Anno 1800

Your city has grown more beautiful.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 208K)

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Does making roads double wide actually do anything?
I noticed firefighters and shit can get caught behind civilian carts and stock carts, I wonder if they'll manuever around them better like that.

>making hyper-efficient grid cities
Why even do that when you're incentivized not to with the new attractiveness mechanic?

Service wagons can get stuck behind others, otherwise no. Upgrading roads increases the service distance though.

Attached: screenshot_2019-04-16-10-40-38.jpg (1920x1200, 983K)

>you're incentivized not to with the new attractiveness mechanic
How does that work in regards to hampering grid cities?
Asking out of curiosity, not skepticism by the way.

i think people do it because it looks better.

I wanna fuck my sister

special buildings have dimentions that usually fuck with your grid and they have to be placed as close to the centre as possible

Not even true - radius doesn't matter in the same way it used to.

There's a bunch of new beautification tiles that are single and small-gridded, and making spaces like avenues and small neighborhood parks both looks good and grants bonuses to how 'attractive' your island is, granting you money, prestige, etc. Both the road system and the park system makes it less important to make hyper-efficient grids like previous Anno games.

Attached: screenshot_2019-04-16-10-41-10.jpg (1920x1200, 1.05M)

where do i learn how to crack games? not as in download torrents, but be the person who makes the torrents

The small improvement tiles do absolutely nothing though
Having a Zoo or a Museum with a few exhibits gives you more beauty than several million invested in parks

Post pics

reminder to improvise as you build, imperfections will give your town soul. symmetry is your enemy. and keep your production buildings and housing separated.

Attached: Original plasma gun 2.gif (366x467, 61K)

Whats his problem?

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>all that tight space divided by rivers in the new world

You could've filled these empty spots with decorations then

I can run anno 1404 on high @1080p and it never went below 30fps.
How big is the change that anno 1800 doesnt even want to start up no my toaster?

Are they trying to copy Tropico?

not gonna work

>Achievement needed to unlock his portrait is called "Fake News"
Germanistan just can't help themselves can they?

The ship speed and general pathing in this is REALLY starting to piss me off. The ship's pathing makes no sense and speed at which it needs to go to perform an 8-point turn just to change directions is fucking ridiculously slow.

>Your city has grown more beautiful.
Thanks, senpai. You too.

Attached: 20190417002656_1.jpg (1920x1018, 420K)

>Commie block
Miss me with that shit

maybe, but i found this video of anno 1800 running on a laptop with intel graphics, every setting on low ofcourse and there is lag.
I'm going to try anyway.

You can place flowers, trees, etc 1 tile shit that increases beauty.
Also, building radios isn't on/off anymore, its more gradual, so you don't have that one house out of range of the church, it just gets less than 100% benefit instead.

how the FUCK is this getting sub 60fps on a fucking 2080ti?

Should I buy this today?

You're a bit late if you wanted it on Steam


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I don't really care about steam but why?

Try running it in DX12 mode

I have a 980ti and the fps is all over the place, depending on what's on screen. I've seen it as high as 100 and as low as 25, not that the FPS even matters in a game like this.

How do you get the 3 star NPCs to like you?
Playing with the admiral, the old lady and the psychopath and they all hate me for some reason even though I do their missions whenever possible.

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I think there's still a few hours remaining where it can still be purchased on Steam. But no more after today.

Because they've moved to the ching chong store. Now it's either that or uplay directly

yeah DX12 helps, and apparently running steam offline mode helps stablize things. I get drops down to the 30's when zooming in or out. Shits weird.

how far can i build houses from the marketplace?


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Is the starting island always the same?
And what island size do you guys play on (if you use custom settings)?

I just had 10 slaughterhouses in the radius of a union with a +30% production guy. Maximizing unions seems way more powerful than autistic grids with warehouse in the middle

No. If you star sandbox, the maps are randomly generated and the island size is dependent on the difficulty.

Starting with boat is much more interesting imo

tweaked the settings to medium islands, medium fertility and yet everything else so hard it counts as expert difficulty for the achievement.

The third fertility is random. And I prefer big islands.

I think some npcs are just meant to always be antagonizing.

>making people sleep in dirt hovels
no beauty here boss

you can try to bribe or sweet talk them in the diplomacy menu

I'm pretty torn on getting this game. It's looks great and satisfies that production chain itch, but the girl power meme is really strong in it.

Tell me how much this game is better than tropico series


Not even fishing for it, things like this just keep cropping up.

apples and oranges imo

Attached: strongest item in game.jpg (329x512, 29K)

Is it island-wide?

The title of the item is cancer, but the description is pretty inoffensive.

Orange is objectively better than apple.
Which of the two is orange?

>equal rights is cancer
okay, mormon!

Cute layout

Attached: 9872382.png (990x990, 132K)

it's an actual 18th century book

Absolutely disgusto

Well fuck me, I learned something today.

imo Anno 1800 is objectively better now, I really get the feeling they know exactly what they're doing, the whole game clicks together
Tropico is fun, but could be way better

Princess Qing is my wife!

>how far can i build houses from the marketplace?
pretty far if your road network is good.

>center based shit
for what purpose, you dont have to do this anymore. people still did this crap in 2205 for no reason too.

Don't knock 19th century feminism dude, it was nothing like the bullshit feminism of today.

Brainlet here, how do i rotate buildings?

< and >

check your key bindings in the options

Nevermind that building coverage areas are so wildly different that you'd end up doing worse by trying to plop a layout, rather than just placing services here and there
Delivery carts are belong to the production building now, so production layouts are pointless, the bottleneck is warehouses per production buildings
Feels so fucking, I'm more than happy, I feel vindicated against the shitty layout gameplay

Click the mouse wheel

>imo Anno 1800 is objectively better now
have been reading that a lot lately.
Anons calling it a upgrade to 1404 in almost every way.
Really looking forward to this one.

Theres no downside to it? What about the destabilization of your society, invasion by the third world, and plumetting of birthrates?

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one redpill per day user.

No stop asking, part of the game wil be locked behind servers anyway.

Yeah, we need to rise up against this subversion! I'm writing to OAG right NOW

shoo shoo nazi frog

>part of the game wil be locked behind servers anyway.
can you explain?

The game is taking place in the 19th century, not the 21st.

>muh community challenges

Thats odd.
I started two games (with the same saved custom settings file) and the starting island was the same both times.
Maybe its seeded.

wind direction is a terrible meme

Get a ship that isn't straight out of 1404

>No stop asking
please friend, dont be like that

What the fuck were they thinking
It doesn't even serve a purpose for tutorials sake when you can just turn Full Help on in Sandbox mode.
What the fuck

I wanted the Barcelona city block look and not some chink communist layout where every major building is on 1 fucking row. yes those are easy-to-follow layout but most players on twitch and YT are doing same the center of each housing block has tiny deco plaza so it doesn't look like it was laid out by a totalitarian or communist.

It's actually pretty cool to be playing with an overarching story desu. In the end though, it really isn't too different from a regular sandbox game.

Would be nice to have the regular scenarios back though.

theres suppose to have any tutorial?
i started to play the Campaign and i saw no tutorial.

i manage to play well because of my experience with anno 1404, but if i was a new player i would be complete lost.

I always like campaigns, I imagine tons of people do too

The campaign is the tutorial

How to even make a beautiful city? I can't have 3 islands filled with workers and artisans just to keep the pollution from my main island. How am I supposed to keep my island beauty above "quaint"?

Keep playing. You eventually unlock huge buildings that increase beauty substantially.

What are you even saying? How is it not appropriate to correlate him with fake news when that's literally what he uses the entire campaign?

Fuck this shit, Anno is doomed. Get woke, go broke. Do the Uplay launcher and Epic have review features?

zoo, museum etc
if you have the coin you can buy some animals from the black trader sometimes, otherwise expeditions

i thought this was Yea Forums, why the fuck are you pussies paying for games like cucks.

This. I love how they changed it from radius based to road-distance based. You actually need to make fairly effective road connections now. Can't make 20 tile long double rowed houselines anymore, since service will not reach the other side effectively. Gotta break them up with some roads. That and the workforce are the two major changes that really make the game for me. Stuff like beauty (which feels like a more fleshed out ecobalance) is just the cherry on top.

Anno has always used seeds. Have not touched sandbox yet, but are you sure there's not a seed somewhere? It's usually at the end after you selected all variables.

This is the first game my new 1070 has had trouble with. Time to play the tweaking game.

Lurk more, underage newfag.

Ah okay. I obviously haven't progressed very far. Just reached artisans. I build a zoo and spend probably around half an hour decorating it, only to realise I had no animals to fill it with. So zoo/museum cancel out all the pigs and smog? Good to know. I've been using decorations like a madman, but my town is still at quaint.

I sure enjoy learning how terrible white people are and how wonderful diversity is in this Ubisoft campaign! Bravo!

Exactly the same issue here. Just slapped everything on ultra, but then it started chugging. My CPU is pretty fucking old, so could also be that it's bottlenecking there. Haven't played too much with settings, since you need to restart everytime you change something. Anyone some tips on tweaks that change very little visually but drastically alter performance?

my first animal expedition gave me 3 animals and since my people were very happy they had a harvest festival going (that gave +250 beauty)
then i got my first visitors and my income went from +20 to +5k all while having only 250 artisans for the zoo

I too have a 1070.
I knocked the settings down high shadows, very high objects, high draw distance, and AA down to 4x.
That all seemed to fix shit pretty well. No frame drops except if you look at new areas too fast at a low angle, and my GPU/CPU is no longer fucking screaming bloody murder.

It's better than 2205. For those that didn't play, the classes went like this, from manual laborers to elites:
-white man
-white woman
-black man
-native american woman(ambiguously brown?)

When the black guy popped up, pretty much bet the next class would be higher on the diversity scale. Laughed out loud for a couple of minutes as I was dead right

What baffles me is how little graphics seem to have Improved since 1404 yet my card runs that like a dream. Sorta depressing really.

Are you sure iyou just haven't forgotten how 1404 really looked?

booting it up now to check.

Some fuck wants sausages and bread for a BBQ and I can't give it to him despite my warehouses overflowing with that shit

Is the multiplayer any good? I feel so lonely

1800/2205 look way better than 1404. 1404 is full of bloom and blur and 1800 is sharp. 1404 looks almost cartoony now.

Attached: 1404.jpg (1920x1080, 1.19M)

nevermind quickmatch isn't finding games :^)

Alright, fair enough. Looks pretty ugly in comparison. I think that's mainly because the geometry and variation in houses in 1800 are much better though. Still it's pretty irritating for them to reccomend a 970 when a 1070 framerates are all over the place on high settings.

Is there a campaign or premade missions, is it a continuous story like 2205, or is it sandbox only?

I was reading that fps drops are really common, I wonder if it's a case of poor optimisation

>fps is around 40 over the big city at the start of the game on medium-high settings with a 1070
>alt tab to check my CPU usage. Its around 50%
>tab back in
>fps is suddenly at 60. Stays smooth even when zooming in and out
Uh. Okay then?

I don't think you should play multiplayer without any friends
Continuous campaign + sandbox

usually when it comes to perfromance issues in city builders, it's probably due to your CPU

campaign and sand box

Are there multiple, simultaneous regions like in 2205 or one map?

There's multiple.

Two regions and more to come

Shoot, I might need to buy this at full price.

hows the fish pie looking today?

I keep getting defeat because my economy got fucked while I was dicking around with bugged fucking boats on the mission to shadow the other boat, and I was playing on high speed, and my save is like a minute before that

I don't want to replay this from the start lol

Performance in any kind of building sim is a combined effort between CPU and GPU but no matter what, the more stuff you build, the more stuff that has to be rendered on screen. It basically comes down to the amount of clutter.

>not workforce +100%

Same as yesterday and the day before. Great. . . .

post more pics of your cities, please

Getting the framerate problems with a 9900k and a 2080ti. Apparently this is a Steam exclusive issue. Hopefully the devs will follow through with their promise to support the steam version and fix these issues.

I would but I'm still doing the campaign. Campaign is the same for everyone and thus not interesting.

>my save is literally 11 seconds before I face defeat, and it takes my boats 13 seconds to sail to nearest harbor to sell them

this is so stupid. fuck my life.

anything will be good, I just want to see some pics as I cant play now because of finals

Why even buy the Steam version? It just opens the Uplay launcher anyway. There's no steam achievements or anything. You might as well just get it direct from Uplay.

just to get the ball rolling.

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The trading cards are there.

posting my underclass sprawl. trade union is currently temporary

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is it sjw cancer

So I was waiting for proton results and it looks to not work. Not that I could even buy this piece of shit because it is locked to the 1989 Tiananmen Massacre store.

It's par for the course at this point. It seems slightly less bad than 2205

You must have loved history class then. It's like this x10,000

The world wasn't so pozzed when I went to school

torrent where

the zoo is just starting out and the field in front of it will be filled with more high houses, workers will expand beyond the moountains for more heavy industry

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Wait, I was thinking of getting this so I could do some good ol exploitation and colonialism and feel good about it.

Why would I want to be lectured at?

Nor was it when I was. It's just history.

Pretty. Did you get to the engineers level? I can see some artisans, but I'm not sure how engineer houses look like

>Wait, I was thinking of getting this so I could do some good ol exploitation and colonialism and feel good about it.

When you arrive in the New World, it's Caribbean themed.

It's whites getting colonized now, boi

As opposed to the rest of the non-violent, peaceful world?

What shitty school did you go to

Yeah, fuck this kike bullshit. Back to 1404.

Mountain out of a molehill. There's nothing offensive there but one of the main characters happens to be a brown woman who got screwed over so this dude is going full MAGA. It doesn't even involve anyone dying or getting hurt... unlike what actually happened to the natives in the new world.

>When you arrive in the New World, it's Caribbean themed.
Wait what.

no, all the red roofed houses are artisans and i barely have enough for 1 glassworks and half a canned food chain

Attached: rimworld22.png (1913x1045, 3.18M)

This game isn't about that. No one's even talking about that stuff, you psycho.

white males are over, get used to it

And that's a good thing.


always remember that artisans and above dont need a pub or marketplace anymore
and paved streets extend the public needs buildings reach

I am literally too low IQ for this game

fuck me

Yeah I remember that artisan production chains require a lot of them to work

>he bought a modern Western game and expected anything other than jewish propaganda

Attached: img.jpg (527x713, 54K)

>no way to restrict the mouse to one monitor if you have a multi monitor setup


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Oh no, le /pol/tards have arrived

wolfensten new order is the most cucked game that ended up being a bomb

is this more cucked than that steaming pile o shot

time to run back to r*ddit where it's safe!

right mouse hold to move arround and minimap niggy

I had to restart as sandbox because I lost the campaign

I am a piece of shit loser

how does this compare to wolfenstein new ordernin terms of sassy black womyn dominating stupud white males

the game isn't even that pozzed all things considered, it's standard ubisoft fair. If anything it's less pozzed than usual.

Quick, back to the_mueller!

>it doesn't involve anyone getting hurt
This campaign is suprisingly dark compared to the past ones. In the last mission on the open beta, one of the villains rubs in the PC's face that his father hang himself in jail, I was taken aback by that one

How the fuck did this kind of cancerous Yea Forums talk even reach anno threads? We truly live in the wrong timeline.

How's the war aspect of this game? Just ships or can you have soldiers?

Just ships. Don't get it if you're looking for a combat game. It's basically a thing to do while you wait to collect resources.

Probably just one autistic spammer, judging by similarity of the posts.

t. beta sjw

You're probably replying to him

N-nani... maybe I was the spammer all along?

This game is pretty

Attached: screenshot_2019-04-16-20-00-17.jpg (2560x1440, 1.49M)

>chance of riots -20%

ye sure

Is this game better than Tropico 6?

Wait until you get to the latter ages

How long is the campaign? I've only just gotten to the new world. Does it go through all the citizen tiers before ending?

Also, when I reached the new world, the AIs had already settled some islands. If I hadn't taken my sweet time and/or played with lower-difficulty AIs, would they still be there before me?

Attached: historia.jpg (640x330, 62K)

Guess I won't buy the game, yikes.

Oh shit niggy you need the field and factories around warehouses. People don't have to walk to work

>full of bloom and blur

you can disable those retard

Tropico 6 isn't filled with sjw propaganda so no

Lmao just don't reward their minimal-effort shitposting
Diversity bait posts are the lowest form of (you) generation

They're kinda different. Anno is more about managing supply chains and trading with close to none politics

Ok guys now I'm really damn confused. I never even thought an ANNO game would be SJWified.

Is it, or is it just one autist?

Can someone point me to the bottleneck here? Because I can't fuckin find it.

Attached: anno1800fps.png (1920x1080, 2.18M)

2205 was worse lol

>playing the campaign in an anno game
For what purpose?

It's just one autist spamming. Unless the bare existence of women and black people is sjw to you.

It is. How did you honestly expect a modern game made by Western devs set in the 1800s to not be filled with anti-White propaganda?

The women look more fuckable than in most other western games.

The last one I played was 1404. I haven't bought a western game in like 10 years but I was thinking about Anno because I love the colonial and industrial revolution periods.

But if it is wildly historically inaccurate I'll pass. I'm just not really sure how bad it is. I'm fine with one or two things but if it's blatant I'm not interested.

´the fact that its mostly using one core you faggot.

Anno was never that historically accurate

>puzzle quest
>find this thing
>just click the description and zoom in and you're right over top of it


I mean they are only in the colonies right? If I build a city I obviously won't have black noblemen and female soldiers right?

This is getting too confusing, I'll just wait for the crack, wish I had noticed the beta was happening.

What crosses that threshold is dependent on the individual. Are you the type of person who would get upset that a Vindication of the Rights of Women is in a game set in 1800?

That's not saying much at all.

Can I get the game anywhere for 30 bucks?

Well then what can I do to make it use more? Do I just have to buy a new goddamn CPU? Multithreading was a fucking mistake.

You guys weren't memeing, sandbox is way more fun than campaign

Colonies are actually mexican/carribean. And they require ponchos for happiness. I don't think there are black noblemen besides one npc who's old, deaf and grumpy and in no way a commendable person.

The one in 2070 was a decent tutorial

Oh OK. I'm going to assume this is just Yea Forums sperging out as usual then.

I'll actually wait for the crack regardless because apparently I can't get it on steam anymore. How much do I lose by not having online?

Even if you had it on Steam you'd still have it launching through Uplay.

Only places to get it legit now are epic and uplay. Does epic get any cut if you buy it straight from Uplay?

Oh, then I'm for sure going to pirate it.

I realize this but it's much faster and more convenient to edge scroll.

Surprisingly not, all the portraits for the classes are white, as are the tiny 3D people
There's likely a demo, it's pretty much what the open beta was

2070 also disabled edge scroll if you set it to borderless, it sucked.

It's simply there to balance sail driven ships and steam driven ships

I have 2070, is it worth playing if I've never really gotten into these games before? any sick tips?

>Does epic get any cut if you buy it straight from Uplay?
Why would they?

No, it all goes straight to ubi. Genius on their part, actually.

thats good. i dropped stellaris hard due to all my colonists being coons, mystery meat types etc..

2070 is pretty much 1404 with a sci-fi skin, I'd say just pick the setting you like the most.

Easily triggered much?

Is there a mod for that?

At this point I'm almost tempted to pirate and just send blue byte a check

Pretty sure some mod will fix it.

You should give 2070 a try first since you already own it

The polygon count is just really high right there. You can simplify your settings if you want.

Also, not sure whether I buy this or not but Denuvo supposedly hampers the performance as well.

Yes, of course.

Tropico is more of a comedic political city builder while Anno is more about supply chains, sea traveling and multiple island management


How was 6? Was it better than 5?

I mean I get that, but why wouldnt my computer just use more resources to render them if they're available?

>two NPC factions are buying fish en masse from me
>not even 5 piers are enough to sate their lust for fish

>buy it on steam
>it launches through steam and uplay while still featuring denuvo

jesus christ, would love to see a performance comparison without denuvo or any of this shit

Absolutely fucking kino spot.
A shame its just boring potato fertility and the clay is like 300 miles of road away.

Attached: screenshot_2019-04-16-17-19-20.jpg (1920x1080, 2.94M)

Help, I don't seem to ever have enough wheat and I'm only up to Artisan tier

>buying a uplay game on steam

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Similar to 1404 and 2070, when you set up shop in a new region, the theme changes and so do all the production items.

Attached: 20190416202336_1.jpg (1920x1080, 594K)

I hope codex and cpy hurry the fuck up.


So is it cracked?

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Put down more houses or do trade

A perfect place to put a lot of people, then. Ship in goods and raw materials from other islands, process and/or consume them there.

some games don't know how to use those extra resources.

Give your plebs booze, that's how. Money comes from houses and optionally trade, but the most money comes from luxury goods like schnapps, beer and rum.

>Yea Forums hates SJW propaganda in games
>they always make it clear that they will never buy games, only pirate regardless of content
>Yea Forums then gets upset and wonders why game devs never appeal to their tastes

Quick brainlet question: How the fuck do I use influence?

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I'm pirating it BECAUSE it has SJW content numbnuts.

I just bought a different city builder 2 days ago.

>buying a uplay game*

use it to edit the newspapers

To the people playing the game right now, do you feel this game is worth 60 usd?

I'm not asking how hard/easy is for you to afford it, I'm asking if this game delivers in content what you're investing for it compared to other games on this price range. What about the replayability, will I be able to play this game as much as factorio or starcraft or will I get done with it in a couple of weeks and never touch it again?

ehh id wait for a sale

Editing the newspaper for one. You also need influence to build more once you get above a certain number of ships and certain buildings, like if you want to build multiple trade unions each one past the first one costs influence I think.

So how are we all playing then? And how was Anno the #1 seller on Steam for the past day or so?

Depends on how much you like this sort of thing. For me it was worth it, as I always insta buy every anno game.

because most players are not retarded enough to think that mentioning colonies or womans rights is out of place in a game set in the 1800s

I literally keep losing this game. I don't understand what im doing wrong.

>And how was Anno the #1 seller on Steam for the past day or so?
Honestly a good question since there's no good reason to buy it on Steam over Uplay since it requires the Uplay launcher regardless.

>mfw that's irl book

How can you possibly lose?

im constantly losing money nomatter what i do

anno 1200 when? with more emphasis on combat and miltary


But combat in Anno has always sucked ass, also it would be called Anno 1206.

Tax your population a little more.

9 or nein dude?


How to make money?


whats the cheapest place that isnt ebic for an aus user to get this?

What's the rule behind the last digit of the years in anno games?

Money comes from population. There are needs, which increase population when satisfied - farmers need marketplace access, fish and work clothes - and then there are luxury needs, which increase your tax revenue when satisfied - farmers want pub access and schnapps. You can find the regular needs by clicking on a house, and the luxury needs by clicking on a house and then clicking on the happiness tab.

All other buildings cost money, so don't build more than you need. I repeat, don't build more than you need. Especially early on, your margins are gonna be tight. Don't go into negative income unless you've reason to believe your income will eventually increase as a result.

Maybe I should make a little 'money-making for dummies guide'.

1206 you mean.

>ebin memes store

The digit sum of each Anno game's year has always been nine. So 1+8+0+0=9, 2+0+7+0=9, 1+4+0+4=9, 2+2+5+0=9

So it probably doesn't need to be said, but Malching is our guy right?

is it better then 1503 or should I just pirate it?

Is that the trader that farts a lot?

just buy it over the ubistore you dumbfuck
literally no reason to get it on steam

He's the fat guy with a monocle. Greedy guy with an obsession over nobility(WHICH HE IS, as he will remind you), not as smart as he thinks he is.

Personally I prefer Garparov.

I was interesting in this due to the limited availability on Steam. But the more screenshots I saw, the less I cared. Every single screenshot looks like the exact same town on the same island in the same spot in the same little inlet. So fucking bland.

Since resources are allocated instantly on all warehouses of an island, does it mean it's actually more efficient to place all farms in one corner and the mills somewhere else?

He gave me a -4 relationship after telling me he "looked into my heritage", calls everyone greasy plebs, and yes is a fat guy.

im fulfilling needs and building more houses

I literally dont understand

click a house then click the happiness tab.

basic needs only make them survive another day
luxury needs, like alcohol, makes them spend more and rake in the dough

I mean more like how to make money FAST. I stay at around +1000 but it takes forever to wait for money to get high enough to build artisan buildings etc.

I've noticed that straight enhancement buildings (pub, theatre etc.) usually increase happiness and thus tax rate by a whole fucking lot.

I 'unno, sell some ships?


Build more houses

How exactly do charter routes work? Do they maintain a steady flow of supplies or are they a one time thing?

Quests and the easy opponents will donate money to you if they like you. Also sell the goods that the NPC harbors take in infinite amounts.

Do quests, They usually give around 4-5k

What's the point of buying on steam or epic when it all requires launching uplay anyway?

I don't own it but what's the ideal surplus good to make to sell? I figure it'd be finished goods like the sewing machine.

Anno 1206*

because it gives piratefags a justification when they can bring up their favorite chinese botnet

sorry I mean 1404

Crashed twice from my PSU shutting off during the beta because I'm an idiot with a 650W

Anyone had a similar issue with the full game?

ok thanks for the happiness tip, I didn't realize luxury goods made money. Now I'm finally not losing all my money constantly. But damn this game is stressful. You gotta do quests, trade, etc so you don't fucking lose. I wanted a comfy city builder. I guess I could play on easy, but.. well that's lame.

650W should be enough for a single GPU setup

Why are the npcs such land hogging cunts? Should I just build as many ports as possible when I can to cuck them?

Just expand slowly and maintain a steady balance in population and economy. I also had a few hair pullingly stressful first games because I covered almost my entire islands with buildings and expanded too fast.

The few times I've had it happen were with HITMAN 2 at 144Hz and this game. I'm wondering if it's something to do with the refresh rate? When I cap HITMAN 2 to 60FPS it's stable but at 144+ my computer shuts down.

Playing R6:Siege at 144Hz lets me hear my powercoil whining

I find the lack of screenshots very disturbing

here you go

Attached: screenshot_2019-04-16-21-27-43.jpg (2560x1440, 1.51M)

This game may outdo 1404 in being comfy.

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Can this game run on a potato? I've heard a lot of people saying the fps sucks even on good pcs.

runs fine on my 2080ti

I've got a 1060 and it cruises. Maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones, but I've had 0 performance issues.

It might have it wasn't for the SJW shit. Also, the pollution from the factories isn't very comfy.

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sjw shit like what?

SJW shit? also smog is comfy

>SJW shit
>one harbor item and a few non-white portraits
You guys are touchier than the snowflakes.

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>SJW shit
Easily triggered, aren't you? Social justice movements like are literally one of the defining features of the era.

Skylines ruined me.
That grid looks so bad, not even 45% roads?

I fucking hate this. Oh there's a remote resource you need to connect?
Well just make a straight road from city centre to there. Looks disgusting.

Attached: dfsdfsdfsfdsf.png (960x926, 481K)


the beta worked fine on my gtx 950m no idea if it will run as good once I end up covering the island with buildings.

Pirate it stupid fuck

>For showing american natives
>in the colonia era
And they say /pol/ is not full of literal retards

what PSU? it could just be a shitty one / bad unit

People are having problems to keep at 60fps, 144 is certainly a no go

So it's reversing now, isn't it? /pol/tards are becoming more triggered by everything that sjw snowflakes

there are no torrents on pirate bay

they literally stopped selling it anywhere but Ubistore and maybe epic store or something, I dunno I can't keep up, point is you missed out on 16% off on GMG

yeah man pirate that uncracked game that only just now came out yup

It's always been like that.

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Go back.

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Play Crusader Kings 2.

All me btw :)
Using my phone to post twice at the same time and appear in the majority :)


>decide I'm gonna bite the bullet and pay $50 for it
>all the sites selling it for $50 are out of stock now
Just fuck my shit up

It's a SeaSonic 650W 80+ Gold, there's no real reason it should be kicked off like it is for those games.
I was hardly getting 70 when it died


>being this fanny-flustered
Just go back. You'll never fit in here.

Asking what you're talking about is a perfectly valid question.

Attached: you right now.png (680x439, 94K)

/pol/ and the right wing have always been big into projection. Anything they accuse their opponents of, you can bet they'd be willing to pull their own version of if they could.

>out of stock
>of a virtual item
how exactly does this work?

Seems like you have weak PSU user, this should not happen at all unless your pc demans more energy than what it can deliver.

are you sure it is the PSU failing? are your temps ok?

>being so triggered that I have to mass reply to every post

It actually does happen with third party sellers, they're only allowed so many to sell at a time if they're official sellers.

He means key sites selling at lower prices

>Are your temps okay
Highish, GPU sits up around 80-someodd for games on Ultra. I could do with better cooling and airflow.

>gib money to gooks
>o hewe u go commnity cllange

Yeah no fuck community in any building game anyways you shill. Building games are singleplayer and don’t need online.

>acting like a retard
>people calling you retard
>"I'm not crying, you're crying, go back, muh special club, reddit"


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Just post comfy pics instead of arguing

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I cant believe I fucking bought tropico 6 wtf

>implying it's not 1 (one) guy/Discord raid arguing with itself

What's wrong with it? I heard it was a return to form.

People are discussing the content of the video game, just not in a way that you would like them to. That's too fucking bad for you.

Attached: DyG9lGpUUAE8Uvo.jpg (255x267, 9K)

Tropico never strayed from its form, it's literally the same game every time with some new gimmick feature.

You can say the same about every series ever

(You) are a TREASURE!

Attached: HelenaFlattery.png (363x266, 216K)

>tfw no comfy spanish architecture in the old world

Attached: plantain farm.jpg (1920x1080, 1.08M)

Tropico 5 is generally regarded as a noticeable downgrade.

is it on sale anywhere? I wanna get it but $90 is a bit steep

Whining and bitching about retarded american politics isn't discussing the content of a video game you brain dead, cocksucking nigger. Kill yourself.

The architecture actually changes, look closely

>implying it's just american politics
This SJW filth is prevalent all throughout the Western World you cumguzzling retard. Fuck you for trying to minimise it and pretend like it's an isolated issue.

We need FANFARE to herald the event!

Attached: tournament.png (358x281, 209K)

Jesus christ just fuck off and discuss video games. If you want to talk about sjws then go to /pol/

>Arctic Region soon

It's not an isolated issue because it's not an issue at all. Now fuck off to /pol/, regressive american nigger :)

Nobody cares about your autistic rants. Stop trying to start shit on a game that has nothing to do with the stuff you're imagining

>turn in quest item to Al Zahir, get something like war machines
My sympathy for (you) has just grown enormously!
(sell Al Zahir back my quest reward since I don't need it)

Attached: forcas.png (353x598, 379K)

Fuck off you schizo faggot. Go and pretend a video game is oppressing you somewhere else.

It's going to be... comfy.

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On the topic of ANNO how the fuck do I install IAAM for 1404?

It was pretty shit in 2205, hopefully it will be better with whaling and such

Yea Forums would you accept?

Attached: HelenaAlliance.png (353x270, 209K)

Based mods dabbing on the /pol/tards

It's + 50% percent, retard.

How do you like my zoo? Based or based?

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No I always destroy her when she's my opponent, I'd rather be an ally with


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Truly horrible

user, have you ever seen zoo next to some shitty pleb cottages? And change roads + add some parks around

Based then?

I can't tell if I like this game or not

Yes, based

What does she say when you're at war with her? I've never done that but I'm curious what her quotes are.

What the fuck is that supposed to be the entrance?

Just fucking sit down and wait a few days you mongoloid. Surely you have other shit to keep busy with.

comfy, but you could surround it with nicer stuff

Is this game worth buying?
I downloaded it but my beta expired an hour after I played it because it was a sunday turning monday.

Uh I don't remember last time I played against her was over a year ago. But after she's defeated she says something like "I simply couldn't satisfy all of my people's needs..."

When the FUCK is the crack coming?

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chances are that it will be cracked in less than a week considering how big of a release it is

How do you not feel bad after doing that?

She's annoying and fake af. She just looks like that kind of a person who would stab you for the "greater good". Besides, I always take down I and II tier AIs as they are relatively easy to defeat

Doubly considering the exclusivity.

+100% percent would make it a total of 150% percent which would mean 50 more than all the people so u cant do it.

And Forcas isn't fake and manipulative?

It's out on my tracker.

>have never played ANNO
>really interested in this one because islands and ships
>seems comfy as fuck
>not in steam
>friends can't know I'm playing it

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He can be easily manipulated too, so I wouldn't be afraid to be his ally. I've always seen him as a misunderstood and lonely guy, who just wants to have a friend (basically an user)

Yeah, I don't see te point of the launcher given there is no real online content, I'm just waiting for the crack in order to play it.

buy 1404 + venice on steam then

>Lord Northburgh is always excited to help, gives you tons of free shit and a heap of back paths
Made me feel uncomfortable, I'm the kind of guy who expected him to be the villain and Forcas the misunderstood good guy

>Add as a Non-Steam Game

Well that is a pretty interesting take. He would always piss me off by buying my council seats early on in the game. Have you seen the hidden credits thing where he laments being the villian-type guy?

they all have islands and ship

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Crack where?

Forcas IS misunderstood and Lucius knew it perfectly, so he's not an ultimate antagonist in my eyes.
Yeah, these credits were pretty cool, especially for Hassan


Like many lonely anons, Forcas is misunderstood, especially by himself.

>Yeah, these credits were pretty cool, especially for Hassan
The "lip-syncing" reminded me so much of Kung Pow Enter the Fist

Why is it so hard to make citybuilding game with people small enough to fit in their homes?

user they're all exactly the same game with some different gimmicks.

Just play 1404 and you'll get the same experience.

Well 1800 has more features than 1404, but it's still worth it to play all the games in the series

Fuck it's already late.
This game is a time sink

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where should I start if I'm looking to get into Anno

Any word on crack?

Whip your workers harder, user. You know you can do that to make bricks faster, right?

if men are half the people and women are the other half, adding the women to a purely male workforce doubles the workforce. To increase something by 100% is to double it.

Shit's dope, yo.

>mfw they explode/riot from me doing that

yep i already did that. i did it to the iron workers for awhile too then they rioted lol

It is indeed the entrance but we do things a little differently in Ditchwater.

Dirt cheap and at least up until now the best in the series.
2070 if you fancy a scifi setting. Basically the same game and dirt cheap as well.
Both are comfy.

is there not a day/night cycle anymore or is that going to be dlc?

What's the point of an exclusivity deal if it just releases on ubishit store as well?

Are the chinese really so petty that they'd pay a few million dollars just to keep Anno off of Steam?

>calls you an incel

what do

I doubt they have specific orders on what games to bribe for

I know no details but I'm certain it's just Ubisoft's greed. They see that extra 15% per sale and that's all they can see. They assume that if people want the game they'll be forced to buy from them or epic. They see this as a win/win without taking into account the hit they're going to take from the loss of consumer faith.

yes, that's how you get sales, exposure and outrage, it's why they only have exclusivity for months to a year instead of forever, first week sales matter a crazy amount, shit's scummy but it works

>They see that extra 15% per sale and that's all they can see. They assume that if people want the game they'll be forced to buy from them or epic. They see this as a win/win without taking into account the hit they're going to take from the loss of consumer faith.
there's no way they expect anyone to buy from epic at all, they just want people to use uplay, which you already have to anyways assuming you bought a ubisoft game in this decade so it's not a problem, they did this knowing that people would still rush to preorder it on steam, and that it not being on steam wouldn't be a significant problem for those who want to buy it

>Are the chinese really so petty that they'd pay a few million dollars just to keep Anno off of Steam?
yes. the funny thing is just ends up driving more people to uplay. so ubi not only pockets the money but gains more customers on thier own store. they did the same with division 2 which was 'exclusive' too and that ended up causing a huge surge of orders on uplay instead of epic.

Okay HOW DO I ACTUALLY GENERATE INCOME? There is no TAX BAR but I see that the people are happy/unhappy based on fulfilled needs and how hard I make them work??? Do they pay me more if I don't make them work hard or what.

Multi threading was brilliant, but no one uses it. It's like having passing lanes on the highway but everyone only ever drives in the passing lane so it is useless.


The deal is just "don't sell on Steam"

the left cant meme

The scummy part is that the big notice they had on the game's page about how it is going to be unavailable probably just helped Anno stay in the #1 top seller spot for these past weeks.

Is the campaign fun? Should I start with it?

a game in the 1800s needs whaling, whale oil and blubber production chains etc

How do you make money in this game? I can't seem to find a good balance between work buildings and houses.

when you satisfy their basic needs citizens generate money. when you provide them luxury goods they generate even more money and you make them super duper happy which gives you a bit more room to push them harder to work. there's also the newspaper that gives even more happiness. don't push them too hard though otherwise shit explodes or they riot.

The last entry in the series I played was 1602 back in middle school, which I loved. How similar is 1800, and is the series still comfy?

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citizens auto generate income based on thier needs fulfilled. the balance (which you can adjust in custom difficulty options) is if they dont have enough of a basic or luxury good population will start declining which means workforce declines which means factory output declines which mean happiness declines because not enough goods which mean income declines and you'll keep spiraling out of control.

no torrent yet, just pirate hype or lowered prices

Good to know, thank you. What about industry buildings, how many should I have so I don't get raped by maintenance?

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Comfier than ever.

I haven't played an Anno game since 2070, how comfy is this one?
Also how's the music because it was great in 2070

there's a menu on each building that shows how fast they make stuff. eg. the pg farms will make pigs every 30 seconds and the butcher shop can turn those into sausage every 30 seconds so its a 1:1 ratio of pig farm to sausage maker. you can also read all the ratios on the 1800 wiki and print out a cheat sheet if you want, most people do.
also you can examine your good in the warehouse and see the overall supply of it, it will say increasing, stable, or decreasing, that gives you a general idea of how much your over/under producing stuff.

>can't buy on steam

The music is as great as ever. And I personally find the Victorian setting far comfier than sci-fi. Another good thing about 1800 is that they got rid of the building radius and encourage putting down decorations which lets you make your cities comfier without sacrificing efficiency.

Excellent, I didn't even notice the menus. Thanks again, I'm going to go try this out

You could have until yesterday :^)

>go do the stuck up bitch's quest
>can't complete the delivery

Attached: fug.jpg (1863x893, 460K)

You had your chance.

i wouldn't even mind buying it on epic store if it didn't mean i'd be supporting chinks

Oh boy. 10 cents back.

Which one is comfier, this or Banished?

I'm really trying to get into the differences in gameplay, because the alternative is I just play the old one again because levels of comfy depicted below are probably unattainable in 2019

Not any time soon champ, word in the scene is it's absolutely FUCKED and because of the way Denuvo works (encrypting and decrypting key game files as you play), there's absolutely no way of knowing if a crack is going to work, or be a crashtastic mess like so many Denuvo cracks without playing a full continuous game and triggering literally everything to find the hidden flags.

Sorry white boi. It's got Denuvo. No pirate for you :^)

Banished is hot garbage, always has been. Literally any Anno is comfier.

Thanks. Any pirateable Anno I can try before buying 1800?

Go for Anno 1404 or 2070 depending on which setting you like the look of more, avoid Anno 2025, it's mobile tier trash.

1503 is also seriously underrated if you can handle something a little retro.

Wait don't pirate 2070, you'll miss out on a ton of stuff. You should be able to pirate a GOG copy of 1404 alright.

that's a huge island. The field area looks amazing, warehouses look like barns

Yeah, some quest completions are bugged, I read it's something related to them popping out while you're in the new world.

Hopefully it got fixed in the new patch.

im so glad they stopped doing that generic looking sci-fi shit

I was disappointed that the New World islands were only South America themed. Really weird that it wasn't India or China themed given the theme of 1800s Britian. Would have been great if it was both...

yea, people are hoping they add more maps but so far the dlc plans look pretty bland.

I remember getting home from school and watching mom play that. The only thing better was watching her play the MYST games because I could try to help her solve the puzzles.

dont listen to this autist just get it on gog


sent ;)


>orders ship to go somewhere
>they're so slow that by the time they get there I forgot that they exist

77%, get it right ffs

>he doesn't use propaganda to increase happiness and avoid negative consequences
get a load of this moralfag

Attached: 1453239013786.jpg (150x150, 6K)

>the editor is too beta to go against you
must suck to be him, leaving one tyrant only to work for another

>literally giving women the right to read upsets Yea Forums

Attached: 1550347275095.jpg (387x302, 32K)

Yeah, this thread's pretty great to show just how retarded Yea Forums is these days.

if you keep using propaganda your pops get mad.

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currently downloading. only other anno ive played is 1404. never liked the look of the future ones. is it as comfy as 1404?
what is the orient island of 1800? india?

Can't you beat them with your state police?

the term is
>benevolent dictator
user, I treat my peasant very well and those who serve me well get taken out of the farm land and into school districts where they can serve me better

>he doesn't have a police station to squash the mob with an iron fist
I think you're playing this game wrong user


you can but it's easier to fulfill their happiness needs. when i finally got beer going (main island didn't have hops fertility) they calmed down, but are still pissed. force doesn't generate money -- alcohol does.

Attached: Anno 18002019-4-16-22-36-8.jpg (1920x1080, 534K)

welcome to brazil.

Attached: Anno 18002019-4-16-11-57-27.jpg (1920x1080, 591K)

>what is the orient island of 1800
man imma get so comfy this weekend

I can almost smell the stink.

Literally dabbing on tropico

>I'm too good to use propaganda
>I prefer to just give people loads of alcohol
get a load of Caligula over here

If crack isn't coming soon, I might need to reinstall 1404. :(

lol that ain't happening for a while

its basically the same game anyway. but better in every way

i'm all about securing that bag, senpai.

Attached: Anno 18002019-4-16-22-56-40.jpg (1920x1080, 819K)

Unlocks characters and shit to use in sandbox my dude.

how long did it take you guys to realize you were building uphill/downhill and islands aren't flat anymore?