>how can we get people to buy all the same games yet again?
hope this helps
>Still threads are popping up
Cope harder FGCuck
I feel like the companies are pranking me at this point with their sheer ineptitude to put out a product that actually appeals to people who enjoy arcade games.
>shit design
>High quality buttons and sticks
>Great collection of games
>Still too few of them
Overall definitely not worth it but it's not like it doesn't have a few good things going for it.
>Redemption arc is over
It was fun while it lasted
300$ for a two player arcade stick and some roms. The stick probably isn't comfortable to play on either with that crapcom logo design.
Literally could've just made it a collection for 30 dollars and everyone would've sucked their dick.
The only good reason a person would buy something like this is if the design was spot-on, which it is definitively not. If you just want arcade controls plug two fight sticks into your PC and play FBA. Literally the exact same experience. And at nearly $300 it's not like casuals are going to be buying this for convenience's sake.
It's pretty much entirely a collector's item to put up on a shelf and do nothing with.
It's meant for offline plan with your friends/boomers who come over without the intent to play video games.
>get license to rerelease AvP arcade
>only put it in this and not the beat em up bundle
At this point any millennial/X'er who would buy this has long wore out their friends patience for this sort of "fun" and wouldn't dare to ask.
Maybe a few zoomers will get some kicks out of it. But they're poor as shit and would rather just do the fight sticks + PC route with the hardware they've already got.
Maybe it's for the best. They probably plan to leave their bundle on the store until the day videogames are over. That wouldn't be possible with licensed games.
The only people buying it will be mancave boomers like metaljesusrocks, even though they already have real arcade machines.
They would probably only include 10 games max at that price.
I hate that you are right.
this looks ugly and uncomfortable, who the hell approved this design
You could literally buy a Genesis and all those games for less than theyre asking for
you know what would have been a cool gimmick for people to actually buy this?
If you buy two and hook them up to the same TV, you unlock both Power Stone games
You could buy an actual arcade machine for that money.
>pay 600 to play some games u can emulate
Fucking retard
emulating doesn't give you the true arcade Power Stone experience
Stupid ass idea.
Americans jelly that only us eurobros get to buy it!
This series has a ton of soul. How come they never re released them with online support?
It's literally the idea that'll get me promoted if I were working there
It makes collectors and fans buy two
You're just mad you didn't think of it yourself
Capcom probably couldn't make it work when they tried to
Capcom and fighting games is a funny mix
They literally created tons of gameplay mechanics that are used to this day.