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Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: shhh.gif (310x262, 260K)

>be a DQ fanboy
>don't really care about getting a DQ rep in Smash
>DQ reputation gets worse because tons of non DQ fans are using Dragon Quest as fodder to keep shitposting

Attached: 1530850825507.jpg (896x1024, 195K)


could be worse

it could have been sora

he doesn't match the stats
that child drawing has only been used ONCE, outside of that it's been the adult Erdrick.

There's no group on the board more cancerous than rosterfag

I wish Nintendo announced a smash mobage just to fuck with all of you

By once you mean the official box art itself?

What a brainlett, stop posting.

Attached: 722F4E4D-D360-43BC-AACD-78CCE5CD247C.jpg (977x608, 180K)

Did someone has seen the anger of the nuDQ fans?

>giving him extra-chinky nipponese eyes
I guess they know nobody in America gives a shadow of a fuck for DQ.

>not the notanimeswordsman with at least 2 girls thirsty for his hero cock
>also the most popular DQ hero by a mile

Attached: file.png (850x637, 907K)

>Holy moly Mickey!! What is that sound
>M-Mickey? This is really weird, should we call Aqu-
>B-but the power of friendship... Jack Sparrow!! Do something
>mgg..mgg... ggggel...gelpp..

Attached: 7367AD67-FD2E-44CA-87DE-C72D50DD0FD3.png (1169x971, 196K)

This is the closest we can get to the "Dragon Ball Meme"
>artstyle by Akira Toryama, the creator of Goku and the Dragon Ball's Universe

I can already see the memes coming.

Attached: 1554509618567.jpg (480x640, 53K)

I think he is the more popular hero, but DQ3 is a more popular game overall than DQ5 (3 is the one fucking everyone has played in Japan)

Meanwhile, literally every other depiction of him has him normal sized

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i would've preferred yangus

Wouldnt it make Erdrick a huge faggot if he enjoyed sucking other guys up into his butthole?

Except there’s multiple official Toriyama drawings with Erdrick as a kid, in fact most of them are as a kid.

It’s ok, you never played DQ and don’t want a DQ rep in Smash, but being ignorant and saying stupid shit easily disproven is just embarrassing.


Attached: yuusha.png (1349x705, 173K)

Thing is that he's not a hero. His wife is.

Bottom looks more fun desu

I just got messaged that my order for his figure shipped

Attached: E3A58A0F-3371-4E0B-949B-33C97CF65BEA.jpg (800x800, 75K)

You mean 2

i dont want erdrick because its just such a safe, obvious choice.

any DQ hero is a safe/obvious choice honestly, I'd only be for the curly haired heroine from DQIV for the DS but even then I'd be disappointed.

I want something truly surprising. Joker, while still an anime swordsman, was really surprising.

>be a DQ fanboy
>shit post and don’t care

Ok retard, enjoy that room temperature IQ.

Attached: 81799733-18B0-48EF-B785-3F9280557917.jpg (225x224, 20K)

You are right bro, in fact the next Smash should cut Mario and replace him with Waluigi, that would be surprising as fuck!!

Fuck things making sense, YOLO.

As much as I love the series and grew up with it and would like for him to be in the game, I still refuse to believe a DQ rep will make it


>the trailer
>first thing we see of his character model is his Toriyama eye
>everybody's first thought is goku
>people flip their shit

Surprising but a shit choice altogether
Erdrick is a top tier choice, blame that idiot Sakurai for bloating Smash with FE clones

i hope SE doesn't have any additions lined up.

So what now of Sora and banjofags?

Attached: Yea I'm thinking Erdrick is in.png (639x366, 407K)

>anime swordman
>ever being a top tier pick
Okay retard

Are you still there?

Attached: DFA2920F-7998-4A93-A11F-70C75F78512D.png (680x700, 503K)

Soon, Erdrickbros

Attached: chadrick.png (710x897, 267K)

>With joker the number of sword wielding smash characters is going to be fifteen

Does a small knife really count?

Come on uncultured swine, where are you?

I bet you don’t even know why Toriyama drew this one since you are an uncultured Smash retard.

Attached: B6140514-CB32-4662-80AA-901388AE6EBB.png (338x400, 167K)

>>TFW you'll never play as this guy and get a Metal Box item which also gives you the effects of the bunny hood, and then final smash into a King Slime.

feels bad man but hey sword guy #40 is cool

Attached: index.jpg (218x231, 7K)

That's right faggot, much more than your favourites anyway

Attached: tp2.png (888x894, 520K)

Who has the small knife?


Attached: 6B01CB42-AA27-457E-A0EE-B9D0B15BEC7C.png (555x640, 408K)

Whoa... are you telling me that the most popular weapon in all of history is used by a lot of protagonists?

I really do hope you guys are prepared for when pack #2 drops and it's not him
You're gonna get forever laughed off the goddamn board, considering how often you fuckers have shitposted about him now

Attached: b18.png (400x434, 290K)

Slime is the equivalent of Rabbids getting in over Rayman, get fucked


Attached: D30FC514-614A-4EEE-AEB4-96013B4A1E03.jpg (499x700, 76K)

It's Joker's weapon, alongside a gun and his Persona

im saying there's alot more weapons than swords

>any DQ hero is a safe/obvious choice honestly
Not if they used the hero from Dragon Quest V, having monsters attack for him. Or the fact that He's not even the hero.. However, you can't really blame Dragon Quest for being "generic" when it set the standard everyone else copied. It would be like complaining Mario is too generic so he shouldn't be in Smash Bros.

In an ideal world, they should add "hero" to Smash, but have alt costumes. So you chose one of eight different heroes from across the series, not just Loto. Also, make them more of a mage/swordsman. Focused on using Zoom/Zap/Divine Protection. And not just attacking with a sword.

Attached: dq5001.jpg (460x520, 47K)

That's one of the two i was talking about
That sure as hell doesn't look like his artstyle

only the boxart in Japan, it wasn't even child erdrick in the west.

At least Sora has a potentially interesting moveset

>people shit on bandana dee for being "hat goomba lol"
>people want a fucking slime

Attached: despair2.gif (223x200, 1.82M)

This was the first one

>The same place that complains about anime swordsmen wants another anime swordsman.

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Wow I’m so excited for another generic anime pretty boy with a sword! Good choice, Nintendo. I’m so hyped I’m gonna go buy the pass right now!!!

>>one of the most iconic vidya monster designs of all time is comparable to some third-rate nintendo who and western meme garbage.

Modern Yea Forums.

Who else is maining him?

Attached: cute.png (447x697, 67K)

wait... what was that? you thought Erdrick and Steve would be playable? Oh man, that's rich!

Attached: dragon-quest-builders-2-1-1.jpg (1080x810, 326K)

It’s in this book bro.

Oh? He’s drawn as a kid on the cover? Oh nonono

Attached: F5913E71-4A3D-4AD0-9F16-A2705CA392BB.jpg (1817x2560, 860K)

>drawn as a kid
are you retarded?

Please tell me someone has been making Erdrick compilations it might be too late now

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sorry faggot, the "generic enemy" slot as already been taken.

Attached: wsT6PLznzEoCc8oTqq56w3.0.jpg (1200x800, 132K)

Over here.

based and buildpilled

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Good taste nintenfriend!

Fuck yes, DQB2 looks amazing

Redpill me on DQ.
Find it to be a bit grinding focused and music isn't as "good" as a lot of other JRPGs

that shit better be big, this is gonna be fun

Attached: happy sheev.png (228x228, 44K)

How butthurt are you right now retard?

Attached: 8C900C2D-434B-4070-B408-C04E2408A8FD.jpg (1836x1242, 384K)

But the music is fucking incredible.



Dragon Quest Kid is so fucking lame. Even Sora would be fucking lame. Get this Squeenix garbage out of Smash.

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>he thinks chibi is the same as children
also convenient how you ignore the GIANT ADULT ERDRICK DRAWING RIGHT NEXT TO THAT

Is this another Fire Emblem character? Looks just like one. I thought you smashfags hated them

Can't wait to get two songs only, can neither of them is Overture

There's more mediocre DQ games than Good ones.

I went through the entire series last year and the idea that III, V, and VIII are the best titles in the series seems pretty right. I did enjoy DQIV, but that's because the DS version gets this curly haired cutie.

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>any DQ hero is a safe/obvious choice honestly
>keyblade combo
>keyblade combo
>keyblade combo

Wait is his name literally spelt with the Kanji for bravery? Or is that not his name?

so then they'll just do a chibi version of erdrick for smash, bro

>Erdrick isn't even the fan favorite human DQ character
>Erdrick has literally NEVER shown up in spinoffs because licensing is fucked thanks to Toriyama
>Erdrick's game isn't even the one getting the movie
>people think he'll be in Smash
does Yea Forums seriously not know ANYTHING about DQ outside of word of mouth, I swear, Alena is a much more popular character and she's shilled CONSTANTLY by Square. She's like the Cloud and Lightning of DQ if there was one...

Attached: DQHTWTWBB_-_Alena.png (800x800, 254K)

>music isn't as good

Literally one of the few instances of adult Erdrick.

So now that you were proven wrong and we established that there’s more official Toriyama art of child Erdrick, what will be your next move? Leaving the thread in shame or continuing to act like a retard?

no they wouldn't, they'd do the version that's used in all promotional art of him, which is adult erdrick, not chibi erdrick.

Slime would be the only good DQ rep

>Find it to be a bit grinding focused
You don't have to grind in any DQ game except I and II, where leveling is all the game has. A big complaint with DQ games since VIII has been they're too easy and you don't need to stop and level.

DQ gets mocked for being grindy. But you have to grind more in Final Fantasy games than Dragon Quest games.

>and music isn't as "good" as a lot of other JRPGs
It's some of the best music in all of JRPGs.

The appeal of the series is NPC interaction, classic turn based gameplay and exploration. If you just want a game where you go from cutscene to cutscene with minimal effort, this isn't the series for you (except maybe DQXI). The other major appeals are nostalgia (kind of like Mario or Zelda) and the strong world building.

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>The retarded Alenafag is now in the thread.

Can’t wait for her to be cut from Heroes 3.

>one of the few instances
except 90% of erdrick art after DQ3's Japan release has been adult Erdrick, even later ports of the SAME GAME WHERE ERDRICK IS SUPPOSEDLY A CHILD

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>Erdrick shitposters don't know
can't cut the girl that's on the box boy

Attached: 3o6yespu2acy.jpg (900x1200, 249K)

Reason to be in smash is not the same as actually being in smash user

>Western box art

lmao, you really have no idea what you’re talking about, don’t you?

Attached: 6EB7CA7C-5B31-40E2-91E0-1CAB7ECE2C54.jpg (500x574, 152K)

>they wasted slots on DQ6

okay, how about this japanese magazine art where he's very clearly not a child

Attached: psaVLwN.jpg (1024x1012, 148K)

The height stats for Joker indicates he'd be Young Link height
Yeah, that argument doesn't matter anymore

No one's denying the reasons for Erdrick to be in smash

It's whether or not he actually is

>ars arcanum
>sonic blade
>drive form magic
>zantetsuken, ripple dive, magnet spiral, explosion, even fucking keyblade transformations aren't out of the question.
oh geez, guess all he has are keyblade combos

Can you prove that’s drawn by Toriyama?

Also you need at least 5 more drawings to counter all the ones i posted.

So you were wrong about child Erdrick AND about the importance of irrelevant place holder stats.

Cope harder Soracuck, you got absolutely blown the fuck out, go cry with Mickey Mouse or some Disney cringe, lmao.

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People say he wouldn't sell as well as sora or sephiroth but in reality the smash community is filled with a bunch of corporate cum slurping drones and will pay for literally anyone. Not to mention these faggots probably had goku as one of the top picks for the ballot so if an akira toriyama designed character gets in there will be so many memes referencing dbz (hell sakurai might just be autistic enough to reference something dbz in his moveset or taunts) Erdrick being referenced so much in japanese media, sakurai himself liking the series just like persona, and the brave codename all point to his inclusion. And no amount of mental gymnastics will prove this facts wrong. He's in. Seeth and cope sorafags. and I hope he's top tier.

Attached: Irrefutable.png (710x897, 532K)

Well, we already established he’s in ever since the Brave datamine, everything after that is copeposting.

didn't Vergeben say that Erdrick is going to get a Luminary Alt

explain this one, if CHILD/CHIBI erdrick is the one that people actually know and like. Then why are literally ALL DQ3 figures of adult Erdrick? Why are there 0 child Erdrick ones, isn't he supposed to be the version that is "iconic" the one that EVERYONE is supposed to be the most familiar with?

Attached: DQ_III_BRINGARTS_Hero_bg01_1024x1024.jpg (1000x1000, 69K)

>magazine ad meaning anything
Fuck off retard and get a fucking life

>yfw not only this but Nintendo announces a DQ3 remake in DQ11 style

Banjo is at E3, Sora is dead

Attached: test.jpg (600x600, 95K)

I don't speak fishhead how does this confirm him for smash?

Both are being announced at E3.
Erdrick is not coming faggot who posts the same fucking pictures every fucking thread without offering any actual insight

We don’t use the V word around here anymore, especially after we have several example of Japs refering to Erdrick as Brave and the support of Tansut and Gamexplain.

Attached: 38340EA8-D9F6-426B-B5CA-68B666FCDAAF.png (800x600, 500K)

Yeah, Brave is definitely a direct translation of for Erdrick just like Jack was for Jack Frost/Raiden :D

It's an ad from before Smash was even a thought, it's the codename retards that think it means anything

>Even banjofags are abandoning sora now

Erdrick is a tittle in DQ lore, not a name, retard.

Attached: 5CC12557-8A8A-4B68-87E8-EB631D612FAA.jpg (400x535, 73K)

>the support of Tansut and Gamexplain
When then that confirms it, he ain't coming :^)
Now fuck off


Attached: Vergechad.png (1158x424, 29K)

I don't doubt that Erdrick is coming, and I'm hoping for the kid version to help him stand out, but it might be the adult version, considering the fact they can change Brave stats

Banjo is dead and hasn’t been relevant sense the Nintendo 64 cope
He is never getting in especially not as paid dlc
Cope more faggot

SEETHING grinchfag

Attached: 66793FBE-0841-4E26-9719-4E09B74E8B75.gif (813x665, 123K)

How can you main someone that isn't coming :P

Slime is a better DQ rep IMO. Speaking as someone who has not played a single game outside of builders.

steve is never getting in

Nobody can refute anything in this video.


Cope harder anti-leakfags.

>still believing Vergefaggot

Never heard of ya kid but Vergechad speaks highly of you so I welcome you with open arms!

Attached: Incinechad.png (657x351, 406K)

>Two JRPG protagonists in a row
Come on Nintendo. Eject Sakurai. He's too old fashioned. Afraid to make Smash competitive because he still has the old-blood Japanese thinking of "We can't make it too hard then people will play it competitively for money!" and too narrow in his views to see any character outside of Japan. He's probably a bit racist towards non-Japanese.

>*blocks your path*

Attached: sugiyama-12.jpg (700x598, 176K)

Stop posting your channel

The difference bing hat goomba is just a fucking waddle dee (which has no unique attributes or abilities) with a swordlike weapon, and slime is an object that can change it’s form into anything and conjure all kinds of unique powers.

Attached: 5B69D1B6-09EE-4464-BB3A-E9179A7E5D73.gif (360x273, 143K)

Oh no he's broken! Based Insiders need to stop winning or else this will be the fate for all rosterfags

>still thinking Erdrick is in
>hating Sakurai




Good, both you and that faggot should be burned alive

Fuck you Virginbitch

Title or not, it's directly Erdrick's name

You know Insiders can be right and wrong sometimes

>doesn’t want banjo ... must be a stevefag
Like poetry living in ur head rent free

>believing """""""insiders""""""""
Can you imagine a more pathetic life

Despite his looks Sakurai is old. An old racist Japanese man who's stuck in the past. Smash needs some fresh young blood in the director's seat.

Get fucked by the electric mice


Attached: RevolvingEntireIndianpangolin-mobile_1.gif (368x208, 567K)


So off chance this fag is actually right Daddy sephirorth is going to be playbale?


Attached: cope.png (900x862, 32K)

>my generic enemy is better than that other generic enemy

Attached: pp ha.png (859x495, 852K)

>he's old
>so he must be racist

Slime is literally just an emoji, he's even worse than bandana dee

Attached: Chad.png (680x495, 421K)

I'm not saying racist as in a 'kill all niggers' /pol/ sort of way, but in a way that makes him seriously believe Japanese products are the only ones worth of recognition.

Neck urself


>he doesn't put a western character in smash therefore he hates all western things
have you never actually seen Sakurai's famitsu stuff?

Why are posting a sony character in a smash thread?

U know what it’s still his creation fag
He doesn’t owe u anything
There’s literally nothing that says there has to be a non jap 3rd party
Cry more
>Why is my Japanese game filled with all Japanese characters
Gee I dunno I wonder why fag

*blocks your path*

Attached: 95295.jpg (575x750, 236K)

>even after being put into Smash, no one still gives a shit about him
Even Zoroark didn't fail this hard

probably 3rd or 4th square character if we are getting another one, Dragon Quest is more important

>Dead IP vs a Nintendo published game coming out this year, perfect for Smash DLC.

>even after being put into Smash, no one still gives a shit about him
What did he mean by this?

Zoroark is hawt and my husband okay u will not bully him

I'm out of the loop. How does this confirm him?


Attached: 8EA19754-A792-4C61-A718-EE4B1DCA8F08.jpg (607x608, 268K)

But plant is good for the very reason I listed.

Redpill me on Dragon Quest lads. I know there's a bunch of them and they're all gorillion hour long games.

fuck you


Feels nice having all the insiders and Gamexplain on our side, literally the safest DLC pick

Attached: 42C20DDF-D50B-4729-BB72-5321B4786C81.jpg (650x650, 42K)

Why the fuck couldn’t Zoroark be in as a Lucario echo or something? It’s not fucking fair.

It doesn’t just another leak someone made
But this one seems more realistic I guess so people soom it means confirmed

erdrickfags are the smash equivalent of sonyfags on here

Because they are completely different Pokémon who aren’t nearly the same at all
>wanting a clone

Attached: 80EE9E5D-2BD1-4733-8FD0-DCB2C259A570.png (640x624, 224K)

Zoroark and Lucario have different proportions and it doesn't make too much sense for Zoroark to use martial arts.

Erdrick's a great choice, it's just FE's overcrowded cast that's a bit of a drag

I just want to see the fucker already, though.

Attached: YDmY93m.gif (456x372, 1.72M)

Slime is the fucking mascot. Kirby is the mascot of his own series. Not a fucking Waddle Dee. It's not even comparable. Slimes have literally been in Mario games too.

Comfiest JRPGs with a true sense of adventure.


Id say the steveniggers are more obnoxious

hey man feel free to name ONE single memorable scene from DQ6 i'll be waiting buddy

DQ7 is just as much a borefest as DQ6

I think you mean Banjofags.

Especially given how cocky they are despite the main "leaker" for him has been proven a fraud multiple times

I'm not fond of it but Zeraora would unironically make a great Lucario echo. They literally have the same body type and similar gimmick so you don't even have to change animations that much. Just remove the aura gimmick and slap electricity properties and you have a character. A balanced Lucario like a balanced Marth might be an interesting take too. More interesting than what Daisy, Richter and Dark Samus did.

EVERYONE is a bitch next to Terry. He literally BTFO half the bosses in the series and left the main game heroes to finish them off. He's so powerful he kicked his own ass.

Attached: download.jpg (182x278, 9K)

I’d argue Slimes are the fourth most iconic mascot in Japan after Mario, Pikachu and Hello Kitty.

Attached: 22CB76AC-D242-4215-9E3E-C904F54B37C0.jpg (640x427, 77K)

Funny, I'd argue they're the second most iconic after Pikachu.

Animation changes are a thing, and i don’t think they have different proportions.

His child is the héro

>Animation changes are a thing
At that point, you don't have an Echo Fighter. It's not happening.

>40 min of fucking theorizing

jesus christ, the autism of these guys


Attached: F54347AC-025D-4600-B5A3-AF2C420830F6.jpg (1024x846, 112K)

They have the exact same proportions. The only major difference they have is the giant hair tuft, but that would just function as a cape anyways.

It's looking very likely at this point that Steve in smash was just a red herring.

Attached: steveleakbait.png (1346x810, 228K)

Uhhh they wouldn’t play anything alike to begin with why don’t understand this

>the ending
>the ending of a fucking 40 hour JRPG is the most memorable part of the game

>At that point, you don't have an Echo Fighter.
...what? Are you forgetting all of the echo fighters that have animation changes? Besides, if Ken can still be an echo, zoroark can easily still be one.

shit, replied to the wrong post. was meant for

>electric properties
He’s a fucking dark illusion Pokémon
He doesn’t use a single electric move u retard

the one in the top isn't doing any gymnastics so it's worse

Kys anti VIfag.


He wouldn’t be an echo because he is totally different from lucario holy fuck why don’t understand this
His whole thing is based off illusion
Without that it’s pointless to add him

Well I mean where do I start. The only things remotely Dragon Quest I ever touched were Dragon Quest Builders, Fortune Street and Mario Sports Mix.

Are you forgetting that pretty much all Echo Fighters share the majority of their animations as the original? Don't get confused just because Echo Fighters tend to have different idles and taunts.

Ken is the sole exception because the team took inspiration from his original games.

He's talking about the Electric cat thing not Zoroark

>They have the exact same proportions.
No, they don't. Zoroark has longer legs and longer arms, I think. He also has his elbow in a different place than Lucario. It also doesn't make sense for Zoroark to be a martial artist.

Zeraora dipshit.

Literally who?

IV is the best starting place imo.


DQVI is boring slog. Don't worry though its tied for the worst DQ game with VII.

???? What’s that
We weren’t talking about that idiot
It was about zoroak not whoever that is

Attached: 1555426841298.png (1024x768, 324K)

Don't bother. Echo faggots are a million times more retarded than normal rosterfags. They oversimplify everything.

Because I mentioned it. And there's almost nothing they have to change unlike Zoroark. Zoroark missed the boat in Smash 4. They're never going back to an older generation.

I’m aware why would anyone want a clone anyway
>Seriously everyone hated clones
>give them a fancy name and add a bunch in
Suddenly everyone wants 100?
Are people actually retarded

Read the thread. >The appeal of the series is NPC interaction, classic turn based gameplay and exploration. If you just want a game where you go from cutscene to cutscene with minimal effort, this isn't the series for you (except maybe DQXI). The other major appeals are nostalgia (kind of like Mario or Zelda) and the strong world building.

Attached: 1462647909898.png (911x650, 599K)

It was very off topic and derailed the conversation nice going shitlord

Theory: square wanted to replace cloud for erdrick but because sakurai wanted the everyone is here they forced nintendo to make erdrick paid dlc just to get cloud. Sakurai thinks the west will not like erdrick therefore made a tweet about it.

So how do you differentiate between something leaking and someone guessing?

As a massive DQFag, you're pointing out the major flaw of DQVI. It's most memorable scenes are the prologue and the ending.

The big problem with VI is that it's a game focused on character arcs. But each character doesn't actually get that arc. Every character gets an introduction and one additional side quest involving them. Except Nevan who has no point except to take you to his village and get the boat. He's literally the Dragon Quest version of Yuffie.

Everything outside these very small, inconsequential character arcs is just busywork. Go to the dream world, talk to an NPC, go back to the real world, talk to his companion NPC, get a quest, go back the dream world, complete quest, go back to the real world, talk to NPC again...repeat 50 times while leveling classes as you go. I love DQ to death, but DQVI is the only game in the series I dislike. Because nothing in it is memorable.

Dragon Quest VII is no longer a slog, thanks to the 3DS remake. If only VI got that improvement.

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That's not even my problem. Aside the fact that these things are below clones. My problem is that people say shit like "all they have to do" and "they just have to" as if all that development comes out of thin air. Shit like an Octoling can be minimal effort. They're basically the same things as Inklings. Retards constantly suggest shit like completely different bodies and shapes and say shit like they can just reanimate every move or give them all new moves. If they were going to be like Isabelle they wouldn't be an "Echo". And I still can't believe people say retarded shit like "all clones are echoes but only the ones from Smash 4 on are labeled as them".

>DQ reputation gets worse
Only within smash shitposting, no one else cares about that.

Some of them are literally just skins
Like daisy literally was a skin for peach before just without a name
Same with dark samus and dark pit no reason they need their own slot
But problem with clones and echoes at this point is smash has like 70+ characters on the select screen how many more do u need? So like there’s is no point in adding new characters unless they are totally unique because it would just be pointless filler but people get caught up in idea that it might make x a fighter or whatever even if they don’t play anything like they should be
Honestly i would rather not have the character be added at all then be a echo or because it takes away from what makes them special
Literally pointless if they are reduced to a skin with few animation changes

And a lot of them are blaming Dragon Quest fans for doing the shitposting. Despite it being done by people who don't know jack shit about Dragon Quest. So the Dragon Quest fanbase is getting blamed for something Smash trolls are doing.

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Well maybe if the mods would finally fucking do something about the one iPhone shitposting cocksucker that's responsible for about 90% of it including this thread we wouldn't have this problem.

Esto es el fin, Sora y Geno.

Attached: Chaddrick always wins baby.jpg (1200x800, 950K)

I fucking love his design. I have a real soft spot for VI.

I don't mind if there's a subtle but different enough twist like Lucina. Shit that's basically a costume is a fucking waste. I don't know, things like Lucario without aura or Pokemon Trainer Pokemon without switching or a solo Ice Climber or Junior with a uniform hitbox or Olimar but the Pikmin plucking order is reversed.

Wrong, cope.


I don’t understand what ur on about

What if that Iphone shitposter just wants to have fun and is actually a huge fan of the series?

Then don't respond you cum guzzling faggot

N-no.... Brave was supposed to be Banjo

Attached: Sad Banjo.jpg (800x450, 116K)

And it's really just Yea Forums, honestly. But honestly, the rosterfags on Yea Forums deserve to be shit on by characters like Erdrick.

quit shilling your shitty youtube channel and you fucking troglodyte half-breed

Drink bleach retard

How would you fuckers feels if Freddy Fazbear got in instead of Erdrick?

Attached: 7ABBDC79-AD95-4C8D-BBAA-200CB1210AD2.png (1013x788, 553K)

Remember the last time the smash community called a character “leak bait” that was Incineroar and he got in fuck off banjofag

Brave was supposed to be banjo guys....

So down B counter
Final smash great aether

Couldn’t the grinch leak also have been considered leak bait?


Attached: D886DAB7-2D6C-40AA-AA2C-9CB8D0F30C32.png (1920x1080, 668K)

Put electric Kat In he a cute

No because every insider was against it


No Steve don’t dangle your leg over the bed there could be herobrine underneath

My understanding of leak bait is that it's the developers themselves leaking out something false. Possibly to catch employees who have been leaking things about their game. The Grinch leak definitely isn't leak bait.

Dont you hate it when some know it all faggot goes
>wow I cant believe Yea Forums likes this when they said they liked this/hated this
It's as if Yea Forums isn't one person or something.

Attached: 1550536737829.gif (400x300, 814K)

absolutely based

People said Incineroar was leak bait and now they’re doing the same for Steve

based chronobro
we're going to make it

That's because people are retarded. We haven't seen leak bait be used by Nintendo at all.

If your idea of fun is being an annoying as fuck, spamming shitstain, then you deserve a rangeban.

I swear it's the same person every time. I refuse to believe more than one person can be that stupid.

Expect litteraly anyone could see a new Pokémon rep coming from miles away and apparently they love shilling the newest starters also he is literally a wrestler
Not to hard to put it together
Any idiot could have guessed he was going to be in

Marth isn't the most popular FE character yet he was the first one to make it to Smash and also the one who never left

That’s not my point I just stated that the smash community though he was leak bait

>be DQ fanboy
>have wanted a smash rep for DQ forever
>potentially have one at long last
>retards rosterfag shitpost about him because he's not their retarded neverever pick like Gex or Lara Croft or some shit I dunno I'm not in the loop of these shitposting threads
I know a lot of people argue "but anime swordsman" but you can't exactly play that card when 90% of video game protagonists can fall into "anime swordsman" archetype. It's what they decide to do with their moveset that makes them unique.
Most of the swordsman characters in smash are relatively unique barring some clones like Lucina, Chrom, and Roy. Even then they have their own moves and own spin enough to be unique.
Meta knight and Shulk are also sword users and are incredibly unique. As someone who religiously plays DQ games, I know for a fact the "Hero" class every protag virtually falls under has a myriad of other cool shit like the zap spell line, as well as potential for DQ nostalgia baiting moves like him picking up a pot/barrel and smashing it, or bringing up a classic DQ text box. Or puff-puff

>white ink inkling

>Any idiot could have guessed he was going to be in
The only idiots that managed to guess Incineroar was /vp/. And it was really only shitposting in order to counter Decidueyefags.

Incineroar only became relevant in Smash speculation after that loz18 retard leaked private messages between him and Vergeben in August.

Attached: vp shitposting.png (737x417, 90K)

Amazing argument. You've totally changed my mind.

Dragon Quest also set the standard for the "anime swordsman" than most JRPGs use. So its stupid for people complaining about that. It's like saying Link shouldn't be in the game because there's already too many swordsmen. But Link came before the dozens of FE characters.

Uhhh no ur just retarded
No clue who either of those are
But seriously it isn’t hard after they did the same thing with greninja
Lol because it newest starter and a ninja
Obviously they are going to go with the one that would be easiest to make a fighter out
Fuck are u people actually this retarded

so kill yourself basically

>Conversation about people thinking Incineroar was leakbait
>Doesn't know who Vergeben or Loz18 are
Don't reply to me.

>waaahah why don’t u know about some internet Fags I like to jerk off
Sorry u were to retarded to literally guess the most obvious inclusion ever

You will never get past Square Enix, Erdrick Blanco

Attached: El Grande Padre.jpg (214x236, 8K)

fuck slimefags, erdrick or bust

She was in the original release as well.