1 year

>1 year
>10 minutes worth of content

Is this some out of season April fools joke?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>buy lootboxes to "support" the game
>blizzard funnels all the money into their gay esports while content still takes ages to come out
I'm fucking retarded.

>plays overwatch
>buys loot boxes
>I'm fucking retarded
Checks out

Damn this administrations been rough for Sam Seder

OW devs are creatively bankrupt

>playing any Blizzard games
>being an OW faggot of all things
>coming to Yea Forums to bitch about it
you have to go back.

Overwatch is just recycled assets from Project Titan. Titan was going to be a sci-fi MMO.

I thought about trying this game years ago but the more I hear about it the worse it sounds.

You didn’t actually do that, right? Please

>buying microtransactions
>buying microtransactions for a pay-to-play game

It's by far my biggest buyer's remorse. Not simply because of how Blizzard supports the game but just how the game plays. For me at least it feels awful and the maps are poorly designed.

Also I get the feeling that I'd be buying a game that has already peaked and is on the way out in a year or two.

It’s not a bad game actually. It’s priced just right, it costs $30 I believe which is half the price of a AAA game and it doesn’t need DLC or anything like that. It has a bunch of problems but unless you have nostalgia goggles for TF2 it’s the best team shooter. It will easily give you quite a few hours of fun which for 30 bucks is alright in my opinion.

>a storyline
>what could have been

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You'll likely not learn from this either. Life of a Blizzcuck. Gotta post lewds to draw attention or "Home" post for those 1 cent deposits for a dead end MMO that'll fund the development of BFA store mounts.

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Keep telling yourself this deluded shit

>any better than TF2
>there are people who actually think this

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It's true though. Blizzard for whatever reason scrapped an MMO and scrunged up OW from it's ashes instead.

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>buy lootboxes to "support" the game
You aren't really still doing this, are you? I still like this game, and even I knew that shit wasn't gonna go towards the game within the first year of its existence

>playing the dried-out all-but-abandoned husk of Team Fortress 2 in 2019

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>nostalgia goggles
What? I still see new blood in TF2 all the time.

The humor and the characters are arguably better but the gameplay isn’t.

I remember when Tigole use to talk about his ex-girlfriend's blowjob giving skills on his guild's news updates. I'm sure he's doing well financially now, but spiritually and creatively he's clearly dead.

Are we finally getting a damn evil omnic next?

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wow you've really got to be a faggot to not think the gameplay is better.
>pick any class
>wait for Q
>push and win
wow, amazing gameplay, and this is coming from someone who spent hundreds of hours in OW and TF2. TF2 has the better gameplay by far because you can't cheese the fucking matches.
I haven't played in a couple of years but there is no way in hell that OW is any better, don't kid yourself.

go get a vasectomy dude

>both teams have ultimates
>both teams push Q
>both teams win
Oh wait
Overwatch has a fuckton of problems but ultimates aren’t. If anything most ultimates are kind of underpowered. Ultimate balance is an actual problem, but that’s because most are pretty useless.

They should just make an Overwatch MMO now that everyone knows the name

Behold! I am one of simple mind!

>a fucking low budget porn game has more content and quality than one of the biggest gaming publisher
What went right?

>hey guys, overwatch sucks ass, it's skill less design meant to not reward time invested means the game gets stale extremely fast, meaning you just play to chase hats and this, with time, will also become extremely boring, the game has an expiration date unless they heavily rework the gameplay

Literally no one with half a brain cell wasn't expecting this game to die a horrible, agonizing slow death.

What happened tigole?

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Are people really this fucking new that they don't know about fucking titan?
This shit was literally the half life 3 of blizzard

not him but I did and I dont see what's wrong with that
>Literally bareback sex with my GF now

But butts guys! Focus on the butts amirite fellow non-gay/non-discord-tranny guys??

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you can tell OW was meant for MMORPG

The tank / dps / support was meant for raiding and PVE. They just realized it was boring shit gameplay and then scrapped it for the pvp mode that is OW today

>out of season
It's just over two weeks. That's not really "out of season".

I have 1,000 hours in Overwatch and have not bought a single lootbox.

Why would you ever want to? Who fucking cares about some stupid skin? I could maybe understand during the very first event when it wasn't clear if they were going to be made available again, but since then? Why? In fact why even then? Who cares? It's fucking cosmetic, why are you paying money for a chance at it?

2 weeks out of season is still out of season.

>used to own atvi stock
>used to play their games

Haven't played a game of theirs in two years and sold at a loss. The times have changed.

They have nothing going on. Nothing.

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Quick play is fun with friends. I wouldn't really recommend playing alone or in competitive at all. It's a fun game and pretty enjoyable, but the community is about as toxic as it gets. If I were you I'd try and get it on sale.

A single day isn't much of a season.

>mixing investing with pleasure
dumb goy

Are we going to get an omnic at all?

>That ending

That guy at the end of the PvE event?

>Tracer added something like "uh huuuh, so that's what you call it"

here's your yearly lore update bro

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Nobody knows, especially given how they keep adding literally who barely relevent to the inexistant ongoing story.

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Didn't play it but probably going to get dragged through it cause a friend wants to play this game.

Jesus this is some bad fucking fanfic. Only ones up at night. Give it a break.

Overwatch's biggest mistake, now and forever, is the team thinking anyone gives two shits about the lore and investing so many resources into expanding it.

Will we ever get a non-brown, non-female speaking human character? Because I gave up hope a long time ago. Either non-gender specific robots or more animals like Hammond, or nothing at all. You have a world where so much is possible but you keep pumping out the same fucking bullshit humans over and over again, good job Blizzard.

Their biggest mistake was not expanding anything. It doesn't take that long to pound out lore, or gameplay, or anything. All that money people invested went into boring ass E-sports designed around boring game play

I like Winstone but I fucking hate that hamster. Look he is a cute fucker with a hamster ball! And his voice is big and intimidating but he is just cute! Fuck off with that shit. And the only people who play him is to fucking stall on the point by spinning around. Wow such skill!

>and investing so many resources into expanding it.
This is the funniest thing i've read on Yea Forums all week

>investing so many resources into expanding it
>infuckingplying they did

>>buy lootboxes to "support" the game

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Just come play Paladins you tsundere autists. We get big patches every single month.

>dude stop drinking diarrhea and come eat shit with me

You're only allowed to reply to this post if you've never purchased a lootbox.

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I've never bought a lootbox for any game ever.

Never bought a lootbox.
Bought some keys though, kek

Only thing I've bought from Blizzard was two of the Mercy charity skins. So, technically, nothing.

Why didn't we ever get the real Overwatch champions like Mama Hong and her signature ability, "Manslaughter"?

>Blizzard spends 10 minutes making an exclusive skin
>Buy that skin for charity
>Blizzard pockets a quarter of it
>Charity pockets a quarter of it
>Blizzard now can get a tax break cause they did charity work even though the players are the ones who spend the money
>Players feel good about themselves and have a new skin

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Blizzard wanted to chase Disney and feel good garbage

When a group of devs just trying to make something good and fun faces a board of execs and marketing

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>for whatever reason scrapped an MMO
they realized the only people braindead enough to still be playing that genre are already paying $15/month to Blizzard, theyd only be shifting their business
instead they decided to bring in the zoomer audience

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I was being sarcastic. Obviously can't have anything other than white trash Aussies, Russians, Irish and pale-skinned Mexicans in the current political climate.

Why does she have all those period pad bots?

For every one of these comics and shorts, they need to hire

>Voice actors

And a fuckton of other credits. And mind you, that's just the shit that gets released. You think they don't post for six months because they're just banging out gems left and right? No. Michael Chu's explicit Genji x Mercy slashfic probably got consideration and manhours put into it before being canned. There are fucking LORE CONSULTANTS hired to keep shit in line even though McCree has 3 different birth YEARS supported by different canon material.

You think just because it's bad means they aren't trying, and that's very optimistic of you all, but the fact of the matter is you get a trickle of content because nobody on the team knows what the fuck they want to do with the game anymore and the only thing the bigwigs care about is esports and pumping out enough content updates per year so that people don't accuse it of being abandonware (Although, four updates a year for a game of Overwatch's scale doesn't inspire much confidence either way)

The game makes tens of millions of dollars a year, and they only spend it on making new skins, and OWL. If they weren't trying to futilely push it as an esport, we could get so much more content. HOTS is the precursor that shows that Blizzard can only piss away money on making something an esport for so long until it gives up.

do you really want blizzard to make a new mmo seeing the state of WoW? and besides, the story would literally be WoW/Starcraft again, le big bad corrupted X, there's a race that was BADDIE (orcs,zergies) and was corrupted but now they are good/neutral, literally the same story arc but with robots

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The real truth to titan is that it's the project that killed blizzard.
Not by itself, but very single talent, every big name, every developer that was still at blizz and made it into the brand it was, was working on titan, basically their reward for creating wow, the main wow team left after ulduar.

It was the golden goose, they were putting everything on it, they wanted to surpass wow and every blizzcon there was just this feeling of potential titan stuff.
And then the activision merge started to make itself apparent and the project was cancelled by the board because it was taking too long.

It killed the dream game that the core blizzard devs worked on for years and created a mass exodus between wrath post ulduar and cata last patches before mop.
The first wave of these created wildstar, and we know how that ended up.
The few left, mind you, core team that made original wow, remained and created overwatch with jeff at the helm but of course had to do it under exec directions with a minor number going to hots, the best they could do to try and recoup loses from such a massive project.

Now there's another big exodus happening for the past year or so, a lot of people going to make their own stuff like Ben Brode, but the majority are going to Bonfire made by none other than Rob Pardo.

Titan was gonna be something magical until the shift in power made itself apparent and the old guard couldn't handle it, this moment right here is when blizzard died forever.

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>four updates a year
One update is for skins + Lucioball for two weeks, update two is a new character, Update three is some new game mode available for two weeks and some shitty arcade mode addition that nobody plays and update four is one new map.