What the hell went so wrong? It's a great game, but such a horrible disaster of a sequel
What the hell went so wrong? It's a great game, but such a horrible disaster of a sequel
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It had nothing to do with Chrono Trigger other then a few text bubbles that claims Lavos has something to do with it. The story progression wan't as good as Chrono Trigger and lots of people got bored half way through.
The entire plot was a result of unintended consequences of all of the time traveling from Chrono Trigger.
Trigger niggers are the worst.
They cant judge chrono cross on its own
Both these anons are right. As a stand-alone game, it’s great but as a sequel is a mess. And I really love CC. Almost as much as I like Radical Dreamers.
I'm replaying Trigger at the moment, currently at that part when you ''split the mountain into two'' with Masamune . Never liked Cross, and I played it before Trigger, nor did I understand what the fuck is going on in that game. Should I replay it and give it another chance, or just download Strange Journey Redux and play (obviously) superior RPG?
They tried to do too much, story was too complicated instead of being a fun romp through time, way too many characters of which most were random bums that had no attachment to the story, and the combat system had too many mechanics shoved in.
Visuals and music are god tier but the rest was overdone.
Give it one more chance, user.
I had to restart the game when I found out I couldn't get Glenn by trying to be a decent person.
>blonde Schala
>Magus nowhere to be seen
>Magus nowhere to be seen
He technically is, or was supposed to be.
Fuck this. Fuck saying no to Kid at the beginning so you can recruit other two characters.
Gameplay is like Suikoden but done badly.
>Judge a "sequel" on it's own without comparing it to the first
>They cant judge chrono cross on its own
when the story of Cross relies on shitting all over Trigger, of course the story of Cross is going to be judged that way.
You also lose two characters right at the beginning if you are not an asshole to Kid.
It's worse than that, the entire story was literally a Just As Planned scheme by Schala to save herself. Fucking garbage. The entire story is pointless even worse after figuring out that this entire story is just a plan by Schala to save herself she also erases the minds of Serge and the others. Further making it a waste a of time. This is some Kingdom Hearts trash tier writing.
Also Schala falling in love with BABY Serge when she first met him crying is just repulsive. So Schala is a pedophile. Everything about this game is completely an abomination and I'm glad it killed the Chrono series I don't want to imagine a continuation of any kind with this kind of garbage continuity.
A proper sequel to CT that retcons/ignores CC could be good
Chrono Cross on Steam when I'll buy 20 copies
>story is too complicated for muh pea brainlet
Litreally not an argument. Even ignoring the story it has the best graphics, best music, best world and best gameplay of any JRPG
Cross is literally the pinnacle of JRPGs together with FFIX
Trigger Niggers should be gassed
I see it as a separate game and I love both, probably love cc even better
You mean Radical Dreamers?
Wrong. It was Balthasar’s plan, not Schala’s.
Just one question. Have you ever played one, just RPG that was NOT made by Square?
att least doesn't have the retarded plot holes from Chrono trigger,also doesn't have the generic artstyle from the 16 bit jrpgs,and the battle system isn't a rip off from final fantasy
I ''love'' people who pretend they understand the story in Chrono Cross. They probably cried at the end of FF X
I gave up trying to understand the story when some guy in a hat kicked the shit outta me in the frozen city by the Bell.
Then I played the locales.
hey brainlet,if you are too dumb to play the game and understand the story just read in the net
The OST is just really amazing, though I don't remember why I never really finished the game
A few years ago, people where saying that it was better than CT
You can get the dog without flipping off Kid.
Miguel, friend of your father Watzuki. He remained at the Frozen Sea. You fight him by the same bell from CT.
>tfw you would turn on the game just to watch the intro
>(People imprisoned by destiny intensifies)
>Miguel, friend of your father Watzuki. You fight him
But why?
1 He protects the Frozen Flame.
2 There were not enough bosses with a white innate element.
3 It’s a cool battle imho
you have to understand. remember all that ambition and awesome story telling that xeno gears tried to do, only to get cut short on the second disc? Well the reason for that was because all the resources for gears got pooled into cross half way through. So that same vibe of trying to tell a magnificent story got put into cross, the problem being that they didn't really have a cool story to tell, because it was already being told in gears, which also subsequently was a similar story already being told in final fantasy 7.
cross got the resourses and funding, but only remnants of the ambition of the titles around it.
So you can restore the dimensional distortion in the dead sea.
The OP song is amazing though.
Wait Cross was responsible for the VN simulator half way through Xenogear?
Now I have another reason to hate cross.
blame square, don't blame cross.
and from my understanding it was needing to take resources from gears for both cross and VIII. which both coincidentally have time travel shenanigans in their stories.