What games can I play as a dog?

what games can I play as a dog?

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Twilight Princess

MGSV modded to be D-Dog


I dunno but post more animals drinking

Attached: doubledrink.webm (720x404, 1.19M)

dogs life for ps2

convincing cgi

FFXV just press one button

domestic dog simulator

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disgusting abomination, should be killed

No it is a double boy.

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Heck you mister don't make me dance at you

Attached: RULESOFNATURE.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

smash bros

Secret of Evermore. You'll want to play the boy instead though.

Okami, amazing game


Dog's Life for the PlayStation 2.


Tokyo Jungle

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is it autistic?


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I'm pretty sure it was poisoned, or it's some kind of "get away from me giant thing that I don't trust" reaction, like this boy.

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Poor thing is having a heatstroke

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>Cold blooded
>Heat stroke


Attached: Big Boye.webm (638x360, 1.08M)

Probably trying to intimidate predators

Go away snakes this is a dog thread

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>Cold-blooded animals can tolerate body temperatures only a few degrees above their normal high temperatures before they overheat

Don't these Snakes eat people
I'll never understand why anyone would have it around

No snakes here! Only a chicken!

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Someone post THAT webm

Animal lives are worth more than human lives.

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Do NOT post THAT webm!

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Imagine being in that bus as a giant snake swallows it whole.

Wtf, those Sekiro snake things are real? How the fuck did i not know this? How the fuck is this not talked about more.

This is a no-vore thread, user.

Now sit down because today in class we are learning python.

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because they r from Japan and the govement dont want u 2 know...

Any tips for a doggo who pulls on a leash too much? Fucking terriers, man.

Oh India

Those japs, man. They try to hide all their cute snakes, too!

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I miss my dog Yea Forumsros
He got ran over about a week ago

>that camouflage
>snakes watching

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That's horrible user. I hope he went quick and didn't suffer. I had to put one of my dogs down last year and i will never forget that. She got very sick, very fast and in like 4 days went from healthy to vomiting and popping blood and not eating. It still hurts. It was likely a cancer we didn't know about.

Get a harness. My shithead dogs would pull on the leash until they choked themselves

I'm sorry user

That sucks bro. Losing a pet hurts no matter how they go. Just know that you gave him a better life than he could have ever hoped for.

God damn it you guys are making me remember my twenty-five year-old cat that we had to just put down for being too old and constantly in pain and shit.

I miss you, bud, but you've inspired me to try out new pets.

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Would you guys play an indie rts with pets?

25 years is a lot for a cat user. Im sure your cat lived a happy life if you loved it. Remember the happy memories.

Damn. I don't care for dogs, they can get fucked. But cats hit me really hard. I'm sorry user, may that fucker ruin some more furniture in heaven.

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Why does this snake have two dicks

Yeah, he had a very fulfilled cat-life. Dude traveled all around the provence, lived through a family before us, was the fucking king of the raccoons (Would just hang out with them in the back yard, and hit them in the face with his tail if they tried to edge in on his food while he was eating) and never whined or anything for food or whatever. Just a chill as fuck cat that was the boss of his own life.

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Holy shit they almost crashed into that snake


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That’s pretty shitty bro, I had a cat who lived til 19 (technically it was my sister’s cat) and having her put down sucked hardcore. It was my last year of school and since my sister got the cat when I was just a baby, I don’t remember a time before having her. She was a constant feature in my life and not having her around the house every day not shutting up (this cat literally did not stop meowing ever it actually freaked me out when I met other cats cause I was wondering why they were so quiet) felt wrong. Then a month later we had to have one of my dogs put down too. Pretty bad couple of months back in 2015.

My point is that you gave him a great life, better than any they could imagine. I mean that literally too, animals don’t have the mental capacity to imagine much more beyond having all their basic needs fulfilled, so simply by taking care of them you’ve given them a life better than they could ever have anticipated.

Come on guys this is a wholesome thread, quit it.

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Actually, all snakes do in fact have two dicks

*schlop schlop schlop*

Attached: dog drink.webm (1280x720, 537K)

*glub glub glub*

Attached: Cobra water.webm (1080x662, 2.98M)

*slurp slurp slurp*

Attached: snake drink.webm (720x1280, 1.82M)

Kid Icarus Uprising

*monch monch monch*

Attached: jew wickedly cannabalizes italian man.webm (504x500, 2.81M)

Silly dog, that’s for birds!

*sip sip sip*

Attached: thirsty bees.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Holy shit that's a big snake!

Probably has a neural disorder that causes it to flip the fuck out when it tries to move. So yes it is autistic.

I used to think snakes were cute but now that I own one I think they're annoying as fuck. Nigga just poos all the time and sometimes sits in it.

If they're fed they can be rather loving or as loving as a reptile can get. Also a python can be fucked if multiple people attack it. So if you at least have one other person on hand and the python attacks you its effectively fucked itself over.

Those are wolves.

cowadoody ghosts

Any animal with no legs or more than 4 legs is automatically trash

Wow rude.

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>Any animal with no legs or more than 4 legs is automatically trash

So that to my face and not online fucker

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Attached: Bear walk.webm (398x720, 1.98M)

Beethoven for the SNES

say that to my face, motherfucker

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What did he mean by this bros?

>Alright just get the noodles to the kitchen I gotta make the spaghett-

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This is like the animal version of black comedians making fun of the way white people talk.

if i walk upright, maybe i can fool the humans

Close enough friendo! :3 :3

What's wrong with his front right paw bros....? :(

>"hello neighbor may i trouble you for a ham?"

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>pass the controller, bro

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rentleren, rye rave ran rannrouncerent roo rake

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Does this count?

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Don't mind me. Just eating these previously exclusive grapes.

Attached: flying fox eating grapes.webm (640x360, 2.49M)

Bats are the puppies of the flying world

The upcoming The Last of Us 2.

It's a shame they're riddled with diseases, they are pretty cool guys

snakes are among the least intelligent reptiles. the only reason they seem like they are is because they wrap around your arm. if you want a loving reptile, get a tegu. those things are basically slightly dumber cats.

I wish they didn't carry rabies, they're so cute. Actually i've seen people with pet raccoons before. Am I to assume if the animal is kept as a pet and away from the wilderness/wild animals it's safe?


this is a man.

Now post the version that isn't slowed down.

The Seduction Game

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>its a Yea Forums making me rethink my fear of animals episode
Stop it!

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I really want a rat but I heard they get lonely easy so you might want to buy two, but I don't want two rats. Any ratbros can confirm?

Yeah, I don't get how they carry like every horrifying disease. They may essentially just be flying rats, but they mostly eat either tiny bugs of fruit. Like... what the hell is with their immune system that causes them to host all that awful shit?


I hate being around animals, I can't stand owning dogs or anything etc but I still like than as creatures that exist. I think dogs are pretty great mostly. I just don't want to own any or be around them. I had some bad experiences with dogs, nothing bad like dangerous more just like annoyed and not able to do anything about it. It ruined owning dogs for me. But i'll give a dog a pat on the head and tell him he's a good stinko.

>0 results for Jet force Gemini

Literally EDF as a dog. On rare replay

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