Post your Evil Waifu here

Post your Evil Waifu here.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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it's not everyday that we have an airy thread

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Not really evil I guess but she's a raging bitch to the cast until she's actually forced to side with them

Attached: Hrist.jpg (285x510, 89K)

She might be a psychopath and evil but she's still cute!

Attached: D2Z-vwxU4AAJhyg.jpg (3840x2160, 575K)

Airy was a girl?

Yes. Are you joking?

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I want her to leash me up and trot me around town like a puppydog

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That's not what waifu means.

The fuck do you think waifu means?


Attached: airy.png (175x206, 73K)

You already did

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Too bad she's one time use only

Theres just too many

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For me, it's Meltryllis.

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Cute things should never be evil and it's just a Shyamalan TWEEEST to make them so.

There I said it

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>in the next chapter they immediately one shot her
>doesn't even go to her final form

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it's definitely not a synonym for "anime girl"

I thought her true form was a male

You do realise that waifus and anime girls aren't mutually exclusive right?

I could care less for the pilot but I love the Astranagant

Attached: Astranagant.jpg (500x375, 64K)

Attached: 2813875 blush breasts bride church cleavage curvy dark_skin dress erect_nipples female fe (950x712, 588K)


It most certainly is not

Attached: Airy_final_boss_from_Japanese_Bravely_Default.png (193x197, 58K)

I love my gorgeous wife even when she's evil!

Attached: Despair.png (783x637, 328K)

>>in the next chapter they immediately one shot her
Post the pages.

I meant this form

I love my Twitch wife.

Attached:!.jpg (971x662, 76K)

Which isn't the final form.

Anne was better.

>I showed you my Feng Shui Engine, answer me!

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I need Juri to amazon press me

Salter a best

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I thought Airy's true form is the ugly fat insect

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Extra thicc

both versions

Attached: Ox (1).jpg (385x545, 84K)

marty isn't evil...

Bunch of zoomers in here don't even know who the best evil waifu is

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Turning men gay is 100% evil

Would bully.

Attached: besenheide-h-2[1].jpg (1920x1920, 1021K)

>looked at the thumbnail and saw a laughing dogman in pink&white suit saluting with white glove

you told yourself gay for lusting after him you dumb homo

She's meant to be used as an onahole.

my nigger

Attached: 1330314332794.jpg (329x321, 19K)

turned yourself*
don't mind me just having another stroke

She's not really evil deep down...

Attached: 3a05b56040d1ed524efd3e593fa2db94ff77efbb.jpg (443x600, 51K)

>Who are you?
I'm you but sexier.

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I want Valentine to nurse me back to health!

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Flipping over the Gensokyo power structure with Seija!

Attached: 13hof.png (2000x2600, 2.44M)

Airy true form is the moth fairy from the True Ending.

Attached: real_form_airy_2835.jpg (167x208, 7K)

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I want to destroy the world with Pandora!

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fat titties

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fatter titties

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Poor Bandora. You only turned evil because your son was killed by a t-rex.

Shermie's fat ass!

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now we're talking

Took me a good minute but damn dude what the fuck? Did you see her torso as the mouth open?

I see a dog-headed creature in a red robe with a white hood, extending one clawed arm from under the robe.

Name? I remember jerking off to her alot.

I thought her nipples had little faces on them lol

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Chris fuck that ass every night
why live ;_;

Does Samus from Metroid count.

We live on to rejoice such a fine ass has graced our pitiful lives

Attached: Dz-wM6MU8AU3CoH.jpg (3840x2160, 556K)

I think evil/corrupted versions of normally good waifu characters count.
Shadow Peach, for example.

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I wouldn't recommend dicking dark samus

Efanatika. I never have but I like her and Diana's character designs the most of of their game's cast.
Courtship game between sentai/ranger and exotic villain when?

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Lady B strikes me as the kind of old woman who was an absolute smokeshow when she was younger.

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Did she /ss/ with Wolf?

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Does it count if she's only part time evil?

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Nice, thanks. Blue skin women gets me going.

Attached: Vijounne-The-Wonderful-10107.png (600x800, 323K)

The fuck.

I would. Best fuck ever, even if it kills me and absorbs me into her greater consciousness

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You know she did, they were /ss/ing all the young shinobis back then.

I'm not clowning around when I say I would fuck Harley

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So this is Yea Forums without Moot...

>"sexy baby" cliche with an impossible body wearing form-fitting lycra
Watch out everybody, the Original Opinion Crusaders are here.

I wish I could've given her the new life she deserved, loafing around and eating dango

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Maybe. Villainesses reforming through love/romance is good stuff, anyway.

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have gay sex

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Lust after a better character. Your tastes are shitty and immature.

>Doesn't post any girls
Must suck being such a faggot

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You might actually be gay, since you clearly need to overcompensate with such a trite sex-object.

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Not that guy, but you're a fucking homo.

Why are evil girls the best?

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It's time to take the plug out of your ass faggot

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I want to get milked by an evil lady

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I wan

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Is this a lady from The Witcher?

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Liz a shit.

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You are a man of refined taste.

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very very evil
she bullies my dick

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I've grailed this adorable sith lord to level 100. She is the only reason I still play fgo.

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Can you impregnate her because she's a Majin or because she's an Android

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Too much evil in this thread.
I'm gonna post my good waifu who did absolutely nothing wrong, ever.

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She literally destroyed a continent and almost made humanity extinct.
Being Best Girl in AT2 doesn't change that.

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How did we go from this

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to this?

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I was so confused when you had to ignore her obvious intentions to get the true ending. Then your characters talk about it in game and you still have to ignore it.

Airy deserves to be bullshit revived to become the main villain of BD3. Ouroboros was weak as an antagonist.

How do I get an evil queen gf?

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I want to blast Airy with my cum until she cant fly because of how drenched in it she is

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By submitting yourself to one, and obeying her every word as she sexually abuses you daily.

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>black ranger was a nigger
>yellow ranger was azn
How did they get away with this?

She's not really all that evil though. I mean sure she does some things that others might consider to be evil like murdering the mother of the girl she loves in order to emotionally manipulate her by taking advantage of the girl's sadness and loneliness alongside a bunch of other questionable stuff. But that's just normal behavior for someone in love. All is fair in love and war after all.

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Yes, ma'am.

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Attached: Anne_%282%29.jpg (320x320, 22K)

I love bd and bs 4th wall breaking shit. I hate it in most games, but when it's so plot relevant it's pretty cool.

Ouroboros and Providence were both shit antagonists that went against the themes of their games.

>Duchy and Glanz Empire seem evil
>both are shown to have shades of grey
>this shatters Edea's black and white morality idea and shows that people are more complex
>main villain is just some random asshole who is evil for no reason

At least Airy and Anne had some time to be characterized a little, even if they're guilty of the same.

Imagine both of them using their small bodies to stroke your cock from side to side.

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>crazy eyes Airy


Was she truly evil, though?

btw they did nothing wrong

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I liked Providence. Not very often that the final battle you fight against someone who has the same bullshit powers you do and is fighting you for control of your party

Ouroborus was a bit hammy, but he accomplished his role

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That's pretty lewd.

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Blueberries are PURPLE!

Do 2hus count as evil or selfish?
I think i can count with my hands the ones that are fully innocent.

Most of them are just selfish or just following their nature.

Attached: Genocide is just another game yuuka.jpg (530x218, 31K)

Selfish. None of them are truly evil they just like to talk a lot of shit.

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You gentleman all have exquisite taste and a fine eye for semen demons.
Especially you Juri-bois.

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I don't usually like lolis, but Zonda wound up being my favorite Gunvolt character.

I still wonder why one of her fake forms is a man with a penis sword, though.

Attached: ef7.png (500x361, 206K)

>is cute
>cares about her servants and step-brother
>is only doing what she does because of wrongs perpetuated against her by society

I wish you got the opportunity to redeem her.

Attached: 10163410.jpg (744x1074, 158K)

Attached: kisspng-azure-striker-gunvolt-mighty-gunvolt-nintendo-3ds-elise-gug-5b1ce78af1e869.31037281152862093 (900x820, 157K)

Why do you have to kill all of the waifus in this series? Gunvolt hurts me on a spiritual level.

Yep. I'd go evil if airy would jack me off occasionally in her fairy form

Attached: Img0130.jpg (3267x4587, 2.96M)

>ywn hold Elise in your arms and make her feel better

Attached: 4ee8cf8b21ba3a105b9b6176a6d8cedc.png (600x754, 376K)

delet this

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she's as small as your hand how can she jack you off

unless you have a microdick

its called a hugjob

Wesker was a retard.

Attached: excella_gionne_by_darkatlas1990.jpg (1920x1080, 1.08M)

Bravely Third with a fairy that seems evil at first but is actually good when?

Only Seiga is truly evil.

We need to have a good fairy for sure.

I was hoping we’d get the good fairy with Anne but nah, Hayashi loves his evil fairies.

Attached: xenunhappy.png (492x1016, 324K)

Good to see there are others that remembers LA.

Best Witch and Songs.

Best gunvolts.

she's technically evil but she learned her lesson

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I want her to step on me, call me names, and ride me until she's drained my life out through my balls.

Attached: f77d134f36d0559a5f37fa0af44331c6.jpg (603x1000, 358K)

Admit it: Cree Summers made her sound far sexier than she had any business being

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Remi just wanted to go outside. She doesn’t eat humans like many youkai and especially what you’d expect of a vampire. She can’t even kill or turn someone with a bite because she’s a light eater.

For me, it's Towa

Attached: Demon_God_Towa_anime_full.png (357x626, 406K)

Here's her second form.

Attached: possessing an imouto.jpg (350x350, 34K)

that's why i said technically. blocking out the sun is a pretty evil act but that's about as evil as she gets.

And her third form.

Attached: everything is fine.png (359x357, 346K)

And the last one.

Attached: her final form.png (379x378, 322K)

Evil? no.
Selfish? yes.


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imagine if airy grew huge and crushed you under her boots to destroy you hehe

>Zeta Flare
>Nothing personnel ningen

Attached: Airy3.jpg (661x728, 67K)

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I didn't ever realize bug girls could be so hot before I saw Airy's finalest form.

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>evil bitch will never use my semen to power the device that will destroy the world

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I have a type and I'm not afraid to admit it.

Attached: Dm-RWttVsAE8fls.jpg (768x768, 66K)

Always bet on BB

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well it seems to be cute mass murderers

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I want to stick my dick in crazy

It's a quick way to get yourself killed.

Attached: mass murderer.png (1259x890, 725K)

All you have to do is be faithful.
She loves danchou a lot.

Attached: 1555475018000.jpg (1200x1200, 219K)

Redpill me on this girl.

idk what game this is but that's hot dude

huh? Did she have a different final form in japan? why?

Attached: 73637922_p0.png (915x1002, 946K)

that's not a woman, it's really cannon he's tranny

why would you tell lies on the internet?

>big tits and hearts everywhere

thanks for bringing her to my attention

Attached: 1552975996955.png (867x567, 490K)

yes please


Attached: Vijounne-The-Wonderful-10101.png (470x836, 270K)


Not of the same ilk, but here's this. It's a price to pay for being a vastly unnoticed character.

Attached: 2994223 - The_Wonderful_101 Vijounne kiwi_(artist).png (720x960, 660K)

Attached: 1555440391218.jpg (712x949, 110K)

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I don't have anything left either. Should be easy enough finding her CGs and even easier to locate the OVA but there's pretty much only two pieces of fanart in existence.
One of which, not this one, was drawn by a friend when I reported that there's nothing where she's smiling without the loss of her mind

Attached: Screenshot_20170714-080811.jpg (1439x1308, 620K)

I appreiciate your efforts still, fine gentlemen.

Attached: 2994182 - The_Wonderful_101 Vijounne kiwi_(artist).png (740x1184, 673K)

Same to you, comrade.
Here's the piece.

Attached: piratesmile.png (800x800, 408K)