Are you ready for all the P5 music in smash to be instrumental versions and shitty remixes?
Are you ready for all the P5 music in smash to be instrumental versions and shitty remixes?
Joker shouldn't be in Smash, he's a literal who and was only added because he was a new character, not because of legacy, but just the fact he's a recent character. Nobody fucking voted for him in the ballot.
It's even more pathethic considering that they went with Joker instead of other third parties with a ton of legacy.
> Ryu Hayabusa
> Heihachi
> Terry Bogard
> Bill Rizer
> Banjo & Kazooie
> Billy and Jimmy Lee
> Goemon
> Kunio-kun
> Erdrick
> Rash
> Travis Touchdown
> even fucking Steve
All of these are better picks than Joker, you can't deny this.
what were they thinking
God u are so boring yawn
This is pasta before anyone else replies.
Sakurai wants people who don't normally play Smash to play Smash. That means ignoring character that Smash fans actually asked for and look for literal whos. I don't like it any more than you do, but that's the way the fighter pass is going to be.
The 3.0 update feels more never-ever with every passing day.
P5´s music is already garbage anyway.
He was added because Sakurai loves Persona 5.
Is this fake?
>Splatoon music is purely instrumental for no reason.
I know this is pasta but god am I so glad Yea Forums isn't in charge of the roster. Would be 99% bara titties and furries.
>The date is visibly brighter than the rest
good, maybe people will realize SEGA is stingy as hell too
we didn't even get Jeanne or Shadow as echoes and Sonic STILL has shades of blue costumes
Sonic at least had vocal tracks
>recycled sonic music we heard a buncha times
who fucking cares
and fuck Lost World getting a stage
We have no instrumental of Last Surprise so I'd be fine with it
Joker represents a series started in the 90s, which happens to be the most popular part of a larger series dating back to the NES days. He's just in because the series has a large rotating cast of protagonists and his game happens to be the most successful installment to date. Megami Tensei has certainly been around long enough and had enough Nintendo releases to warrant representation.
>even fucking Steve
Way to void your entire post in one line.
>Best Buy leaks character model
>Nintendo forced to show 6 FUCKING S I X frames of a landing lag in a direct
I don't know how Smash Fans can be treated so badly. Why do you nigs even like it? It's not even a fighting game wtf
Yes but no remixes, that and Sonic Team does shit how they want.
Sonic X was notable for this since the Japanese version of the show got original music for the SA2 arc made by the Sonic Sound Team, and even played Live and Learn during the ending.
Seethe harder faggot
Kill yourself Personfag
No, because he's not releasing this month anyways.
>mfw he comes with no SMT remixes, or music at all
Everyone has prefferences of who they want in Smash. One person's literal who is another person's Legacy character.
As retarded as it seems Sonic was never going to have a drastically different colour for his alts. Being blue is part of his brand. At least his shoes change colour drastically and his wrist bands change too. and yes I am aware there was Red P2 Sonic in Colours/Colors
You want to talk stingy in the alts department look at Pac-Man, Namco wouldn't even change his boots or gloves, had to stay the same colour for brand integrity.
Technically speaking that's a Sonic Robot.
I will fucking laugh for eons if Joker only brings two or three songs.
Maybe that's the reason for the delay. The fighters pass advertise new music so maybe Nintendo have to jump some legal loopholes to get enough tracks for it to not count as false advertising.
Can't be worse than Midgar just having 2 though (seriously couldn't they have coughed up the rights for Bombing Mission at least)
How in the fuck can a character that's like a year old be a legacy character?
>Joker-kun became Joker-chan!
Says who besides yourself faggot?
Fuck off, Joker is a welcome unique character and ev-
>Travis Touchdown
I agree completely.
What's it like having literally zero taste?
They would've had that shit sorted prior to his announcement
>nobody voted for him in the ballot
yeah because persona 5 wasnt even out yet
Each DLC is slated for 5 songs.
I believe it was all just so they could do the YOU'LL NEVER SEE IT COMING joke.
His render looks so fucking good
You and I both know that's what's gonna happen
>ywn be able to rock out to the SMT IV soundtrack while beating up your younger cousin in Smash
[citation needed]
Sonic got his vocal versions though
This may be pasta but it is a factual pasta.
Will Wright ever be added into Smash? He already has attacks and special attacks in MvC 3 so it shouldn't be too hard for them to think of stuff.
Huh, this whole time, I only saw it cropped from the waist or so up. Least he's looking pretty slick
>Will Wright
too late for that
Only Hayabusa and Lotto "deserve it" More than Joker.
He is to represent a series that has been on Nintendo since fucking NES fuck you.
I want Crash to be in and has as much legacy (if not more) than your list, but I'm not acting like a sperg like (you) crying cause your favorite character didn't get in.
>there are people who think all newcomers have to be picks from a four year old ballot
Boy I hope she's actually a fem protag and we can use her in smash.