Best vidya doggo?

Best vidya doggo?

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Wolves are technically dogs, aren't they?

Attached: 80b449c7db5de77b2f9afed26e49efec.jpg (571x800, 67K)


why's that dog so FUCKING sexy?


Attached: pug eugenics.jpg (789x960, 142K)

It has humanoid eyes that you wish a cute girl stared at you with.

Not even a contest.

Attached: 321.png (300x300, 9K)

/thread there’s no contest

Hey fuck you

>Any dog besides Earthbound or Mother 3 dog

Attached: 1554969835872.png (1920x1080, 2.86M)

She wants to fuck.

>Hewie from Haunting Ground
>Dogmeat from Fallout 3
>Yojimbo's dog from FFX
>Any dog in Nintendogs
You can't name better dogs

Attached: 1525324430864.png (893x1300, 364K)

Thread should have ended here.

Rex > Dogmeat

Pugd are fucking hilarious though.

>Yojimbo's dog from FFX

Attached: 1422643831802.gif (270x270, 930K)

what did she mean by this?

Wow Yea Forums's opinion isn't complete garbage for once

Smug "fuck me" expression.

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She wants him to pet her head

there more to this?

Attached: dog.png (412x400, 176K)

Hey why that anime girl so FUCKIN sexy??

Sciencefag here. All wolves are actually descended from feral dogs.

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anime girls are just superior user.

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Is they from a videogame?

pls explan

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Niggers are technically humans, aren't they?

lol wtf is he setting up a running start backing off in the first pane


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I searched through Yandex, SauceNao, Google, and iqdb.
Who in the fuck are they?

fuck of furry

This dog

>these human swine don't know the power of tawawas

Attached: hmm.jpg (1342x1016, 405K)

I think you''re on the wrong board.

You are a zoophile

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Guys fucking dogs is disgusting.

Dogs fucking girls though? That's the good shit.

Attached: 44e.png (1200x3424, 3.44M)

>finding dogs attractive

Attached: 1451275303138.jpg (499x448, 17K)

Now post the webm.

On the rating scale of these games this is a solid 6, decent writing but ok art and takes too long to get to the good stuff
10 will always be Tiina


There are a lot of webm. How about this one?

Attached: 1553492942246.webm (1280x720, 1.04M)

my dick hard

Attached: 1554217001758.jpg (585x399, 79K)

Ah I'd give it a 7. Art is, in fact, shitty and there's no knotting which fucking sucks... but there's not a lot of translated games featuring a lot of dog on girl action.

look at that big fluffball

Just use hook patcher my dude

this looks like something out of that manga with the dude who wanted to fuck his sister and got set on fire for all of eternity instead

what's that from?

>machine translations

Subhuman shit.

why is he so angry?
why is she so hot?
where is this from?
I have many questions

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It's better than nothing, user.

Why is he doing the nazi gesture?

That wolf sold out her bloodline for some scraps. Truly the bigger slut

>why is she so hot
You realize that's a fucking dog right, you degenerate?

No, that's a drawing, retard.

What's even the point of cats?
Dogs are better ratters anyway and you can train them to not murder songbirds for no fucking reason.

What's going on here and why is she looking at the viewer like that

>wanted to fuck his sister
she was coming on to him and he no way fagged her

>What's even the point of cats?

Nothing. They spread Toxoplasma Gondii parasites which spark brain diseases. Cats are garbage and should be killed into extinction.

jesus Christ kill it!

>why is he so angry?
He's not angry. He's flustered.

>why is she so hot?
Already been answered up at >where is this from?
Only reason I'm still in this thread is to find out the same thing.

Rinoa's dog from FF8