Jadwiga a cute

Jadwiga a cute

Attached: jadwiga_blog_header_tkl2334fasd.jpg (1920x1080, 342K)

Nice cape


Is Civ 6 playable by now? The horrible AI made me quit it really fast after launch.

ya nah absolutely no one in this style of computer animation is "cute"

Civ 4 a better game

How much of a zoomer are you to expect good AI in a civ game.

They've always been morons

No. It will never be playable. The problems with it are much deeper than what a dlc can fix.

maybe but you can't deny 6 has all the qts

AI in 6 was much worse than 3,4 or 5

Witness a guy who wasn't played any Civ older than 5. while pretending to be a boomer. But the zoomer's lack of knowledge and first-hand experience of what he speaks will always betray him.

Made for big zhmudzin bears

Attached: Zeme-herbas.png (150x289, 52K)

>inb4 tranny with their shit comics

Lol no

I think a lot of it was due to the agenda system. I get what they were trying to do but it just made them seem autistic as they obsess over niche little things, like the French lady getting pissed at you for not having spies despite spies not existing anywhere in the world. They should have just stuck with the programmed ai personalities

Made for my Germanic cock

Dont you ever fucking reply to me ever again, until you learn to speak proper english vermin.

u sure?

Attached: civ-6-eleanor-900x506.jpg (900x506, 41K)

Attached: Catherine_Loading_Screen.jpg (1025x769, 154K)

pre-6 the ai could at least sometimes do things right, even if by accident. in 6 they're just hopelessly retarded

The zoomer, exposed for what he really is, lashes out in anger. Do not worry, his anger is as impotent as him.

>300 lbs of makeup
>body that'll explode the second you take the clothes off

No thanks


Sounds hot

Attached: Civilization 6.png (1947x844, 1.55M)

your army is small

Attached: Cleopatra.png (1920x1080, 1.86M)

>Made for Germanic cock
>Made for Russian cock
>Made for Turkish ootheca
Being Jadwiga is suffering

Attached: Jadwreeeeega.png (1024x1024, 291K)

>tfw half of those are literal whos

can't wait for 7 when they make Hillary Clinton lead America

nah she belongs to Lithuanian chads

Those breeding hips lawd have mercy

>tfw no celtic femdom gf to peg you

Attached: Boudicca_(Civ5).jpg (1920x1080, 751K)

t. Virgin

can't wait for 8 when they replace rome with some african village consisting of 11 mud huts

This is my wife. Say something nice to her

Attached: Theodora_(Civ5).jpg (1920x1080, 1.02M)

>bonus when converted
>whole point of your civ is to get cucked

Who the fuck came up with these UAs?

reminder that Justinian was a cuck
>By this point, she already had a daughter (whose name has been lost). Justinian apparently treated the daughter and the daughter's son Athanasius as fully legitimate, although sources disagree whether Justinian was the girl's father.

>being a good step dad = cuckery

go back to /r9k/