You have 27 seconds to explain why the FUCK I would charge the engy's bombs, wasting 5 seconds and risking a miss, when I can just carpet bomb everything by spamming singles.
You have 27 seconds to explain why the FUCK I would charge the engy's bombs, wasting 5 seconds and risking a miss...
Other urls found in this thread:
Host WHEN?
Soldier syringe
Reminder that it took hopoo FOUR HOURS AND FIFTEEN MINUTES to change a 0 to -1
The real question is what the fuck happens if a monster's health is naturally brought to exactly 0 and why the fuck this wasn't causing issues beforehand.
>Finally send out patch
>Do something else for a bit
>"Oh fuck whoops"
>Fix it within the same day
I mean, seems fine to me.
can't wait for that modfag to keep shilling his dumb ass re-balance mod and start sperging out in the thread
How do I use the Artificer mod? I'm crashing every time the game opens.
EU Vanilla
If you know the slightest bit of programming you should know that finding dumb bugs like this can take days. I'm glad he did it in four hours
>all these nerfs in the latest patch
You don't need the mod, it's already fixed.
Oh god.
Oh god.
Oh god.
look at my dog
What's this I hear about a big titty mod?
Never used the Bandit mod before. How do you "unlock" him in the mod?
why the fuck not
I just remembered why i don't use steam's community feature anymore
what do you mean every almost every survivor got buffed and the broken burning mechanic got reworked. there is like no nerfs
I honestly don't know
the weirdest is that it sets it to 0 otherwise
that is the only change between hotfix & the patch.
they were aware of it 3h ago, as evidenced by hopoo's twitter
but user, it took me 10 min to fix it
see I think he means the one that gives her fat tits
>m2 is now your main attack
mentioned on the pastebin
>Unlock bandit (requires some assembly that enables him, for example the one provided above):
Go to Steam\userdata\*ID*\632360\remote\UserProfiles
Open the file and add Characters.Bandit among the other unlocks near the end.
I dunnoi i Feel like a lot of people are hacing funn with riswk of rain but I jus can't do it i'm not into roguelite type of games and non-åprogress saving all in one run try hard type of stuff.
It probably took them 5 seconds to fix it, deploying it is anothet ordeal entirely
you know what to do
You have to process it through steam you brainlet, you can't just upload a bunch of random shit every 5 seconds.
deploying it doesn't take that long I've deployed on steam before, most of the time was likely building it, but that shouldn't have taken several hours either
RoR2 is pretty lightweight, so I doubt it takes over an hour to build
do you not know how updates through steam or any service works. you have to wait for that shit to deploy. why are you modanons becoming such faggots when it comes to this stuff.
>you can't just upload a bunch of random shit every 5 seconds.
you actually can, you can even automate it (though you'd still have to manually flag every release that needs to go to the master branch)
Maybe it takes them 3 hours to make a proper build to go through gearbox's servers lel
As cool as 129 M2 is, that loadout is just death.
Wait, you think hopoo actually has to push shit through gearbox?
that sounds annoying as fuck, but that might actually explain the delay
artificer buttcape and titty mod fixed when?
Has anyone had any issues hosting
I was able to do it fine before, but I added sv_maxplayers 16 to the config file, saved it and now no one is able to select a character/chat in lobby
Same thing happens even after removingthe sv_maxplayers 16 line
What did I break
Yeah but it takes about 2 hours to distribute unless you're a big AAA publisher that can push through and emergency patch.
Acrid when, come on Hopoo put my cute and sexy poison boi in!
nah it was on steam 3 hours ago
really wonder why the fuck they had it sitting there lmao
check console & have clients check console
109775240992970430 us east vanilla
crashed for some reason
109775240992971763 heres the new id
didn't check the steam discussion forums for this, but its pretty great.
Gonna assume theres some approval process involved before it goes live
Place your bets
Is that from in-game files or did you mod that in yourself?
>>>wasting 5 seconds
>t. played engineer once and thinks he knows shit
After you get a dozen syringes, the charge up becomes shorter than the cooldown and there's literally no reason to charge.
Not a single one of you niggers answered my question. THIS ISN'T ROR2 GENERAL YOU NIGGERS!
it's pretty funny to me how there's a hopoo steam branch but pretty much all it's for is a quick check & then it flies off to internal branch immediately
I'm sorry user
what was it
So is wake of vultures fixed now or what?
this is my first run from this patch
magma worm confirmed less boring
nvm this nigger did
nigger I've probably played him 20 times by now. if you have to wait till you have a dozen syringes it's not exactly a viable tactic.
Steam updates works on cycles. You cant upload a patch and have it deploy instantly.
Don't seem that unreasonable desu. Make it possible at the teleporter.
where the new shit at
I'm getting
dare I say it
>Risk of Racing.png
So I installed the mod and now nothing but bosses are spawning. What
you're pretty lucky
>super speed, basically unhitable
>7 gestures
So, did anyone else's performance tank after the patch? Got a solid sixty until stage 14 previously, now I get excessive drops to twenty frames as early as stage 3.
Git gud
A lot of rougelikes have a save option now kike Gungeon and Isaac
you casual?
just kill them brah
They're both viable, but in different stages of the game. It doesn't even take very long before you reach that point, it's not that uncommon to have enough before you're done with your second loop.
Why do you think it's called the queens gland mod
I don't think I'm terrible but I cant handle this kinda shit
how hard is it to press F at the teleporter to save and quit, and when you resume you port into the next stage?
>8% chance to deal 21750% base damage with a fire tornado
>17 fucking rerolls on that 8% chance
>speed for days
Show them fear
is there some sort of lore about why obliterating yourself unlocks merc
or why the girl was trapped in crystal
OBS fucked up, but this is pod racing.
dude spoiler that shit ffs
So should I pick up wake of vultures now or what?
that's actually really good
kjaro's scales well, you should be able to one shot evetyhing with R
No official lore about it yet, but i'm guessing that Artificer hid away and froze herself to get away from all the bad shit that was happening until the lemurian trade found her and put her up on the market.
Dad help, I want off the ride
where is the download for big tiddy artificer
You can save and quit at a teleporter?
And you wonder why hopoo takes 3 hours to upload a build
How do I uninstall the old Queen's Gland mod and go back to vanilla
I'll wait to install the newer version until later
How is fighting the Magma Worm now? Changes look pretty nice across the board.
Here's a better one name one reason why self damage is a fucking thing
I literally have no idea how this happened, second time now
Yeah what the fuck is this
NA East
Probably Rainstorm because I suck
No hes proposing a feature
just click on them lol
>get buff and still be worst character
um wtf hopoo
So uh, where can I find vanilla for now? Will Deleting the Assembly and Verifying fix it?
this mod is literally garbage idk why you fell for the meme
>*Artificer mistakenly had very low proc coefficients. Consider these bug fixes.*
In what world are bug fixes buffs?
generally that does fix it as it will redownload missing files
Verifying will fix everything
sorry user
working in dnspy is a mess & I apparently fucked up the brackets in a long ass piece of shit
tenth time's the charm
but yes, verifying will give you vanilla
(but you should always back it up regardless, in case you lose internet or whatever)
fine I deserve that
Figured, thanks
how hard would it to be to add in steam workshop support
more than you might think
what the fuck is the point of these shrines. do you just use these to ruin your run?
this game is pretty fun
my first "real" run, I sanic into combat, drop a cube and watch everyone explode, then get back up and start shooting their friends
getting a boss ghost is the best feeling, but apparently dunestrider draw-in hurts you even as an ally
at least it's not this, user
I thought I somehow managed to upload the version that would give the combat director 10 million credits every attempted spawn, which I used to simulate extremely high level runs. When I used the teleporter like 15 blazing queens spawned, followed shortly by like 20 overloaded vagrants
Mostly yeah. If you have something like 1 syringe, 2 stun bombs, 1 medkit, and 3 personal shields at level 3 you can use them for a chance of making all the shitty items into one good one. But mostly yeah just for ruining your run.
you fucks are useless
Wake of Vultures was always good you're just shit at the game
i finally did a run that fucked up the spawns
im happy Yea Forums
Thanks Dad, everythings back to normal now.
The buffs are way too short and mediocre to even take a 1/100 chance of dying because of taking it. I still take it every time it drops because I'm not a coward, but it's not a good item regardless of the bug.
cool story bro
list of people who care:
that's a short one to already not spawn enemies
aurelionite is gay
apparently sometimes they still do spawn
dont know what the fuck is happening
>tfw no boss rush mode where only bosses spawn
>you are given 5 items at the start and at the start of every wave
>3 waves per stage that get progressively harder
>more and more bosses spawn as time goes on
becomes eventually but you have a reasonable amount of items by that point to take them all down
>eventually elite bosses start spawning with the normal bosses
>then only elites spawn like
I usually have start to happen around 120 minutes. I'll start the teleporter, and only a couple bosses spawn, then I have to wait like 15 seconds before another couple spawn.
What items do I need as merc? Just mobility stuff?
my mistake
it's the initial spawn
there is no new spawns
I could probably jank something together like that
So commando scales better than all the others right?
Also anyone have patch notes?
how do I uninstall queens gland
gonna suggest it in the discord as well because who knows maybe hopoo will see it. Good luck modanon I'd love to see it happen either way.
They're fun.
Also since obliterating yourself gives 5 lunar coins, you can now freely spend coins on shit like this for fun.
Game seems so easy now. Just did an Artificier run and I had extremely shitty start where I didn't get any movement items until hell. Spent like 40 minutes just to reach abyssal depths and still ended up extremely OP and nothing could kill me except when I decided to stay in front of overloading worms rolling a shrine. Not really sure what to do now, switch to Monsoon maybe?
i literally killed him on my first try
just git gud, faggot
wrong answer, you hide behind walls and M2 all day since it goes through walls
false, magma worm confirmed more boring, its prone to bugging and spending 70%+ underground, unhittable.
once fixxed probably better though
>switch to Monsoon maybe?
>he didnt jump straight to monsoon and exclusively play on it.
fucking casual, jesus your opinion is so fucking irrelevant its baffling.
Of course its an artificer player.
since game is in EA I doubt he'd spend any time on it
you'll likely just get downvoted into oblivion
but yeah my idea would simply be to have a timer and allocate a large sum to the combatdirector at the end of the timer based on the wavecount, then simply have each boss drop an item or some shit
should allow for some kind of wave scenario
I'm finally out of work how is the patch boys
Managed to get it up, but I'm going to have to fix some more stuff on huntress's model which I'll release in an update later.
>5 M2s
>you have to wait for 80 hours
In reality. Intent doesn't change the results.
I never even played her before patch.
Game is casualized to hell. Fire enemies now a complete joke.
Is Arti good now?
I did that for a long while when I got stuck behind the secret area in the aqueduct.
M2 + Tesla Coil murdered absolutely everything and nothing except pothead bombs and golem boss fists could hit me, neither with enough frequency to kill me.
backup mags
hoppo feathers
that item that gives you 2 more utility charges
EU 16 players
Just the one run
Really? Why not? Her main issue was lack if procs, right?
Overloading Greater Wisps give me fucking panic attacks just like they did in 1 again.
Just for different reasons.
Game feels a shitton easier now.
Fire doesn't insta-gib me anymore, golem lasers seem to be a lot weaker in general, and worms are an absolute joke instead of a waste of time AND an absolute joke now.
Like, I'm having fun, but this feels a bit too easy.
better, though still needs help. her design is inherintly flawed and now really good for the game, simply giving her something like a double jump or a hover would probably fix her, because with 0 mobility skills you suffer in this game, since not getting any hoppo feathers and you're at danger of being catapulted into the sky for a fall damage death
Her m1s are now worth shooting past 40 minutes, but she still can't compete with classes who also have decent proc rates but can use them without cooldown from safe distances.
>Wake of "randomly cut your HP in half mid battle for no gain" Vultures
Funny joke
her R & M2 didn't get buffed
you don't really use your ice wall or M1 for damage
Still no defensive ability
>you'll likely just get downvoted into oblivion
already starting lmao
maybe make it a modifier that way we can select it in multiplayer. combining it with the honor artifact would be fucking hilarious beyond words
You can now though since they proc.
>Objective: Survive
You should've expected this. With the game blowing up like it did, it was inevitable that hopoo would listen to the shitters that are the vast majority of the audience. The biggest changes in the patch were basically all nerfs for enemies. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if in a year when the game actually releases it's much easier than it is now. You should see some of the retarded suggestions people are putting out on steam.
Boss rush would be fucking rad, especially for MP. I like the five random items idea.
Just wait for glass and funballs.
should scale with players though. 5 items per player.
the problem is how to distribute said items so that one asshole doesn't take all of them when they spawn
That's got patched you dingus
I legit said this would happen but everyone still cried for a fix to blazing. It was legitimately the only thing to watch out for but now you get to loop infinitely until shit stops spawning shit. Good job now we get to sit around jerking ourselves off
>all nerfs to enemies
>Blazing does the same amount of damage but differently
>Made other elites a threat
>Added variety to Magma worms
>Attack rate is still awful, so she can't proc shit compared to everyone else
>Still doesn't scale with Attack Speed, which are the best DPS items
>No defensive ability
>No mobility without items
you're getting way more upvotes than I did lmao
I went 3 upvotes 25 downvotes when I suggested not resetting the ready timer when a player joined
>Get frozen in the middle of an attack
>Sword gets stuck in this position
Looks neat. Sadly it reset after I attacked again.
Forced item sharing for quickplay. Kicking jews from Yea Forums lobbies.
Read the reply chain, doofus. He said Wake was "always" good, meaning "before it got fixed". Even now it's not good, just mediocre instead of outright bad.
do you play drizzle/rainstorm?
do you play engi?
do you play singleplayer?
if so you can easy do something about the game being too easy
don't just sit there user, upvote!
forced item sharing is cancer
there has to be a better way
But only real nerfs in terms of damage were the blazing nerf and the proc coefficient nerf.
This just made blazing a problem if you take multiple hits (and let's be honest, if you let that shit stack on you, you fucked up hard).
Everything else was just making things less tanky at base to make the first loop a little faster. Also making the magma worm less awful.
It didn't really make the majority of the game easier; it just stopped bullshit instant deaths from blazing.
The problem is that once you get some power to you, non-blazing enemies stop being a threat.
Ice could be cool as a hazard, but it's far too easy to shift out of if you see yourself getting into it and the stealth warkit basically hard counters it.
That and non-wurm overloading enemies still aren't a threat.
>there has to be a better way
there isn't, jews will always be a problem
>Merc has smear frames for his sword.
Was wondering how it looked so slick.
Where da rooms at
>standing still
I've seen people do some retarded shit, but this takes the cake.
this made me laugh harder than it should´ve
Source now.
>look at your history
>you posted a Yea Forums link to bandito nades webm
shame on you
thanks doc
I like your work and wanted to share it
Does her m2 not scale with attack speed? I figured stacking mags and syringes on her let her shit those out.
Why is there no skin in this game?
I want to feel like a special snowflake.
Lootbox would unironcally makes this game better
Running around would have done nothing for him here.
finally did it, got to the point where enemies stopped spawning. always assumed i would get there on rainstorm, but feels good doing it first on monsoon
There's no skin in this game because everyone's a spacefaring soldier and there's no Acrid.
>pick up this game two hours ago
>do pretty well on my own, get to stage three and I see you
>queue in MP now that I'm a little acquainted with the game
>loot is shared with players and everybody keeps getting cool shit while I have 2 items and fail two shrines in a row (six total money wastes)
legitimately considering a refund if every lobby is like this and I'm just competing with other players
Besides Teddy bears is there a single item that raises like a defensive stat?
Hey, that’s really good. How do I fix this up for my Bandit?
>not having friends
play with friends
what's the strat for playing on Monsoon besides getting lucky with items?
>blood shrine next to teleporter
>use it a few times to get it to demand the 93% health on its next use
>clear teleporter event and time it so I use the shrine when it's at 99% completion
>no Glorious Battle unlock
why in the goddamn fuck it's happened 4 times like this
my friends are shitters
fuck off I have no friends
have friends
I changed it to be one single bomb & removed the burn because most people didn't seem to like it
Rose Buckler is great. Each one gives 30 armor while sprinting. Transcendence and Infusions are also good.
Hey mate, play with your buds or with us here.
Quickplay is a shit fest you should not touch my man.
personal shields
cloaking device
rose buckler
dio's best friend
titanic knurl
You're on a team you scrub. Them being lucky when you aren't is good. The only time it's shit is when they're purposefully taking shit from you or playing like shit.
it needs to be before 99% and before enemies stop spawning
>acquainted with the game
>2 hours
Play singleplayer some more
Thanks for the tiddies mate.
not enough pepes
>or with us here
Yea Forums isn't any better.
I think you're supposed to have 10% health the whole time, not just the end
Did the patch change the scale of the game? Why do I feel so small now? Why do the levels feel so HUGE?!
>Join a random lobby
>Someone Jews my items
>Someone activates the teleporter without asking "r"
>Fuck it
>Second Level
>Abandoned Aqueduct
>Activate 2 mountain shrines
>Activate teleporter
>4 Dunestriders
>Everyone dies
>Kek, worth it
Get lucky with printers and don't get hit.
it does, but you need a lot of backup mags since it has a cooldown still
>to doom strider
what the heckies
Nah it's only at the end. I let wisps chip at me for the achievement.
learn enemy attacks and use terrain to your advantage
mobility is your best friend
pick targets to kill first accordingly
git gud
>You're on a team you scrub. Them being lucky when you aren't is good.
What a joke. Do you not mind immediately dying in L4D2 and then spectating your teammates the whole round?
>that health bar barely budging then suddenly dropping when all the stickies go off
If you rush early stages (especially 1) every time you should get it quickly with minimal effort. Health recharges slow and enemies hit weak at that point.
why is merc so terrible
Play with Yea Forums. The rooms I've been in so far have been devoid of dicks.
I haven't played RoR in years but I'm stopping in to say that it still has the best memes of any game
Stop immediately dying.
Sticky bombs make the game way too easy at the moment.
>get to stage three and I see you
user stop
you need to go way faster than that
Stop misinterpreting my point on purpose-- I mean do you enjoy not having fun while your teammates do? Just because the """team""" wins doesn't mean it's worth your time to sit there like a retard and be miserable.
I got to three by very hard and just kept fucking around because I found some glitch spots
Look at the steam page you retard
game needs new content now. it's beginning to get stale.
it's literally the FIRST thing you see if you go to the news tab on steam you goddamn mongoloid
Look it up on NEWS page of your RoR2 Copy on Steam
oh wait... :)
user it's been like two weeks, if you're bored go away and come back in like 6 months
>having godly run
>stickybombs and daggers and masks nd all that good shit
>summon imps
>use blue meteor
>in one of my own meteor zones, know it's not gonna kill me
>get hit
>can't move
>merc just standing there like a dumbass no matter what my input
>he's not frozen as if by an ice elite, he's just not doing what I tell him to
>dies in a flurry of imp autism fits
My disappointment is endless
That run could have gone on till mobs stopped spawning if not for whatever the fuck that was.
Does the meteor stun the player or something?
Having your character wear whatever items you pick up during a run should be all of the customization you need. Skins end up becoming overly designed eyesores anyway. This way is better
Why are everyone so far up the devs asses here?
>standing still
I legit think the lasers should have a fall off range though. They're more or less snipers that cover 1/3rd of the map.
NA Lobby. Rainstorm difficulty, Vanilla.
Join up for fun times.
(3/4) players.
No quitters please.
Cool man. Yeah I was trying to make it work by chaining resets and firebombing majors but it just felt garbage.
I’ll give you version a go.
> Ice bomb now FREEZES characters in the radius for 1.5s
Oh boy this will be fun
So should I prioritize going through stages fast, or getting all the loot in each stage?
Huh. Didn't know you could just chill inside the escape pod forever. Always assumed it would force you out of it.
I really hate the idea of being stunned in a fast paced game like this, but on the other hand it's so incredibly rare to be hit by those explosions, and every time I am it really feels like my own fault, so maybe it won't be so bad.
play with Yea Forums instead
>Get the dunestrider S U C C
>Get frozen
Getting frozen on rainstorm/monsoon past the 4 stage will be certain death.
What game do you know of that came out with content that fast? Overwatch didn't even get its first hero after launch for like... what 6 months? Maps came out slow too.
Granted they're different games, but still.
Got a jpeggier version of that? I missed it the other thread
2 more needed vanilla
Had to remake lobby since was getting invalid ID, RIP.
New code is: 109775240993032625
I feel like meteor procs whatever item it is that you have when it hits, even hitting yourself.
there ARE skins
Hell yeah
Not really, there's a 40% that it procs stealth kit.
That cancels out the downside to freeze nearly all on its own.
hey, artificer is good now
Why dont you fucking kill yourself?
I try 5 minutes or less each stage before I loop. I only take my time if I have the damage to deal with elite bosses, I have a habit of staying to farm abyss if there are 3+ legendary chests.
>huntress base atack speed is garbage
>damage is garbage too
>only upside is M2 but it does 0 damage and only kills stupid whisp
Huntress is literally the worst class and you guys act like it's top shit Commando and roboshit can do all she can and better
>kill random blazing enemy
>put 25 stacks of blaze on the boss
nah, I thought this was the worst one that got posted
git gud
big brainlet post
They need to either seriously buff her damage or give her lots more HP.
Somehow that's a bit concerning
all invalid, fug
any lobbies? modded or vanilla
Each bomb is a proc chance, and you fire the charged 8 faster than you'd fire 8 bombs spamming left click.
Brainlet post
Give me acrid
just stack crowbars and magazines bro
singleplayer scaling system is so easy that makes the game auto mode retarded what am i suppose to see here?
i want to play her so bad cus she's top waifu but everytime i'm playing her i just feel like i would be having a better time with commanbro
>le epic argument
glaives have huge ass cd but also even with that commando, engi or robocop can deal with all the shit you were attacking quicker
Community feedback was a fucking mistake.
I've been playing her like 50 times in a row and then switched to Engi to test him out. It's insane how much better he is at everything and how easy the game is when you play anything buy huntress.
Sadly I don't think we will see any decent balancing of the survivors.
so i updated. and now, this.
demons in your PC. call an exorcist
i'm scared.
Engi is by far the strongest character, at least for the first few loops. It's no wonder he felt stronger.
Its different strokes for different folks, because I feel like I cannot and do not want to play any class OTHER than huntress, and took her to 20 stages within my first 20 hours of the game, and I didn't even play risk of rain one. You can tell she's different because again, I literally feel like I cannot play the other classes, but I honestly think she makes things a bit too easy if anything.
Providence go to sleep, you're having an identity crisis again.
Literally me, engineer, mul-t and commando are infinitely better. She needs either a major damage or health buff in addition to being able to fire m1 while running sideways.
im gonna see what happens.
Better for them to focus on the boss while you clean up all the trash. One shotting everything with the glaive is great though I will admit you need pretty good item luck to get there. Crowbar printer is almost mandatory. Maybe she should get some small buffs.
>He's gonna play a haunted game
can they make headhunter not shit
Are there any lunar items that are worth it?
Please do not buff her
I fall asleep playing her she's so easy to go to nospawns with
Literally, unironically, factually, intentionally and as a lifestyle choice, just Dont Get Hit
And with constant sprinting, two moves that halt fall damage, and a long range instant blink you never should get hit
I don't even feel concerned getting three glass with her early in a run because you just never get hit
Gesture of the Drowned.
For those who don't know
Same, I fucking love huntress and almost never use the other classes, her mobility is so good in a game like this, and her arrow rain kills anything her glaive can't
her low pool isn't even part of the equation user
also everything is easy on single player since the scaling on that shit is non existance and you're a fucking god.
You have my attention.
tfw new to RoR
>get to portal for obliteration
>only have commando and huntress at this point
>dumb fucking engi hits teleporter
Yep, i'm mad
Akira (2020)
Unless you get lucky with a sticky bomb printer or similar you will have dogshit damage and not been able to make it to nospawn with her.
adding them using DNS spy is better because you can permanently "unlock" those characters
I don't know how to do it but one user did it for drones and we all played as strike drones for a while, it was great.
>didn't tell the niggers to wait for the portal beforehand
level one done
>Fungus is supposed to let engi stay still without dying
>Late game get one shot by golem fists
Whats the point
rip gpu
Oh dear god.
It was discussed at the start of the game. I played with 2 others and one of them said he needed to obliterate himself too
Much Thanks my nigga
By making the aoe big enough where you can move around in it and not fucking die to mobs?
Maybe next year buddy.
The fungus is for your turrets. Not for you.
fuck this. my fan's going crazy and shit's wierd. gonna restart pc and hope for the best.
When does Herobrine show up?
>85 hours of drizzle
>anime avatar
jesus what a faggot
>hyperrealistic blood starts pouring out of engineer's eyes
>staying still
If risk of Rain 2 is so great then how come there's never been a Risk of rain 3?
t. drizzlet who plays solo
Nearly every single time the first person dying in monsoon multi games is a huntress.
What items should I be generally trying to focus on with Huntress?
Is this bait?
Are you retarded? Turn off your computer and clean your graphic's card right now if you want it to be working when you turn it on again, btw I'm not trolling.
Are Blazing nerfed or balanced?
Your answer right now depends
just blackhole R m2 with behemoth and will o wisp and kill everrything
Any new lewds?
Well it's technically for everyone since using the turrets as a heal station is useful.
Wake of vultures is actually pretty damn fun now. I just wish it was a little more consistent so you could strategize around it instead of using it opportunistically. E.g. counter a blazing boss by killing a blazing weaker mob
Her biggest issue is that her range is so short, you need to get so close when you fight vagrants, titans and worms and that is often your death. While nearly every other character can kill any enemy from a safe distance.
technically you still can do that, it's just that freezing enemies die real quick too
Good shit, there was one that wasn't finished yet a couple days ago.
yeah, but the buffs just last for such a short time it's hard to make use of them
Yeah, the update fucked it up. My compy is fine.
Fresh install on the game made it work.
because hopoo is a cool guy who didnt shit on my game
What's the twitter?
That sig so small.
Someone host modded, I can't right now my family is watching Netflix
I played huntress for the teleport dash crutch starting out, M2 is good with all ricochets and arrow rain got a proc buff but her damage feels low. M1 has short range and you have to be sprinting mostly towards enemies to use it, shit attack speed so you don't get procs off like commando and with no items except bleed+crit to boost base attack damage you fall off at HAHAHAHA. Takes forever to kill bosses (half of them float outside arrow rain) unless you get lucky drops (20+ stickies) and end up overgeared. Was fun for a few hours and high mobility lets you dodge but that's her only strength.
Fire no longer instantly murders you, and golems can no longer put 50000 stacks on you in an instant.
Blazing is definitely balanced in that no longer randomly ends your run in a picosecond.
But the 5% a tick means healing methods obliterate blazing damage and it requires multiple stacks to become threatening. If you're getting hit multiple times by elites, then you're probably dead anyways because something has gone horribly wrong.
I don't know, blazing really isn't very scary anymore. Like look out for blazing golems still cause they hurt and that DoT could finish you, but it's not a real big deal.
I feel like a big part of the easiness is that as overloading and freeze enemies still aren't much of a threat, toning down the one threatening aspect to reasonable levels leaves the game somewhat easy.
But I haven't done a ton of monsoon, so maybe I'm just talking out my ass.
Any modded anons around for a lobby
>tfw I just tried to play mul-t and died on the first boss
Find a teleporter right next to a cliff and keep jumping off of it over and over, fall damage cant kill you
theyre still more dangerous than the other two combined so
[spoilers]Avante92, warning he's also draws furries[/spoilers]
someone make a modded room already.
My friends all lag like crazy when we tried playing modded, back to vanilla we go
They were always a joke. It was a joke they allowed you to get touched once and burn out by an impossible to outheal DoT, and its now a joke the damage/DoT can be ignored.
I have no fucking clue why her M1 needs charges. Its a slow projectile, can't really be used mid/long range because enemies are moving around constantly. If her M1 didn't have charges she would be fine, reduce some base damage and transfer the damage to the DoT
inb4 game starts artifacting again
Look out another chinese earthquake
>1-(1-0.08[kjaro])^(17[clovers]+1) = 0.777063647019
user had a ~77.7% chance to proc his Kjaros
They won't obliterate you out of the blue anymore. They're supposedly the heavy-hitter elites by design, so they still do a lot more damage than the glacial/overloading enemies; the main difference is that getting hit by one tick of a stone titan won't be a death sentence.
us east/south monsoon vanilla
Game is either easymode or impossible after the second loop depending on your item luck.
This is what I hate the most about the game right now, the difference in strength between items is too much right now. Especially when there's so many useless items.
>yfw 57 leaf clover
Her M1 is still garbage
what is this
It's inevitable that the utility of some items will win out when pushed to the extreme, and not everyone plays to that stage. At the moment "end game" is just pushing as hard as you can but if RoR1 is anything to go by then the end of a playthrough won't reach bullshit difficulty
Item and class balance is difficult from the player's perspective since we don't know the scope of the game, basically
The big fundamental problem with artificer is that all items in the game barring crowbar are better suited for fast rapid attacks over slow strong ones.
Until we have good items that synergize with her particular brand of damage and skills she's always going to scale horribly.
For instance, maybe an item that provides a buff or attack whenever an attack comes off cooldown.
does crowbar proc on every hit of eviscerate
>join a quick game
>I'm the host
>we kill the first boss
>some jack ass steals all the items
>afk for 45 minutes
>see that everyone has left except for said jack ass
>see he's printing out sticky bombs
>wait until he's printed out 32 sticky bombs
>leave the game
>if the host leaves it quits the game for everyone
Make their ass bigger you double nigger.
Nice work though keep it up.
She should have a jetpack or something, playing as her in MP means you will get a third of the items everyone else has
It procs until the enemy is below 90% health
>fix some more stuff on huntress's model
what kind of stuff
NA Lobby. Rainstorm.
Pls no quitters, stick to the end.
Here's a non-shitter list
ie until everyone dies
>try new wake of vultures
No, because they didn't actually CHANGE anything. It wasn't so much her proc chance or ice wall radius, but that her abilities are poorly designed for this game.
Snapfreeze in particular is just an awful ability. It's a wall hat doesn't actually stop anything and the majority of enemies move too slowly or indirectly toward yous to make it pointless as a barrier. It's the same problem as the Engi's mines- they just don't work unless you drop it right onto top of the enemy which comepletely negates the purpose. It's also just not that useful. Top this off with a limited and comparatively lame duck of an m1, a finky m2 and a suicidal R, she just doesn't well work in this game.
They can't fix her by just buffing her bad abilities, they need to change them into good ones.
EU Monsoon Vanilla
it straight up gives you 50% bonus hp worth of shields?
how do I edit these in as new characters so they don't overwrite existing ones? Also what program do i use and what file am I supposed to be editing?
Forum moralfags are the worst.
So it's actually good now?
What do ice elites give you, anyway?
that looks reminiscent of that skin texture user gave up on a week ago
>85 hours of back to back nonstop drizzle
Is the lobby unjoinable or are you guys just big faggots
Scratch that.
New ID: 109775240993083941
NA Lobby, Rainstorm, join up!
No ragequitters please.
It's just a slow on-hit IIRC
At least Wake of vultures doesn't kill you now. Still not great.
It definitely doesn't deserve to be a red
To the lads I was playing with... Lonestar, USA and other guy
I DC'd..... going to go commit seppuku
Sorry I was just searching for another overloading elite to confirm. The shield carries over after the effect ends but it does not regenerate. I wouldn't call it good because elites don't really come in high numbers until later, so it's basically a dead item unless you see a blazing.
Blazing power is super strong though, since each hit stacks an additional DoT
What the hell even killed me
I was at full HP and nothing was even hitting me
probably explosive barrels
Early access killed you
Because any sane fucking person isn't going to demand new content from a game that's been in early access for only two weeks.
hopoo is /ourguy/
The planet has claimed your life
How do you "win" in this game? Or is it you just keep going as long as you can until you die?
>tfw no lobbies up so leave the thread for a while
>come back and there were like three lobbies while I was gone
It would be funnier without the faces
Monsoon Vanilla
join join join
>barring crowbar
Even that's pretty shit on her due to her Nano-Bomb always hitting with the weak-ass arc before the actual bomb hits.
>For instance, maybe an item that provides a buff or attack whenever an attack comes off cooldown.
This is genius imo. Also maybe:
>Item where you use your M2, Shift, or R it damage boosts the other two that weren't used. Make it common and make the boost like 15% + 10%.
>Item that boosts armor by 15+5 for each skill on cooldown. Rare.
Either that or an item that boosts the next skill you use until you use the same skill again, or it comes off cooldown.
user NO
EU / Vanilla / 3 Slots Available
I wanna be arti fuck off we monsoon
new ID NA
closing in five
need +1
She has the highest scaling damage in the game (2.7/level instead of 2.4/level most classes get), making everything damage based atypically powerful when she uses them.
US East, vanilla, monsoon. Let's rock lads
EU / Vanilla / 3 Slots
Remade for Bad Vibes Bro:
>needing Wake of Vultures when you could just get the Soul of Ifrit
>Soul of Ifrit
is that the one that drops from elites that gives you their special effects? I've literally never had any drop in 50 hours of play time
Their chance to drop is set to 0.25% or something like that. It'd be more reasonable if it was at least a whole percent.
>have wake of vultures
>kill a fire elite
>every attack i do now does a stack of dot, each stack dealing 5% of the enemies HP
>melt literately everything that exists for 8 seconds
>retards on Yea Forums
>damage relies on killing fire elites, which by their nature are rare and tougher than usual
>ends up being a fraction of the damage other reds give you for free and more consistently
nigger left once he died and crashed the lobby
fucking faggot ragequit after death
name one single red that does as much damage as the fire elite buff
it does not exist
>host dies
every fucking time
should we start a new one
engi btw
So is artificer's icewall fixed?
It's still shit
>playing vanilla with Yea Forums
just quickplay
yes, it was fixed within hours
>guy steals items
>guy force quits after dying
I can try and host but SA is at least 100ms with NA
excusing cancerous players now?
>wake gives you a large burst of damage for a few seconds at inconsistent times
>every other red gives you damage consistently
what's not to get here?
Oof that may be me, i didn't like how it was turning out so i gave up on it
ive been feeling that way about everything i draw as of late :(
>fire elites
I mean you had a point but the hyperbole killed it. You probably could kill a fire elite every 8 seconds if you really wanted
Killing an overloading gives you thunder sticky bombs that do a decent chunk of damage, too. Between the both of them on monsoon you'll be using it 90% of the time if your damage isn't already shit.
Speaking of which my damage has been shit all day. Game just refuses to give me on-hit proc items.
>happiest mask
not consistent
inb4 goalpost moving
also you are a fucking drizzlet if you think elites are rare. double drizzlet if you think they are hard to kill.
w-would aspect of lightning and the overload buff stack? asking for a friend
no brakes
Longest run yet, pretty fun one at that, hopefully do better next time
So nothing is gonna spawn like in the other stages right?
nothing can stop the rotational velocidensity
Elites arent rare but their drops are
Is the a paste bin or mega with all the mods?
Any tips for playing on monsoon. I usually play rainstorm and the one time I tried monsoon I got my shit kicked in.
Pray you get good items and don't get hit by anything.
Artificer will always be shit and worse than literally any other character in the game because their r skill isn't a utility
Prove me wrong
>someone actually posted a cool suggestion in the discord that isn't LOCK ITEMS SO NOBODY STEALS MY STUFF
amazing. so people like that actually exist.
no it's not me I'm the boshrush guy
ur stuck in gold baby jail
US East Monsoon
doesn't jew titan spawn when you activate the shrines, or is he timed?
What are some things you want to see later on?
>silly pvp mode
>sniper class
Another thing that was suggested some time back was to have the main menu populated by characters you've unlocked, starting off with Commando as he is now.
Basically pic related
Commando can roll
God damn it, it was such a fun run. I was sure I was finally gonna kill giganigga. What should be my time limit if I want to be able to summon him?
Everything stopped spawning so I dont have enough money to unlock the pillars
Noone asked nor cares who you are.
.025% for elite drops I think, saved from another thread. I've seen 2 in 120 hours played.
I'd rather they work on adding characters/levels before they do touch ups like giving the characters select/deselect animations.
would be dope.
why aren't we upboat spamming the actual good ideas. we get like 150 IPs here we could easily push shit to the top
It was in case some guy decided to accuse me of shilling my own suggestion.
different stage effects like the ones that only spawn certain enemies, but instead they only spawn elites of a certain type
>you feel the air heat up
>First run after patch
>Become Raiden
Anyway that was fun, but now it has to end.
Anyone want to guess what I'll get?
3/4 Need one more.
NA Lobby, 3/4 players, Rainstorm difficulty
No quitters please.
that's not REAL jpg
>sees titan firing mah lazor
>stands out in the open
>not only is out in the open but the fucking audacity being standing still
>dude wtf this bs lmao