ITT: Worst final bosses in recent memory.
ITT: Worst final bosses in recent memory
I don't understand, how is it bad, because it didn't have a predetermined way to defeat him and have to use your own shit?
Have you even played the game?
Would it have been better if it was an actual cutscene instead of an interactive one?
The final shootout was pure and utter shit.
It should have, at the very least, run around and actually been able to damage you.
But it's weird to me that lynel fights are the height of the combat (at least in the base game), and you encounter one very early on in the game. Both forms of the final boss are pathetic by comparison. Ganon could have changed into a more humanoid form that was a proper 1v1 fight. Maybe a fourth form that only appeared if you beat all four divine beasts, to give you an actual incentive to complete the main quest.
This has to be bait. No one is this retarded.
jesus christ what a failure that was. Should have just asspulled a humanoid ganondorf and have a nice sword fight with lasers and shit
The music is the only good thing about this fight.
The Eggman parts are especially dumb, since they're incredibly easy to avoid and he only does the same punches over and over.
Its like they didn't even try, they just thew him in just because.
Not adding him would have been a better ending.
Second game was somehow even worse.
>Just turns into his fair disguise for no fucking reason.
Here you go.
When this game marketed a bunch off of "the classic Zelda 1 experience" being remade.
We have our first proper fight against Wizpig Ganon in 3D.
An absolute brute that dwarfs you like Hinox did.
At least it's not literally Nega Wisp Armor again for the third time
Its especially baffling because the monk in the dlc is really fun and uses a variety of mechanics the game has taught you besides perfect dodge and parry.
He has the same skillset as the player but it's still another disappointing Hold O fest, then phase 2 introduces gimmick controls yet Hold O is still the best course of action, and phase 3 is a QTE
>because it didn't have a predetermined way to defeat him and have to use your own shit?
Phase 1 was like that.
Phase 2 of Dark Beast Ganon was "ride around on the horse, use the plot weapon the game gave you to hit the glowing weak points"
pic related
ardyn doesn't count, the combat system as a whole stank. he's no different from the rest of the travesty
I wouldn't expect that from a 2D nostalgia pandering romhack, but there's no beating The Doomsday Zone.
persona final bosses suck whenever the ultimate is literally just a near instant win
This was pretty awful. I loved BOTW until the story completely fizzled out when you enter Hyrule castle. The endgame is so phoned in, I couldn’t believe it. I hope the next Zelda is similar to BOTW in most aspects but they need to at least try to make the endgame interesting or challenging
The dude from GoW4
What a letdown. Moving a lot of scenery doesn't make the combat any less boring.
I mean once you reach this phase, it's just theatrics. You're more or less assured to win because it does fuck all to really attack you, unless you actually move into the line of fire that never targets you.
This was really lousy
They should've had Ganondorf as a Gerudo as the final boss instead of the big pig. Then you would have a passable first phase and a great second phase instead of the real game which is passable first phase and shit second phase
Nyx is actually a terrible final boss but people got tricked into thinking it was good because of the music
>13 phases that mostly exist to waste your time, the only one that is remotely a threat at that point in the game is Hanged Man
>Final form isn't really a threat either but takes half damage from everything to draw out the fight even more.
>Moonless Gown will catch you by surprise the first time but after that only makes a tedious fight even more tedious
>Night Queen is dangerous but you're likely to never see it and can be completely nullified anyway.
At least a recycled good boss is better than an original boss that's borderline unplayable
Fuck Time Eater for ruining the end of an otherwise awesome game
I ducked into the dark sanctuary or whatever to line of sight a guardian only to have a cutscene start. "Oh, guess it's another miniboss" I thought. Nope, Ganon.
I feel like if there wasn't a way to accidentally start the end-game sequence (have the build-up to his lair more dangerous/visually elaborate) I would have thought better of him.
get on my level of recycling faggots
>First phase is just Egg Dragoon with disappearing platforms
>Second's just Zavok
>Third's literally just Egg Nega Wisp
Just cause 4
>big bad hyped up for the entire game
>rico has a personal vendetta
>plenty of potential with new grappling shit and weather shit
>enter room right before the big bads office
>kill a wave of 3 sneaky guys and 2 helicopters
>kill a wave of 4 shield guys and 2 helicopters
>kill a wave of 5 normal guys and 2 helicopters
>big bad dies in a cutscene
>credits roll
I was so fucking mad, thank fuck I pirated that shitheap, at least i only lost 40 hours and not 60$ to boot
An actual Ganon fight in 3D could be kino. The OoT and TP Ganon fights aren't really comparable. He needs to use the trident.
It'd be cool if the game made it so that you knew you couldn't face Ganon head on at the start of the fight due to how fucking powerful he is so you have to hide and get some cheap shots on whatever weak point there is while he's distracted.
>Final boss is hatred and malice
What's wrong with hatred, again? Everyone hates evildoers. Malice I can understand, but there's nothing inherently wrong with hatred, violence or weapons. Just how they're used and who they target.
>>Final form isn't really a threat either but takes half damage from everything to draw out the fight even more.
that is why Armageddon exists
I think OP means from a Gameplay perspective
Well yeah you can skip the fight, but that's not really a point in its favor.
Even worse, they just use some generic sounding "evil" music from a trailer. Why not Live and Learn or even a remix of it?
>Restructuring into Ganon means all the malice energy possessing the guardians is taken out of them
>Only given an opportunity to cheap shot him whenever he's annihilating guardians
Nigga where do you think this game takes place
And I think I mean from the storytelling perspective. Are we supposed to believe that only the bad guys cannot control their hatred, or that the good guys do not hate at all? Or are we to ignore things like this because it's for kids?
It's a victory lap at this point. If anything, the prior fight was the real boss fight while this is more of an interactive cutscene. Still way better than a QTE for the final boss.
Translation error. The whole "forgave the ressurection for hatred" doesn't happen in JP.
Links Awakening has the best ganon fight
A BotW map but with underground classic dungeons would be really cool.
Actually, reduce the map to 75% of actual size, and use the 25% underground as huge dungeon complexes with multiples entries. Hyrule Castle was nice, aside from the Ganon being too easily triggered by mistake.
But that was more like the victory lap than the final fight.
RE7's boss would be cool if you could actually fight it but it's basically just a QTE
why would he walk forward tho lmao
what a forgettable fight
Cohen was probably my favorite
that sucks considering the boss helicopter fight in 3 was at least fun to cheese with grapple
what? the idea is that if ganon didn't real, neither would bad thoughts and actions. stop reading into it
>pitifully easy fight
>ends on cliffhanger that Sanzaru had no intentions of resolving
How did they mess up this bad?
I do agree, gameplay wise it was shit, although I struggle to think of a way they could have made it better. Any ideas?
I also wish it wasn't a face in a wall like RE6
he's a vore fetishist
The final form gave me Skyward Sword flashbacks. Boss just turns into a shitty minigame. A truly terrible note to end on.