this good? about to play for the first time
This good? about to play for the first time
Its what you would get if you put System Shock 2, Deus Ex, Metroid Prime and Banjo-Kazooie in a blender. Amazing game
If you're about to play it then just play it, don't spoil your experience.
yeah, it's great shit. nice and system shocky.
mind game is still my alarm song to this day.
It's genuinely the best system shock 2 spiritual successor. And there have been a lot of them so that's high praise.
Fantastic. Do yourself a favor. Turn off objective markers. Makes it a 10/10 experience and the map design is good enough to handle it. The map is the real star of the show.
You are allowed to turn on markers when you're in outer space. It is extremely disorienting.
Also, turning off objective markers is the proper way to play Dishonored as well. Arkane games aren't Todd trash, they have good level designers.
Play on the hardest difficulty with all survival settings and turn off objective markers. Fantastic game once you do.
It's good, but it kind of becomes a slog in the later half of the game.
Yes, it's very good. There was a retarded bethesda employee that was leaking deets on Yea Forums before the game released and saying how bad the game is. It just goes to show how retarded Bethesda and its employees are.
this man speaks the truth. they label each major section on the outside but when you're upside down, inside out, and halfway inside a floating hunk of alien space jizz you aren't going to be able to find that shit.
Don't use the dlc items if you got those, completely ruins the balance.
not as good as the system shock games but way, WAY better than Bioshock
I really enjoyed it
It is alright.
The black gooey monster design is really boring though. The weird screens are really cool though.
Remind me again how this flew so far under the radar? It can't have just been the whole namesake debacle, right?
>you aren't going to be able to find that shit.
that's literally it
some dumb boomer at Bethesda wanted to be called Prey instead of Typhon because he thought it would make it sell more instead of drive away customers because boomers are retards who know nothing about the vidya industry
This. I was always curious as to why I never found the passwords to this eoperator terminals and was immediately disappointed when I found out what they were for
>Its what you would get if you put System Shock 2, Deus Ex, Metroid Prime and Banjo-Kazooie in a blender. Amazing game
What similarities does it have with Metroid Prime and Banjo-Kazooie?
Its legit great, do yourself a favour and don't look up anything online. Its a good game to explore and get lost in
Just shut up and play. Its fucking GOTY.
It was entirely because of the name. Why the fuck would you name an entirely different game after a dead franchise that has zero similarities with the new game?
I remember that. The bastard spoiled the game for me. He made me think it was going to be shit. Then I got it on sale last year and its fucking fantastic. The ending doesn't even matter, its a solid fucking game.
The DLC is pretty interesting too, it turns prey into a rougelike
Literal trash with awful combat. If you like AAA games, go ahead.
The atmosphere and level design are top tier, shame about the loading screens.
I seem to remember everyone kissing its ass on launch, it was just very short lived like every other AAA game nowadays. You guys remember RDR2?
Very good. Watch out for butthurt Prey 2 people, they will talk shit about this game like it killed their dog.
Some people just can't let go.
RDR2 would probably be remembered more fondly if it didn't come at the tail of end of people's opinions of open world busy work simulators, and in the middle of the BR hype.
You'll like it until the end and then you'll be pissed because something you thought was mysterious and actually mattered was nothing more than your jokey prediction of "haha I bet this will happen"
>human talking makes my ears bleed
>have to strain to hear robots
i want to finish the game but this is so fucking awful and i can't find a fix
The ending went completely over your head m8.
Everything that transpires in the game actually happened in some way and all of your choices matter, just not in the way you'd expect.
I thought it was brilliant.
The sound mixing is that awful awful and there's no fix, sorry
It's the 2017 goty
It really didn't.
Like I said I fucking guessed the ending during the obvious "test" I just didn't think they'd be too much of cowards to actual follow through and not craft an actual living ending that can and could change drastically from one wrong or right move.
The DLC copied the formula as well so it was clearly a gimmick they relied heavily on
Nah that's an issue only some people have apparently. Worked just fine for me.
best game from 2017. that said, why the fuck would you read a thread like this. everyone is obviously spoiling the game for you here
You did not guess that you were actually an alien experiencing the memories of morgan yu the whole time dude.
Also the outcome overall has massive stakes compared to what you initially think.
If you think your choices didn't matter then it literally went flying over your head as it is explained in the most clear way possible to the player how things change accordingly.
You're right I guess that after the first "memory flash" where they said "They are lying to you"
I think you're just a retard that can't handle the fact a great game couldn't tie up it's open ended player driven story without falling back on a cliche cop-out
Fantastic game but it peeves me in the same way RE7 did.
Every enemy is just a black goo monster.
Is there any detriment to using the cool aylmao abilities or am I just gimping myself for nothing?
I think you're just a retard in general and a lying faggot to boot.
Name a single thing that ends like Prey or alternatively learn what the word cliche means.
If your far in the game and want to 100% achievement then don't bother you wont need them.
If you don't care about achievements and are only worried about endings you will be fine
If you unlock too many ayy powers automated defense turrets will start shooting you cause you show up as an alien to them
Read/watch/play a fucking science fiction book/show/game
Play on Hard and Survival active
Cheers, I think I'm gonna replay it on hardest difficulty going sneak mode no powers, once this run is over.
that's not too bad, they've been pretty weak imo so far is an engie build viable in this game?
I finished the entire game avoiding the Typhon powers, throwing objects is stupidly good, and having a max upgraded shotgun and break-down grenades makes many enemies a cake walk.
Like I told your dumb ass already it went flying sky high over your head.
That is literally not the point of the ending. Maybe you should follow your own advice but even then I'm pretty sure you're still gonna be too dumb to understand.
Maybe stop talking about things you don't understand, maybe remove yourself from the gene pool, I don't know pick one.
Feels like there's been a current trend of good games having boring enemy design.
Engineer build is how I did it my first time. Truth is unless you intentionally gimp yourself you're gonna be overpowered as fuck no matter what build you're going for by the end of the game which is just how arkane does things.
Figuring out the early game and learning to overcome the odds is where all the fun is imo.
"omg can this monster develop mirror neurons to actually SEE US"
Nice goal post, must have been pretty hard to move.
Not my fault you are a mouth breather that could not grasp context clues and foreshadowing even if it was a truck slamming into you at 70 mph
Gonna load it up tonight and keep going on my hardest difficulty run. Just got to the GUTS and the little bastards flying around made me rage quit for a few months.
I have not changed my stance once retard. Wouldn't expect you to understand simple expressions like "moving the goalposts" though so I'm not surprised.
Please do keep telling us how you grasped all of the twists of the story within the first 10 minutes and how you totally get it even though you blatantly refuse to acknowledge it at the same time.
It makes you seem very smart and that's impressive except not really.
Yet this entire time you never pointed out how I was wrong? You keep saying everything went over my head? What did? You are changing you stance every time I've come back with how the ending is shit and cliched. You keep denying and whining, but fucking back it up. What did I miss.
Typhon is put into simulation to develop mirror neurons and to actually see and understand humanity. After the prologue with the test I said this is a red herring and you're still an a simulation, then like I said once again after the the line "they are lying to you" I guessed you were playing as a typhon
What did I fucking miss?
Like I keep saying it was not subtle with it's direction. No I guess I'm the retard though and the story went over my head because I saw it coming a mile away.
>What did I fucking miss?
You missed the part where our posts are right there above in the thread and pretty much everyone can see that you did nothing but simplify the ending in order to discredit it multiple times in a row.
Give it up moron this is just sad. Your bullshit would've made sense if the ending was as you initially presented it but now that you've actually acknowledged what it is all you're trying to prove is that you called it which is fucking nonsense and you know that.
My original post You are a fucking idiot
>"HUR I don't need to prove my point because other anons will back me up and see how stupid you are"
It's only me and you faggot. Funny how first the story went over my head and now I'm simplifying it. Take a break user, you can't keep moving those goal posts along.
Just accept that you got surprised by a cliche cop out "twist" ending that anyone with half a brain could have seen coming!
If you thought bioshock was the shit, no.
If you thought bioshock was just regular shit, yes, very.
> boomers are retards who know nothing about the vidya industry
to be fair, so are the customers.
go and stand in a corner, of a furnace if possible.
You should stop trying to convince people you're anything but an idiot. All I've left to say really.
I don't need anyone to back me up what I want is for you to understand why I think you're a moron and you obviously cannot do that.
I've lost enough brain cells reading your shit so I'll just stop here.
>what I want is for you to understand why I think you're a moron
You can't even explain how I'm wrong in that the game has a cliche ending.
So yeah I'd say you're fucked
>butthurt Prey 2 people
I always defended arkane's prey against their complaints for what the game was, but then I even tried to see if their moans about what it supposedly wasn't "what could have been instead" had any merit.
boy, are they fucking crazypeople.
Not him, but you are pretty retarded
If you like normie trash like Starwars, comic books, and virtue signaling on social media then yeah. Otherwise, it will remind you of other, better games and you'll lose interest quickly. It's a typical uninspired AAA game. Do NOT believe the retards that claim its a proper SS2 successor.
Ok good, so can you explain to me how Prey's ending was not cliche?
>You can't even explain how I'm wrong in that the game has a cliche ending.
dude you cant even explain how it does, i.e. back up claims with facts, like for instance >Name a single thing that ends like Prey
you even suggested to consume more sci-fi media, but failed to point out the ones you obviously must have absorbed to become so genre savvy.
SS2 is garbo compared to SS1, Deus Ex is far better than both, Prey is great but not as good as Deus Ex
It's like prey is your first time with the science fiction genre.
>virtue signaling on social media
What does this have to do with Prey? Its may be a bad game but no where did I find this. Stop whipping up shit out of nowhere.
Right back to feigning ignorance posing as an argument presented in greentext form.
You make having shit for brains into an art form dude.
I'd call bait but I just don't think so this time.
dude you're retarded, he's right that the ending has been done before, if you wanted to make a strong point you would explain how the specificities of the plot flesh out the ending and differentiate it from others of the same type through its consummation of the themes and mechanics of the game
No, but it should have been. The gameplay is better than average, however.
>if you wanted to make a strong point you would explain how the specificities of the plot flesh out the ending and differentiate it from others of the same type through its consummation of the themes and mechanics of the game
Right hereYou could argue that it's not a very elaborate analysis sure but it doesn't have to be, as long as we all have enough brain cells to comprehend simple text. This is obviously not the case so why even bother honestly?
Yeah it's like simulated reality hasn't been used numerous times in story telling involving sci-fi elements.
So ignorant of people to grasp story telling elements and be able to guess endings to games
Again other user kept implying the story went over my head just because I guessed how it would end in various moments of the game. I don't see how calling out a game for being predictable is bad. I can understand other anons did not figure out the ending within the first 20 minutes, but I did and when I saw I was correct I was upset.
I enjoyed it the moment I thought it was a great game was when I learned you could use the nerf bow to open up doors and stuff.
"Simulated reality" Is only a plot element in Prey, not the whole point, or the only twist.
Established early and then brought back in the very end in a way that no one expected (even if they claim they did) and providing entirely different context that frames the entire game differently without cheapening it out one bit but instead raising the stakes at the same time.
In short masterful application of simulated reality which deserves praise.
I thought that was really cool too, but I literally only used it once.
Great setting and atmosphere but the selection of weapons and abilities are awful
This is the first time I heard anyone trying to defend "it was all just a dream" as raising the stakes and not cheapening the story
I clearly told you that it went over your head since you willingly ignored over half of the context and that I thought you were lying about predicting it in its entirety.
Your confusion at what has been happening in this thread the whole time is unsurprising. Keep going I'm very close to believing you're not a mongoloid, you just need to push through.
>it was all a simulation
>none of it happened
literally fucking retarded
Well I've seen you reduce it to "it was all just a dream" at least a hundred times by now and it still gives me the impression that you are a massive humongous vacuous black hole of pure retardation.
Should I pirate it or is it worth the $30+ price?
Literally fucking retarded if that was all you got from it yes.
It does raise the stakes. Talos I is destroyed and the Typhon won. Alex's project is the last hope that anything can be salvaged from humanity and the earth.
The point of Prey's ending is that it's a dream ending where any path was viable, and it's Alex examining a post mortem of the Talos I incident.
When you consider that you're in a simulation, the way the events seem to overlap/diverge is intriguing. Ironically of course, the closer you get to Morgan Yu's route, the more effective you've been at emulating humanity: At a certain point, you exceed Morgan himself: Not that it's difficult to be a better person than a brain damaged amnesiac super genius.
Pretty sure I've detailed the basic story many times so what context am I missing? Pretty sure I mentioned how it was the context clues that led me to guess it was a simulation and that your were a typhon.
I think you're just mad that your beloved game has a shit ending and if you thought harder you could have guessed it too.
No you haven't because that was my first time using that quote to equate it to simultions.
This whole argument started because I said it had a predictable ending that made your choices void and some faggot got ass blasted because they literally went "wooow no way" when they found out it was a typhon in a simulation.
It's great, super great, but I was unaware going in that it was an openworld game, and ultimately that hurt my experience. I'd just beaten Dead Space 1 and 2, and Alien Isolation, so I wasn't mentally prepared to spend like 60 hours in this one.
It really doesn't though because all of that could have been achieved without the simulation. Clearly no path was viable because they all ended in the same fashion of a typhon in a simulation. I'm not even arguing semantics of the story though. all I said was that is was predictable what was going on and then apparently the story went over my head because I guessed correctly on the multiple choice test.
I can't do it anymore. You broke me.
It's just doubling down on ignorance, lies and sheer retardation with every single one of your posts.
Genuinely unpleasant over nothing but text. I'd feel sorry for your parents but it's probably their fault for being related to each other and then having you so fuck them and fuck you.
I see you keep crying to everyone of my post but have yet to prove how prey's ending was not cliche. It's ok that you didn't guess it. let it the fuck go.
>SS2 is garbo
imagine having such shit taste
>What does this have to do with Prey?
I illustrated the basic demographic profile of Prey's intended audience. I was referring to those that play Prey not the content of the game itself.
One of the best games of this decade.
>I illustrated the basic demographic profile of Prey's intended audience.
Not really you just claimed that people who like Prey are typically into certain things based on literally nothing.
Immediately false by the way and I can attest to that since I like Prey and dislike or at least feel indifferent towards the things you listed.
>you just claimed that people who like Prey are typically into certain things
What do you think a demographical profile is?
>Immediately false by the way and I can attest to that since I like Prey and dislike or at least feel indifferent towards the things you listed.
Congratulations, you're an outlier
It was great and one of the few games I've feel a genuine level of high entertainment for quite a long time. I'm hoping for a sequel as good or better.
>based on literally nothing.
You missed that part there. What do you think a demographical profile is? If it's based on nothing it's just some bullshit claim and I threw my 2 cents to disprove it, which is 2 cents more than you put into proving it by the way.