The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

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I like it.

The last real zelda game.

Great game, my favorite atmosphere and companion in any Zelda

Love it
What about A Link Between Worlds

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what's with the blue hearts?

Not him but Ravio and pals, loveable as they were, wasn’t enough for ALBW to top ALTTP. I guess it was the look of the game because the dungeons were nice.

Not my screenshot but if you have the Ganondorf amiibo and scan it in the HD version, you get double damage, and if you're playing on Hero Mode, you can take up to 4 times as much damage
For me ALBW is more fun to play than ALTTP is, I love the sense of freedom and the item rental system

well shit, those bottles might actually be helpful outside of the cave of ordeals for once.

Best Zelda IMO.

4x damage is no joke, you can definitely get one shot for the majority of the game. Oh, and heart drops are gone too so definitely carry potions and the like with you. But perhaps my favorite instance of Hero Mode getting real is the fights with King Bulblin, who now deals a whopping 12 hearts of damage a swing.

>I love the sense of freedom
Never mind, that is one thing ALBW has over ALTTP. I just like didn’t how overly cutesy and colorful it is compared to the original’s spritework.

>You will never get an epic standing ovation at E3 for a Zelda game like this one ever again
>You will never have an amazing 70 hour adventure filled to the brim with amazing dungeons, amazing weapons, amazing bosses and amazing characters and villains
>You will never get an HD port of TP for the Switch

Just end me now bros.

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>4x damage is no joke
>when you respawn exactly where you died
What did he mean by this?

Great Zelda game but had a lot of wasted potential.
Ganon was pointless.


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>Ganon was pointless.
Another reason why Miyamoto needs to step the fuck down after he gives us Pikmin 4.

With Hero Mode now being a thing that is easily the game's biggest remaining flaw - it doesn't really punish with its game overs so death means little. Still, at least you can see the game over screen now.

>College friendo adores this game, keeps asking for me to finally play it
>Got Wii U version
>The three hour tutorial
>Got past it, dropped before 3rd temple
>Got actual good PC, decided to try again
>The three hour tutorial
>Dropped before the tutorial even finished
How the fuck do I keep myself engaged, I want to finish this game but the pacing is off the wall

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>Ganon was pointless

Not really considering he was the source of Zant's power. That said, it is a bit bullshit that this all happened by basically rewriting OoT's ending.

I really want to make a traditional 3d Zelda, knowing nintendo they will keep going with the Breath of the Wild idea

I just don't haw the equipment, the knowledge and a team to do it, I just have time

7/10 game without the Nintendo Bonus

Get into OoT/MM romhacking.

You could accomplish the same thing on a 3 heart run though. Hero mode adds nothing.


This. Keep Ganon as the source of where Zant got his power, but don't fuck Zant over just to have Ganondorf come out of left field and steal the final boss spot

I think it didnt aged too well as other titles, i remember getting good at the Desert (4th temple if im not wrong)

Ah I can understand that then. For me I like the artstyle and wish they used it for the LA remake
I'm sure they'll bring both HD remasters to the Switch in a bundle sometime down the line.
Honestly the game really picks up for me after you get the Master Sword.

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Take notes.

Regular mode still has the heart drops which are, and always have been, cheesable as hell. Hero Mode removes that element, making investments in potions actually some sort of viable.

Alright guys, you get a TP Remake: it’s in 2D style. Are you pleased or no?

it's shit

Nope. TP doesn't need a remake, just more aggressive AI and a game over that actually means something.

just how good must your PC be to play it on cemu?

>it's in 2D style.
God I wish, but the most we'll probably get is the HD remaster

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>Regular mode still has the heart drops which are, and always have been, cheesable as hell.
If you're already placing the difficulty of a 3 heart run on yourself, I see why you could also avoid heart drops.
Hero mode should have fixed the shitty ai.

It straightens out after the 3rd dungeon, the latter two-thirds moves at a much quicker pace.

while still easy fighting one at a time, TP darknuts weren't nearly as much of a joke as WW darknuts.

This looks somewhat interesting so maybe if they add new stuff.

I've only beaten it once, back in 2007 or whenever it first came out. I really loved it, but I've tried replaying the HD remake a few times and just wasn't having it. I really should pick it up again.

Agreed on the AI but I'll take what I can get. Besides, that's a problem with 3D Zelda in general, not just TP. Even so, it could at least be N64 Zelda levels.

There's really a few points where it starts to drag, but it always does pick back up for a bit.

It's not a bad game, or even really a bad Zelda game, but it does have some pacing flaws.

Not sure user I couldn't emulate before since I had a mac

I have never been more hype for a game than this, and I was actually completely satisfied when it finally released.


Reminder that Majora's Mask & Skyward Sword are the only 3D Zelda games that didn't win GOTY, and are the worst ones by default
> Ocarina of Time (Won GOTY)
> Majora's Mask (Lost to Chrono Cross)
> The Wind Waker (Won GOTY)
> Twilight Princess (Won GOTY)
> Skyward Sword (Lost to TES V: Skyrim)
> Breath of The Wild (Won GOTY)

The Darknuts in TP felt like a more serious threat because it involved more one on one sword fighting, despite it boiling down to back slice spam like Ganondorf's final phase

The N64 Zeldas have Master Quest versions to fix their problems in puzzles at least, but they went extremely low effort with TP and just made a Cave of Ordeals 2.0.

Damn must have been a pretty shitty year if Wind Waker could win GOTY.

N64 Zelda puzzles were way more general than TP's, I don't know how you'd change those up short of shifting the solutions around. And the Cave of Shadows indeed wasn't very good, it mostly just highlights how poorly equipped wolf Link was to handle combat against most enemy types.

I stopped playing Skyward Sword once I reached the ground and had to slice a deku plant a specific way to kill it. I was too boomer to put up with that.

Unoriginal and boring.

Remember when Ganon possessed Zelda's body?

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Ganon was living the dream.

good forums to get into romhacking then?

the dream is zelda being inside you

I'd much, much rather be inside Zelda if you catch my drift.

not sure about cemu but it will run on dolphin, pretty much anything that's above an integrated gpu should be fine

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As much as I was disappointed by Ganon being the villain yet again, his presentation and bossfight was absolute kino.


>Game strongly advertised by developers as the last traditional 3D( as in similar to OoT) Zelda because the next one had to seriously reinvent the formula
Also, only people who have it as their fav Zelda are Midna waifufags

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Nice projection. WWbabies are pathetic

They'd have to redo rooms, but they already did that with OoT. If they had more and creative uses for items like the Spinner or Ball&Chain too, it'd be enough.

>people who have it as their fav Zelda are Midna waifufags
you can't blame the love for Midna

but you're right

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>Also, only people who have it as their fav Zelda are Midna waifufags
I have it as my favorite because it has the best dungeons (only talking about the 3D games of course).But Midna is pretty great too.

Can someone rank each version of the game? I've only played it on Wii

I love the melancholic atmosphere in OoT, MM and TP.
I really hope they rerelease the HD versions of WW and TP to Switch.

On some days it’s my favorite Zelda. Its really retarded how people like to characterize the first hours as a tutorial. It’s a fucking intro to a 40 hour a game. Let the game develop itself before it starts ramping things up. I swear, ADD gamers are all to blame for modern videogames being as stupid as they are.

TP has, in my opinion, the best dungeons of any 3D Zelda on average, the most fun sword techniques, and my favorite atmosphere of any Zelda period. Midna's not even a factor for me.

Wii version is the weakest, GC or HD are the way to go

I love Midna but prefer Majora's Mask.


Which one out of GC and HD

HD play Hero mode so the enemies actually do damage

If you have a WiiU lying around there's pretty much no reason to play the GCN version. If not, GCN is fine.


I remember this shit, it was so annoying with the oocca sounds, this was the hardest temple for me so i dont have good memories from it. That fucking last poe was in that place too holy shit

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*nonthreateningly swims around your path*

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>remembers the part of the game where Gannon burns down Notre Dame

Man this boss was a letdown. It looks so damn threatening too.

This applies to pretty much every boss in TP. Only the last stage of Zant's fight and Ganondorf even begin to qualify as potential exceptions.

That pretty much sums up all the bosses.

>we'll never get another Zelda as atmospheric as Twilight Princess ever again
Might as well quit the series


>Prerelease trailers
>"oh man that fire boss looks so cool i can't wait to fight it"
>it never gets to actually attack because anyone with half a braincell will immediately pop it in the head with an arrow 0.1 seconds into the fight

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>This applies to pretty much every boss in TP.
It applies to every 3D Zelda game honestly

TP has it extra bad though. Other games have bosses like Phantom Ganon, Goht, Ghirahim, and Thunderblight Ganon that are at least something. TP is almost all bark and no bite.

Everything a Zelda game shouldn't be.

A Zelda?

A game.

Everything a Zelda game should be.

Linear, tons of cutscenes, bad item progression, point to point triggers on linear paths means no exploration, boring NPCs, pointless filler NPC quests, bad dungeon design, focuses on story over gameplay, etc.

Only good thing in the game is each Midna cutscene. And even then, Zelda shouldn't be focusing so much on story and cutscenes. The series was going down the wrong path. And continued down that path until ALBW finally got it back on track. BotW was still missing a lot of core components, but at least it brought back exploration and good NPCs.

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>bad dungeon design,
You almost got me, pretty good bait.

If you agree with everything else I listed besides the dungeons, you're still admitting its not what Zelda should be.

Arbiter's Grounds and the ice temple place with the yetis (I forget the name, do not @ me) were very good. I also liked how you learned techniques like "Helm splitter" and "mortal draw" which were useful and actually fun to use.

That being said, the bug hunting sucked ass. So did the excessively long cutscenes. It literally takes about 50 minutes before you get to actually play the game. Bad!

I don't but that was the point I realized you were just baiting.

>Only good thing in the game is each Midna cutscene.
>ignoring music and atmosphere

I'm serious in everything I said. Your choice if you choose to call it bait. But it doesn't change anything.

>And continued down that path until ALBW finally got it back on track.
The only notable thing about ALBW was the dungeons.

3/4 the music in the game is forgettable. And the "atmosphere" is horrible. Especially since they were trying to revive the way Ocarina of Time looked and instead it was just the grey and brown blurry mess popular with games at the time. Which looked even worse on a 480i system.

>I'm serious in everything I said
Well then you just have extremely terrible taste. Realistically though OOT,MM, and TP are the only good 3D Zelda games 2D is superior in every way.

>you just have terrible taste because I say so
>now let me make my own subjective list
You have terrible taste.

>hating on TP's atmosphere and music
Terrible, terrible taste

Save for Riju, BotW's npcs were fucking awful.

Yeah no shit entertainment is subjective you tard.

The only reason i dont replay this game is the absolute shit first 30 minutes of retard tutorial.
Decent game tho.

Imagine been this retarded, holy shit.

It's all your personal taste. But I found the NPCs, both story based and the hundreds you meet outside of story, to be a lot more entertaining than the ones in TP. Some of my favorite ones were just random people you meet walking around in the wild. Especially the Gerudo women.

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>posts Paya
The taste keeps getting shittier and shittier

>keeps getting triggered whenever someone posts something he doesn't like

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Maybe you are redeemable

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Come on, she was the worst of the cast. She, like Paya, felt like Nintendo's answer to Hinata from Naruto.


Imagine being this young

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A lot of people disagree with you. And she's nothing like Hinata. Even if she was, Hinata didn't invest the fucking trope.

What's next, you're going to claim Paya is a bad character because she obviously was inspired by Chibi Usa? Chibi Usa also didn't invent the fucking trope she belongs to. And this is a series that's been copying anime, especially Miyazaki, since the very first game on NES.

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>That Zant boss fight where he keeps teleporting through the stages of the other bosses and you have to use all the mechanics you learned
>The music gets faster and more erratic the more frustrated Zant becomes
>Also that one boss fight where you fight a giant skeleton on a fucking beyblade
Now I remember how much I hate Botw's boring ass boss fights

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What's retarded about it?

Err, not Paya. Purah. Stupid fantasy names.

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I don't give a fuck about others disagreeing with me. They were boring as fuck characters.

Just like no one gives a fuck about your opinion.

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>amazing bosses
I mean they looked cool I guess but not really

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This counts as giving a fuck so.....

this is the only zelda game i played that i had to push myself to put any appreciable amount of time into. i started with WW, then OOT, MM, the original, phantom hourglass, i think twilight princess here, then BOTW. i guess theres a fair amount of the series ive missed, but what i have played has held my attention much better than twilight princess, for reasons i cant really quantify

Midna has plenty of merit as being the best Zelda companion ever put to a game before you consider anything physical about her. She could have been a stack of twilight blocks physically floating around with you and I’d still remember her as my favorite Zelda companions and one of the best character storylines in a Zelda game.
The fat imp ass is just icing on the cake.

I at least feel like they're memorable

That was BotW for me. Making myself play that one after the 30 hour mark was suffering. I absolutely love TP, though.

Name me a zelda game with better boss fights because I am struggling to think of any

Ghost Zelda is better and I say this as an unwavering TPfag.

BotW, for all it's faults, has very underrated NPCs. It did a solid job of populating its world with tons of unique characters who can each react to what's going on in individual ways, and probably has the third best NPC population in the series.

I hated this game. This got all tens in EGM. I expected a masterpiece. It was mediocre.

Goht from MM shits on every TP boss.

Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Windwaker (Gandorf sword fight is fucking pathetic compared to his WW version)


i think i played BOTW 60 hours, 40 for the first run that i only beat 1 guardian on, then 20 of hero mode where i didnt feel like retreading ground so dropped it for the most part. i should probably grind through what ive already played, i feel like i could probably put another 40 hours into fresh content. i think what i didnt like about twilight princess was the linearity. and while the others are pretty linear, they feel more open.

TP Link pummeling the fuck out of Ganondorf with raw strength was better than having Zelda pick up your slack.

Not that user but the WW fight is 100% aesthetics. It is easily among the worst final bosses in franchise history on a functional level, at least TP's was something of a real fight instead of just north of a glorified cutscene.

No, factually incorrect. His fight is piss easy, the aesthetic is trash compared to the falling water and the fucking fishing rod breaks him.

Real fight my fucking ass, its nothing but clashes and simple combos. Every other Ganondorf phase in TP was better, the last one is literally the worst. Yes, worse than the horse part, at least that had the gimmick of the open arena.

Stallord is a better version of the Goht fight


Ew, what a grossly incorrect thing to say

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>No, factually incorrect.
Wow, that changed my mind. Nope, still better than WW. All WW was that like other user said, aesthetics, it looked nice. Meanwhile TP's was a subtle end of Link's journey of strength from tossing goats to gorons to the big G himself.

TP is indeed a much more linear game, it is VERY main quest oriented and puts much of its intrigue in its dungeon gimmicks while leaving the overworld parts a bit by the wayside. I've always favored main quests in Zelda so a game like TP was basically designed for people like me, whereas in BotW the main quest is so far on the backburner that I'm left with next to nothing that really draws me in. I loved the Great Plateau because it was goal-oriented exploration that didn't waste my time but once you leave it became a slow, steady decline into tedium.

Worst take in the thread, hands down. Stallord is almost impossible to even get hit on, he's a glorified theme park attraction of a boss like nearly every other TP boss.

>Wow, that changed my mind.
Is that what you viewed this as, some debate where one of us needs to bludgeon the other until they agree they're wrong? I don't give a fuck if you admit you're wrong dude, it isn't somehow going to make the TP bosses better. Does Morpheel even fucking do anything in the second phase?

And you pulled that last sentence out of your ass, good grief.

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Close but no cigar. I'll never not be mad at Aonuma for essentially abandoning the project to work on Minish cap.

Oh wait, I just remembered that Koloktos exists. So SS has better bosses compared to TP, just for that lone fight.

>seething this hard over someone preferring TP Ganon's fight over WW's

Sword combat gets a lot better once you stop doing the waggleshit version of button mashing.

Koloktos isn't even the best one, just a fan favorite. Every Ghirahim fight is better, the first one legitimately being a casual check between who swings properly and whoever just waggled.

Ew, I bet you post in twitter screencap threads.

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It never gets any better, it's always Simon Says.

Firstly, you suck ass if you couldn't get a hit off, secondly, you just compared the boss fight to something fun, because that's what it and many other boss fights in TP and Zelda in general are meant to be.

I personally loved the Ghiraham fight but as I understand its a pretty controversial boss - some people seem to really hate him, with part of that stemming from difficulty with the wii-mote.

Even SS had better bossfights and characters than Botw

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Gay as fuck desu.

Not him but you might want to reread that post, user, you're coming across as illiterate.

Also a theme park ride is a negative comparison, it implies the fight is mostly spectacle over mechanics. Personally I thought the Snow Mansion boss was way more interesting than Stallord just because of the variety of attacks. Stallord doesn't really do much of anything in either phase.

Loved this game. It's def in my top 3

>you suck ass

Work on your reading comprehension, I'm saying's it's almost impossible to get hit BY Stallord. He's piss fucking easy, and at least Goht asks something of the player by catching up to him and dodging his debris. Stallord being like a theme park attraction is not a compliment, it's saying that he's all show and no substance.

>Calling someone illiterate on a text-based shitposting board
This is the fastest way to identify newfags.
And what is wrong with spectacle over mechanics? TP is not meant to be a complicated JRPG that constantly tests your ability, again it's just about having fun. Read properly or don't even bother replying user

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Yeah, because it's a rare casual check in a series of games that have next to no casual checks.

Has there ever been a more obnoxious sidekick than Midna? I hated that dude so much that I had to stop playing.

>This is the fastest way to identify newfags.
Nigger I'm not the one who couldn't fucking read a post. Dude said:
>Its almost impossible to even get hit on
And you fucking misread it. Get a brain, moran!

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I just want to say that, for those keeping tabs, not all TP fans are this tasteless

Midna is probably the best companion, honestly.
Well, other than Zelda in Spirit Tracks

I liked Midna more than Tatl at least

Take your sandbox shit and get out.

Did you even finish the ga-

> I hated that dude so much that I had to stop playing.

Oh you're a retard carry on

The most genuine critics of TP are TP fans.

The worst LoZ game. It's too anime and has too much padding.


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Its okay user, I know plenty of reasonable TP fans. The game does plenty of stuff well (such as having some of the finest dungeons in the series).

This. Ghost Zelda is hands down the best.

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>Simon Says
>Skyward Sword
They were warning us and we didnt listen.

>too anime
Dude, SS and BotW

>It's too anime
And that's a good thing

BotW is anime? I didn't play SS just like everyone else.


OOT and TP are the only real Zelda games

what happened to this thing

BotW is pseudoGhibli-anime mixed with Wind Waker, SS is trash high school anime and should be forgotten.

The dude is fucking annoying. I wanted to punch that faggot the whole time. He's even worse than Tingle. I am still waiting for mod to remove him so I can finally finish the game.

She gets better as the game goes on, after the Lakebed Temple all the way to the end of the game

PseudoGhibli-anime is good then. Whatever TP is I don't like.

>PseudoGhibli-anime is good then.
Its really not. The cell shading meme went too far. Even the sfm videos look weird as fuck.

Midna's a girl, user. And she has a character arc, she's obnoxious at the beginning but becomes FAR more likable as it goes on.

what was the point of the wii u port when the N3DS was supposed to be some kinda portable gamecube/wii?
Where's my WW3D and TP3D fucking nintendo you retarded slant eyed kikes

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if nintendo made a wind waker & twilight princess version for the 3ds there wouldn't be need of any viddya console other than that

imagine being able to play every worthwhile zelda in bed on the same comfy handheld

>portable TP
I fucking need it.

Here's hoping that happens on the Switch someday


This is the only reason I haven't started another file on WiiU.

>go down left arm
>get [itemA]
>hit a wall, requires [itemB]
>warp back to center
>go down left arm
>use [itemA]
>keep going
>get [itemB]
>hit a wall, requires [itemC]
repeat until
>get last item
>return to center
>open big door heading north
>three challenge rooms and then boss

>muh best atmosphere
literally Final Fantasy lite mixed with the brown and gray of early call of duty.

Remake or Handheld port, i just need to play the game on something thst isn't the GC, plus its handheld, nintendo always changes them up in a way.

Trying a lil too hard there little fellah.

>Midna's a girl, user
It's obvious. Dumb fag is just trolling

struck a nerve there, uh?

That already exists.

That's not bad design, just predictable. TP excels at the things dungeons have you do rather than the intricacies of how they're done. No one plays 3D Zelda for intricate dungeon design, though.

Learn better bait, the brown and gloom meme never got far considering the game has a ton of biomes and environmental shifts while also in tone.

>guy says game has bad dungeons design
>"you're just trolling!"
>multiple people point out the bad dungeon design
>"who cares, no one thinks Zelda has good dungeon design"
So you proved the first guy correct. Good job.

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Finished it 100% a couple of weeks ago. Nice game but its just OoT 4.0, even WW felt more original because of the artstyle.

>the brown and gloom meme never got far
Seems to have gotten quite far since it's brought up in every TP thread by multiple people. And you know why they bring it up? Because when playing the game at 480i, it looks like blurry shit. If you've only played the remaster, then it might be okay. But playing the game on a CRT TV when it first came out, it was really bad. And goes against Nintendo's own design standards of putting gameplay over aesthetics.

>>multiple people point out the bad dungeon design

You can make anything sound retarded by simplifying it like that, also its completely untrue. TP had the most interesting dungeon locations and gimmicks and all the dungeon items worked extremely well within their respective dungeon.

>Seems to have gotten quite far since it's brought up in every TP thread by multiple people.
Shitposters because its a shitpost that goes way back to release date. I don't even care considering the gloom of TP is what sets it apart the others especially after a mountain of subpar Toon Zelda releases.

>Because when playing the game at 480i, it looks like blurry shit. If you've only played the remaster, then it might be okay. But playing the game on a CRT TV when it first came out, it was really bad.
Not true, just beat the game on gamecube recently and it looked great.

>TP had the most interesting dungeon locations and gimmicks and all the dungeon items worked extremely well within their respective dungeon.
I'm sorry, but having played TP, all I can get out of this post is "TP had the most gimmicks and most of the items dont work very well outside of their respective dungeon"

No, I'm just honest about what 3D Zelda is. 2D Zelda dungeons offer much more in terms of raw puzzle/progression prowess, while 3D Zelda dungeons offer much more in the way of theme and spectacle, littered more with creative ideas with creative solutions rather than putting forth more complex puzzles. If anything, 3D Zelda incorporates spatial reasoning much more than 2D Zelda does thanks to the extra dimension, but for the most part they are substantially simpler in design across the board.

It was OK I guess? I don't remember anything about it except that all the NPCs looked fucking weird.

Love it(HD edition)

Great hidden skills, best bosses, snowboarding, great dungeons, best fishing hole, Illia is CUTE

No it means every dungeon had a interesting gimmick and item that played extremely well into the puzzles and general layout of the dungeon making them all memorable and fun. But continue shitposting.

TP really was the swan song of Zelda.

It has the best Ganon(dorf) fight.
The other bosses go from alright to really good. None of them were really hard but no Zelda game ever had incredibly difficult bosses. Most of them were "Use dungeon item to weaken boss and then finish him with the sword" but this has been the case for most Zelda games.

>Shitposters because its a shitpost that goes way back to release date.'re admitting it's gone quite far.

>I don't even care considering the gloom of TP is what sets it apart the others especially after a mountain of subpar Toon Zelda releases.
Having a dark Zelda isn't bad. However, TP failed on many levels, which I already explained. Nintendo actively announced it as a thematic follow up to Ocarina of Time. But it failed to replicate the style of Ocarina of Time at all. Instead, it was just a lot of grey and brown filters. Which not only looked washed out, but were hard to see on CRT TVs.

You didnt explain anything, idiot. You just said it looked terrible on tv.

>Because when playing the game at 480i, it looks like blurry shit. If you've only played the remaster, then it might be okay. But playing the game on a CRT TV when it first came out, it was really bad. And goes against Nintendo's own design standards of putting gameplay over aesthetics.
>it was just a lot of grey and brown filters. Which not only looked washed out, but were hard to see on CRT TVs.
I explained it twice. You just choose to disregard it because you either don't agree or have no counter argument.

Not him but that's untrue and just because you keep repeating it won't make it true.

>gloom = dark colors

We say baka, here!

I thought TP looked nice when it came out. Haven't put on my Wii copy in years but I've always liked the look of TP's world. Character design is a bit of a different story but the actual world design? Yeah, I've always been a fan.

Best Zelda game

You didn't explain anything, idiot.

Well i'm not the one making retarded statements, you are.

boring ass game

>I don't have to make counter arguments, just keep claiming something is wrong
My opinion is right, you're the one who is wrong.

>Honestly the game really picks up for me after you get the Master Sword.
So the game gets good after you've completed 1/3 of it and done some of the most annoying filler puzzles in history right before the Master Sword. Gee, I wonder why people drop this game and say it sucks...

Was TP's typical overworld shenanigans really filtered? Washed out, sure, but that can easily be an artistic design choice. The twilight realm absolutely had bloom out the ass but in the grand scheme of things you didn't spend THAT much time in there, not even 20% of the game I'd wager.

You have to have a real argument in the first place. You just saying the game is blurry doesn't hold any weight, I just played the game on gamecube with a crt a couple months ago and it looked fine.

Objectively the definitive traditional 3D Zelda in a post BOTW world.


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>and done some of the most annoying filler puzzles in history right before the Master Sword

t. got filtered by one of the few actually challenging puzzles in a 3D Zelda

Personally I find much of the world of twilight princess to be a very ugly aesthetic.

>You have to have a real argument in the first place.
So do you. Your argument boils down to "I had a different subjective experience." So there's literally no way to prove anything. Because I can just respond and say my experience was different. And you can't prove it wrong.

I love it.
I want some more of it.

Yes that's true but you spit your bullshit like its objective fact.

A memory puzzle isn't challenging. I did it faster than most people. And that's why I felt like it was a shitty filler puzzle. Later I went online and saw so many people getting stumped by the statue puzzle.

But more than that, there isn't just one puzzle. There's fucking three. They padded out that segment as much as they could. This whole game feels like that. Dungeons go on way longer than they need to. NPCs rattle on forever. Cutscenes are so overplayed they become cliche. This game is a 30 hour game padded out to 60.

Personally for me, I don't really appreciate most Zelda games on the first go. Sometimes it takes a second playthrough to really get into it and love it

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>Yes that's true but you spit your bullshit like its objective fact.
And you just say "you're wrong" to everything and follow it up with your own subjective view as if its fact. Good job finally getting to the point I made four posts ago.

Do you think Mina used her hat hand to jerk off link in his dog form?

I mean, they're easy as shit on replays, but they're still really cool to kill. The HARDEST part of the game is that fucking escort mission, unless you're one of those guys that collects all the bugs and Poe souls. The emotional core of the game collapses after the hidden village, and it feels all down hill from there.

>botw isn't a real zelda game
I wanna ask, do hardcore fans actually believe this? It seems like complete bullshit especially considering how radically different each Zelda game appears aside from ALLTP/ALBW.

It's mostly the kids who started Zelda with Wind Waker or later who think that. And considering Zelda has been a 3D, story driven, linear series longer than it has been a 2D, free roaming, gameplay driven one, it's not hard to see why. There literally is an entire generation who have only played 3D, linear Zelda games, who think Zelda 1 and 2 are "bullshit". And BotW was a splash of cold water for what they think makes a Zelda game (linear, event driven, 3D).

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>I sense 30 NO 20 enemies beyond

Modern Zelda seems to be obsessed with subverting expectations for a laugh and I'm annoyed s hell. Skyward Sword did that shit all the time with teases that never happened.

Also I disagree that the game shits itself at Hidden Village because City in the Sky is pretty great. Now Palace of Twilight...THAT's where the game shits the bed.

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‘Hardcore’ Zelda fags who have played the 3D games and maybe a few 2D titles say shit like that. These are the kinds of people who like SS.

Anyone who actually knows the series and actually knows what the first one was about would see it as an attempt to return to form.

The open/exploration part nails it and surpasses the original game, but the original also had a real strong emphasis on combat and dodging shit that’s mostly absent in botw. Only guardians really have the same feeling to them. But it feels like a modern take on early Zelda alright.

That's rarely true though. 1st dungeon slingshot is obsolete, lantern, gale boomerang are useful outside of dungeon, 2nd dungeon bomb, iron boots, bomb, bow are all all useful. 3rd dungeon water bomb, Zora armor, hookshot all useful. 4th dungeon spinner is garbage. 5th dungeon ball & chain useful, 6th dungeon dominion rod is garbage. 7th dungeon double hookshot is semi useful. 8 dungeon only had light sword and last dungeon has no item. Apart from those we have fishing rid, horse charm, Hawkeye and bottle which are all useful. Obviously it's not as good as minish cap at making items useful always, but it's not that bad.

I admit that Aonuma's linear story focused games are a deviation from what the original Zelda stood for but I hate it when people say that BotW is a retrun to form because it has an "Open world" and a raft. Bitch please the game doesn't even have the balls to have real dungeons let alone items that allow you to better explore said world just a snadbox sheikah slate, the similarities end there.

No, I actually really liked the hidden village, I'm just saying that after it we don't get any more development with the kids from the village afterwards or Ilia and it feels like the heart of the story gets ripped out, especially since Zelda is dead(?)

But Ravio is so CUTE

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>because it has an "Open world" and a raft.
When you say stuff like this, it makes me question if you even played BotW or just saw some footage where Link was on a raft. Because the raft in Zelda 1 is nothing like BotW. And if you're going to mention the raft, then BotW has dozens of things Zelda 1 has.

I don't think BotW ISN'T a Zelda game but I do think it tried too hard to fix some things that weren't broken and ended up breaking things that needed fixing even more. The distribution of puzzle-based content is an example of the former as there was nothing wrong with centralized, hour-long puzzle gauntlets over the drip feed that were shrines and even the divine beasts, and how the game managed healing is an example of the latter - the heart drop system was exploitable as hell but cooking is even worse. To that end, I find it to be a Zelda that reached for the stars, had some grand ambitions, but fucked some shit up worse than it was before in the process.

I kinda considered Zelda 1 dungeons to fall under the action side of things I was talking about, so I agree that’s part of 1 where botw misses the mark. They were very different in 1 compared to the puzzle focused ones in most of the series, they feel more like enemy gauntlets than what we think of as dungeons now. There’s a few bombable walls and a bit of navigating to figure out in the last few but those moments are the exceptions rather than the standard.

Cave and crypt exploration was a big part of 1 and shrines aren’t a suitable replacement though, I agree.

I think this problem comes entirely from porting the game to switch. Shrines were designed to be quick little things so you can easily pick up or put down the game. It was a launch title and they wanted their ‘big’ title to show off the new hardware.

This is all conjecture but I bet we’d have gotten more large scale dungeons had it been wii u exclusive.

But if the next Zelda game replaced shrines with traditional dungeons, fixed the weapon/damage systems and fixed the music, while keeping everything else BotW did, it could possibly be the best Zelda game.

Hell, base the next game on Zelda 2 and have Link explore the Plateau area west of Hebra/Gerudo Highlands. And over there, he finds isolated towns and traditional temples to explore. While keeping the whole map from BotW which is optional for you to run around in again. Maybe have a mechanic where Link needs to go clean up all the monsters in Hyrule, who don't respawn anymore since no more blood moon.

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>I think this problem comes entirely from porting the game to switch.

I dunno, I think it was more a bid to fill this unnecessarily massive landscape by spreading the content as wide as possible. And yes, BotW's landscapes are large and breathtaking but the problems start seeping in when the starry-eyed wonder begins to wear off and wonder what else there really is to it. It's not like there aren't cool concepts and parts to the game but it REALLY hinges on that sense of wanderlust never dying down and not asking any questions beyond that.

>24 years old now
>tfw realizing I have the same nostalgia for TP that all those lame assholes had for OoT

I don't care for the last 2 sentences but everything else you said was boner inducing.

27 year old OoTbabby here, TP's still my favorite one after all these years.

I'm playing through SS right now and I wish I was playing WW or TP instead

I think SS is better than WW but find it in a lot of ways to be a worse TP.

At least you're not a 34 year old having nostalgia for Zelda 1, like me.

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Hi drew

rent free


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zant does look like a clown

I wanna honk that bird.