>dark souls is ha-
Dark souls is ha-
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spiky boi
I like how that arrow is pointing at your stamina bar to let you know you have a stamina bar.
uhh first dark souls has individual charges for each spell because it was based
Mana was good in Demon's but it was shit in DS3
>not daudi kaupmadr
Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1 and Sekiro are the only good FromSoft games. Realizing this is the difference between a patrician and a deluded shit-eating From fanboy.
Did he died?
You forgot Bloodborne as the best, but otherwise, yes, I agree.
Sad. You've not realized how mediocre Bloodborne is yet.
You just don't have the mental capacity to understand how great it is. Nothing to be ashamed about.
Tendie detected
It's liked solely for the reddit gothcraftian aesthetic and the fact it's Ps4 exclusive. Nothing great about it, dear friend.
>From only makes souls games
Yikes, also, ds 2 and 3 is good too ;)
>Thrall-dude and Kirk ran all the way to the Ringed City
Good lord
Despite the fact I mainly play on PC and actually bought a PS4 just to play it. Oh well.
I bet you think it lacks replay value, and there are too little weapons, right?
ds1>ds2>bb>>>>>>des>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ds3= that shitty weeb game
The absolute state
imagine having taste this awful
That is a complaint I have that I'm sure you'll try to flip around on Sekiro but Sekiro actually changes the gameplay enough to remain interesting. Of the two main playstyles in Souls (block or dodge), Bloodborne removes one and just calls it a day while everything else is the same. Fewer overall weapons and build variety etc. But the real thing that kills Bloodborne for me is how boring it is. Every setpiece is the same cathedral, every music track is the same choir, every enemy is a lycan or tentacle ayy. It gets dull very quickly imo.
No, he finally got to put himself inside his waifu
Sekiro>BB=Das>Des>>>>>>>>>>>>>poop dookie shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2
>He doesn't like Armored Core
Fuck off, emulating PC secondary fan.
-ving a baby!
continuation of this thread:
Not the OP from that thread, but I am the poster that claimed I can kill the Hellkite Drake with beginning equipment. Melee only. And can cut off the tail without having to attack the tail or use long range cheesing. I explained in the thread that the tail actually cuts off if you manage to stagger the drake. Strong enough consecutive hits cause the drake to do a “stagger” animation, and it seems the only “stagger” animation the developers gave to the drake is the one when the tail is cut. Hitting the tail isn’t actually necessary.
I’m willing to record, just need an user to tell me how to get PS4 recorded video on my laptop, so that I can post the proof on here.
Also, just wondering if people would be interested I guess
No, I'm going to flip it on DS. Every single right-handed weapon has some form of unique moveset. It opens up tons of different playstyles. Dedicate yourself to one stat or mix two, etc.
I also can't believe you're complaining about the setpieces, music, and enemies. Did you actually play the game? I'm seriously starting to question it.
Also, every From game, and pretty much any game in existence, has stupid bugs like that. Especially with hitboxes. You see them all around this forsaken board.
Dark souls really isn’t that hard
Put a USB stick into your PS4 and navigate to your capture gallery. Press options, and hit copy to external data or whatever it's called. You'll have the option to copy that as well as other files over to your USB. Then you plug it in to your PC and copy it over.
My fiancé has a bunch.
I’ll get started right away
Hi, I'm trying to do a DS1 SL1 thing in the remastered version. Am I fucked out of matchmaking if I picked up a Dark Hand or a Black Knight weapon?
>Every single right-handed weapon has some form of unique moveset. It opens up tons of different playstyles.
Not really, no. The game amounts to the same idea for basically all weapons: get them close and hit them, dodge them or stagger them or you're dead. Outside ranged attacks and parries there isn't much else to do. You can change the elemental attack of your weapons, but that doesn't change the core gameplay. Bloodborne isn't something like DMC where actual enemy control exists and combos are viable, so all the movesets in the world aren't going to change the game; hell, it's not even like Sekiro where you have a couple options on how to counter each attack. It mostly took out or gimped mechanics out of DaS and added very little substantial.
Please, name me some mechanics that Bloodborne added that come close to jumping, mikiri counters, perilous attacks, or deathblows in general and so on in Sekiro.
>It's been out for 8 years
>the passage of time is unstopable, irreversible
Kirk disguises himself as a humanity and offers himself to the Fair Lady.
Yes I'd much rather have sixty five longswords with different names and the same movesets instead of actual different weapons that actually do different things and are 2 at once.
Let's ignore how badass Returning the Lightning is for two seconds and tell me how it isn't just dodging and then attacking put into a specific context.
>using a non-scaling weapon
Low SLs are boring, except for the Two-shot Capra phantom build, that was fun
>Bloodborne removes one and just calls it a day while everything else is the same
>while everything else is the same
You forget about shooting and transform swap attacks, L2 sweeper combos, motion R2s, etcs
The fact that you're essentially always carrying 5 or 6 weapons because each weapon has more than one moveset and you have both a gun and hunter tools on top of that. Much more firepower than Sekiro.
I love coping faggots trying to lump Bloodborne in with Dark Souls in terms of mechanics, when it added just as much to the combat as Sekiro did.
>Dark Spirit has inva...
>The fact that you're essentially always carrying 5 or 6 weapons
Holy shit what are these mental gymnastics
You what is "essentially carrying 5 or 6 weapons?" Actually being able to fucking carry 5 or 6 weapons.
why the fuck would you turn your monitor off when you get invaded? everybody knows you unplug your controller
You break down everything to a barebones level in Bloodborne, while ignoring how the same can be done for almost every game imaginable. You also conveniently don't address whether you've actually played it or not, which tells me a lot.
Regardless, trick weapons, rally, beasthood, frenzy, weak points for enemies, and probably more I'm forgetting.
>you have been invaded by dark spirit Malcolm Reynolds
t. dark souls 3 zoomer
Furysword scales with Dex
You mean it's hated only because it's a PS4 exclusive
>getting hit deliberately
user, I...
>into a specific context
That's precisely it though. It makes the game mechanically deeper. There's less of those specific mechanics in Bloodborne.
Just compare what the different status effects do in Bloodborne and Sekiro:
Decreases health over time.
>fast poison
Decreases health instantly.
Decreases 75% of your health instantly.
Trades damage resistance for damage output.
Decreases health over time.
Stops posture regeneration.
Takes away one life (not the same as decreasing health).
Makes you old and incapable of reviving.
Massive instant damage and paralysis unless grounded.
As you see, the status effects in Sekiro all deal with separate mechanics, while those in Bloodborne are different degrees of DPS save for the one that can't be inflicted by/on enemies. Not to say status effect in Sekiro work both for the enemies and the PC in the same way (or at least those which you're allowed to use).
>You also conveniently don't address whether you've actually played it or not, which tells me a lot.
lol get out of your own ass.
>beasthood, frenzy
See above.
True, though it's not very interesting.
>weak points for enemies
Rarely used, and more rarely used effectively. Watchdog is the only enemy off my the top that makes really good use of weakpoints. For most other enemies like Amelia, Cleric Beast or BLB it only comes down to staggering them into death. Not to say healing those wounds makes them even more vulnerable.
perfect taste
I will never get this meme. It's crude compared to the later entries in the series, you deluded hipster faggot.
I'm pretty sure that the arrow is a status effect, but it does look like part of the tutorial with a slide that tells us this is the stamina bar.
But it's the FIRST one!!!
>Holy shit what are these mental gymnastics
Code for: "I got shit for an argument"
>You what is "essentially carrying 5 or 6 weapons?" Actually being able to fucking carry 5 or 6 weapons.
Each weapon has double the moves as a Dark Souls weapon, each gun can easily be used without needing a draw period like bows do, and hunter tools have no limitations that a staff does and can be used completely freehand with all other weapons still drawn.
And sekiro should be redditcore because >epic hardcore gaymers
>Mention that Bloodborne is shit
>Come back to check on thread
>Devolved into total shitflingling
Lmao fromfag cope
It's a sweep that does damage if you hit the ground after you're hit by it. Except you don't get hurt if it misses you. You also don't get hurt if it hits you. You just need to swing before you hit the ground. That's it. Like some dolphin, you dodge the hoop by jumping through it. Once you get hit, you just mash R1 and you get free damage just because you decided you could dodge into this attack.
Second, that big list is just status effects. Here's an example of mechanical depth that Bloodborne has but Sekiro doesn't; limb damage. In the webm, I am focusing on the boss' left leg. This is an easy target to hit because it's close to the ground, isn't something I should be avoiding like one of his weapon arms, and is easily accessible, but in theory you can do this to any and every limb on his body and can with other weapons. After a while, he falls to the ground because I focused all my aggression on that one limb and dealt so much damage that it broke. Now, so long as that limb is broken, it will receive double damage. This is pretty rad, but I can't stun him any more by constantly attacking it. It may be worth my while to switch to his other leg so that I can break both his legs and not have to worry about targeting a specific leg to get double damage. Speaking of things being worth my while, check out that gusher above his right leg. Hit that, and 30% of his HP evaporates. This is good, but I'm saving that for the second phase so I don't have to deal with his increased aggression for as long as the first phase went on for. This kind of attack focusing requires good positioning, spacing, and unlocked play to truly get a good grip on, but limb breakage often happens incidentally. A lot of people don't realize what they've done.
Sekiro doesn't even have targeted limb bonus damage, like attacking the Guardian Ape's head doesn't hurt him any more than his legs, so there's no real need to be precise with your attacks. You just need to do it.
>It's a sweep that does damage if you hit the ground after you're hit by it.
Lightning attacks aren't necessarily sweeps. They can be any kind of attack. Shock also cannot be blocked, which is what the whole game is based around.
>You also don't get hurt if it hits you.
You do get hurt if it hits you.
>Once you get hit, you just mash R1 and you get free damage just because you decided you could dodge into this attack.
Whether the mechanic is broken or not (which it is) is beside the point.
>Here's an example of mechanical depth that Bloodborne has but Sekiro doesn't; limb damage.
Sekiro doesn't require limb damage because its combat is based on posture, not on health. You hit and deflect enemies so that you can deathblow them, not so you can stagger them and then hit them more. It's an elegant solution to the bloated health bars you had in previous game, such as your webm. The game stops being about numbers and the fastest way to decrease a health bar and becomes about precision, attention and countering.
Now, it's true that spacing isn't as important in Sekiro, and surely if limb damage where implemented it would be a better game, but the way it is, the way has the same idea but refined and streamlined. Spacing is not as important because, unlike in Bloodborne, you can actually block in Sekiro.
Also props for using the shittiest enemy in Bloodborne as an example. Because a giant spinning hitbox of instant death is fun.
>You do get hurt if it hits you.
You get hurt if you are on the ground after it hits you. You can be hurt if it hits you, but very specifically, being hit with lightning doesn't hurt you.
>Sekiro ... combat is based on posture, not on health
Two things here. One, it's based on both. Health contributes directly to posture regeneration, making it incredibly difficult to break posture without dealing damage. Some bosses are much easier to be aggressive to and destroy their health rather than break their posture. Some bosses can be posture broken. Some require a little beating before they can be posture broken reliably. This is a good bit of depth. Second, that's not an excuse to skimp out on rewarding positioning, knowledge of an enemy's moveset, and in some cases (i.e. an ichimongi headshot) a ballsy move to perform because the opportunities are at dangerous times.
To say that Sekiro's parrying and posture system invites precision, attention, and countering isn't convincing me because I had to aim all those swings at the undead giant's legs. I wasn't just swinging blindly at him. Genichiro however is very repetitive; Attack once, twice, deflect, once, twice, deflect, attack him when he's in the air, deflect, wait to see if he's sweeping stabbing or just plain attacking, and act accordingly. Routine. Your defense is impregnable and in Sekiro defense is a means of attacking. Looking back, wouldn't standing totally still and not moving at all except to deflect, attack, jump and mikiri be a viable strategy for most of the enemies in the game?
>Props for using the shittiest enemy in Bloodborne as an example
Yeah, it was a good choice, because this awful fucking boss has more depth to him than the Chained Ogre.
>being hit with lightning doesn't hurt you.
It does technically, it does a small amount of damage on contact and then a lot and a stun if you land without doing the reversal
not that guy, just a random passing pedant
>tfw le funni scream man return never
This but unironically.
>that's not an excuse to skimp out on rewarding positioning, knowledge of an enemy's moveset, and in some cases (i.e. an ichimongi headshot) a ballsy move to perform because the opportunities are at dangerous times
It isn't, but a) positioning isn't completely gone in Sekiro, and b) positioning focus isn't a requirement and it's not what the game is aiming at. It's not like Sekiro has anything based on positioning that is half developped, unlike Bloodborne who just objectively has a very gimped RPG elements and shields that are a straight up joke.
>I had to aim all those swings at the undead giant's legs
This is a strawman. It also isn't representative of either game at large. Limb breaking only applies to bosses in Bloodborne, whereas the mechanics in Sekiro apply to all enemies to different degrees. You don't just mikiri the shinobi hunter, and you don't only mikiri the shinobi hunter.
>Your defense is impregnable
Wrong. Blocks will fill the posture bar. Deflects will fill the posture bar unless you do them perfectly, and even then certain attacks will knock you back. If you don't have the charm the game becomes even more punishing when it comes to this, since health damage is factored in on posture damage, so you can only block two or three times before the bar fills completely. You also have attacks which are plain unblockable and require dodging or specific counters.
And to repeat myself, there's more than one way to counter attacks. You DON'T need to use lightning reversal at all. You don't need to use mikiri counter if you can time your deflects and dodges correctly. Jump attacks can be dodged, deflected, or stopped by shurikens. Sweeps can be followed by vaulting over, an attack, a combat art or any of the prosthetics. And then there's the mist raven which can be used to never get hit or even set enemies on fire.
>Looking back, wouldn't standing totally still and not moving at all except to deflect, attack, jump and mikiri be a viable strategy for most of the enemies in the game?
Something like that is possible in any game. It doesn't mean you can't do anything else. This applies to Bloodborne and Sekiro, but in the latters case it's much more immediate and better tied to the gameplay.
>this awful fucking boss has more depth to him than the Chained Ogre
You bait on empty waters.
>you will never become humanity and go inside the fair lady
why live
>Bloodborne is a good ga-
All FROM games are reddit, desu, enjoyed by pseuds that think putting away animation cancelling, lack of any meaningful combos, just R1 and dodge/L1 (if it's sekiro) against shit AI that hit hard is """"engrossing"""". Sekiro is basically DMCV but just dumbed down royalguarding on DMD or MGR:R. Utter garbage, but I'm not surprised, considering how (for e.g.) BtoW is hailed for being.... open world, with derivative shrine puzzles everywhere.
tl;dr I hate you FROMshitters for plaguing the board with your meme games.
You're just parroting opinions for (You)s, faggot frog.
Hurry up, i've been waiting since yesterday.(wasn't the guy you where arguing with but just lurking and interested to see how you did it.)
>tfw I'm playing it for the first time
I like DMC5, Sekiro and BOTW. Can you stand against my power?
This argument is basically pulling out a gun, hand it to your opponent, then draw another gun yourself.
Bump for hellkite user.
you ds3 fags are the worst
uhh bro that's kinda cringe...
Sounds like something Isshin would do.