I'm a sucker for romances, suggest me games with memorable ones

Doesn't matter the platform, life finds a way.

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You will never find a better romance in any game than the one in Psychonauts


ff10 and 8

Disgaea 2.

Sengoku Rance

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All jolted down so far, thanks big time, keep them coming folks.

8, yeah. Especially with that helluva song.

10 though...

It's bizarre that the only Link/Zelda pairing that I think makes for a good couple is in a game that doesn't really try to push them together. (Yes I know about ST but that's a WW sequel)

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life is strange

Zelda in general loves teasing romances then leaving the payoff to the players' imagination. Even Skyward, which was the most aggressively direct in pushing for romance, never showed a hug let alone a kiss.


8's romance is a disaster, 10's isn't very good but it's better than 8's garbage

Have sex.

If you like romance, Persona 4 will destroy you
If you already played that, KOTOR also has great romance


Hell the fish herself wanted as much!
Love how this applies to both BOTW and OoT.
Nintendo you're leaving money on the table by not aping Shape of Water...

The Warden's dick is so powerful it turned an evil swamp witch into a loving wife and mother

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It's true. OoT is practically a godamn harem anime. You got Saria as the childhood friend, Ruto is the Ojou tsundere, Zelda is canonically the tomboy, and Malon is best girl.

>leaving the payoff to the players' imagination

The sort of payoff I'm thinking of isn't really appropriate for a Nintendo game

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The player x Monika DDLC
The player x the character they name in Undertale

Katawa Shoujo.

Thank goodness the FE devs have no voice in Zelda. Imagine the waifu pandering.

I want a game that combines waifu harems with Shin Megami Tensei's demon fusion, so you can do alchemy with your waifus to create the ideal waifu.

This image confuses me. In the first part the dress clearly wraps around her. The second part he pulls the dress and now it's apparently an apron?

Trails in the Sky

Viconia from baldur's gate 2 also hit a lot of the same notes and was the best romance in the game.

Tales of the Abyss

These two are strangely cute together. The main shovel knight campaign is just your typical save the damsel in distress story-line, but this one deals more into the personalities and relationships of its characters.

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It's being shown at an angle to make it look like she's not wearing anything else

based ranceposter

I came into this thread just to post about plague knight, and I'm so glad to see someone beat me to it, because I agree with all you said

What is Square-Enix's most successful romance?

define successful

fpbp came to post this now shut up and kiss me

Based Plague Bros

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Grandia II.

> learn to dance from the fish apple thing
> rush back to waifu to show her
> PK is too autistic

>I'm taking our child and leaving you, don't come looking for me

Unironically glad I stabbed her in witchhunt.

OP here, thanks for keeping the thread growing, writing it all down. More my friends, more.

Prince of Persia Sands of Time. I love how they build the relationship naturally, with both starting very naturally against each other, but not like typical hollywood movies, and by the end you truly believe they care for each other. And if you haven't played it, the "twist" at the end is pretty good.

From what I can gather, not many people like Super Paper Mario, but I liked it because of the love story and tragedy

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>he didn’t go with her
What a fucking faggot

Romancing Jack in ME2/3 is a better tsundere story.

was gonna post this.
i went trough all the game just to see how it ends.
i was not disappointed.

A boy and his blob.

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Not OP but I'm noticing little in the way of mentions from the 16 bit era, anyone know some good 'uns from that time?

Final Fantasy 6 (3 US). Had a couple cute love stories and a dramatic opera scene. Otherwise the 16bit era was more about gameplay then story.

I hope by 8 that user meant Laguna's story
Toriyama and Lightning's

FF 9 is the king of vanilla

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I realize this isn't the focus of the series and you need to focus on it for it to nature, but Ky x Dizxy is extremely underrated.
It develops naturally over the course of several games, it develops both of the characters substantially, it significantly impacts the game world and storyline, and it's cute as hell.
Its really 10/10.

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They need to release the remasters yesterday damnit.

Which games would one need to play? all of the Guilty Gears?

Final Fantasy 8 has the best romance of the series

X is good too.

FF9 I guess but it's kind of boring. 7? Hardly has anything at all really

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What console is that game on?

im so alone

Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is cute
Divinity: Dragon Commander's skeleton waifu is surprisingly good
Wadanohara has a decent one too

have sex

If you're just focusing on Ky and Dizzy and that's what is important to you, you could get away with GGX, GGX2AC, and Xrd Sign and Rev 2, probably. They meet in X, the relationship develops in AC setting up the events of Guilty Gear 2 Overture, and the reunite in Xrd.
Dizzy's story mode in Rev2 is a flashback to X, though, so really you could just play that and read the wiki for the rest.

That said, the original Guilty Gear gives good context for Ky's evolving viewpoint that leads him from "gears are monsters" to completely wrecking Sol's shit when he calls Dizzy a monster.
And GG2 Overture doesn't actually have Dizzy in it, but Kt's entire motivation is to protect her, even though he's a king who should have different priorities.

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I burst into tears when this scene came on.
Getting the robot Tippi was even worse.

Love You To Bits is a cute as heck game with a adorable boy and his robot waifu trying to repair her with nice flashbacks to their time together.


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sex in and of itself doesn't make you feel less alone

Have sex x2

>VII hardly has anything at all really
>Cloud spends his childhood pining after Tifa
>joins Shinra very young to impress her
>it actually works even though he doesn't make soldier
>she finds him all fucked up and nurses him back to health
>she is determined to stay close to him because she realizes there is something very wrong with him
>when everyone goes to say goodbye to their loved ones before the final battle, they stay with each other and finally bang

You weren't paying attention. It's a better romance than VIII, and I like VIII far more as a whole.

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oh fuck yes. indie recommendations. we need more of those here.

Persona 3.
Sex the robot.
The ending will hurt you.

For as much shit people give FF10 I feel like tidus and yuna's relationship was probably the best executed in the series. It made sense and you could clearly see why they would like each other. It had a major impact on the story and both character's arcs and it was cute.

Too bad they ruined the shit out of it with those EU books

Lufia 2.

First half is bog-standard even by SNES JRPG standards. Second half will put you in the rekt pile.

Also, look up a guide for the puzzles. The Ancient Sword temple is a cunt and a half.

Hmm, should think about picking up several of those alongside the remaster. Thanks mate!

Sad ending?

People are going to say no but VII.
The game builds up all these moments for Cloud getting with Aeris to make her death feel like a bigger blow so it works well as a tragic romance. That's reason why her death is such an iconic moment in gaming in the first place, without that buildup nobody would have cared.

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>Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is cute
Heres to hoping it comes to pc someday. It looks fucking cute.

To add on to this...

Just using FFVII itself, not the extended canon:

>Aerith finds another SOLDIER in Cloud who resembles and acts like Zack did.
>Finally a chance to make things up with her guilt over her disappeared boyfriend
>Doesn't know that Cloud is actually half-Zack in terms of personality
>Doesn't actually get the chance to say goodbye, she's just confused AF about how this guy resembles him so much
>Tries to do things alone to save the person she was falling in love with
>Fucks off and dies on Cloud, just like Zack did
>Cloud gets even further fucked up, not knowing that Aerith's entire attraction to him was just how much he was acting like Zack in the first place

>What is Square-Enix's most successful romance?

Hard to say, they all sucked in some form
8's was poorly developed and most of the development was optional
10's felt awkward
15's happened offscreen and was an arranged marriage

Dragon Quest V
Depending on who you marry, the backstory is good, but the best part is party chat with your wife/kids to see how they react to everything and what they think of you.



Needless sequels and prequels ruin everything man.

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Is Psychonauts actually fun though?

If you like 3D exploration/platformers it's good.

Yes. It's literally the best made double fine game. The story/setting/writing is what people like, but it's a great platform/collectathon too (well, outside of the last level)

Actually no.
The game is mostly mute with as little text or speech bubbles as possible with a strong emphasis on visual gags and humor; it’s well worth the small price for entry.

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>Doesn't matter the platform
Play Zelda on the CDi, then.

>Reno in VII - "Killing is part of the Turks job and I enjoy it immensely, Sector 7 was a blast. Anyone who crosses Shinra will get what they deserve"
>Reno in AC - "Whoops silly me slipped on a banana peel, gosh I really hope we save all these children from the Notiroth's. Whoops pooped my pants now"

Speaking of which, would the Mass Effect ones count? I think they managed to make them pretty memorable (at least Tali).

It's only her and Garrus that actually ARE memorable. Everyone else from ME2 get cameos at best in ME3 and Liara is just fucking boring.

Sakura wars my dude. The nigger has best route, so save hers for last

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I mean Jack is nice in that you actually have to commit to the romance and can't just hit it and quit it, although yeah, ME3 messed that up (among a long list of other things).

played it some years ago and I liked it, gameplay was okay and the characters were fun

Oh, ff7 if you pursue Tifa. It has a nice payoff.

Grandia 1. Bonus points because the girl is older than the guy

Why are video game romances generally so mediocre? The best I can remember is probably Xenogears, but really not much stands out to me aside from games that let you choose a waifu. I feel like this may mainly be because they fail to really give the characters chemistry and fail to make at least the female an interesting character in her own right.

I'll give Spirit Tracks for being the only time I really cared much about Zelda as a character, as well as about the relationship between her and Link. SS and BOTW try and force it, but they don't give the two enough interaction and the Zeldas in said games are rather poor characters.

I'd say the only other good girl for Link was Midna, but I don't feel like counting it since they didn't get together.

Ironically, I found that Monster Girl Quest had a damn good love story, one of the best I've seen in any medium. It does a good job of developing the romance between the characters in parallel with their character development.

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Cursed art style


whoever did that voice was perfect

I agree but it's hardly a game

TEC and Princess Peach

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FF7 nailed it with Tifa. The childhood back and forth and finally coming together was really nice if you went her route. Her saucer scene was really nice in expressing their relationship

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>leaving behind your dog

>since they didn't get together
I took the ending as Link leaving on a quest to go find her.

What's this from? And is it actually moving in context or you joking?

Source please

one thing that annoyed me about sakura wars 5 is gemini. She's the main girl and the most prominent on the fucking cover but you only get her at the ass end of the game.

I should play Sakura wars again in celebration of us getting the new one

As a combat character, yeah. But outside of missions she still has more potential screentime than Rosita or Diana, due to coworker and friend shenanigans
That said, the less screentime Diana has, the better

Silent Hill 2 is the best romance drama in the entire medium.

It's really good on showcasing love in a horrible situation. Very realistic on that front. I'm tainted because Leave is hands down my favorite ending in any hill game, but i think it and the entire scenario is done quite well, and shows an incredibly human side to James, someone hurting and did a questionable thing, but still loves Mary and gets forgiven because of that. I love it so much better than any other end to that game because of the love found within it
Fuck I need to replay it again

>Following a strong fan response at the 2016 Sega Fes convention, Sega decided to revive the series.

Since when does fucking SEGA listen to fans?

I really wish more games tried to be as raw as Silent Hill 2 managed to be. As much as you could tell James loved Mary, what he does is still horrific and yet borne directly from that love as well. Part of it, at least. I'd like to see some games try to present the low parts of love as well, without necessarily driving home the idea that they inevitably fade, but instead show how powerful of an emotion it is and how easily people are swayed by it or the lack of it.

That and maybe a story that doesn't cake all of this with 5 layers of insufferable "irony".

I'm trying to remember whether I tried the "hit it and quit it" routine myself (and reloaded) or whether I just watched a video about it. I know I definitely committed with my Renegade Shep, which felt slightly odd.

>It's a "Villain turns into a complete joke after their debut" episode
Hate this one

In 100+ posts, no Nintendo games mentioned in earnest. Is there a good Ninty romance?

>without that buildup nobody would have cared.
Someone should've told the FFXV team.

I think what gets me about SH2’s romance is how believable it feels. So many romances in games suffer from “gamifying” romance (just hang out with them a bunch of times to fill up a meter and then get a sex scene as a reward). Yet SH2 is just a story built around two people who love each other, both end up hurting each other because of that love, but ultimately each decide to sacrifice something for that love and for the benefit of both of them. It’s funny how Silent Hill 2 markets itself as a horror game when in reality it’s just this soul crushing tragedy about true love (albeit with a silver lining in the Leave ending).

On another note, PoP: Sands of Time also has a good romance for completely different reasons.

Irony fags need gassed. There's nothing more irritating than people making an artistic work that they themselves ruin by not having heartfelt sincerity in it. there's a time and place for irony, but it should never be front and center.
Only thing almost as bad is awful attempts at genre or story deconstructions

Danganronpa 2 and V3 have good romance subplots
Silent Hill 2
Sly Cooper 1-3 (the romance is a major focus in 2 and 3, it's on the sideline till the last chapter of 1 though)

Key is never to go Full irony because at that point you become as obnoxious as whatever you're desperately Not committing to.

When did the whole trend of deconstructions become the norm rather than a rarity? It's a trend I've noticed across all media-- No one wants to be sincere anymore out of fear of ridicule. People roll their eyes at a story that's secure in it's own identity for reasons that I can't quite figure out.

This is probably why melodrama (the good kind) and any kind of stylistic flourish is just absent from everything these days. No wonder most modern media feels so soulless.

Xenoblade 1 and 2

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Tiz/Agnes and Edea/Ringabel from Bravely Default+Second is pretty understated but cute. Yew/Magnolia is memorable for how fucking bad it is, which I guess is your tradeoff for having the first two be okay.

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That's brutal considering her entire story is people using her.

Is this a joke

How has nobody in this thread said the darkness yet?


Both games main romances suffer from the characters being too bland.

final fantasy 10 is very beautiful

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IRL romance is wholly unsatisfying and disappointing, 2D romance is superior play Tales of Symphonia for some cute, innocent romance

that's what the author (you?) think he did but it is poorly drawn. its a dress and then an apron.