Heres your new Star Wars game bro

Heres your new Star Wars game bro

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Other urls found in this thread:

eye lmao

I thought that was supposed to be Mace Windu for a second.

Imagine being so insecure the mere sight of a black person triggers you.

somehow she'll end up being a relative of his with some sort of plot twist


no fuckin way that's a chick.


cant have chick relatives???

Deborah Wilson. Somehow the industries new go to black woman.

Imagine hating your own people so much you shill for other races on the internet.

how come i wasnt triggered over Marvin in RE2? This isnt about racism its about the cringy SJW cult who are trying so hard to throw ugly people in our face, promote homosexuality, degeneracy, etc.

wake the fuck up idiot

Jesus fucking Christ.

I can't believe they grafted Mace Dindu's face onto a woman.

Captain Anderson from Mass Effect is more feminine than whatever the fuck that thing is.

Is that the woman from Nu-Wolfenstein without the afro

yea thats what i was thinking, was like i seen her somewhere before, then i thought... nah... they all look alike

Why is it so fucking ugly, holy shit

Isn't the protagonist of this game the whitest boi in the galaxy?

Same face model apparently.

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It's the black chick from MadTV, Debra Wilson.

be hilarious if this is the protagonists love interest


>can't appreciate the beauty of diverse ethnic traits in videogame characters
Honest question Yea Forums, are you racist?

she cute

I can't even tell if that's a dude or a tranny.

im mad they picked some ugly sheboon instead of a melanin goddess

Because back then people weren't propagating the idea of an "sjw boogeyman". People just accepted characters for what they were and moved on like a normal functioning human being.
This literally happens every single time a new game reveals there is a black character now. WE HAVE THIS EXACT THREAD EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Looks like a dude.

Oh shit Bunifa Latifah Halifah Sharifa Jackson is in Star Wars!!

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i thought it was a guy until someone pointed it out

No darkies in my space game

Imagine still thinking so far in the past that you believe in tribal ideas like belonging to a people.

I'm an amerimutt though. Which european race am I supposed to shill for?

Marvin wasn't a major character or fucking mattered at all and he only matters for about 2 minutes. If they forced him to be a main character you would have had a problem.

need some earplugs for that loud reply

why does this ugly black woman face have to be in every game now?

Back a whole two months ago? I wasn't aware the internet changed in such a short amount of time.

No its because back then people weren't shoving blacks into everything. People just accepted characters for what they were and moved on because it wasn't for some political agenda.

That's the thing. She's modeled after her voice actor. It's literally the same thing as what they did in norman reedus and the funky fetus.
But no one spammed threads about that.

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>it's the same actress
>better make her look the exact same character from another role she did
Even the same five voice actors you hear in every fucking game ever don't all voice characters that look identical

>Bunifa Latifah Halifah Sharifa Jackson
I knew she looked familiar.

“Your own people” is a matter of perspective and all I see is that you are not my people.

For some reason this chick looks like Samuel Jackson

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You mean you weren't yet brainwashed by /pol/ propaganda at the time





I didn’t have a problem with Lee Everett though

>all this hate on her


Grow up.

She's been doing vidya work since like 2005, and VA work for even longer than that. The industry's just in love with face scanning right now for some fucking reason.

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Is that the Wolfenstein Bitch?

Wait, that's a woman? Not even being ironical here.

/pol/ honestly feels like it suffered the same fate as what happened with ponies.
Starting out, it was done as joking type of thing. "Wouldn't it be silly if people actually acted/thought like that? Haha!" But as it went on people that actually thought that way showed up and didn't realize the people currently there were just pretending to be retarded and mistook them for being genuine. Eventually they got overrun by people thinking it was serious.

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>muh /pol/
go fuck yourself I have never posted on /pol/ and never will
its sort of sad that you got brainwashed so hard that you just assume anyone who has a differing opinion from you is some kind of /pol/ boogeyman.

>plotwist, she is his sister

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Norman Reedus doesn't look like a retarded gorilla.

Erry tiem

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That's his step sister Mace Dindu

>post /pol/ shit

Ok kid

Of all the gorgeous black goddesses out there they give us a literal fucking baboon.

This but without the irony.

My dick hard or your game pirated. Choose.

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hey can't they cast attractive black women?
this looks like one of those 40 year old dykes with 2 kids.

>plotwist, Windu is Second Sister

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Yeah its her, same VA, same face scan. Shes a pretty good VA with a decent resume. But she has a face that befits that of an ape.

Basically shes ugly but the short dyke cut is what turns her into a baboon.

Isn't that Morgan Freeman

It's a weird timeline, with shemales being hotter than actual women nowadays.


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She's okay for a VA, the problem is the insistence on using facial scans on people that weren't good enough to become actors and instead became VAs. Japan meanwhile isn't nearly as retarded by getting people that can actually act to do the face rigs and the VAs to just be the voices.

>black women

"There is a black person in my game and I hate it but not because I'm racist its because of those damn sjws"

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why are you so obsessed with /pol/?
its not like /pol/ even created these opinions anyway they just happen to like it
but I guess if you really want to consume yourself into your own little boogeyman I can't really stop you
i'm not your mom or anything

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>you have to be from pol to hate niggers
Are you dumb you basement dwelling neckbeard?

yes, am i supposed to be ashamed or something?

Big missed opportunity if they're not related.


Before I know it I will start expecting Nazi warbots strutting about just as she pops into a scene

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Seriously, what is it with cuck devs being physically incapable of modeling, drawing and writing minority characters?
Debra Wilson isn't exactly a super attractive lady but she doesn't look malnourished alien trying to mimic Samuel Jackson like OP's pic

>but it's not because I'm racist
Niggers are subhuman and I don't want to see their ugly baboon faces in anything. Hang yourself nigger lover.

How often are you vocal about this opinion of yours in real life?

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why does that matter? you can't change someone's mind with just shame alone

scanning the va really only works for dudes, even then, the great draw to VA's is that they don't have to look like the character. pic related is the voice of demoman.

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It's a simple question, user, just answer it.

god she is so fucking nasty

>Debra Wilson isn't exactly a super attractive lady
Have you seen her lately? She looks like she's seen some shit.

i ain't gotta do shit you lefty drone

Idk man how often do you run around talking about how you want to fuck little kids and animals irl?

I mean they can make it work sometimes.

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>they're gonna make a stereotypically sassy black woman be your Jedi Master

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I see you refuse to answer it because you're not vocal about it at all, only when you're inside your tiny little room, like the little scared worm you are.

>Japan meanwhile isn't nearly as retarded by getting people that can actually act to do the face rigs and the VAs to just be the voices.

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serious question, when did we let unironic leftists infiltrate this site?

hold up hold up hold up
Are you saying that the Star Wars character is supposed to be female?

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you argue like a woman you little fagboy, shaming people on Yea Forums does literally nothing and when the sun rises tomorrow i will still hate darkies LOL

Literally anyone with an internet connection can post here as much as they want, user.

It's because men usually don't wear 5 pounds of makeup and 10 pounds of photoshop on their faces all the time.

Keep talking like a little bitch online, because that's as far as your racism goes, pussy ass bitch.

I've been here longer than you.

still gonna hate darkies LOL you're not changing ANYONE's mind

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Get a room you schizo samefag, you're not fooling anyone.

Imagine being so insecure that someone laughing at a weird looking digital character triggers you

Funny you try to exonerate Japan, because the only games I've played since LA Noire that I recall using face scanning have been MGSV, Resident Evil, DMCV


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Well, at least the representation of black womyn in vydia is accurate. At least, where the aesthetics (or lack thereof) are concerned. Irl, 99% of all black women look like a mongrel in one way or another.

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the only way to churn out more conservatives is to send more liberals into the meat grinder, we all been there as kids and now it's their turn

She never looked that great, but 10-15 years ago she looked good enough for teenage me to fap to

Not here to change your mind retard, just to show how much of a pussy you are, not even a true racist because you're afraid to say so in front of others. You're a fucking joke.

>few years after Ep III
>around the same age
>similar facial bone structure
>also a jedi master

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with that image and one sentence, OP has convinced me to not buy this trash game

You haven't played many recent games then. And RE2, DMCV and I believe MGS5 have all had face scans and VAs as separate people.

if you want to be the first to start lynching people by all means do so, i'll back you up then homie

they are ugly on purpose, they don't want to sexualize these poor oppressed minorities

>Product is genuinely good
>Crazies throw a shitfit because it's not based and redpilled or diverse and inclusive enough for them.
>Product is terrible and of low quality
>Crazies revere it as the greatest thing of all time because it can net them Internet points for saying they like it

Well why do they always choose the hottest white, redhaired/blonde women but always choose the ugly black girls? Why are they trying to get me to fuck ughly black girls?

>You haven't played many recent games then
You're correct. I'm sure I could name quite a few more if I think on it, but those were the most heinous examples -- the ones where you see a character and it's obviously just a 3D scanned human person. I remembered after posting that the GTAV characters were scanned from their voice actors, but I only found that out after I played. Their characters in the game looked like video game characters, not like they just crawled out of the uncanny valley.

Like every other race but white does? You fucking retard?

tell that to all the non whites

I’m not insecure but just look at it, mate
Is that a guy or a gal?
Fuckin’ ‘el, mate!

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You're not white?

you don't need to be white to hate blacks

it's just shills from discord
their goal is to "colonize" this place and make it "safe" for liberals "ideas"

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>diversity is great... in white countries!


I was going to call your attempt poor but you got some replies

Have sex.

That sounds retarded. It's only been recently confirmed that magnet fields have ANY kind of perceptible effect on the brain, and we still have no idea what that effect is.

>Disabling the part of your brain that makes you act on instinct rather than reason makes people more liberal
>haha libs owned!



Just use rest of the cast of madtv. You can even invite key and peele for marketing.

I really like how leftists try to paint normalfag everyday opinions as some racist nazi /pol/ conspiracy tin foil hat crazy ideas, they've been using this tactic a lot lately

Capcom is an exception. Not the rule. And some of the actors they've chosen for DMC5 and RE2 girls look weird IRL anyway.
Ada looks nice though.

>normalfag everyday opinions
log off

holy shit it's not a guy oh my god ahhhhhh hahahahahahaha

Have sex.

Just because something is common doesn't mean it isn't retarded.

that doesn't make them /pol/ tho


Your place or mine?

>board acts like retarded faggots all day long but is just being 'ironic'
>attracts real faggots who think this is gonna be their home away from home
>spreads like cancer all over every other board
>cries how they dindu nuffin when people associate being a faggot with their board

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The only winning move to make is to not play the game.

I watched the trailer for this and I am actually starting to get hyped.
So long as there's no dodgy loot boxes or DLC I will happily install origin for it.

So then your plan is for this site to be associated with SJW cucks instead? That honestly sounds like a much worse alternative.

What expression is this?

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>Anything not /pol/ is SJW cucks
SJW cucks are starting to sound great, actually

Looks like the Wolfenstein 2 afro woman
sans the afro

>only capable of thinking in two binary extremes
Guess how I know you have autism

Those are multiple expressions, most of which convey different emotions.

Yea Forums was a leftist site until you redditors ruined it

What people should really be mad about is the lack of alien characters.

>normalfag everday opinions
>hating black people and being a racial supremacist
black people do suck though but you suck more


Jesus fuck you are either extremelly ignorant or one of them.

her general emotion when a straight white male is in her vicinity


>he admitted what he was
what a retard


Dude I was caught off guard so hard by this I'm tearing up laughing


Because it is. Same actress.

>face scan of literally who actors
This will be garbage

No it wasn't newfag
if not on the right it was centrist.

I don't understand what is wrong with you
I don't even care about black people its just that I don't like having them shoved down my throat constantly and being called /pol/ or a bigot if I complain about it

The character in OP is ugly, not because she's black or based on Debra Wilson, she is poorly modeled.
Since real conversation is not allowed everything will be super inflammatory.

look at this dude

on crack

insert 4 tokens to play

I personally can't wait for the new Star Wars™ movie from Walt Disney Studios™

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lmao are you gay debra wilson looks like an old man

did she get cancer in the past decade or something?

>Imagine still thinking so far in the past that you believe in tribal ideas like belonging to a people.
Yet you would't say the same for Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, sticking together and celebrating their race/culture

game has white protagonist, everyone rejoices YAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!

turns out said black woman is protagonists love interest



I'm more offended by the fact that she is simply hideous than anything. If this is a character that I'm expected to look at for an extended period of time, I'd rather her not look like a shaved chimpanzee.

imagine being focused on ethnicity so much you use phrases like "shill for other races" on the internet.

all a matter of perspective, and besides that, she's not the first black person in star wars. sorry.


That's literally just Debra Wilson look her up mongoloids and mongolettes

People still trust EA after everything they did with Star Wars?

no but respawn + chris avellone doing an aventure game has potential. no microtransactions confirmed

Shouldn't you be on resetera complaining that the protag is a white male lmao

I'm black and I don't want to look at her ugly ass either. Western games can only seem to make decent looking black guys, I can't remember the last time I saw a good-looking black woman in a game (or in real life lmao). Thank goodness for Japanese games.

Spaceballs is a better Star Wars movie than the new Star Wars movies.

Taking pride in something you have absolutely no control over is ignorant

Ok fair enough, but why don't leftists call out other groups of people when they practice tribalism?
They seem to only apply this to whites

that's not much of an insult because spaceballs is great.

Debra Wilson is all tatted up and stretched eared now but her tits are great.

Notice that they never respond when you ask them that question.

Wait, It's the fucking bitch from TNC?

You went from being an edgy teen to a self-righteous faggot. Frankly you downgraded.

Minorities have no choice but to band together in the face of white supremacy. By contrast, whites are only perpetuating white supremacy with their tribal bullshit.

>dat evidence of shadowbanning anything negative

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>those see-through VA milkers

I'm legitimately looking forward to several hour long critiques of the movie tearing it apart. I may or may not see it on half-price Tuesday depending on how atrocious Yea Forums says it is.


She flashes and grabs them during a interview where she makes fun of Drew Barrymore.

Look she's probably a nice person, but even I have enough self-awareness to say "No, you shouldn't use my literal face in the game, trust me."

The new Star Wars game looks great.
Pic unrelated, just an image of Orlando Jones I had lying around.

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Whites are predicted to become a minority in most western countries, shouldn't they band together even more now?

Is that Samuel Jackson?

Maybe instead they could make it so that being a minority doesn't have to be a bad thing.

Or they can hope the next majority will be better.


Link good sir?

>Maybe instead they could make it so that being a minority doesn't have to be a bad thing.
Maybe because it already isn't, there are many minority groups that are more successful than the white majority, American asians for example

She is *quite literally* the ugliest black person I've ever seen, there's no reason to cast someone that ugly, it's not like she's a good actress.

What is with this board's obsession with black people or beauty?

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Debra Wilson's Whitney Houston is probably my favorite shit from Mad TV

Why are Asian men so cute/handsome

>He isn't obsessed with beauty
Do you like ugly things or somethin?

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Underrated post

wait, is that a girl? I thought it was a very ugly looking man the whole fucking time

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because japs, and especially the Yakuza team, have still passion for videogames, let's remember that the hostess in zero are basically modeled after pornstars

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my flanks

The earth deserves to be inherited by shitskins so you can see for yourself how they are

mai sids

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Do all blacks have the ability to make their eyes pop out of their heads?

I saved this just for this time.

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Nice try but it's that black chick from Wolfenstein.

I rewatched the first 6 movies today and something has been bothering me.
Why does the empire uses TIE fighters and the rebellion X-wings?
The empire is just the former republic, they should have the same equipment as the rebels.

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It's face scanning shit in order to help with facial capture. It's a dumb meme that devs keep falling for.

>the person who wrote this is such a /new/fag that he doesn't remember /n/

I don't give a fuck about /pol/ and never will. It's just a different flavor of Yea Forums with a haughty sense of superiority that's entirely misplaced. Until you faggots can discuss the actual important aspects of videogames, then I'd lend an ear. I'm especially not interested in the political leanings of the socially inept dregs of society who are more likely to scorn others than themselves for the smallest inconveniences that befall them. I'm convinced that this site has just attracted morons who think they're in good company, after we've spent years pretending to be morons for quick laughs.

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>are basically modeled after pornstars
Not "basically," they are. Most of the hostesses are, though some are just regular idols or in one case a pro wrestler - Since RGG Team put a lot of pro-wrestlers in the same game already.



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Pretty people are unrealistic standards.

>except if its a man

Too white.

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That disgusting black woman will only be redeemed if it turns pout she is Mace Windu's daughter taking the young jedi to crusty old Windu who will now train him.

We'll get Kenobi.

Jedi aren't supposed to have children. Anakin went against the Jedi Code marrying and impregnating Padme.

Mace Dindu might have been an aggressive Force user who did shit like crushed Grievous' chest, but there's no evidence of him ever romancing anyone.

>shemales being hotter than actual women

Attached: no way.jpg (600x600, 51K)

Right on. Thanks for the sweet pic and sharing truth!

If you make an attractive black woman people will just say it's white person with black skin.

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imagine being so insecure you believe that you are not actually visually repulsive, normal people are just "triggered"

my fellow white people....

>lets just make them look like ugly monkeys then

Great job fighting racism guys, ya dun it.

I feel like they actually use ugly black women intentionally because they know it will generate more media attention, negative from places like Yea Forums and positive from game journalists trying to cash in on liberal points. This one image has been spammed multiple times since the info came out.

>same cherrypicked image again
Yes, literally no one is denying that Claire looks awkward at times when you take a screenshot of her in motion or making a weird facial expression while talking. The actual character model is fine.
the only character so far that looks bad out of RE2/DMC5 is Trish. Annette is probably the worse looking out of RE2 but she's not even as bad as Trish and has moments where she looks fine. Chief Irons doesn't count because he was always supposed to be a gross fat old man
>That guy leading around RE2's release who kept spamming that Irons was supposed to be a "hot Chad" in the original and that him being ugly in the remake was SJW

Why can't you guys just admit your racist? Like, why do you keep hiding behind dumb fucking opinions. Least have some respect for yourself and actually come out as racists

>Why can't you guys just admit your racist
I am, however her model's sheer ugliness is more offensive to me right now. face scanning was a mistake.

Then go jack off to the million other female characters you find attractive? Does everyone female have to fulfill your standard?

>Does everyone female have to fulfill your standard?
In videogames, yes. If you expect me to stare at a gorilla for however long, at least pick someone more attractive to model.

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I'm sorry not everything can conform to your standards, I hope you are not too offended you fucking snowflake

The biggest offender to me is the hair. It's the hairstyle of a middle school black boy, not a middle aged black woman. I can't fucking believe a Japanese company in 1995 understood that better than present day americans.

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Someone's triggered. Did I strike a nerve?

Racism is just a social construct lol. It's not real.

Are you fucking kidding? That hairstyle is increasingly popular with black women above the age of 40+ these days besides weave.

He just looks like he got stung by a bee and is having an allergic reaction 24/7.

Really? I have not seen it all that much, but I am more of an African immigrant than an African American so I probably haven't noticed.

>no control over
wtf is this thread

I hate all races

It's incredibly common here in the south at the very least. I'm starting to see less girls with relaxed hair and more of them wearing wigs or just short just like OP's pic.

>turns out said black woman is protagonists love interest

She looks just like the chick from Wolfenstein, but wih less sags on her face

doesnt help that shes been in fucking every role that has the obligatory black person role

I think you're just projecting the hate for yourself onto others, user.

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I don't give a rat's ass that shes black
shes ugly in general


from mars

I understand shorter hair and wigs since black hair is generally high maintenance, but if pic related hairstyle is more common in the south, I'll just take your word for it since I don't live there.

Thats the fucking joker in black face

Get some glasses


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Why is this /r/politics thread still going

That is one ugly nigger


It's not

why is this annoying faggot being plastered into every game with nazis? first wolf now starwars, fuck off monkey

imagine being a furry faggot nigger like sonicfox

>if you don't like this game, it's because you're racist

Give up, you simply can't fight against this excuse.

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ah yes after getting slammed out of the windu he "transitioned" into her

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I can't handle unattractive black women in my games.

>out of the windu

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Yes, you're not conforming my standards of a Yea Forums poster. Leave.

She needs to get rid of that yee yee ass haircut

I wouldn't bite the hand that feeds, if I were you.

Spoken like a true retard

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It looks like they have the eyes wide open when Debra Wilson's are usually half-lidded, the nose is too flat and angled up, and her head shape kinda requires that high hairline she had when she had hair.

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all the replies just shows how right you are. all these /pol/zoomers are pathetic.
>inb4 no u

That's hot, but this is a blue board.

kys reddit

>all these replies
lmao Yea Forums is full of losers

why do you guys care so much about how a side character looks?

samefag resetera tranny

>boogieman buzzwords

seethe more tranny

>what was /new/
/pol/ is literally a containment board, newfag. /new/ got deleted cause of the racist spam. Keep thinking your nazi Yea Forums is anything but containment for you faggots.

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where does it says instinct?

>putting a literal sheboon in your vidya.

Why do game developers do this so much? Do they hate black women?

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Which clone wars era was better?

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the amount of delusion holy fuck

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I don't have a people and I'm glad I don't. Be an individual

I saved this just for this time.

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Let me guess you're a mutt?

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>threat processing is the opposite of reason!
Well, thanks for proving the brain damage part.

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Only one of those two sides includes the best Star Wars games of all time.

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>mfw they make the conscious decision to make the token black girl ugly again

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And with that, my pirate ship sets sail

It's probably because black people are ugly.

Attached: they should ban pol.png (957x531, 184K)

>It's probably because black people are ugly.

It's this bro, I am sorry to inform you.

Then just make her an asian girl with dark skin. Easy solution.

Attached: serveimage.png (1920x1080, 2.86M)

>Kino animation
>Threatening and evil villains
>Six amazing games and more above-average ones
>Diverse worlds
>Mediocre animation where fans tell you to skip half the episodes
>Punchclock villains that are redeeming themselves and come back repeatedly
>A couple of alright games
>60% of it takes place in spaceship interiors

Gee fucking willickers this is a hard one.

/pol/ is still cancer, even though this retard thought it was a smart idea to broadcast to the public that she visits Yea Forums.

I agree with you but
that's a man, kys tranny


Surely a tranny like you doesn't have a biased opinion lmao