We're in the period of calm before the storm. Post your switch libraries and let us know what games you're most looking forward to in the coming months.
Comfy Nintendo Switch Thread
Animal Crossing and Metroid Prime 4.
No need to buy anything 3rd party since it will be released on superior PC.
Will any of these ever get a Switch game?
> Punch-Out
> Sin & Punishment
> F-Zero
> Custom Robo
> Chibi-Robo
> Dillon's Rolling Western
> Starfy
> Pilotwings
> Wave Race
Really excited to revisit CrossCode, Cuphead and Dragon's Dogma portable!
Not with my switch right now
But lately I've bedn plauing starlink
Iz comfy stair fax giam, and the toys ars super cheap now
>more nincel shill threads
How have these not been banned yet? Fuck off to /vg/
It's a weird timeline when out of those its Wave Race that's actually been teased.
Dillon's is not too risky a bet either. Others are wild cards albeit Punch-Out has a good chance IMHO especially if they have a VR focus.
You okay, dude?
None of them.
Crash is on sale but I don't dig the missing reflections
Did they ever fix that or should I just go for it on PC/PS4
No I'm at the hawspitul
I always go for PC for multiplats.
I don't like playing at 20fps, I already get that cinematic experience with 1st party Nintendo.
Is Doom worth buying on the Switch even though I have it on PC? I'll definitely get use from playing it undocked but I don't know how well it controls
Why do you have such colossal shittaste OP?
>youtube app
>being above anything
Oh. Well I wasn't talking solely about Crash, just multiplats in general.
Punch-Out and F-Zero are the most likely but still unlikely. Maybe Dillon if they can still make it on whatever peanuts budget they did to get three 3DS games out.
>Nintendo flat-out said "if Zip Lash sells poorly, then Chibi-Robo is officially fucking dead."
I'm sorry, user.
Anyone just play their Switch exclusively handheld? I am thinking of just returning this Pro Controller then buy a DPAD shell for me left JoyCon.
Save some time and money and just get a d-grip silicone cover. The d-pad works great.
I fucking hate silicon covers.
>mario maker 2
>astral chain
>daemon x machina
>god eater
>world end syndrome
>DQ Builders 2
summer is looking solid my dudes
I do, this shit is a Fucking hybrid between the 3DS and the VITA that hooks up too the TV when you want too play smash in 4k with bros. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.
Splitters Critters is a fun little puzzle game, would recommend.