>Overwatch Reddit-tards are currently taking the redpill after the disappointing Overwatch update
Oh no no no no! Blizzard gotta bluepill reddit before it's too late! They're losing sheckles!
>Overwatch Reddit-tards are currently taking the redpill after the disappointing Overwatch update
Oh no no no no! Blizzard gotta bluepill reddit before it's too late! They're losing sheckles!
3 strikes, you are out.
Like you!
>calling people retard while being asshurt caring about transexualwatch
Gay mercy when
it almost seem like a poor taste joke but then I think about the type of people who'd be playing overwatch to this day
Based redditposter
Kek, half that reddit is like this right now. Blizzard really pissed off a lot of people with this one.
What did they do? What's wrong with the patch and mission?
I’m on it.
not enough black people in it
Uh shit, okay. Brigitte is trans.
>No new enemy types, no enemy reskins, and the map almost plays out like a typical 'Escort-the-Payload' map, where there are three stops with no twist in the gameplay.
>They take Retribution, swap out three heroes, then throw them in a map Blizzard's been working on. It's pretty trash. They don't even get new skins for it. Then the ending scene. Everyone makes ambiguous claims that have no actual sense and we get a tease of someone who we've never met or really care so what's to bother.
>And the "face reveal" at the end. The omnic dramatically pulls its hood down...And we have no idea who this is.
>You completed the mission and found the truth...
>...the truth being that Blizzard is long done trying to develop the lore side of this game and now is putting everything into an E-sport.
>I doubt this event could've been more bland and barebone. It lasts a maximum of 8 minutes. The characters hardly talk to each other - no banter, no conversation. No fun mechanics, just fighting down the same wave of enemies that we had last year. No photobomb moments. We are told to 'chase the truth' and NOTHING happens, NOTHING is revealed. More questions than answers.
They shipped Mercy with the self insert Gengi. Fuckling Weebs.
>overwatch barely making any money anymore
>redditards expecting blizzard to put ANY effort into despite the fact they barely put any effort in even right after release
the better those retards realize the game is shit and move on the better for everyone else
When MCC comes out I can get all my friends to start playing that instead of this garbage fire.
There's no way this isn't going to go F2P. Blizzard is so fucking incompetent I can see them make this F2P in a last ditch effort, finally bringing in all the poorfags, hackers, and retarded subhumans to flood the game so they can inflate their stats.
Makes me wonder if they'll shove more microtransactions to make up for it. I just want an excuse to quit this shit for good, I'm too addicted to collecting skins and I've spent too much on seasonal loot boxes to let go.
Needs a netflix button on his shirt.
Roadhog pls
Is it still worth getting into overwatch? It's 14.99 on amazon right now
If you like playing against faggots on smurf accounts then sure. They always buy up extra accounts on sales.
>Oh no no no no!
Feel free to fuck off back there.
Only reason why TF2 survived going F2P is the community is involved. In Overwatch you got no map makers, no community servers, only animations is porn, no item trading and no fun allowed.
No. Stay away. Just because you wan't to fuck DVA doesn't mean you have to play as her.
i can't even classify this shit talking as mild, how the fuck does someone get banned over this?
>Shields are for dumb nerd losers
It's true though and this idiot has seen anything yet when it comes to being "toxic"
>"shields are for dumb nerd losers"
>Banned for being young and retarded
I support it happening
>still cares about Overwatch
Spotted the reddit-tard
What's wrong with Chrome? What's better
>I was the one using the shield so I called myself a dumb nerd loser and got silenced for it.
>What's better
this holy shit, the state of Yea Forums is sad
Based and low-RAMpilled
>Shields have no place in the game
I'd argue that they do belong in this casual trash, but they have no place in games that hope to be considered fit for competitive play.
how is that toxic, what the fuck?
>get banned for extreme insults
>try to use mild insults to shit talk instead
>still get banned
Based Chu knows where the priorities are
Maybe don't be a hateful bigot next time
>Shields are for dumb nerd losers
Well you're not wrong
And yes stay the fuck away from it and let it die while you jerk off to it's corpse
Chrome is better for Yea Forums because the 4chanx plugin is better and I don't have to deal with google's bullshit javascript captcha
I fucking hate Gengi fags.
What are you implying?
>team based shooter
You blizzard fags are something else.
>uses reddit
>visits Overwatch reddit
yikes 2 the maxxx
Even i who report every mean persons think it's too much
>They shipped Mercy with the self insert Gengi
>implying this much
Every website you visit, every piece of text you type, is sent to google through chrome.
Gimme a quick rundown on this event, last time I played OW was during Halloween 2017 and it was a literal rehash, they only added one more enemy type to the PvE. I fucking quit after that laziness.
What's wrong with putting Mercy with Genji? They have decent enough chemistry and backstory together. More so than most of the cast, especially Pharah.
So what, no new porn fodder?
Also, chrome is constantly listening to your microphone and sending keywords back to google.
>I'm too addicted to collecting skins and I've spent too much on seasonal loot boxes to let go.
for fucks sake user. skins are LITERALLY WORTHLESS. nobody in-game even gives a fuck about your skins that's how worthless they are
I support u getting a bullet to ur head nerd
The Archives event puts 4 characters onto a map while they fight through enemies, its mainly lore based, unlike Halloween they do something different, problem is, theyve been hyping this one up more then the last two and its short and enrmies are rehashed from last year, the only difference is its on a new map
>$2bn in operating expenses
>No new releases on the horizon
>All current games in the toilet
Dude, you must go fucking wild with your rants in every game.
I shit talk like once every 10 games or so and I have yet to get banned. I once spent an entire game constantly calling someone a pussy because they wouldn't get on the point with me because no one wanted to lose their hero in Mystery Heroes while two other faggots kept telling me how toxic I was and there was no need to call people names.
They should have banned you for picking a shield character and not using it like a brainless loser
Geni is a Mary sue
>Look he is a cool robot ninja
>His brother hates him but he dosn't hate him back cause he is so kewl
>Coulda killed his brother in a fight but won't cause he is awesome like that
>He can deflect rockets and automatic gunfire like a badass while having super human strength
>He has a cool long katana
>He joined an evil group but is now a good guy
>He went on a spiritual journey to find out who he is cause he is half robot now and robots are kewl
>He doesn't need a gun, just ancient techniques and ninja stars cause he is special
>He used to hang out in the arcades as a kid all the time and be lazy so look how he transformed
>He is always focused and never gets angry cause of his spiritual journey
>Brother is jealous of Genji cause he is so cool and brave
>Friends with omnics cause he is a cool guy like that
Since early on I decided to never use the chat because why take the risk, you can't get in trouble for being silent
>doesn't hate him back
I'm not really deep into the lore but I did watch the Dragons short and it makes it pretty clear that not only was he seriously considering killing his brother right there and then but that he had hated him for many many years and only recently learned to let it go.
>spamming voice lines
I haven't played in a while but literally everyone does this before a match. Blizzard is fucking retarded.
Is it better than it was years ago? It used o be so slow
I'm guessing this is why most arcade/quick play matches are dead quiet and hardly anyone speaks.
Absolutely none of those things make a character a Mary Sue
I do agree that Genji as a character is shit though. If they wanted to make him interesting, they should've given us the Genji that was still having a crisis between being half man and half robot.
>rebellious rich girl fucking a handsome rugged renegade boy she founded a gang with in their puberty
unrealistic, they were just friends
>staunch pacifist and medical doctor fucking her patient and helping him pull off sweet moves to kill people
now that's realistic
Thats another thing I forgot!
Overwatch lore takes its self way too seriously. TF2 lore is better than a mile just because they don't try to make it some cinematic universe bullshit
oh no no no no no no no no
Ashe wasn't into /ss/ at the time and McCree isn't man enough for her currently.
She's 2 years older than him
what? I'm using 4chanX on firefox right now and I have the no-script captcha enabled as well
>Not even an inch of MW levels of heat
>gets banned
How did we fall this low?
>age difference of 2 years, the female being the senior
Actually based
Try closing 3000 open tabs with porn and switching from adblock to ublock. Worked for me.
Fuck. Why do we keep so many porn tabs open?
looks likes its time for another character to come out of the closet
>Since early on I decided to never use the chat because why take the risk
It's like stacking consumable items for the entirety of the game to never use them.
Abusing chat is part of the fun, getting permabanned is final achievement for 100% completion.
The algorithms, they've done their job of making porn binging a thing. At least that's what I get for when I decide to watch a specific SFM thing or videos involving a form of cowgirl and/or creampie.
based and redpilled
>he never read the tf2 comic
So much good porn I want to read, so little time to fap. Humans need to evolve shorter refractory periods ASAP.
Brain tricks you into thinking that you're just keeping good fap material for later while in fact what's make your pp hard is the process of discovering porn.
I counter-tricked my brain and just spam ctl+S ctrl+V to save all the images and webms and later recycle for another mind fetish: sorting my gigabytes of porn it into well-organized folders.
you are too deep for me man, can't follow you
>Fap to something
>Save image
>Next day
>Look at image
>Art is shit
>Why do I keep doing this to myself
>Using SJWFox
It's appealing to the limbic system hoarding imperative
Not too late to announce she's trans then.
It makes me happy to know that Mozilla is dying.
>Release a new hero related to Talon
>Could have easily made a Talon focused mission
>Make a 5 minute rehashed mission with 75% reused characters from previous events
Lmao, the state of Jeff Kaplan right now. Glad the new event is being shit on
>would rather get called nerd than retard yet nerd is offensive
the fuck?
>thread didn't end here
Everyone replying in earnest fucking kill yourselves.
>Firefox is so good that Mozilla has to hire incompetent womynz and trannies to maintain healthy competition
Imagine thinking "dumb nerd loser" is a serious insult that could hurt someone's feelings