Actually, it won't sell like crazy

>Actually, it won't sell like crazy.

Attached: btfo.png (762x1083, 697K)

based. that tranny deserves to be eternally dabbed upon

I don't understand the" grey market" key sites. The publishers generate the keys and sell them to people. They are the ones that creating the market.

fuck off, /pol/ discord

Oh I remember that faggot. Delicious

lel. no on both accounts, seething female (male)

I wonder if this dumb faggot still sits in /mhg/ shitting on everything around him with the rest of the delusional retards like him. I do sincerely hope you motherfuckers are hurting because you deserve it for making this shit ass community what it is

Same. Be it a key generated by the dev, or a game bought in some third world country and harvested for its CD key, its still a sale that goes into the dev/publisher's pockets.

People who run the sites often buy keys with stolen credit cards and shit, and also buy the games in regions where the price is much lower, then sell them at a higher mark for profit

Didn't MHW also open some japs eyes? Like a lot of videos about upgrading the PS4 with SSDs and at that point I wouldn't be surprised some give PC a chance

>region lock

unless it's credit card fraud, which is more common than you'd think

>other regions
That doesn't really work on Steam though. Keys have been region specific for quite a while.

Prove it, faggot.

Attached: Slowpoke.gif (275x300, 15K)

>anime pic

>it sold alot that means its good

Attached: 1200px-McDonald's_Golden_Arches.svg[1].png (1200x1051, 41K)

McDonalds is great.

So what? That is a risk of selling games on pc. The devs/publishers that bitch about the grey market always make it as if Valve is complacent on it and they should do something about. But they purposely sell outside of steam for more money, the responsibility is on them. If they sold the game on their own website (not steam keys), they would have the same problem.

I legitimately made that comment. Bully me.
I was right about the game being shit

Attached: 1555379128728.jpg (425x265, 7K)

Attached: vlc.png (496x472, 256K)

dead and forgotten

it's strange to think that the lost planet series also sold better than megaman

MHW was not perfect, not at all, but it was still a good game which did a better job of soft-rebooting the series than Tri.
Critics and fanboys praised it too much when it relased, and salty old fans and contrarians trashed it too much afterwards.

you obviously didn't

>Consistent product
>Good price/food ratio
>Generally cleaner than most other fast food restaurants
McDonald's is great.

>food analogies

>It's not going to sell!
>>it sold
>that doesn't mean it's good!

I hope Pele comes along and lodges a football up your ass while you're busy moving those goalposts.


>Consistently shit
>£6 for a damn burger meal
>Cocaine in the toilets


The ecology part of the game has so much soul it's insane

Attached: 1555452908988.webm (1920x1080, 2.29M)

>it won't sell like crazy
>sells like crazy
>just because it sold a lot doesn't mean its good
Easy with those goalposts.

t. Dobson

Attached: fat fuck who yearns a nice fuck.png (800x619, 791K)

>$6.50 USD is too much for lunch
Yikes, glad I don't make a third world european salary.

Attached: CgHGea8WEAAXVU6.jpg (400x400, 21K)

>american education

What fucking retard would think world wouldn’t sell well when MH is at its biggest yet in the US.

That’s like saying “no one is excited about yakuza on PC, it won’t do well”

>avoid the game because Yea Forums keeps shitting on it in every thread
>friend gift it
>it's actually pretty nice

I swear to God, if Yea Forums lies to me again I'm going full reddit

Attached: DuQ0rAIWsAAu0FW.png (1010x531, 547K)

That's 8 dollars. See It's not the fact that it costs that much anyway. I'd be fine with paying that if it was actually any good. Rather go anywhere else and get some food with actual calories.

Wait, I've never seen an Anjanath sitting like this. Is this in the game?

Attached: 1505441612351.png (382x417, 243K)

Only an American would brag about their ability to afford to eat at fucking McDonalds

Sometimes he will rest by the beach before night. It's kinda rare to see if you don't follow him for a while at the right time

seething poorfag eurotards

>Good price/food ratio
McDonalds does not sell food

Smash reveal to BTFO of Virginbitch when

I should chill on expeditions more. I've never seen this either.

Apparently quite a few people on Yea Forums between World's announcement and release

>He doesn’t eat 2 Big Mac sandwiches with 2 large fries and a chocolate shake every Friday

As long as you stay away from /mhg/ it's fine. Those fucking degenerate cunts are insufferable.

Dont worry, old (new) capcom is back with the announcement of that $300 plug & play trash

>muh fries
Seriously, why are there so many McDonaldd? Ive never been in the mood for it like I am for other fast food.


Attached: 1555434280988.webm (456x648, 2.94M)

Even if I didnt play the game it was fun to see all naysayers get dabbed on over and over

>$8 USD is too much for lunch
Yikes, glad I don't make a third world european salary.

Attached: 1554567645705.jpg (676x698, 160K)

>Cocaine in the toilets
Mate where fucking doesn't have that


>burger meal

There's your problem. Get two McChickens.

I know you're memeing, but the thought of someone actually eating that much is as funny as it is horrifying

this movie looks like it's going to be shit.

Damn that is not a good look for Larson

i pay average 40 dollars for lunch.

i dont think about 8 dollars.

a lot of the monsters have cool bespoke animations that the player almost never sees, even in expeditions. Fuck odogaron has a 2nd power up mode that you'll maybe see once every hundred hours or so

wish capcom did a better job of showing this stuff off to the player. Can't wait for iceborne.

Mhw is the worst game I played in 2018. I am just waiting for the dlc just so I can sell my copy at a higher price so I will get some of my 20 usd back.

It’s really not that hard user

Big Mac’s aren’t that big

And I eat that shit in moderation, I’m literally 210

>Odogaron has a 2 minutes animation of him dragging the dead Legiana body all the way in his nest and start to eating it
>Kulu-Ya-Ku steals eggs, break them on the ground, eat them and drop them after finishing them
>monsters can poop and the dung beetle will come to collect it
So many things wasted for casuals

World sucks.

Why is it impossible to talk about any Monster Hunter game instead of World on /mhg/ without getting “bing bing wahoo” replies? Are people so poor that they only own an Xbox/PS4 and don’t have any Nintendo consoles as well?

It's impossible to talk about any MH game seriously, even World.

what else did you expect from a faggot trannime poster?

Why would you talk about outdated crap?

that makes zero sense
dobson was using mcdonalds as an example of bad

>Actually, OP doesn't suck black cocks

>world is mediocre and made a ton of shitty changes but everyone jumped on the bandwagon and it sold tons so now it will be the default
>comfy monhuns threads are all ruined so we can have more threads full of console war shit flinging
monhun was the last series i had left that wasn't fucked, kill me now.

Attached: 1423217448307.jpg (500x500, 90K)

Because there is no reason to play them and no one plays GU anymore.

Because XX was shit and anyone who recommends it is a bing bing

Tbqh majority of people were predicting a flop, it surprised almost everyone

Attached: 1549323216552.jpg (1920x1079, 918K)

MHW just needs some rework and rebalqnce, nothing that G-Rank or a sequel can't do.

What laughable is even mhw sold crazy in japan too. all their expectations did not come to be real

When will capeshit and western civilization finally die. I'm sick of waking up everyday in this dystopia on the verge of collapse where men are women and women are men and men are men and 2 plus 2 equals 5.

Attached: 1553249308860.jpg (720x705, 74K)

Nothing they can't do, sure, but probably things they won't do.

>finally put the series back on consoles/pc not just as a port but a full fledged release
>sells more than ever all of a sudden

why were they releasing this series exclusively on handhelds for like 15 years again?

Monster Hunter was never a balanced game.

> eater

World needs content. G Rank works best when there's a lot of monsters. They had 2 years to add more monsters but all we got were a few boring events and reskins. Unless they've been secretly working on 10 new monsters, it's fucked.
AND we have to wait until Fall.

>Trusting Yea Forums predictions

Smashfags should have made it clear most of these sources come straight from their asses.

nah fuck mcdonalds it's the shit that isn't best in anything
it's like the nuGoW of food
>inb4 >food analogy

so it's good?

People who give McDonalds shit are absolute faggots looking for something to blame their mess of a life on. Their food is good and cheap, fuck SJWs and fattys

so it's for people like you

so it's a 10/10 world wide and everyone loves it except for contrarians who would rather eat burger king aka fork knife

And he's retarded because
>He loves McDonalds because he's a fatty
>Apple products aren't superior
They're just like every other premium brand, because it's not actually about designing the absolute best product its about social signalling. Owning a Mac mean I'm rich or upper middleclass and liberal and I can afford an overpriced computer.

Attached: image (5).jpg (500x375, 151K)

Daily reminder that MHW was not leaked except for the trademark "leak" a few days before the actual reveal.

Monster Hunter was never good.

holy fucking shit what kind of "human" does it take to go to bat for McDs on an anonymous board for free. like i want to put you out of your misery but out of sincere compassion

Except the guy who leaked both XX and MH5(World) a few hours before XX was revealed.

Which is blatantly false.

The only real "leak" was that 4-5 years back hachima kikou posted the notice that Capcom Osaka is hiring people for a next gen MH title. Nobody believed it of course.

Attached: MH5 PS4.jpg (699x209, 86K)

but it hasn't

>tacked on RPG mechanics which hurts the action mechanics
>move assist that can't be turned off
>positioning is useless since even attacks out of range hit anyways because enemies get move assist too for some reason
>unskippable, uninteractive moments that make it so you'd have to be insane to replay on a regular basis
>highest difficulty only adds tedium and enemies leveling up mid-fight only makes the tacked on rpg mechanics worse since everything is thrown into uncertainty
>shitty camera because stupid "single shot experience" but you're forced to open menus regularly because rpg mechanics and you have to use fast travel. the camera in combat is horrid
>the boss health bar is at the bottom of the screen because it caters to people who have never played a videogame before
the game does nothing better than any other game
it's rpg mechanics are shit and hurt the action mechanics, it's action mechanics aren't great by themselves, it's desire to be a movie makes it so trying to play the game for it's gameplay alone is impossible
everything it does is done better by another game, just like mcdonalds

I think you replied to the wrong person m8

why are you posting regurgitated matthewmatosis bullet points about god of war in a thread about monster hunter

meant for

You idiot

Attached: 1541104252556.jpg (806x489, 130K)

Bro its just another hero flick they've been making for over a decade. It wont be any more or less shit than the others.

>That much
Big macs are tiny compared to burgers served in non shit places tho


You missed Yea Forums buddy

>mfw rathian flys in front of me takes a shit basically on my hunter and flys away

Attached: 1547785813283.png (339x384, 102K)

>"Blatantly false"
>Got almost literally everything correct so far, and the one thing it didn't was obviously referring to expeditions and incorrectly assuming they were what the whole game was like

>using "muh sales" as argument to defend your first MH game
Nice one, Worldgamete

Attached: 1524790766250.png (638x558, 98K)

>make a bad prediction
>get called out for it
read more books and post less wojaks

What a dirty slut

>a-at least it sold well
I don't give a shit about the retarded prediction, it still a meh high rank game with an extremely mediocre roster and animeposters are widely known to be retarded, so exposing one isn't really big news
Also new for Iceborne when?

your post incomprehensible but I agree that sales don't necessarily correlate with quality.
clearly the screencap is just to make fun of someone who was very wrong -- not a defense or critique like you imply

>Also new for Iceborne when?
E3 counts as Spring, please be patient :)

user's asshurt will echo into eternity.
Even today, bringing up sales figures will send him into a bout of autistic shitposting. It's hilarious.

I thought it was fun and my first was MH Tri.
There was a gap of a few years so I didn't really remember all of the nuances of the old game, but World really wasn't bad. There was just a shortage of monsters to fight.

Attached: 1555369502248.jpg (494x500, 133K)

Which is something that Tri also suffered from, because, like World, it was the first game of it's generation. Content is always, always light on the ground for them.

>Tobi sprays on trees to mark them

i want to drink tobis pee

get this exact same shit with Nintendo Switch; which was beyond a shadow of a doubt going to be dead on arrival

Odogaron is a cool monster. Probably my favourite of the newcomers. His second rage mode is neat and I like the fact that you almost never see him use it.

There are a lot of little miss-able details in World, and I think it's nice. It rewards exploration and immersing yourself in the world.

>Good food

No wonder americans are obese

So should I get MHW on Steam or not? It'll be my first MH game if so.


>another blunderfag on Yea Forums is wrong
This happens all the time

Discord tranny spotted!
What’s it like not even passing on an anonymous board?

fun with friends
unless u have 100 hours to burn playing with rando

Discord bans alt-right channels

lets celebrate the death of the franchise.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but the convenience of having a cheap-ish decent burger right next to you is also a good way to get customers.

people would prefer it die if it means they can post some nintendo wojak edit

Yes, as we all know a game selling more than all its predecessors is a great indicator of a franchise being in danger. You're just salty over more people getting to play with your toy, you elitist twat.

relax nincel the next one will have a port for you tablet

you sound like a tranny

I played it solo for over 300 hours. It was fun, but then again i dont mind playing solo.

I never understood these articles, do they mean the first week or something?

When this article was published MHW was below RE4.

Attached: hmK1I62.png (613x435, 22K)

Oh golly gee a 13 year old piece of stale jizz insulted me on the 4channels. However shall I recover from such a harsh blow to my ego?

Best selling and top selling are interchangeable terms. It was their fastest selling game. Of course it's not going to outsell games that have just been rehashed and ported 50 times on every platform during the first week of release.

It just means that Crapcom can and will keep being lazy and sell their shit because they know that people will eat it and ask for more no matter what.

I don't really understand either. Reading the article it appears that the statement itself came from Capcom, which means that they're either referring to it in regards to a specific timeframe (say, a year?) or revenue generated.

this is why i dont take toddlers seriously

tempered nergigante when?

Not an argument

I suggest not telling everyone you’re upset

I''ve never been one to put my trust in big companies, but what you mean is "can", not "will". Keeping expectations in check is a good attitude, but nobody likes a cynic.

Wasn't monhuns threads before full of actual monsters instead of your generic anime girls with X part and calling it that monster?


You did this to yourself, nigger. Always do the opposite of what shitposters on this website say.

>Y-yeah... well it'll be shit in the future... probably!!!
Keep seething

Attached: 318271da980706f7a18a811c3456a77d.png (633x758, 16K)

10 years of pent-up seeth of having lost MH to the Wii

I'm honestly, seriously not. I know that I risk falling into the "if you don't care why did you reply" conundrum, but... yeah, I don't have such a fragile ego that being called a faggot or a tranny or whatever does anything to me. I'm even amused at getting that as a reply, thought I'd be more if it weren't such a predictable answer at this point - even a "you're wrong, fuck you" is often a better thought answer than most of Yea Forums can be bothered to come up with nowadays. It's all memes and tired insults. Such is life.

Wouldn't a better analogy for World is comparing to the change from Fallout 1 and 2 to Fallout 3, made by Bethesda? I remember "fans" circlejerk how they're a fan of Fallout 3 but complain how shitty 1 and 2 are.

The changes in original FO to Bethesda FO are valid criticisms. The seething over MH is entirely stemmed from console faggotry and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.

I don't get why this is used for shitposting. Nothing he said was particularly wrong at the time.

I hate people who over analyze companies and numbers, and always end up being wrong. If you base everything off your initial impression you're a lot more likely to be right. People overthink shit for no reason.

I am glad MHW is popular and we'll get to see more monster hunter in the west then getting the hand me down g-rank versions ported to handhelds.

But MHW is a really bad monster hunter game, end game is just farming offensive skill decorations and the RNG is fucking retarded, and this is coming from someone who farmed full Silver Rathalos solo on P3rd where every armor peice required a rathalos ruby.

Attached: 1551324770166.gif (88x128, 103K)

>The changes in original FO to Bethesda FO are valid criticisms. The seething over MH is entirely stemmed from console faggotry
What makes one valid and the other not?

>on P3rd
P3rd was the second most casual entry after World user.

All three fallouts were on PC

MH was a nintendo exclusive for the past 10 years and now it's exclusively not on nintendo.

ever wonder why tendies rightfully shat on XX before world was announced and now they act like it's unironically the best monster hunter game ever made.

Attached: cope.jpg (3154x3402, 1.47M)

Yes, but Rathalos gems were still cancer to farm in that game, they were easier to farm heavenly scales in FU.

One does changes for accessibility's sake while keeping the spirit and general feel of the other games intact, the other is a complete departure from its predecessors - from the way it's played to even the genre of game it can be categorized under (not to mention writing quality).

>Nintendies are STILL mad about World selling well

get with the times gramps

p3 and 3u are the easiest monster hunter games in the series. tri wasn't even particularly hard but they had to gut the difficulty from there on out after western audiences starting getting gatekept by tri barroth.

>Why yes, I only use the Hammer and Charge Blade, how did you know?

Attached: 22220542_319386541861155_2741447504431153152_n.jpg (832x1000, 47K)

About what? I will keep playing MH but I won't have any scrupule to mock the stupid shit they will do, just as I did for previous games
>laugh in frontier


>It sold well so it's bad
I guess shit like Sekiro and DMC5 are shit games then since they sold well and were well received.


Dual blades

>Cowardly tranny
Light bowgun
Heavy bowgun

Insect glaive

Charge Blade

>Special snowflake faggot
Hunting horn

Attached: 83234_v9_ba.jpg (1080x1440, 247K)

I loved the time following the release of MHW. The cope from Nintendo fans that continues to this day brings me great joy.

It's really amazing how strong the Monster Hunter brand was even before World.

>I am glad MHW is popular and we'll get to see more monster hunter in the west then getting the hand me down g-rank versions ported to handheld
What are you on because this only happened once ever in the series' history in the West. Outside of Monster Hunter G, Dos, and Portable 3rd we got the original on PS2 and all three Freedom games on PSP, Tri on Wii, TriU on WiiU and 3DS, and Generations and Generations Ultimate. 4 Ultimate was the only time Capcom opted to wait and bring the G version over instead and that was most likely so it wouldn't have to compete with TriU which came out here around the same time they were pushing 4 in Japan.

They've always supported growing the series internationally; where do people get this belief Capcom suddenly gives a shit about the series international success NOW when they always have?

>Hunting horn
>special snowflake
>not bro

Am just glad an Monster Hunter with an actual budget sold well, lest we be stuck with PSP-era graphics for fucking ever.

Attached: 1555240479911.jpg (566x500, 135K)

>bing bing wahoo
>N-noooo! Lemme talk about XX!

kys discord tranny

>shitting on charge blade and based hornbois
Absolutely disgusting.

Gem and other rare mats are going to be pain in the ass to farm since they diluted the carving lootable with the tails carving loot and breakable part loots.
No wonder why they let people exchange the gems with gold tickets, those slanted eyed bastard.

Depends on the game. Anybody that mains horn in World is no bro of mine.
>discussing anything on /vg/
That was your first stupid mistake. Your second was crying why can't you talk about your game of choice instead of just talking about your game of choice and ignoring the shitheads that say otherwise. Just discuss your game.

Attached: Horn Rockin.gif (256x146, 728K)

World is quality of life update while Fallout 3 is Oblivion with Gun, and the developers shit on the legacy at the same time.

Attached: 1555464053315.jpg (640x426, 157K)


Attached: mh salt.jpg (1676x2117, 729K)

>Play hammer
>All other weapons feel like shit now
Is there a point to any other weapon class? Hammer have big numbers, stuns, and good DPM.

It actually sold less than I thought it would
MH4 sold 4+ million on the 3ds in Japan
World sold 10+ million on PC, PS4 and Xbone worldwide
Capcom are a small time company though so I guess it's pretty good for them

My main complaint is the game isn't about farming materials to make end game armors to min-max stats, but rather farming decorations which have worse RNG then farming gem/heavenly scales.

>ever wonder why tendies rightfully shat on XX before world was announced
But they didn't. In fact prior to that they were hoping for a localisation because it fixed everything wrong with X.

If World was release in the Switch later this year, would it even matter?

They release the Greatest Jargas and AT Lavafish. Its kind of hard NOT getting the deco you want.

Well threads would see some kind of normalcy and Eric wouldn't have his Nintendofag criticism deflector but other than that? No.



Attached: mh fags.png (1702x365, 83K)

Oh yeah farming deco suck hard too

>tfw jut got 1500 MCD shares through a will
fugg I need to ask /biz/ what to do

Not really. It would be cool that Nintenduus could play World, but the game already runs like shit on PS4/PC. They would have to do some serious changes to get it to run on Switch.

Attached: nintendo ports.webm (1000x888, 2.98M)

mhw fix everything that was wrong with mh

>runs like shit on PS4/PC

How bad is your system? Honest question.

>also "fix" thing that didn't need any change
lel no

>mhw fix everything that was wrong with mh
>doesn't fix anything and introduces fast more tedious elements

That guy was mostly right though
I hope he comes back someday

>muh Eric
Fuck off.

>outing yourself

What an ironic post.

>people keep giving in the console warring while saying over and over the same shit for a year
Fucking shit stain all of you

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