ITT: Vidya Tropes you love

>Boss theme has holy choirs in it
Guarantee for an absolute banger of a track

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Other urls found in this thread:

dragon's dogma DA's final boss theme was GOAT

>Boss theme goes from threatening to triumphant as you advance phases and start to get the upper hand

>Starter area gets corrupted at some point

>Boss is essentially you but better
>Uses all of your moves but with higher damage and a maybe with different names and color scheme

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I loved Skies of Arcadia for this.

>final boss theme is a remix of the game’s main theme

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In situation so intense that when you enter a battle the "oh shit" music plays over the battle theme uninterrupted.

>you get to fight your rival one on one more than once

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>Game has dynamic music that changes and adds more instruments when you get into a fight
Even better
>Character is stronger version of old character/powers up/betrays you
>Their battle theme is a remix of their old theme that better fits the situation

Spooky levels in non-horror games, like the ghost ship in Okami

>Gameplay during the credits

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>Climatic finale moment has the name of the song be the same as the name of the game.
>Includes major instruments from the past major areas.
>Includes everyone you met in the past to sing in it.

Wandersong was such a slept on game.

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>last fight in galaxy had a choir

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>Music for the most part has either a rock, techno or modern style

> Final boss music is classical/choir like

>Guy that looks like a massive edgelord is actually just a normal dude

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>You and your rival team up to defeat the greater evil

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>You can go back to the starter area and unlock some new area that you weren't able to access before

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games that do this?

>Guy that looks like massive edgelord is easily one of the sweetest people in an entire party of over 100 characters.

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>Beat climactic boss you think might be final
>Game's not over
>More areas and a bigger badder boss way later

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>final boss theme is an intense badass medley of a bunch of the songs you’ve heard ingame

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Almost every JRPG

>rival helps you kill the real threat

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>calm moments before/after bosses

>Game regularly calls back to previous games for Nostalgia.
>Game then baits and switches you with what content they're calling back to.

This was hype to fight Dark Matter when everyone was expecting yet another Galacta Knight fight.

Too bad he was the easiest boss in the game

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>He starts the fight by walking towards you casually

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>Boss reaches zero HP
>He stumbles but rises more powerful than before
>Music gets melancholic

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>Character and rival team up and get a bitchen team attack

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Braev in Bravely Default was the absolute best version of this

Okami did that a bunch of times.
What game were you refering, user?

>boss theme includes the hero's theme in the final phase

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>that weird object in the starting area that you dismissed as scenery is actually plot important much later on

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>The mysterious edgelord is actually an autistic weirdo

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>moving around/exploring area, generally progressing through game
>See a drop down into an area that is essentially a pit/fighting ring with no way out
you know some shit is gonna go down once you drop in

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Not him, but Kid icarus uprising counts.

>Game is usually pretty linear and the environments are narrow
>Arrive at a wide-open area

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>Previous entry's protagonist is a boss
>Even better, a superboss in the DLC where they don't have to care about balance.
>What was your "victory" theme is now constantly taunting you as their boss music

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>there's a late game dungeon hidden in the starter area

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>the first dungeon of the game has an entire hidden branch of it that's only accessible with an ability you get 50 hours later
>that hidden branch is on your minimap the first time through, taunting you

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>Game that seemed like it had no connection to a prior one creates a fucking perfect sync in the final moments

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Another variant is when an earlygame dungeon, but not the first one, does the same thing and it winds up even more unexpected as a result.

Off the top of my head, TWEWY and Persona 3.

>wide open area has nothing in it
>except for one person sitting down facing away from you

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>absolute banger of a track
Go back to twitter

Sonic 06 and Unleashed had full remixes.

>innocuous and irrelevant track from the first game that doesn't seem important or special gets constantly rearranged into final dungeon, epic cutscene and final boss music in the sequels

>romantic/family/friendly pair teams up to beat you up

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>the final boss is your childhood friend

What game?

>boss fight you're supposed to lose but isn't impossible to win
>winning gives you a bonus even though you'll still lose in the cutscene OR winning has a completely alternate outcome

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>tfw you realize you're the final boss

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Fuck, forgot to actually put the link for the song in.

too bad literally everything else about sun and moon was dogshit

>final boss uses mechanics from the last game

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Sonic Unleashed did it so well, I fucking adore this track

>the bosses team up and fight you again in the final dungeon

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>Everyone that you've helped or spared come back before the final battle to help by pooling their resources or by directly assisting

Trails of Cold Steel
The melody from one of the cities in the first game gets reused as a leitmotif for the main antagonist throughout the later games.


And finally in the end of the series 2:30

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>mfw notes from Gwyn's theme start playing in Soul of Cinder fight
I was thinking that the only way the presentation could be better would be if the music were as good as Gwyn's and then that happened.

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>Find big open cave in Sekiro
>Literally nothing in it
>Go back while exploring previous areas after beating the game

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>when rnjesus works out in your favor and you get an undeserved win
Basically 70% of the battles are won by sheer luck

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By far the most impactful scene music has had one me since frogs theme in chrono trigger. You know the scene.

>That moment near the end of the game when you're given a huge powerup so you can plow through enemies with ease

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>so many examples of good music tropes in bravely default
I hope to god that revo comes back to compose for bravely third

>The autistic weirdo's actually pretty cool and just has an insanely strong work ethic

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>Game gives you a new form/power up for the final boss
>Your reward for completing the game is to use this whenever you want

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>bad guy empire/organization/whatever have a set number of leaders each with their own specific element or weapon

>Instead of putting you in an unwinnable boss fight, you have to take control of the boss and have to beat your own ass.
I've never actually seen a game do this but fuck I want one to

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>Hero is severely outnumbered and out gunned
>Looks like the odds are even now

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>the character you hate the most dies

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>all the NPCs and friends you've made help you out in the final battle

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I loved when that happened in Tales of Symphonia

fucking sequel retconned it

Chrono Cross does this.

>bosses are the seven deadly sins
>Its done well.
>You play as one of them.
Overlord was so great for this.

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>boss is your character from the previous game

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In a different way, given it's a murder mystery....
Danganronpa V3, Case 1.

Miitopia also did this, oddly enough. That game surprised me.

>Villain names all follow a theme
I don't really know why, but I think it's cool.

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>Enemies are scared of you
Whether it's used as a gameplay element like in the Arkham Games or just a story thing like Ace Combat or Doom, I love this.

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>Revisiting familiar locations, but now in broken state or drastically changed.
e.g. the stadium in Jak 3. Gives me chills every time

This is what Armed With Wings is known for, since Vandheer is a total fucking badass and beats AWW every time until he gets his godmode.

>Final Phase
>Boss theme cuts to the chorus.
>Bonus points: Vocals kick in

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Every mother fucking case 6, when you start pulling the seams apart.

>Enemies can surrender and start pleading for their lives the moment they notice you took out 3/4ths of their crew
God Bless Metro Exodus for doing this at least.

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I think Ace Combat 4 was the best for this.

>first mission, is your character's first combat
>later on allies start noticing you and your deeds
>you blow up the superweapon AND shoot down an "invincible" enemy ace
>enemies start shitting their pants in fear when you are in the end "TANKS ARE LIKE COFFINS WHEN HE IS IN THE AIR"
>the final mission gives you a squad
>the entire enemy faction collectively shits their pants "All of them have ribbon insignias!"

>Title screen theme is a basic version of the credits theme

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>Complete "Final Boss"
>New route is unlocked that lets you play an alternate reality where a children's toy game is popular and your in it to win the tournament.

Man why don't games have any cool post game shit anymore.

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The one who trained you and was your father figure is the final boss.

As much as I hate the fucking RNG in this game. Damn it was enjoyable to cheese it. I wish someone comes with an English translation for one of the newer ones. Anyone here played them?

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Fucking owl damnit, still glad that his mikiri counter is the same as your deathblow on him

You leave your isekai adventure and go back home at the end.
You eventually come back

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>boss theme has a calm segment amidst the chaos

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>game lets you take control of a failing business/industry and build it back up to exceed former glory

god damn it there's so few but i love em.

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