Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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Is this a griefer interrupting a wedding or a ceremonial funeral? Seems like it. Only a Yea Forums loser would stoop so low.
This is bait but ya it was a guild crashing a funeral that another guild held
Yeah it's bait because that shitty 57kb image is so fucking recognizable. You stupid fuck.
The babby carebears who play this garbage game. Scared of PvP where you actually have something to lose?
i don't get why they were all lined up. there's no unit collision.
Roleplay, it's fun.
It's also retarded to hold an RP funeral in a PvP enabled zone without any intent to guard it.
the perfect WoW kino
It is. I could hear Scatman just by looking at the thumbnail.
You live inside a bubble. It's sad you don't realize this.
The funeral faggots. If they didn't want PVP they shouldn't have rolled a PVP server than announce this on the forums. I wish I was on that server because I would've been there tearing shit up.
>went to the serenity now forums to read about them
>loads of people shitting on them for being griefers
>every serenity now guildy would reply to them with links to meatspin and lemonparty
Those guys were fucking legendary
The guy who faked his death for "le epic youtube prank"
You're a massive newfag. It's sad you don't realize this.
>nice day for a memorial
>guess you could say that
Gets me every time dude. This video is comedic gold.
>how to instantly out yourself as a zoomer
t. the guy whos funeral was ruined
If only there were places in wow where pvp wasn't allowed.
Such as pve servers or non-contested areas.
this guy probably had a meaningless life and a meaningless death and would eventually be forgotten by everyone including the people arranging and attending the funeral
but now he's the reason for one of the most memorable events in wow history instead and will never be forgotten by millions of people and that's nice i think
The dead kid they were mourning, for dying like a n00b
It was a girl's funeral
Why is this retard sperging?
He saved a bunch of nerds from embarrassing themselves, the family of the deceased and the deceased herself.
He is a true hero.
Posting about WoW should be fucking banned.
I can't handle all this nostalgia.
wow fuck him then
The biggest irony of all is the chick who died was a huge fan of pvp and would likely have wanted her in-game funeral to go down in history as a wpvp gankfest
>mfw am friends with a couple of the people involved in this
>mfw people STILL after all these years get utterly assblasted when the subject is brought up
She loved fishing.
And snow.
And PvP.
involved how? as the mourners or the gankers?
the one's that got upset at it.
That'll teach those losers for playing on a PvP server. RPPVE for days.
use your critical thinking user, why would the gankers get upset?
>one time event that would have been forgotten
>part of wow history that is remembered years later
Nobody was wrong and everyone else got something to talk and shitpost about, so everybody wins
This is the video that got me into playing wow
maybe they feel shame and remorse?
At the time it was probably 'disrespectful', but it's made for strong, enduring moment.
For what? Killing a bunch of pixels?
Did any of those people crashing it get banned for doing that? I wonder if they would if it happened nowadays but I guess the servers are too fragmented for any sort of gathering in a zone to ever happen again
>doing some memorial thing in a PVP server
I mean, it was funny to watch, but, even though a funeral ceremony doesn't belong on a PvP server, it's kind of sad to realize that people would be such dicks to each other just for funnies and YouTube views.
Legit, if my guild tries to do this bullshit id want them to be ganked hard and dabbed on by bots moving in a swastika formation.
>guild having a funeral
>bunch of fat neckbeards playing make belief with virtual characters trying to make it feel real
They deserved it. I'd push any of those fat fucks into a bush/hedge just to watch them struggle to uncomfortably get out. Into the bush it goes.
>World of warcraft
Yeah no. Its mostly middle aged women and normie dude bros
If it happened today there'd be a million articles about "alt-right incel terrorism" and Blizzard would lifetime ban everyone involved.
Don't pretend like you don't know why
>2007: Autists attack funeral in a video game for Likes and Views to the tune of Scatman
>2019 Autist shoots 50 people IRL on livestream for Likes and Views to the tune of Gas-Gas-Gas.
Now I'm picturing the dark future of an Ancap dropping McNukes on half of all major cities on Earth while Drowning Pool plays, streaming to the survivors of humanity, "reply to this post or I hit your town next."
>for Likes
banned for playing the game? no
>Did any of those people crashing it get banned for doing that?
It was a different time for video games
I'm not pretending shit. Why would you feel bad for crashing a fake funeral in a MMO?
>there are people on Yea Forums, right now, that can't imagine an internet without constant, pervasive social media integration
Don't be facetious. You know perfectly well that some people could feel guilt for that. Emotionally, you may not, but intellectually you should
doubt anyone would even care enough to even have a funeral
his guildmates would just get pissed he didn't showing up to mythic progress and replace him with timmy from groupfinder (after he links his cheevos and logs ofcourse)