Is it true Yea Forums?

is it true Yea Forums?

Attached: 49e.png (680x635, 126K)

Both are literally not arguments

>Say something isn't good
>Don't bring up any arguments to support that stance
>The other person is an NPC for disagreeing
Yep. Sounds like Yea Forums alright.

miyazaki is a hack

That's the most pathetic attempt at a post I've seen all week.

>it’s another Snoyboi seethe thread

Was this made by an ESL? Are third-world shitters the ones really propping up all these garbage wojak and pepe memes?

How so? I like both bloodborne and sekiro

ITT, seething fromcucks

I don't play hack and trash so I wouldn't know

I really thought this trash would've died at this point. What makes you tards so stuck on these shit memes

>I'm right


Attached: Millions of Flies can't be wrong.webm (432x768, 1.94M)

Dishonest little anglo bitchboy. Stay eternally butthurt.

Its good and fair. BB is still funner for some reason cause its easier but i wouldnt say sekiro is bad

Im going to vomit.

>say something stupid
>get something stupid back

Why are they eating poo?

It’s based on Parrying and precision strikes, if you don’t like that idea than fine but it’s not bad

The left can't meme.

It doesn't say that it's bad you fucking retard

Not good = bad, retardo

oh shit an mspaint comic

Attached: wojak.png (1135x733, 28K)


its the seething spic that keeps shilling for aztec souls LMAO

Are you absolutely and positively braindead you fucking mongoloid? It says that it isn't "good as you say" that does not mean it is bad. My fucking god this board

not an argument

What's wrong with the combat? Make your case.

Based and creativepilled

They're Indians.

now thats worthy of a (you)

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Yes, it doesn't say "as good as you say", esl-shitter


took you long enough to destroy op

that has to be ice cream right?

This entire post genuinely made me mad. Good job i guess OP you fucking stupid non native english speaking (subhuman) low effort shitposting piece of shit. I wish i could punch you in the dick and shit all over you so bad right now. Fuck you.

>Spout the same nonsense NPC's are saying
>Hurr ur the NPC!!!!!!!11!1

Attached: 77.png (1000x500, 279K)

Attached: e.png (680x312, 35K)

Ah i see, you're a nigger. Figured as much.

It's obviously a gimmick of the restaurant where they serve dessert that looks like poop in a toilet
For some reason

It would be fine in a Tenchu game with some minor tweaks. Which is what this game was a test run for. Right?

There are places that serve everything that way to attract attention.

Pot calling the kettle black.

Oops looks like you misspelled a word! No worries you can always try again in another thread !

Check your punctuation before you criticise someones grammar you fucking NIGGER