dumb ideas? Like sure driving around Raccoon Forest to get a key from a dog sounds neat and all but why was that ever a factor when just remaking an old game? Same for this creeper monster in the orphanage that you'd have to hide from. The Licker transformation stages sounded interesting though.
>h-haha I'm fine with spending $65 on a game I don't like including microtransactions like a mindless retard
lmao cope harder, goy
I can't imagine they spent too much time proportionate to the amount of time it took to make the whole game on brainstorming ideas.
its nothing to me...sorry man i hope you do well in life...dude my girlfriend makes $35/h too what about you? lol
Is Yea Forums getting confused about what concept art is again?
>This entire post
Excellent game. It's really only held down by the plot holes/inconsistencies, but in terms of how it feels to actually play, it's truly excellent. I really hope they stick to the overall tone of the game for future installments, because I felt like it was the perfect balance of serious and campy.
>its nothing to me
>makes $30 an hour
am I seriously supposed to be impressed? KEK
also nice blog, retard, nobody cares about your tranny freak "girl"friend
>Admitting your gf makes more than you
I wish I were 12 again.
Maybe. I'm just pissed Marshalling Yard got cut and they didn't even bother making any section before the station in 2nd run.
I'm talking about RE Roundtable where they discussed and showed footage of those ideas in action.
its a good situation to be in
nah shes a corporate person. i do misc high level onsite tech support
>nah shes a corporate person
lmao she's getting railed by her boss
her boss is a black lady.
This, the user makes less than her so she has no reason to be loyal
dumbest thing I read today
>actually feeling like you have to explain stuff to random people online
this website really isn't for you
yeah sure, that's what she's telling you lmao
It's no RE0, but it's playable
I rented it. It was a massive letdown. Could have proved me wrong about OTS games being incapable of doing survival horror but the atmosphere was so poor. Even RE4 didn't take away save room music.
Claire's redesign is also shit, the zapping system is pointless and the scenarios have even more overlap in the original. 800+ devs and they couldn't make a better game than something that came out 21 years ago.
No. Claire is wonderful and the remake made me fall madly in love with her.
>Think about Claire
>Immediately feel better
Keep thinking about Claire
I will
>"hey user, jordan here just told me she thinks you're cute!"
how do you react in this situation?
>Haha thanks but I'm already taken
I'd ask to pet her dog
>Well I think you're cute too, Jordan. Let's go out to dinner.
___ ____ ____
I feel bad for all these people whining its not like the original.
They will literally never get another good fix camera horror game.
Now that RE2remake got a 9/10 and sold millions of copies at a 60$ price range its over. No serious studio will ever bother.
That must be so depressing
Made in Heaven
>Claire, it's so nice to see you.
>Like sure driving around Raccoon Forest to get a key from a dog sounds neat and all but why was that ever a factor when just remaking an old game?
Having an excuse to explore a secluded wooded area. Kinda like in the RE1 remake where the player explores the old cabin.
Considering how short the game is and how small it feels, they really shouldn't have bothered with big ideas though because it's clear they blew the entire budget in the RPD alone.
I never seen him smile like that with Ada
I didn't really like it.
REmake is a remake that surpassed and replaced the original game in every sense. RE2make seemed like an incomplete reimagining, missing many components from the original game, which I prefer.
>REmake 3
>Streets are absolutely swarmed with zombies, far more of them around than in REmake 2
>V-ACT is back and every zombie you kill has the potential to come back as a Crimson Head, Licker or even a Super Licker
>Every zombie you kill will eventually regenerate into a Super Licker on Hardcore mode, requiring you to be very quick if you want to avoid fighting them
>I'm so lucky to have you
Can't wait
I got mixed are great, most locations are there, they got rid of some enemies like crows and spiders it's a good game yes but...
>No zapping system
>No continuity between scenarios
>Watered down characters
>DLC has no marvin backstory
>New zombies on the Ghost Survivors feel lazy as fuck
>Too much swearing makes the characters feel generic as fuck
>The OG soundtrack DLC? WTF
>Skins are meh
>Mr Death has to much emotions and it shows...
I rather have a Marvin Backstory, Ada separate ways and a Ben sidestory as the DLC's hell the 4th one could even be the chief irons side of the story, instead we got like 15 min more of additional yeah it's a 7/10 with nostalgia glasses on and a 3/10 with them off...
I want to hold Claire close to me as she sleeps.
Only ever played 7 and 2Remake.
Rarely play horror games because most are so bad but I thought 7 was amazing. It gets kind of meh once the goop monsters show up and I was just trying to finish the game towards the end. But the first half to 3/4th was extremely well doing, atmospheric, and spooky as heck.
Originally was torrenting Remake but couldn't get it to work and said fuck it, bought it. Thought it was pretty stellar, but a little bit short for $60. Kind of wish there had been a major second section to the game, because I finished the sewers and final area in about 2 hrs total. I wasn't going particularly fast, either. I was spoiled on some pretty big spooks, but it was still really scary otherwise. Ending was a bit anticlimactic and the bonus missions were meh
Great game with great characters
I bought it full price, it was worth every penny just like RE7 however the length of the game irks me. I finished the game at 7 hours collecting most stuff. I get you're supposed to replay it but Mr. X kills all my enjoyment on harder playthroughs, i don't mind the mechanic at all and thought it was a cool as shit in my first playthrough but when i want to take my time on my second playthrough and explore everything i just have to cheese him to get the shit done which i annoying, anyone else feel this way?
Feels really cheap. Like the entire setting is just a movie set. It's only marginally better than Revelations 2. Doesn't hold a candle to RE2.
Based mouthbreathing mongloid. If you narrow it down, that's true in this case.
It was definitely worth it for me, I've put nearly 150 hours into it. It's such a perfect game to replay and speedrun. Optimising is uper fun. I really want to get my 4thS time down a bit since it's 7:26 atm or something but I need to work on quickturns to up that considerably. I play on a ds4 so it's harder than on KBM. Weirdly I dont really give a shit about speedrunning the ghost survivors, they were kinda fun but I dont really care.
Claire is so cute.
Claire looks so warm and soft. I want to cuddle her
Do you guys get hard when you see the death animation?
I would but I keep getting blue balled by the stupid black fade in and out
Why the fuck did you idiots fall for a very obvious shitposter?
>still no sherry lewd mod
REmake 2? More like DEmake 2.
What a weird-o. Would not date; she'd probably do some freaky weird shit that isn't cool like eating scat.
Claire is white trash
>Claire is ugly
Claire is dumb
>Claire is a cuckquean
Claire is a goblina
>Claire is stinky
Claire is unloveable
>Claire will never win Leon's affection
and its all canon
Claire is a very sweet and adorable girl and she is loved.
I want to marry Claire, give her children, and grow old with her
prove it
where do you even pirate anymore
>holding a cunny's hand
that's the most action Claire will ever get.
Very good game. Though it has shortcomings on very half-assed B scenarios, stories that don't converge well between Leon and Claire, and fairly uninspired boss battles.
I bought it and honestly I was impressed with a lot of the new things they had to offer but to be quite honest, I felt that since they had a bigger budget and more staff than when they made the 1998 original, they would actually include even more content. There was just so much concept art that they could have used. And I hated how they managed to make the A/B scenario lack in continuity with how the characters fight most of the same bosses in the EXACT same place.
Would have love that as a boss in the lab while the other character fights Birkin in the B scenario or something
How are your post-menopausal mood swings going, Ada?
>Was it a good game?
It was pretty great. A pure Resident Evil experience. There is nothing more engaging than planing your routers and doing the largest amount of actions / pickups between ribbon uses.
The only bad thing about it was being shorter and in a way simpler than the original game.
>Did you buy it/pirate it?
>If yes, did you regret it later?
Not at all. There are many stupid ways to spend money, I'll rather pay for such a good game.
Att: 34 years old who played the original RE2 back when it was released.
They rushed it. Had to make it in time for RE2's 20th anniversary but couldn't do it in time so it got a delay to January 2019.
What's unclear to me is whether these half-assed scenarios and lack of continuity was planned. Capcom used to say at E3 there was only going to be 2 campaigns. One for Leon and one for Claire. I wonder if they changed that due to fan outrage.
Really sucked playing it for the first time and assuming the door in the lab with wreckage blocking it would be accessible in B scenario but nope, turned out to have absolutely no use being there.
Which zombie model is your favorite?
Sometimes I wonder why no indie developer makes a fixed camera survival horror game in the same vein as Resident and Dino Crisis.
Then I remember that they're mediocre pieces of shit who will stick to pixel RPG maker turn-based RPGs, platformers or walking simulators because it's easier.
Oh it definitely felt rushed. They didn't even explain how the helicopter even crashed into the RPD in the first place.
It just HAPPENED in the scenario. I would have loved it if maybe in the B scenario, the character sees the helicopter attacked by the crows or something before it crashes.
Honestly, what kinda fan gives a shit if it's on the 20th anniversary or 21st or 22nd?
Bunch of RE fanboys are making an indie game called Vigil.
Looks interesting
>re1 remake
>lmao who cares
>re2 remake
>goty capcom is redeemed
>re3 remake
>who the fuck asked for this capcom is done
>re4 remake
>goty capcom is redeemed
First time hearing about it.
Looking at a couple videos is pretty much "let's make our own version of RE1".
Nothing wrong with that.
>re4 remake
Pretty damn good rates except for RE7 being a fucking 10. Its a 8 at best user.
if capcom managed to keep the charm and soul of RE4 while also remastering it with next gen graphics and control, it would pretty much be the best game to ever see the light of day
Entire story felt so fucking choppy.
B scenario characters basically took the longer route to the police station
Yet you end up in the police station right at the start.
I refuse to buy and even play it.
I love how the concept art looks way cooler than the environments in the game itself.
>They didn't even explain how the helicopter even crashed into the RPD in the first place.
>It just HAPPENED in the scenario.
Nothing in the game is really explained, the game has as much exposition as a low budget zombie movie, it's just VIRUS LEAK PEOPLE BECOME ZOMBIES LMAO plot, original RE games actually explained things to autistic levels, they even explained how some creatures were made. Marvin is just running around the place, Mr.X was just strolling around the place, no one noticed Irons was crazy despite the fact he not only left notes around the place but was actually murdering his own guys in front of the cameras which the other cops could see and interact with at any time.
Only certain rooms of the RPD have electricity, every other room is completely blacked out despite the fact the city still has electricity.
I want to kiss Claire right on the lips and make her smile and blush.
Good game, but perhaps it gets some unfair praise just because of how dogshit Resident Evil has been for so many years.
Yeah it would have been better if just some of the lights were busted because of gunshots and lickers. Have other lights flicker in the background.
It's kinda stupid how easy it is to fix these lil mistakes that add up to a major drawback to this game
It's cause they went way to overboard with the realism to the point that even the lighting had to have some realism to it
A lot of the game environment looked way too 'blue'
whereas in the original, there was so much more contrast from place to place
>Good game, but perhaps it gets some unfair praise just because of how dogshit Resident Evil has been for so many years.
only faggot posers say this shit
resident evil 5 and 6 were completely fine games same for revelations 1 and 2
5 and 6 were "fine" in a way that you could safely say you at least got your moneys worth of entertainment but not much more. Revelations is actually just garbage.
>I'm really having a great time on our date, user. I'm always so happy to be with you, you're always so sweet to me. I.....I love you.
Enjoyed it for 2 weeks and unironically forgot about it right after. Gave 6 another chance after that since I wanted to play any other re game and enjoyed the hell out of it after managing the controls at last.
>"B-b-but Leon I thought-"
the little bit in the lab where you had to go around through the cafeteria and went in a maintenance shaft gave me incredible dino crisis vibes and I wanted nothing more than to see regina's ass in the modern day
Top right is the scariest
Bottom left is pretty good too
Claire Bear :3
Good game. Bought it. Don't often preorder games, but this was worth doing in order to tell Capcom to keep doing this sort of thing.
Not perfect, by any means, but very good. Strong foundations for RE3R - hopefully they'll be smart enough to make that.
Consider it done
happens with literally every game
There has been a budget RE game released called Outbreak. It has the same menu style and gameplay as the old RE games. Janky as fuck though.
Bottom left > bottom right > top left > top right > the unpictured black one that only shows up at a window and in the lab cafeteria
One of those inventory screens they showed was pretty awesome and better than what we got
holy shit
Fixed camera is only okay if your game has no combat. It works well in movie-games like Until Dawn but it fucking sucks to have to shoot towards the camera to hit an enemy who is behind it and out of sight. Everyone complained about that aspect of it even back in the 90's
she looks like she fucks asian guys
oh wait...
>lets put ourselves in the game as MC's
Yeah dropped, not playing some youtubers wank dream.
>Now that the dust has setled, was it a good game?
yes, better than the original
replayed OGre2 last year and was very underwhelmed
>Did you buy it/pirate it? If yes, did you regret it later?
bought it, no regrets at all
>RE1 - 6/10, 9/10 back in the day, just aged horribly
>REmake 1 - 9/10
>RE2 - 7/10
>REmake 2 - 8/10
>RE3 - 10/10
>RECV - 9/10
>RE4 - 10/10
>RE5 - 7/10
>RE6 - 5/10
>RE7 - 7.5/10
Leon pls!
>walk away
>gunshot sound in the other room
>loud sound of a body slapping against the ground
no. good bait though.
Good thing they didn't add this, would've feel weird
What about her death being attacked by dogs at his back?
You are a fucking shitter.
There was no handgun headshots in the original RE games dumbass.
RE2 just like RE7 wasn't worth the full price. Way too short and not enough content 7/10.
Also a reminder to stop replaying to waifufags.
Those look more like ideas for a RE3 remake instead. That's the game where you go to a waste processing plant, and those are not usually downtown.
>dodging mechanic that actually works
>controls that have no contextual cancer
>boss fights that are not 100% garbage
>item spawning that isn't some dynamic difficulty tailored bullshit
>choices that are in real-time gameplay, not a slow-mo menu
>new enemy type that isn't identical to another new enemy type seriously wtf was Capcom thinking with brain sucker and drain deimos
>final fight that isn't just the player kiting a slow-ass shitstain to a specific place in the room
>end gun isn't a cutscene
RE3 is one of the worst games in the series. If it wasn't for leech zombies, it would be worse than Zero. The remake needs to fix almost everything.
>dodging mechanic that actually works
It does work, you're just shit at video games and have awful taste in them to apparently.
Loved it but I just wish there was more of it.
It was also a bit rough around the edges but it's clear Capcom weren't putting all the money on this project and the core gameplay was great.
After playing through 4th Survivor and the Ghost mode it made me really want an Outbreak game in a similar style and the fact that they keep referencing Outbreak members is putting me at dangerous levels of optimism.
This, in a nutshell. It very much feels like good old, gamey RE.
No way fag.
Why is she so smug?
The tanker section was the most Resident Evily section of the game and really took me back. Anyone who hates it is a 4 - 6 baby
Did y'all play Cold Fear?
I had it sitting in my Steam library for some time.
How is it?