Horizon 2

What new gameplay features do you want to see? I want to see:

>bigger breasts
>softer lips
>curvier body
>show more midriff
>thiccer thighs
>thigh highs
>more plump ass
>jiggle physics
>more feminine animations
>sluttier personality
>softer voice
>romance options

yeah im thinkin that would make a good sequel

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improve human AI and melee combat, keep the design philosophy of ranged/robot combat

A feature that bricks the platform they choose to play this game on

New MC.
Can't see them making Aloy interesting after the first game.

That sounds like an error. They would patch it.

how about interesting game mechanics so it isn't the most generic open world game in the past 5 years?

I would like you to point me to some open world games with horizon's ranged combat please

Nu Raider

stealth archery is skyrim's thing

you niggers must be retarded or never played horizon to think skyrim's ranged combat is anything like horizon's, and I played skyrim as a ranged argonian


Name 1 game where you take down giant mechanical beasts by dismembering their parts, tethering them to ground and can even sometimes use their parts against them.

Well, the enemies are indeed faster but you can slow down time so in the end its the same thing.

Monster Hunter

I said a good game

Freedom War.

Fuck, this game need a sequel already.

No you didn't

no, it isn't. You seem to think the bow is the only ranged weapon in horizon

>you can slow down time so in the end its the same thing.
negative IQ

it was implied

>You seem to think the bow is the only ranged weapon in horizon

The other ranged weapons are just a poor copy of Lost Planet giant guns, which you can probably mod in anyway.

the amount of hoops you're jumping through to try and convince yourself Horizon is generic is insane.

>it's generic if you mod another game to be exactly like horizon
holy shit

its archery felt pretty generic desu. it wasn't really any different from nuLara's


Did they wrap up the deal with Ted Faro in the DLC or are they leaving it open for this sequel? The past storyline was the most interesting part of the first game so that's basically all I'd pick this one up for storywise, don't care about Aloy or the stupid clan bullshit. New weapons that aren't just different elementals would be cool too. Maybe make enemies even more modular so that you can remove limbs in combat too?

that doesn't make the archery better

>Stop to ripoff Ubishit games and take some ispiration of good games, like Monster Hunter and BToW
>Better facial animations
>60 fps
>More abs pls

There's still the stuff with the masters. Sylens mentions cryogenics and there was a failed trip to the moon, I'm guessing they're stationed on the moon and waiting to work

>The main weapon is extremly generic and the other ones are just poor copy of another game
>therefore it isn't generic

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the main weapon isn't the bow, nice job outing yourself. Play the fucking game before autistically criticizing it because you hate sony or aloy's face or something

>the main weapon isn't the bow

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I get that they have to justify all the hours sunk on the new world by showing it off, but you can't have an apocalypse game that doesn't show off the old world as well. Also never make anything more interesting in your set piece.
>dallas cult bubble
Guess where my attention went to for the rest of the game? Thinking about people fitting 10 gal hats in rebreather helmets preaching about satan then drinking cool aid.
More old world shit in the new game, also more enemies.

not spoonfeeding you, you don't hack the robots with the bow

Its not the spear either.

Its her super inteligent clone brain

Days Gone will take that crown.

>fix her face

Like this?

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The hackbox isn't a weapon though.

>bothering hacking the bots

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Unskippable BMWF sex scenes.

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>remove all the parts with human enemies and rock climbing
>add even more robanimals

there, it's perfect

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>spear isn't a weapon
fuck off, done responding to you. play the game

Normal mode pleb detected, hacking was incredibly essential on very/ultra hard. Not to mention mounts

a better staff battle system

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Longer more interconnected sidequests. Quantity over quality.

Better combat with dinobots - let me climb them, ride the sawtooths etc.

More trap options, and revamped melee.

More of the best bro Sylens.

It's a secondary weapon if anything.

>hacking was incredibly essential on very/ultra hard

Litteraly just stealth kill the trash mobs then fire at the big monster while rolling away. Maybe fire some ice arrows to destroy one of its annoying part easily.

Oh. And higher variety of robots. Subspecies and variations.

I want Robosharks. Have a section where you dont expect them. Have to swim to an island and get ambushed.
Robo Spiders too. Walk into an area with metal wires. Have to avoid touching them to keep from aggroing them

More Incel Cuckettery! I agree!

stealth kill only OHKOs watchers on the harder modes (one or two more robots with the upgrade), hacking is essential because it doesn't alert mobs and distracts bigger robots. Fuck those ostrich faggots on ultra hard

I hated the Anubis enemies in the DLC on Ultra hard

imagine underwater combat

She can't with all that robo armor on. She'd have to take it off and wear a micro bikini

Id imagine they would have you find some old tech suit that allows it to work easier. Think gravity suit from Metroid

You mean like the intact armor she cut the shiny pieces off and it still works as intended?

holy shit nigger, the game was barely a 7/10, but you are retarded if you think it wasn't original

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It wasn't really. Especially not when releasing next to BotW in the same month. That didn't help its image.

I like to think what she did to it drastically reduced its shield durability.