What are you playing right now?
JRPG thread
Pantyhose Mythra is the prettiest Xenoblade!
God I love Pantyhose
just started Valkyrie Profile 2 its not bad
FFVII for the first time
Got FFX/X-2 as well for when I finish that
Still need to play Torna, I bought the expansion pass day 1 and loved the fuck out of Xenoblade 2, wouldn't mind doing NG+ and Torna, it's just such a time sink.
Vesperia: Definitive Edition. It's fun but I've played the original too much so I'm losing interest.
Looking for action rpgs I can play on a mediocre laptop or vita. I made a shortlist:
- Muramasa
- Tales of hearts
- Tales of symphonia (maybe?)
- Vagrant story (do I need R2 or L2?)
- Threads of fate (do I need R2 or L2?)
- Seiken Densetsu 3
- Terranigma
Any suggestions on what I should prioritize or ignore, or other suggestions? I like lots of jrpgs but generally prefer ones with solid combat, whether tactical or menu based whatever. As far as ARPGs go I like Ys and Soulsborne but haven't played too much more.
Persona 3
Xenosaga Episode 1, so far great. Cutscenes are long but entertaining, almost feels like watching anime
>iso image is almost 7GB
Big game. Heard Episode 2 was bad so will just youtube it and play Episode 3 afterwards.
Pokemon heartgold
Vesperia Remastered. Took awhile to get going but now that Yuri is just murdering people he doesn't like I'm interested.
Dark Souls 2. I always end up playing this game.
Started Atelier Lulua, got to Arls and realized that I don't really remember Meruru so I decided to replay Meruru's game.
Tell me your personal favourite PS2 JRPG's.
based Mythraposter
Mythra is cute in every fashion.
Digital Devil Saga 1+2
Shadow Hearts 1 and Covenant
Mana Khemia
Dark Cloud 2
Dragon Quest VIII
There's a lot honestly.
Ni no kuni 2
I come expecting nothing and i still got dissapointed
Finishing Trails of Cold Steel 1.
how is it
i've been meaning to try that series for the longest time
just started zanki zero
If you like wasting 100 hours for FUCKING NOTHING this is the game for you
Sounds perfect for me!
Make sure to start with Trails in the Sky if you decide to get into it.
Skies of Arcadia
How is Xenoblade 2's expansion? I adored the main game, but never picked it up
I need to finish that. I just got the doggo, but the grind was intense as hell, and I was seriously depressed and the atmosphere wasn't helping. Otherwise I really liked it
Final Fantasy type 0
If you like Xenoblade 2, you'll most likely enjoy Torna. I wish it integrated better with the main game, because it would make a fantastic backstory chapter between chapters 6 and 7.
Also get back on P3.
You're doing it wrong, all you need to do is actually learn how the fusion system works.
I'll pick it up when I have the money then. How long is it? 20-ish hours? And yeah, I need to. It's been almost 2 years. I'll probably watch the first movie or something to refresh
I didn't use the fusiom system very much because I had a very specific set-up of personas and abilities I liked, but if sacrificing that saves me hours of grinding, I'll fucking take it
>I don't use the fusion system very much
That's you're main problem, personas are not pokemon that you keep with you all the time. They have a limited usefulness and after that they fall off and you need to fuse them away.
If you REALLY like a persona you can register it before fusing it so that you can summon it later. But you're not meant to keep a persona for a long time.
FFXV. The combat isn't that bad. It's saving Grace is that at least it looks smooth and well animated. The open world is huge but it feels like the devs didn't know what to do with it.
You're probably right. I remember not actually liking many of the personas, which played into it. My only other experience with Persona was 4 and I was a shitter, so that doesn't help. I was probably just retarded. Some of the shit I used to do in games baffles me. I didn't understand tanks for a long time and went through Dragon Age Origins without one on hard somehow, if that tells you anything
>What are you playing right now
Metal Max Xeno, trying to Platinum it.
Some of these trophies are making me go "why". Examples:
Play every Jukebox song at least once (who would do that)
Max out a job (no idea what the cap is, I thought it was +1 but I got +2 job levels)
Defeat each SoN (boss) at least once (some don't appear until NG+++++ and that is if you beat the final boss each time on a new difficulty level)
Reveal the entire World Map (you need to literally drive up to the walkable area just to get some areas revealed)
on a side note, there is a trophy for getting someone to level 91. No idea why specifically 91, there the cap is 99 until you use items to raise it
Honestly you're not the first person I've seen act like that. A lot of my old friends used to bruteforce games like that.
If you do need some advice on how to play or you have some questions there should be a few guides or youtube videos explaining how it works. Or you could just make a thread here and ask.
I forgot one of the worst trophies
"Survive for 50 days", 1 day = 1 hour and the game, even when exploring takes like 30 hours to beat. NG+ resets the day counter.
Too much, 3 games at the moment.
>Chocobo Dungeon (Switch)
Finishing it. Thank God there are no in-game achievements; I would probably hunt down all of them and go insane.
>Devious Dungeon (Switch)
Technically not a RPG, but it has some elements... Really fun and addictive game, has that ''gimme my 30 mins fix'' feel.
>Chrono Trigger (Steam)
A classic. DS version is still the best.
Why anyone would care enough about trophies to go through the tedium of getting them is beyond me
Playing Ar Tonelico, it's pretty interesting but extremely easy.
'bout to play this after finishing FFX nearly 2 decades ago. How is it, lads?
Last time I mentioned the game this autist kept bringing up FFXV and why it was better. I don't understand why FFags get so triggered when anyone mentions Type 0.
Strange Journey.
I just beaten this bitch, fuck her.
>tfw I accidentally bought X-2 thinking it was XII
I was very confused, haven't played it since because it left a bad taste in my mouth.
Persona 5 on my PC
It runs fine, except it gets my CPU to 70ºC
it's just one shitposter.
Type 0 is an okay game but flawed. Still superior to the unfinished mess that was XV.
it's strange that the same guy directed both XV and Type 0 and while Type 0 was okay, XV was such a mess
It’s a bit tedious at times. The pacing is extremely slow with each chapter playing out like an elongated anime arc, slowly building up the overarching narrative. I’m assuming it’s like this for all four games.
it's supposed to be between 7 and 8, takahashi even suggests playing it like that if you want a congruent story playthrough
while you're at it, read up on xenosaga freaks and pied piper. Don't ignore the data logs if you care about worldbuilding
>Ziggurat backstory
Funny, my save right now is when the story switches to his point of view. When is freaks and pied piper supposed to be read? Between Ep 1 and 2?
What are some good tactical jrpgs that aren't FFT?
Dropping Valkyria Chronicles halfway through because it's not really all that tactical, just more "run your scouts to the other end of the map" repetition.
i read them before episode 3
radiant historia, it's not an sRPG though
By that logic fft is not really tactical either. Just smash every enemies with your best character every chapter.
That was next on my backlog until the gf borrowed the 3DS. I'll keep it in mind though, thanks!
Agreed user!
There's character variety AND a reason to use that variety in FFT though.
I'd be more than willing to give 4 a try if I had any assurance the map design would be built around actually using all the classes, but I've heard that it's more of the same.
would you believe me that is not the worst JRPG trophies I have done for Platinum?
But there is variety and reason to use that in 4 too. You're just nitpicking and choose to use the best job. You can do it in FFTactics with using just one job too. I forget which job but there is clearly one superior job you can use there for entire game.
Haven't played Pokemon and I'm interested in it, what would be the 1 best game to play?
Haven't even played Xenoblade but Mythra is really hot and the best girl in the game
tactics ogre for psp it was great
I'll look up some more on 4 but I'm really not nitpicking on 1.
The last 3 or 4 maps have been complete scout distance rush maps with no reason to ever field a soldier (forget the name, smg user). Same with mechanic most maps.
That leaves you with lancers which I wish I could bunker down with more often and snipers which are useful for the first 2 or 3 turns of a map max before they just get outran by scouts. Since rating and reward is completely determined by speed, you're even incentivized to play this way.
I even tried a mod to rectify this but it just broke the game on one map I was on so I gave up.
emerald, heartgold/soulsilver, or black and white 2. After those platinum and firered/leafgreen are nice. Don't bother with the rest
Why limiting yourself to one girl when you get two in the same package?
Looks interesting, I'll check it out, thanks for the heads up
Best SMT games? Only ever played Devil Survivor Overclocked (and loved it) and a bit of Persona
the ps2 games had something special going on
You're talking about 4? I thought you're talking about 4 for some reason. But anyway I understand that you don't like VC since it's not for everyone but I just can't see the logic that VC lack of tactics while FFT have it. I play FFT while I'm teen and I don't remember any tactics in it particularly since I beat it easily. I do remember there is a job in Tactics that is very useful just like Scout for entire game.
Don't force to play VC if you don't like it though. Why the trouble? Just play any other game. Tactics Ogre maybe since you like FFT.
Digital Devil Saga is good.
>you're talking about 4?
I mean 1.
Ok I'll probably get shitposted for this but the only thing that has been keeping me from the ps2 entries thus far has been how grey and flat they all look. Is that just the screenshots I've seen or does the gameplay just outshine it enough so that you don't notice?
In no particular order:
IV, IV Apocalypse, Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2, Nocturne, Strange Journey, Persona 4, Persona Q, Sou lHackers
The PS2 games are the best by far, 3DS games are trash compared to them. Digital Devil Saga and Devil Summoner are great
I guess this counts as a JRPG, you guys are playing her game right? It's on sale right now...
I'm referencing 1 for my complaints.
I'm not forcing myself to play it, I dropped 1. But I could be easily drawn into 4 if the map design was better suited to the unit selection.
I think every single Megaten game looks flat as fuck and hardly have color variation, don't know what to say. Never deterred me away
Just finished Radiata Stories. What should I play now?
The PS2 games are way better than the 3DS games, they have atmosphere and soul and the areas are pure art.
Since you obviously like bad games, I would recommend Too Human, Tales of Legendia, Grandia Xtreme or Neptunia.
You ''guys'' probably haven't played SMT on 3DS.
Did Yakuza count as jrpg?
It's trash
Close enough desu.
I guess, Way of the Samurai games are JRPGs so I don't see why Yakuza can't be considered as such.
I was playing Tales of Berseria but I'm just not into this new style. It feels weird mapping out your specials to buttons and having no regular attack.
ok retard
If that so then I'm playing Yakuza 0 now. Are there any explanation to why Majima is crazy In later series here? And is it reasonable reason? I'm in chapter 7 now any Majima is just like complete different character here. I can kinda guess the reason why he is crazy later though, must be Makoto I think.
what is best port?
i want to sit on my couch.
any jrpg recommendations with class advance systems+gear that isnt FF, disgaea, or FE?
PC version, honestly. The quality of life features outweigh the lack of portability.
Why would you call me a retard for that?
Playing P3 and so far it has been pretty fun, but kinda depressing. I have a question to people that have played it, can you date Aigis?
This is 4CHANnel man. Need to shitpost somehow
You can fuck best girl
Playing some xenoblade chronicles on dolphin. Beautiful game.
You can, if it's the version that comes with FES.
Base P3, you can not
Wait you get to fuck Aigis, how?
I was told to play FES
Currently playing through Pokémon Crystalplus
First time having an Heracross on my team thanks to this chart. Rest of the team is Feraligatr, Larvitar, Golbat, Donphan and Magnemite, just about to clear the 6th gym.
He's not really crazy, he's just carefree. I recommend playing the original first game instead of Kiwami if you like Majima as a character and not a meme.
Nah you don't really fuck her. You just imprint your finger on her "heart". Which is the same as fucking
What? But I thought that he is a meme there with Majima everywhere shit? Anyway he is just so normal, kind and kinda smart here while he's so batshit insane later. Totally different character and personality.
when will the next xenoblade be shown? 2 started development July 2014, 8 months before XCX released. Assuming some time went to Torna, Development started around July 2017
Dark Souls 3
It's part of the atmosphere, I think Nocturne is overrrated and mediocre. DDS is interesting but pretty tedious, SMT is great on 3DS
Yeah, so I recommend you play the original PS2 game instead of Kiwami.
My bad I'm blind. Already finished original one decadea ago. That's why I know he's insane in the first place.
Strange journey redux, last dungeon is a cunt like I remembered on the original
last dungeon isn't nearly as bad as Eridanus or Grus
Yahweh's universe? What's the original's final dungeon? I forgot.