NISA is bringing over Utawarerumono Zan and the remake of the original to the west. Anyone excited for either of those...

NISA is bringing over Utawarerumono Zan and the remake of the original to the west. Anyone excited for either of those? I just hope they survive modern sony.

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Censored trash gets no cash from me, user.

I'm plan on buying remake. But what I really want is 2-2.

God, I wish I could get into this series but those fucking wing/ear things are gross and put me off.

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>playing eroge remake without the ero

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How should I play this franchise?

The sex scenes were so unimportant that the sequels that the sequels were better without them.

>posting a picture of yourself
saved me the trouble

well then what's with the OP pic? if I wanted to not see girls nipples I can do that IRL

>There wasn't a single netorare route in Majokoi

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Zan looks cool. Already played the first game

I would eat Nosuri out. Ass and all.

I'll be excited if it comes to switch
There's no way Sony doesn't censor it

>open that site
>ctrl+f "eroge"
>0 results

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Play the first one (or watch the anime if you can't be arsed) and then play the sequels. The original is on PC and PS2, you can find it on torrent sites. Don't watch the anime of the second one.

They should've had netorare in Momoyo's route. Except its Yamato that gets stolen.

I played the PSP version of Utwarerumono 1 (it's a Jap only, all-ages with rewritten scenes to replace the ero, some slight story additions and an extended battle system somewhere halfway between Uta 1 and 2) which most likely served as the script/story base for the remake, and it's unironically better than the PC 18+ version.

The rewritten scenes actually make sense instead of just forced porn. Most importantly, the Eruru drunken semi-rape scenes were replaced with wholesome cuddling and kissing, but the rest of the rewritten scenes are great too.

I pretty much never watch any VN adaptations willingly, they are all pretty disappointing after the fact.


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3 would be unironically kamige if it got a PC ero rerelease, same with DT2 and 2-2

What is with it? It's not porn.

>not leaving the stockings on

keep it up, brainlet
inb4 merely pretending

She's pretty hot, does she have nude CGs?

Will they be making PC/Switch versions then?
Not really saying it's needed, but they've kind of been doing that to everything they've ported lately.


dead on arrival. better learn japanese

>inb4 merely pretending
I'll one up you again brainlet. I am legitimately retarded. I'm not pretending.

What now shithead?

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The absolutely neutered difficulty is kind of a bigger issue.
A real shame because they added a lot to the gameplay otherwise.

Who knows, zan is a retelling of the second game, so you'd be still missing the original VN and the third game since they were localized by atlus themself and not NISA.

>putting smugs in their place

It has a hard mode, though...

God, I wish I could get into this comment but those fucking Pepe images are gross and put me off.

>tfw still no DT2-2

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>Doing anything right
Forgot Disgaea 5 PC already?

But it's nothing in comparison to the difficulty of the original. That shit was amazing.

If you mean the PC version, the combat system just wasn't interesting enough to play on Hard. On PS2/PSP it was a different matter since combat was massively overhauled, but probably very few people played those.

No, it's actually way harder and far more complex and engaging.
The original wasn't hard sans a few difficulty spikes towards the end. The only reason you might remember it being harder than it really was is because you couldn't combo for shit, as soon as you unlocked the full combo chains in the original no matter the party comp you just shat over enemy units effortlessly all the way up to the final boss.

The remake's combat is a finalized version of the system present in the sequels, which in turn is based on the PSP version's mechanics but with far more variety only really given importance in higher difficulties.
It's also still harder than the PSP ver in hard mode. Some of the newer and reworked maps are pretty fucking hellish without proper preparation.

Yeah no.
Original game had 1 healer and every ranged enemy went after Eruru who couldn't even heal herself. Plus if you messed up the combo there was no retry.
The rollback system alone makes the sequels a joke, the whole second game is trivially easy even on hard, and the only difficult part is like the second half of the third game.


What? The hardest difficulty on the PC version was just short of a puzzle game for a lot of it. It was ridiculously ruthless and you could easily screw up the entirety of your entire run with hard fail states if you didn't play efficiently enough. Forcing you to not only start over the stage in particular, but most of the entire game just to avoid the same mistakes.
You can't be speaking of the same version or the same difficulty.