Say it with me: CENSORSTATION 5

say it with me: CENSORSTATION 5

Attached: 1543782068193.jpg (784x489, 540K)

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Say it with me: wins the console gen yet again.


Attached: snoy.webm (940x529, 1.61M)

For PS5 player
For PC player

Where went everything so right for PC?

Nintendhoes got nothing to play LOOOOL

>announcing your big PS5 power play in edge magazine with no video and just Cerny calling it a "supercharged PC" again
>leaving microsoft time to make a fuckhuge super console to compete with yours and a cheaper console to put the PS5 in an awkward pricing position
>making huge moves to block tits from your games but somehow promoting ripping peoples faces off
>"backwards combat" might be a charged service

Oh no baby, what are you doing?

Attached: 1546913457097.jpg (244x302, 31K)

As fun as it is to make fun of Sony, this shit is really unnerving to me. I hope they come to their senses and backpedal on this sooner than later. Until they do I have no intention of buying their next console or any of their first-party games.

>leaving MS time to develop and produce a rival console before next year

You're a real dumbass.

DilationStation 5

>censors everything
>allows their brand to be associated with this

>releases Bloodborne 2 or whatever the next slamdunk FromSoft game will be as a PS5 exclusive
>coasts for the next six years despite being extremely unfriendly to the consumer
Screencap this.

Sex is only bad when it appeals to straight men.

You're a retard if you think they haven't been developing a next-gen console since before the release of the XBone.

they got subverted

microsoft couldnt win a gen if their life depended on it

Glad I got rid of mine. Literally the Fagstation for retards. Fuck sony

Attached: sony_bc.jpg (768x481, 46K)

straight white men*


And they're just going to scrap whatever they've been developing for years and start over from scratch? You're a complete moron.

Does he think people want BC so they can play fifa 99 or something?

anime girls bad
gyrating, flaming homosexuals good

Well that isn't wrong

>Sony officials said executives at the company have grown concerned that its global reputation could take a hit from sexually explicit content sold only in a few markets. One of their biggest concerns is software sold in the company’s home market of Japan, which traditionally has had more tolerance for near-nudity and images of young women who might appear underage.

Uhh....pedophiles? Explain yourselves!

>microsoft couldnt win a gen if their life depended on it
Xbox 360 begs to differ.

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