Why was this the Unanimous GOTY despite releasing the same year as GoldenEye & Castlevania?

Why was this the Unanimous GOTY despite releasing the same year as GoldenEye & Castlevania?

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>GoldenEye & Castlevania
irrelevant shits

40 to 100 millions spent on marketing costs
FF7 is the most expensive game of its generation from a development + marketing cost.

It was the most like a movie, which is ironic considering Goldeneye was based on an actual movie.

Goldeneye love is just nostalgia goggles, and i personally like sotn more its beyond debate that final fantasy 7 is more impactful.

It was one of the first well done cinematic gaming experiences at the time. It stood apart from the rest for that reason alone.

I just wanna say, goldeneye was shit for splitscreen but decent for singleplayer.

Every single time when i was younger, no matter how big the group, if we ever played goldeneye wed barely play it for 30 mins then get bored and move on to smash brothers or conkers bad fur day splitscreen. There was just so many better splitscreen games at the time I fail to see why its so highly regarded.

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its better than OOT once you factor nintendo bonus

Goldeneye is also a shit game that soiboys can't shut the fuck up about.

no that's ff7

No friends?
All of the above?

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I don't know how I would compare FFVII and SotN (GoldenEye is not in the running). In any case they're both something special.

It's shit, go wojack post about WoW too nostalgia tranny.
Nope, in my 30s. Just not into shitty nintendo games, sport.


i don't even care about goldeneye. i just think ff faggots deserve the rope

God tier game but not as good as FF7
Meme tier game that only retards will swear is still a good game despite it aging worse than the majority of the N64 library

You're not even using that meme right.

I didn't mention anything about it. You're clearly obsessed though.

There weren't that many FPS's back then.


This, nobody gave a shit about FPS games until GoldenEye & Half-Life came out

ok now you're just not making any sense. are you saying goldeneye or ff 7 is shit.

I'm saying you're a disgusting nostalgia tranny with a void groin.

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VII and Castlevania have aged very well.
...GoldenEye not so much.

Also has any movie tie-in game ever been nominated as GOTY?

It was a blockbuster. It did nothing new exactly but it did everything bigger and bolder than ever before.

>three fucken discs
>FMVs out the arse
>fuck huge soundtrack
>huge world with colourful locations
>intricate plot with heaps of secrets and twists
>it was very pretty for the time
>tons of hidden content and minigames

I am not saying it's the best game ever but at the time nothing was bigger than VII.

void groin huh? I'll show you void groin!
>*rips open my pants and pussyhole goatse-style*
How's that for void groin? But wait! It gets better!
>*you die*
There. I think I've made my point.

you did
and we're all very proud

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Aeris dying probably cemented it's place in gaming. Even though she wasn't the first to die.

Soundtrack alone is worth a reward imo

FFVII was the first wildly popular game where you had to read. So people thought it was deep.

Castlevania was well received but at that point 2D was considered outmoded.

Stop commenting.

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because those were games you played and beat on a weekend. FFVII was an experience.

Why does the ps4 version have cheat codes?

If you remember when this game dropped you will remember what a big deal it was.

Cause Golden Eye is shit?

Marketing and baby's first RPG

>what is Quake
>what is Doom
>what is Duke Nukem
>what is Wolfenstein

It's because companies forced Game Genie to go out of business.

>FF7 has aged very well


It has. The game is amazing.

not that user, but i just finished replaying a week or so ago. still enjoyable, more than most releases in the past two decades.

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If by very well you mean like milk

It has, the only issue are the models, which aren't even that big of a deal.

Only boomers will remember but it wasn't cool to have an N64

Most people had a Playstation, at least outside of America.

All irrelevant games that nobody under the age of 30 has heard of or gives a shit about, GoldenEye trancends the genre and is still circlejerked by millennials simply for being a N64 game

So basically a bunch of underaged newfags like it?

another of the daily Yea Forums brainfarts about 1996-era gaming. stick to what you know

so i used to shit on this game back in the day
the truth is i never played it
when i finally did, i loved it. it went right up there as one my favorites with 6 and 5.

The movie aspect, the mature messed up story, the 3D graphics being newish.

Sony payoffs and production value jerking off.

It was a genuinely revolutionary game in the sense that seriously upped the series’ cinematic presentation and it created the template for the modern JRPG. The genre has barely evolved past FFVII to this day.

In other words, it was a genuinely mindblowing game for it’s time, even if it’s not perfect.

The actual GOTY for 1997 is either Blood or Total Annihilation though.