Have to fight every urge in my body to resub to FFXIV

>have to fight every urge in my body to resub to FFXIV
help me bros I think I'm addicted. also how is this game so fun and why couldn't FFXV be even half is good as this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>still deleting XIV threads

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was that what happened? fugg

You can have this.

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Several times today.

Yep, seething WoW shill tranny jannies keep deleting the threads

>Tfw mine had no animation and then got 90k'd

oh well, i'm going back to mgp grinding. warms my heart to know their game is dying.

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>mods keep deleting FFXIV threads
>paid blizzard shills are more than welcome to keep making WE'RE GOING HOME BROS threads every 5 seconds

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he was never this cool in his own game

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man imagine being able to swap jobs mid fight

what's the best way to farm mgp?

How did you make a thread without a picture

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just do fashion report every week and your challenge log.

>Literally XIII'd Ardyn
what game did you play

I always wanted to do this

what's the best way to farm without waiting a week

>Refuse to summon my pet in a dungeon
>Healer rages at me and refuses to move onwards until I summon
>Group kicks healer
I like this game's community.

idk, invent a time machine.

Is summoning a pet in a dungeon bad etiquette or something?

Real funny faggot ass bitch. You think Making fun of Akari is a joke? You think making blank image jokes is a good idea? I'll fucking murder you.
Yeah making fun of Akari is so funny, so funny I forgot to laugh. If you wanna talk like that about Akari why don't you come here and say it to my face so I can answer your insults with a swift fist to the nose. Yeah you have a lot to say from hundreds of miles away but I bet if my fists were in reach of your face you would be like a tv on mute with no volume button. So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut unless you want to die. Next time you think about saying something like that about Akari I want you to remember one thing. I know the the guy that created google maps and I can locate you in the time it took me to type this. Don't want anymore problems.... didn't think so faggot. You have any idea what gorilla warfare is? I do, I was in the US Marine Core and I perfected it. I'm fully capable of using it on you motherfuckers. Do you know the dander your in if I find you? I am 100$ serious. Bunch of god damn newfaf loser here and I will not have it. At least I've had sex, had girlfriends, and gotten laid, and blowjobbed unlike you virgin piece of Akari hating kyouko loving SHIT.

what did he mean by this?

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Remember that summer event a couple years ago that allowed you to get all the past summer stuff from grinding fates? Remember how comfy that was?

What happened bros?

I can't even get myself to log in

SE realized their shills would defend them for milking the cash shop as much as they could.

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>>Refuse to summon my pet in a dungeon
But why

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People did try complaining about the cash shop early on, but there were even people on here that said they were being too hyperbolic, and that there would be no "slippery slope" with the mog station.

I don't like to summon unless it's necessary.

But it's always necessary. It's part of your damage output, or if you're a Scholar, part of your healing output

>there would be no "slippery slope" with the mog station.
How new do you have to be to to trust Square in the 2010s?

it's a free week for anyone that isn't subscribe right now

No need to be new, just retarded aka a FF fan.


is there a point in playing right now or is it just a waiting line for the next expac release?

There never has and never will be a point to playing.

>lalas can drive better than you
I don't know where we are going, but we are

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see Just do the event then wait, I subscribe early to farm MGP for the new 4 seat mount but it only takes a week to farm 230k MGP for everything.

You should be able to get that amount within a week

You got your wheels yet?

imagine playing a video game where you actually fight

Can lizard trannies even see over the dashboard in those giant cars?


still wouldn't turn you into dmc4 Dante. sorry.

Reminder: bunny pussy is made for lion cock!

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probably a bit

fucking zoomers I tell ya hwat.

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Noctis was a goober but he still became the manliest FF protag by the end.

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Get in loser we're farming savage

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>have non-party member effects disabled
>Noctis does his finisher on Garuda
>no actual effects


Can someone buy me a fantasia? I wanna go from an Au'ra to a midlander. Also this thread is really slow

I've been so tempted to enable this but I'm convinced it'll fuck me over at some crucial point. Some important ally effect will go right over my head in some crucial fight.
Maybe I'm overthinking it.

Housing garages when?

delete healers in frontline

party member effects are fine but non-party is kind of essential unless you want to visually drown in 50+ players light

Are pay carries a thing in FFIX? Like in WoW where I can sell a couple of mythic + and pay for my subscription with gold

>he plays pvp
haven't tried it once. but those glamours are very tempting

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People seems bored

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npc behavior

Only reason I can tolerate the dogshit PvP in this game is by playing healer. I raise an erection whenever 4+ DPS gang up on me and try in vain to kill me as I spam heals and /laugh in their impotent faces.

PvP is "okay". The problem is that frontline is a three-for-all, which is complete cancer if you're maelstrom since inevitably the other two teams will kick off the match by teaming up against you. It's pretty funny when they lose despite this though, but shatter is pretty much the worst game mode ever devised.

>regurgitating memes
PvP is perfectly fine. Big emphasis on fine. I appreciate it for being a fun change of pace. People get real salty about it when theyre losing or get a shit team. Go in frontlines with a premade and see how fun it is.

Not when you're in a premade party, destroying 48 people as only 8 is so satisfying

That's called "being a tryhard".

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not when you're playing against xiv players, you barely need to try at all

How many times do you dilate daily?

I hate events that try to make shit hard.

>if you're maelstrom since inevitably the other two teams will kick off the match by teaming up against you.

I love how it's been, what 3 years? since Frontlines dropped and people are still scared of Maelstrom because of how much they dominated the first couple months.

>reddit fag
I wonder whats next?

>using a bit of brain power to win a competitive game mode is try hard

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Maelstrom, in my experience, still has pretty much the "best" rando squads in terms of coordination because they follow the golden rule of geeking the mages first.

>geeking the mages first
why is that so important?

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>using any little bit of brain in XIV
>implying that's not tryhard

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high damage output with more tricks in their bag in terms of DPS, and if you don't kill the healers you'll accomplish fuck all since their output is completely retarded.

>he isn't exaggerating

Why the fuck are healers so goddamn OP in PVP

>think about resubbing
>oh shit free login period
>play for a day
>remember why I dropped this trash in the first place
Based Yoshi P

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giga based fucking lmao

You can just do frontlines shit to get daily marks if you want the glamours. if you want the mounts, that's another matter.

We're going home

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>bunnygirls and catgirls will never be real

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Yeah, although it's generally more expensive.

People were selling Ultimate clears for several thousand dollars when it first came out, and people were actually buying.

>People were selling Ultimate clears
This I've heard of
>for several thousand dollars
wtf? literally why?

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Fuck trannies and fuck jannies

looks like a N word
disgusting huge lips

Not really thousands actually, this was the peak price for UCOB. I remember seeing UwU for around 2k when that was new

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chocobo racing is fun

I didn't like XV at all, but I'm kinda liking these Noctis interactions in the XV event. Makes me wish I cared about XV more

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>Makes me wish I cared about XV more
just seeing post like this fills me fear....what if he notices...what if HE makes an appearance.

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Just remember how shitty it is and never bother resubbing. Easy.

This isn't the noctis i know.

>Current retail expansion a mess
>Lost a bunch of subs to XIV and ESO
>Have to bring back old version of the game to get desperation money from nostalgiafags
>Old version will die once nostalgiafags remember how dated and shit it is

How will they cope?

If the OP didn't bring him here, something like that won't

So far the cross overs in FFXV have been better than in XIV.

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>those animations

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Op said he thinks it's fun so your advice is shit

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This XV event really felt like I was playing some shitty 2010 F2P Korean game, or some kind of shitty amateur mod. XIV really needs to step up their shit.

what was her plan

>tfw our characters won't even have this minimum detail
>we will always be held back by playstation and toasters

To get Noct up obviously

Talk about jumping the fucking shark

Now this is kino.

I never expected the empire to turn Rhalgr's Reach into a parking lot. How evil

>accidentally discover Noctis stuff makes for decent Dante cosplay
The theme is emo, but I'm feelin' cuhrazy.

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If that counts as a decent cosplay then literally any red outfit with white hair is a decent cosplay.

I can't quite hear your anger from down here, you have to speak up.


Literally worse than the dyed Snow outfit from the XIII collab. Are you even trying?

nah, too hard.

Change the pants color and the boots color and you'll have a somewhat decent DMC3 dante

Minus actually being shirtless,tho

Has anyone ripped the catgirls model and used it for lewd things yet?

Has grass ever grown?

Attached: mfw.png (851x607, 575K)

only trannies play FF

>open up FFXIV_Explorer.exe
>click Music Swapper feature
>replace Regalia mount music with this

based modders

Attached: car.png (997x557, 964K)

are based.

Attached: lala dancer.png (798x770, 405K)

Respect the content Yoshi-P painstakingly delivers to you out of the goodness of his heart please.

why would I replace my hick music with nigger music?


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>tfw no lalafell cocksleeve

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Damn you a gay ass nigga faggot

i like to mod in the cash shop exclusive music without paying for it. fuck the content and yoship.

Stomp em in the nutz yuh
Stomp em in the nutz yuh
Stomp em in the nutz yuh

I'm still sad on how badly they fucked up the third season.

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>Taking away the fists
>Killing protect
Had to happen eventually.
>Killing Lucid dreaming
I guess that means Shroud of Saints is coming back to WHM and Aetherflow or whatever the new version will be is buffed
>Killing Synastry
That, I don't get, the skill was pretty useful.

I have no idea what's the bottom right one is supposed to be tho

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where do I get the program to swap the music?

The creator left. It happens a ton of times as soon as the creator leaves the magic's gone.

What I don't get is the voice actors and script writer suddenly forgetting what the characters are suppose to behave like. Bitch you've played this role for years and you don't know how they're like?

please make my game even more braindead

>wildfire removed even though it's the linchpin and most exciting bit of the rotation
>gauss barrel left in despite it being one of the most complained about mch skills, not to mention the much more credible blufever leak showing mch moving away from guns to chainsaws/drills
i dont believe it

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You mean the fourth? Aaron was on the first 3.

Aw shit ya the fourth. I think only one good episode was in there which was the great grandad's story and the KFC.

I remember watching that shit and thinking the fuck did I just watch, searched up the clips on YouTube, nigga teacher was real, fat black kid was real. Dang what the fuck is America that fucked lmaoooo especially to the fat black kid doing hoodrat stuff

make sure you buy your regalia before Noctis goes away.

also people complaining about the garuda fight. lmao just fucking teleport to the monolith.

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how do I get closer to my friend who plays a lot of this game? I couldn't play it as often as him so I just watch but I want to understand something he likes more.

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>Looked all the skills of all the jobs in the game
>Can't tell what's the bottom right skills is
Am I retarded, blind, or both?

Fluid Aura.

fluid aura

Well, they made it useless instead of a cool damage ogcd so whatever...

tfw no garuda-alter gf

>that travesty of Stinkmeaner in the 4th season
Ruined my day

I really hope they kill lucid and esuna
Give me back leech and lumifesrus aether and exalted
And give shadowskin back to drk
fuck pld and whm lame ass skills

>doing challenge log
>participate in 2 mahjong matches
>aw hell ya that'll be easy
>just mashing x button
>match just keeps going on
>and on
>and on
kill me

Attached: 1552241414781.gif (542x542, 342K)

yea you'll be there for about 25 mins if you're lucky. 40 if you're unlucky

yeah, it's not worth it unless you actually intend on playing

There a source for this senpai?

>tfw actually getting into chocobo racing and breeding just so i can grind for mgp since i never did fashion report
jesus christ why cant i stop

get out of my data center

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I did Chocobo Racing for those special races MGP but I can't say I enjoyed it. It's just too clunky and got pretty stale and boring after a while.

>playing mahjong at all
you big dummy, meanwhile people hate on verminion but you can LITERALLY win one game vs the AI that takes 2 minutes, place last on the scoreboard in the tournament (there's one running now btw) and get 50k mgp.

Anyone have some useful ACT triggers?
Right now I'm using ones for when a Pull Timer/Ready Check starts and Hunt Target call outs.

Is there anything else that's really nice for QoL?

>50k mgp

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wtf? why the hell don't people ever seem tp mention this game?

Because it's shit.

It has a really bad rep among the playerbase in general. Number one it's an rts game so immediately all the console players can't really play it properly, and then it's also pvp and 1v1 on top of that, so all the carebears feel obliged to shit on it like they do the feast. It's just very niche considering the type of player this game attract, easy mgp though.

>Almost zero development over entire game
>Throw him in a crystal and then a ten year time skip
>Comes out a super determined badass

This is not how you develop characters Square


because like mahjong it's not worth the time

Oh. So this is what it looks like when you don't play on a toaster.

>people want some kind of activity to use their pets in
>get some MOBA reject designed by an underpaid intern

to be fair, now you can challenge npcs instead of players to get ranked, that shit is so easy since no one does it

>XIII'd Ardyn
What does this mean? You mean he just destroyed him? lmao

Attached: It's Raining MGP!: A low effort guide to treasure troves of MGP.jpg (1701x957, 271K)

>going home
>implying Shadowbringers will have the magic of feeling new like ARR launch or even the same content count with the current or better polish
>not expecting more of the same

thanks 4 the tip

>more of the same
I sure hope so.

if games are still like 15 mins long it really isn't even worth the tourney prize.

>there's only one female race tall enough to see over the steering wheel

Attached: KOCzSrB.jpg (1024x576, 61K)

>this tranny cat again

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>Lost a bunch of subs to XIV
>thinking MMO fags are going to go to the weeb skinned version of their game
If anything those players gave up on MMOs entirely. FFXIV active number count has never supported this narrative of taking WoW's players, makes no sense as it'd just be more of what they're trying to escape. MMOs as a whole are stagnating and the genre will probably collapse in the coming years until the new gamechanger to the genre comes around, and that's assuming if a company takes the risk at MMO development.

Attached: Woof_Warmblood_BattleFantasy.jpg (1280x720, 163K)

yeah but do like 1-2 a day its free MGP
even if you don't want to rank high, all you need to do is 1 match for 50k at payout

You are aware more of the same is what made Stormblood feel so ass right? Story was already bad but the fact that the luster from ARR shift to HW wasn't there definitely didn't help. While the content count dropped down drastically in Heavensward the polish went up. The shift into Stormblood lost some content count but with no increase in quality with even less longevity on content as a whole, ShadowBringers is gonna look more lackluster than the already lackluster SB content we already have at this rate.

Are you playing a female character user? You a tranny too? Are you transitioning with hrt or going straight to cutting off your balls?

Cool. Even more info they took from several threads and other guides.

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>he plays a female character

remember when we used to tell people we disagreed with to go back reddit? Pepperidge oldfag remembers.

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Play SAM before they fuck it up in ShB

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Future is now old man

They way they calculate active players for the census is hilarious. Everyone who's done the 4.1 storyline is counted as an active player. The patch that came out a year and a half ago. Anyone who puts stock in it is a joke.

I think it'd be pretty hard to fuck up sam of all classes. MCH, now THAT was a fuckup.

Considering coming back for Shadowbringer. Played through the trial but playing any class other than Summoner/Scholar is a pain in the ass. Hope they either make other jobs fun or make the skip worthwhile.

Shit does ANYONE post real numbers anymore?

>thread on the OF complaining about Garuda
>it's only the OP
>everyone calls OP shit and tells them to get good

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Considering SAM already works well with all of its mechanics, unless they add another job gauge, I don't see them fucking it up

Don't underestimate them.

Is this game actually good or is it just the last lively MMO community with RP and social open world etc.? The PvE seems insanely easy like WoW and I've literally heard nothing of its PvP.

Free trial

Attached: 1542414110728.jpg (1080x587, 133K)

>going off FFXIV census
>not going off the more detailed Bancho
The only way to even shoot down Bancho's safe guesstimate is to show off the real numbers but SE will never do that so you're riding on not agreeing with the Census conditions for active players without offering a better alternative that better culls non-paying players and paying players.

Free trial up to level 35 and free base game with Twitch Prime.

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hey you guys probably have friends so can you explain to me why people who play this have such npc esque personalities? everyone is a cookie cutter quirky weeabo normalfag and anyone else is a jaded discordfag bred autist, you can predict what everyone is going to type in this game

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I'm curious what other personalities you expect to see in an online game. Stoner poet?

One week until the server changes. I literally cannot wait bros, I fucking hate what Mateus has become.

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>I'm the chilliest person most people who meet me know
>People who don't know me think I'm the devil because of my race

>hey you guys probably have friends
making alot of assumptions here.

Attached: maximum over feel.gif (320x382, 1.88M)

I can't wait till we're all at war retail vs classic style. SOON.

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before you waste more time on infographics, can you learn to move away from gilgamesh before you get a full stack of defense up on the chain? i'd really prefer to get competent players in my roulettes

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wrong pic

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I wonder how dead queues will get.

they will fuck my job because of whiny shitters sam

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what job do you play and how would they fuck it up?

What's the sexiest thing I can give to zhloe to wear?

Heavy Steel Armor
Let your imagination will produce far sexier outcomes than this game will ever create

No one actually likes this game. You all pretend it's good merely because you have a childish vendetta against WoW and Blizzard.

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Damn... Guess I really was merely pretending to like video games...

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would have been extremely cute if she genuinely fell on him instead of just clipping through him out the ass

i like this game

I don't like this game but it's still miles better than wow.

What the heck, I'm posting a thing I found. I'm not a dumb catslut player.

all this game did for me was replace runescape
never cared about wow

they will either make it even easier for shitters and ruin TCJ or nerf the utility and trick

>hundreds of hours
>twas but a ruse
Damn I'm good.

i guess she's supposed to move forward, except you're always going to be hugging the monster's ass so you clip into each other

this is exactly what a dumb catslut would say though

FFXV is better. you're just a depraved tranny who craves mmoshit


XV is shit

>not being able to understand the difference of 70s past 4.1 and active
You're not using XIV-Census are you user?

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Is barry mentally ill?

>this catslut is in ucob now
remember to like and subscribe anons

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Should I transfer from Malboro to a more populated server? I'm not really sure why it's labelled cringe though.

XV is indeed shit but I still want a sick ass car and even then I probably won't be able to fucking get it.

its labeled cringe because they think all the bad players come from Balmung. they're in for a shock

It drives pretty great in Forza. I still am surprised by the amount of curious crossovers FFXV had.

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What criteria is this one based on?

characters who have the achievement for completing 4.1 msq

How do I get through ARR's long-ass MSQ without wanting to fucking kill myself?

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>Removing diversion
Can't wait.

press esc
skip cutscene

>confusing Bancho with ffxivcensus.com/
>not realizing Bancho uses conditions like changes to lodestone pages of players from achievements to gear/class

>want to play
thanks for splitting up eu, yoshida

Willpower. You'll need a lot of it.
200 quests.

But then I'd miss important story details, won't I?


If you actually care you'll watch them. Anyway people blow the ARR patches out of proportion. It's only 2.1 that's really bad since it's pure filler. 2.2 is pretty bad too but at least has Leviathan to keep you invested. 2.3 onward start to get faster and faster.

>WoWfugees are SEETHING that they won't get the Nier Automata references
>WoWfugees are SEETHING now over not getting the XV references

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I'm interested in the story, but the problem is that fuck-all seems to be happening at the moment (helping out sylphs atm), and if I skip I'm not sure where I'm supposed to start paying attention again.

>That guy going on about how people hate lalafells
Maybe because they're a literal joke race that demolishes the tiny amount of seriousness the setting has, and people who play them are actively and knowingly attempting to ruin the immersion of everyone else. Playing a lalafell is basically like broadcasting to the world that you are an asshole that's out to annoy everyone else for no reason except that you can.

it's not the deep bro, they're just pedos

I can forgive this since he's a literal child.

Square Enix's marketing department is on drugs.

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i have reached the gil cap on the free trial Yea Forums. give me some random shit to buy so i don't waste money i get from the challenge log

I'm sure they really upset about missing quality content like this

there's not a whole lot that goes on in the base arr story, honestly. like the other dude said you can pretty much speed through everything up until you fight leviathan, they start setting up hw after that
also if you have some buddies willing to unsync binding coil with you, i suggest that you do that as well, the story is very good and you get some (extremely minor, but still) bonus dialogue out of it much later

Straight out of reddit

Cringe but based but also blue pilled. What did he mean by this? What should I expect? What am I in for? Is it kino?

loads of crafting mats you can buy from npcs. always good to have stockpiles of em around

reminder that this shit clips like a motherfucker lmao hope u enjoyed grinding for 230k chuck-e-cheese tokens

So does every mount what is your point?

Wildfire only works in one of two ways:
Either it stays they way it is now, and requires much more skill to use than other DPS just to stay competitive
Or it does the kind of damage you would expect from the skill required to pull it off and MCH becomes 100% required for every raid group

>hope u enjoyed grinding for 230k chuck-e-cheese tokens
i did
gold saucer is primo content

I just botted it before the bot broke

difference is that its ff15 and we're supposed to hate that game

How does wildfire take any skill? Every job has optimal burst sequences that require you to press exactly the right things at the right time.
Only difference is wildfire gives you a number popup to tell you how 'well' you did in that 10s window. If you let shit fall outside of trick attack or whatever else you're hurting yourself in the exact same way as messing up wildfire, it's just less visible.

Fixing MCH and wildfire is retardedly simple.

Lower stabilizer cooldown to 40 seconds, increase heat gain to 60.

Cap Wildfire damage at 1200 potency, lower the amount of skills needing to be pumped into it.

Flamethrower does 70 potency per-tic increased to 100 potency when above 50 Heat.

Heated skills increase heat gain by 5 and damage is increased when above 80 heat.

Cooldown is a 40 second oGCD, reduces heat gauge by 5 over 15 seconds.

what the hell is the point of playing this type of game?
>gay story
>gay gameplay
>gay players
what's the appeal?

i'm gay

it is the festering remains of FF's corpse and it's all we have left

just realized i basically said the same shit twice lel


Attached: D0ygQEYU4AATNMt.jpg (1199x800, 245K)

I said gay players. that doesn't answer the question
I literally played final fantasy for hundreds of hours as a child. who gives a shit. stop with this garbage
>i-it's the only star wars l-left
>i-its the only halo we have
>i-it's the only final fantasy left
>i-it's the only ending game of thrones will ever get
who gives a shit move on with your life. subjecting yourself to trash because it's under the brand that you've for some reason decided to incorporate into your personality is so fucking sad.

I'd respect you more if you killed yourself and imo killing yourself is for big time fags.

nigga it's really not that deep

pick whichever person in here you think is the funniest looking, guess what it's me i'm them

Those ancient Dravanians were awfully considerate, making their stairway tunnels big enough to let humans' cars through.

Attached: ffxiv_04172019_004303_186.png (1920x1080, 2.59M)

>Not putting THE DUST.

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>nigga [non-answer bullshit]
back to twitter nigger faggot. you may as well have posted a frog.

most interiors in mmos are comically oversized if you really think about it desu. They have to be because of the 3rd person camera giving you the viewpoint of a 12 foot tall person, if ceilings and all were normal height it'd be cramped af trying to maneuver your pov.

got you covered f.am

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What the fuck are they doing to the healers.

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>mch moving from guns--

Addition does not always equate to subtraction my guy.

why is everyone so ugly and weirdly colored in this picture
this is visual barf

how did we go from this

to this

Technical limitations, please look forward to it

male characters: not even once

Technical Limitations excuses and SE refusing to invest more into XIV to have a better retention rate while gaining new players. Game literally just cycles thru newbies, plus thats a lot of work for Yoshida and his team, they need to make the helmets for the new races now after all.

>this entire thread

Attached: 1553059903899.jpg (258x245, 12K)

>go into photoshop and grey out random skill icons
>Yea Forums mongoloids believe it
It can't be this easy, can it?

>we're going home
Wouldn't this imply XIV has gone into uncharted territory and back to what its known for? When has XIV ever actually stepped outside its own safety zone?
>inb4 Eureka
Literally a stripped down Diadem with a Relic put into place to make sure it doesn't die

Give it a try sometime.

That was actually directed at all the insecure wow posters in the thread. I should have been more direct with my shitpost.

eureka was fun in every zone but pagos
new and exciting, introduced the previously completely new phenomena of random mobs actually being really fucking dangerous. a bit bare bones otherwise though.
introduced logograms, which are literally SE's best idea in a long time. also made bunny fates important and gave access to teleport crystals earlier
BA, as awkward as its implimentation is, is fucken amazing

pagos can die in a fucking hole though
most people who've i've talked to that burned out on Eureka did so in pagos, and I completely understand

Attached: upstanding ala mhigan gentleman.png (1024x576, 672K)

Oh no no no....

>eureka was fun
Glad you enjoyed it user but most of the playerbase hated it enough to not continue after Anemos or just straight up saw thru the shit design from the get-go

this is why australians will never get a datacenter

>eureka shills

>eureka shills
whos paying him?

Pagos completely destroyed my interest in Eureka. I thought Anemos was rather boring but I could at least see the potential so I reached 20 to see how it would go.
I've never been so underwhelmed and bored out of my mind from content in FF14 until Pagos. I keep hearing how much better Pyros and Hydatos are compared to Pagos but I can't fucking stand it. And fuck going back and doing challenge logs in Anemos, I did my time in there and I refuse to go back. I'm trying to finish user but goddamn Pagos is the fucking worst. The pre-expansion lull doesn't help either.

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Is there any storyline in the game worse than Alexander? Even Omega's tournament of nostalgia and fanservice was better than this.

Attached: alex.png (530x298, 353K)

Nobody does it because it's P2W garbage.

Coils > Alexander > Omega

Alexander's story was pretty good though

*Touches scar*

a8-12 was kino

>it's P2W garbage

im assuming some of the best minions are cash shop only
regardless, that is absolutely not the reason no one plays it
its because its not fuckin fun

>free login every three months
Don't tell me some of you actually pay for sub

Tanks, how do you usually have your cameras positioned? My camera shits itself whenever I’m in cramped spaces in some dungeons and it makes it harder to catch any stray mobs.

>only plays every 3 months
Your like the shitty divorced father of the mmo world.

The exclusive fanfest minions are the best ones, followed by cash shop exclusive ones

Best minions are probably cash shop or item codes from physical. Honestly the resources that could have gone into that could have probably been spent better elsewhere but Yoshida does seem to want to move into Minigame territory with Jumping Puzzles, Mahjong and Fashion Report.

That's just your positioning. Don't be somewhere where the camera does that, be in the open, not hugging a wall. Spin it around every now and then in places like aurum vale and look at the minimap if you're unsure where your team is and that they keep up.
Keep it generally far away, but closer in caves/hallways like some of the early dungeons.

>queue for random dungeon
>other party members type “o/“ in the chat

wat mean

It's a penis

Why would anyone want to actually PLAY this? There is a reason it's Tumblr MMO of choice alongside Guild Wars 2.

>Ultra Casuals
>Suffocating atmosphere of PMA created by the players and encouraged by the devs

Hell, to think about it; why would anyone want to play an MMO in 2019? The genre is in dire need of an upgrade and a new flagship. If I want good story and PvE content, I can play a singleplayer game. If I want actually good PvP, I can play a fully fledged PvP game. MMO's these days feel like a half measure.

Attached: MMO.jpg (800x800, 299K)

And obviously if you know / think there might be a wandering enemy up ahead, keep the camera pointed that way so you can catch them.

Like you've said, the MMO genre is in dire need of an upgrade but sadly, I'd have to say FF is currently the best one on the market. It's not a high bar to reach, but it's there. And I need an MMO to unwind with from work/playing other games/hobbies. It's just fun to log in in another world and fuck around.

I feel tempted to level DRG and SAM solely for glamoring purposes. Will I regret it if I do? BLM main by the way.

Honestly this is my gripe especially when the WoWfugee meme gets brought up. Why would you abandon a cancer for a similar one but with people you'd hate given you're escaping a company that is going entirely PC?
>FF is currently the best one on the market
It's on par or barely under WoW. Seeing it as better is just either "Grass is greener on the other side" effect or this being your first MMO. I would personally put it on par with WoW since its just as stagnant, streamlined and lifeless. At this point it'd simply be if you like the asian/realistic aesthetic of XIV or the more cartoony/western aesthetic of WoW. What we need to happen in MMOs is WoW:2 and before you assume an actual sequel to WoW I mostly mean the next big MMO that would shake-up the MMO genre changing the standard completely from what WoW has set.

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Got it. Thanks user.

MMOs will never be good again.

reminder that saving the mhiggers was a mistake

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guess im always riding with galvus

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>tfw recently returned to the game
>really enjoy Eureka Anemos
>looking forward to the other Eureka's
Are there enough people later on in the other Eureka's, or is it dead?

11% of the active population, note the word Active, can even enter Hydatos which is the final stage.

cute pit

WoW is gonna keep on trucking by the simple brand value and momentum alone. Blizzard could change all of their characters and player characters to dogs and cats and people still would play it.

>I'd have to say FF is currently the best one on the market.
I haven't played XIV. But from what I've seen, it's extremely bland and boring. I swapped to GW2 from WoW. The fucky part is that GW2 is such a travesty from a player and developers perspective it's insane. Though I still would recommend it to a new player out of all the MMO's in the market, EASILY (if they ABSOLUTELY 100% HAVE TO play an MMO in the first place.). On a core fundamental level; the systems in the game, such as the combat. Were WAY ahead of it's time, they could release the game today and it still would be groundbreaking (for an MMO atleast.).

But yeah, I have to agree with this guy. There are multiple reasons for this, but mostly it is because the recipe for the dream MMO is too costly and I'd say too hard to make in this day and age, considering the fact how the whole vidya industry has changed over the past 15 years or so. Shame really... I think it would be possibly, but it's too unlikely to happen. Hence why I don't wanna play MMO's in general anymore.

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>Blizzard could change all of their characters and player characters to dogs and cats and people still would play it.
That's a bad example. I'd play that because cat&dog mmo sounds pretty cool.

>I'd play that because cat&dog mmo sounds pretty cool.
I think you proved his point

Should I even bother completing the hunting logs?

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DRG is fun as fuck. Don’t know about SAM. You might end up enjoying the former along the way.

It's a good source of xp, but nowadays there are much more efficient ways to level. The Grand Company hunting log is worth doing if you haven't. For tanks and healers that you plan on spamming dungeons with to level it isn't a bad choice for your first 15 levels.

>I haven't played XIV. But from what I've seen, it's extremely bland and boring.
Yea Forums in one sentence

Nah, his point was brand value. Cat&Dog MMO is an entirely different concept, but an attractive one.

Omega gets a bad rep for having 75% of its bosses recycled from other games but in terms of the actual plot it blows Alexander out of the water.

These :^)

Why would I wanna play weeb MMO with undynamic combat system compared to GW2, acording to this thread; shit PvP and and the flaws I mentioned above?
>B-but muh escapism and cute waifus
Trash, the internet is full of fapbait.

Besides, the game just doesn't peak my interest. :^)

Attached: MMO content.jpg (460x288, 21K)

Because unlike GW2, the fight design isn't done by unpaid interns.

Why is it always ESL retards who intentionally go into threads about things they dislike?

>I haven't played XIV
So why are you here?


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>Besides, the game just doesn't peak my interest. :^)
That's the only argument you need desu. I can't play WoW for the same reason, everything just looks like complete ass and the story is way fucked. Others enjoy it, but I don't think I ever will.

Also what did you mean by this.

Attached: what does it mean.png (270x40, 2K)

Because subhuman third worlders think their opinions on things they know nothing about are important and should be heard by everyone

>Because unlike GW2, the fight design isn't done by unpaid interns.
Feel free to elaborate on this, because if I wanted to play an MMO with good combat I could GW2 and if I wanted to play a game with good PvE focus; dungeons and raids. I could play WoW.
From what I've gathered and seen, this game has literally nothing to offer, to me atleast.
Because I'm bored.
Fair point, I still like to remind my original point that MMO's in 2019, are pretty shit in one way or the other. I've played countless hours of MMO and mostly quitting them, it was a fari surprise how much I missed single player game for example.
>Also what did you mean by this.
I mean that they could objectively fuck up their game completely, make the game borderline unplayable garbage, but people would still play it because World of Warcraft, it has brand value and it's a corner stone of the MMO genre. A good example of this is the Nu Star Wars. I didn't go to see the movies after The Force Awakens, because of how much of a shit show that movie was and I knew the future movies were gonna be just as bad if not even worse. But I know alot of people did, knowing that, simply "because it's Star Wars."
>Calls me a third worlder when I live in Northern Europe

Attached: MMO DLC.jpg (640x640, 444K)

>Feel free to elaborate on this, because if I wanted to play an MMO with good combat I could GW2 and if I wanted to play a game with good PvE focus; dungeons and raids. I could play WoW.
>good raids
oh i am laffin

Because, unlike GW2 or WoW, the fights aren't fucking garbage and actually have a semblance of difficulty beyond gearing up

>playing any mmo but private vanilla
>When there is 3months till classic
Trannies like you will be killed.
Hail Vanilla.
Hail Victory.

>Because I'm bored
Go play xiv. NOW. You've already admitted to having shit else to do. Just DO IT

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Can't give you exact examples for comparison, but from what I've heard; current day WoW PvE is pretty gud. Alright, I'll give you some props, since I admit I've heard good things about FFXIV PvE as well. But then again. I'm a PvP player mostly, so I don't care.
The raids in GW2 aren't the pinnacle of raiding, but they are not BAD per se, they are alright. You can do them and get your shit done and be happy about it. Unironically Fractals (ramping dungeons with "challenge modes") are harder than some of the raids. But again I'm not interested in PvE. I never was.
No thank you, besides the VERY ocasional PvP in GW2, MMO's are behind me. Unless something truly good comes out. Then I might give it a shot, emphasis on the word MIGHT. Also nice pic, feel free to post more.

Two things, I was any of you, I'd keep a close eye to New World, with the amount of "FUCK YOU!" money, Amazon has and the Devs they have snatched from other companies, that might have some good potential.

Attached: MMO Double Patch.jpg (1400x933, 535K)

>I'm a PvP player mostly
ah, so you're mentally disabled.

>The raids in GW2 aren't the pinnacle of raiding, but they are not BAD per se, they are alright
They're pretty fucking awful compared to XIV.

>leveling roulette
>tank goes offline at the start
>wait for 10 min
>healer leaves and the other dps leaves
>have to queue again as dps

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Oh I'm sorry. I like to play game modes that actually have some prestige, excitement and competition against other players behind them. :^)
Fair enough. But it still doesn't really affect me.

Attached: Sliced MMO.jpg (610x315, 27K)

No MMO's PvP has ever had any of those things though.

do you have a folder of sliced bread pics with mmo-related filenames or are you doing this for this thread specifically?

But why bread

There never was an accurate number.
While XIVCensus's method of "you're active if you're past 4.1" they use on their website very dumb, Lucky Bancho's census is a very conservative estimate too.
First of all you gotta define what active means in the first place.
I understand he wants to cull trial character numbers, but he's still removing a huge chunk of players by gutting all characters under level 36.
I believe that all non bot characters that saw some change, or were played should be counted as active, not just people "at end game", because these players, trial or not, are part of what makes the game alive. I'd even say they're very important because they're new blood. It's important in telling whether your game is dying or not.
Of course, there are ways to count active characters at end game, too.

Also, there's a hidden field of the XIV Census DB that doesn't appear on their site and that isn't used for active characters (yet?), that allows for much more fine grained activity monitoring.
When you retrieve the character picture on the lodestone profile, the HTTP response header contains two fields, the picture date and the last modified date. The last modified date only changes when there was an actual change to your character, and it changes to when that change took place. There are some characters that have last modified dates dating back to 2013 and were never changed since then, for instance.
This is what I've been using in the reports (the ones I'm posting in here) for two months now. And it's been pretty accurate so far.
Before that, I would instead make comparisons between the previous census DB and the current census DB.

tl;dr both census are inaccurate and don't even have the same definition of what makes a character active.

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are you retarded?

Who gives a fuck about free trial players? They effectively don't exist for anything meaningful. They haven't bought the game, they don't do any relevant content.

>No MMO's PvP has ever had any of those things though.
Unfortunately that is where you are wrong. PvE in MMO in essence is about an X encounter and how you can stretch the mechanics of the game enough to pass the encounter as fast and as effectively enough. Okay, same shit happens in PvP (hence a meta will always develop in both game modes). But the difference here is that no matter how complicated you make a boss, or a dungeon or a raid. There will always be more variance of situtations and moments in PvP.
>bread pics
What do you mean? I'm posting pictures of MMO's. :^)

Attached: Fresh MMO.jpg (600x852, 76K)

Alexander was bad because it somehow did the impossible and made a time travel plot boring. It still managed to be somewhat serviceable though.

PLD 50-60 was truly awful.

>23k to go
I'm so close to getting my whip I can almost taste it.

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ANd yet PvP will still always be shit because MMO PvP is unequivocally shit. Literally no MMO has ever had good PvP, you're just playing shitty multiplayer games when you could be playing actual MP games instead that aren't garbage.

Blade and Soul pvp is pretty good.

if all you're worried about is muh relevant content then just count level 70 players.

How do I get a moderately attractive gamer girl in this game?

In the EU after the split it's pretty dead in the mornings with 1-10ish people around but afternoons and evenings usually have 100-full instances and BA disc*rd runs usually happen once a day.

talk to well designed elezen characters and hope they aren't already married

degenerate weeb

>talk to well designed male elezen characters and hope they aren't already married

>current day WoW PvE is pretty gud
Current WoW has one or two good raid bosses per tier, with everything else being either filler or random affix infinite scaling shit. Like Fractals but worse.

XIV has far less filler bosses, and superior presentation. Even the shittier bosses are memorable. XIV rightfully takes a lot of flak for every boss room being a generic circle, but at least the bosses have pretty rooms while their colleagues in azeroth are stuck in a generic hallway half the time.
This used to mean WoW had more bosses per raid tier, but Blizzard's been steadily cutting down their numbers and I've no idea what's up with that.

Also yeah keeping an eye on Amazon's thing, despite all the warning signs it's showing. What a strange world, where the most promising upcoming morepigs are Amazon's jewery and literal chinkshits.

>No one actually likes this game.
I certainly liked it more during the free trial than the private wow server I was playing at that time.

wow is fucking ancient and you can feel it.
subscriptions are cancer though and I will never go back to paying monthly.

The variety of opponents in PvP has its own problems. Chiefly among them rampant dunning-kruger. Plenty of bad players rationalise their losses as bad matchups, hard counters, tryhards and such, while looking at their rare lucky victories as 'proof' of their 'actual skill'. Makes it a bit difficult to discuss PvP with randoms, as you never know whether you're dealing with someone with actual experience or one of these delusional self proclaimed experts.
Meanwhile on the PvE side of things, everyone's facing the same cold unfeeling machine. You ain't getting accidental boss kills and phat lewts because the boss fucked up.

Not saying PvP's bad or anything, just taking this opportunity to vent a bit. Grr.

30-50 wasn't much better. The conclusion was fine, but the buildup was just what. Time to hone your undead slaying skills by... lighting up a torch and beating up the monkeys it attracts. What?

There's a dark blue elezen in my FC that's a 40 year old woman. She acts like a guild mom on voice chat and it melts my heart.

Reminder that Lalafells are more likely to be blue and purple parsers than other races.

I miss wanking to my Elezen (male) but don't feel like actually subbing to play. And I've already leveled all the jobs I like. And the car looks like shit with all the clipping and Noctis's gear is tacky. And the FC's I've been in have either been too normie or too elitist.

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>i-it's wowfugees!
>i-it's racism against potatoes!
no you double nigger it's your shitty fucking meme voice that's the problem, and that's not only a problem to wowfugees
of course I wouldn't expect a lalashit player to understand that not everyone likes their emote spam shit.

There is a free login.
I finished everything already so im just going to wait for the expansion.

I played the free week and it left me a taste for a little more, but honestly I'd probably quit after one more week anyway.

>I miss wanking to my Elezen (male)
your a grill right?

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Anyone got the screencap of the person going off about being pet by a stranger?

I recently went by the tera general just for shits and giggle, and wow. And I though are general was fucked.

Attached: 1553908086162.gif (320x320, 1.83M)

Which one

A homo. Melezens just happen to be perfect in every way

Attached: D3wHRqrWwAETxhG.png (537x69, 15K)

>do GATE in gold saucer where you have to save baby chocobo in a jump puzzle
>at the very top you can spam BLU's chimera's lightning to fuck up other people's concentration and make them fall off or get hit by bombs

Attached: 4.jpg (969x2102, 598K)

The one where the person goes off on a tirade in whispers and the other person is beta as fuck and was like "You had ever right to report me. I am sorry."

that one is staged but i do not have the image

I prefer to bomb toss to fuck people up.

Tera is dead ever since they merged all the servers to one mega server.

Ah, sad to hear that. I'll take some other random ones that are real

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Attached: unknown.png (930x711, 1.57M)

Just remember all those times you impulse subbed and then stopped playing after 5 days.
Just remember all the broken and unfinished mechanics.
Just remember the server lag.
Just remember the lack of things to do.
Just remember that the game is composed primarily of fetch quests and automatic matchmaking.

Just remember all the friends you made in-game

oh wait Yea Forums has no friends

>man imagine being able to swap jobs mid fight

>queue to dungeon as healer
>get in
>swap to dps
>watch the shitstorm unfold

Attached: joker2.jpg (757x505, 124K)

you could have sort of did that back in diadem. If you were fighting an NM as a DRG you could have backflipped to drop aggro and move some distance before you get out of combat and swap jobs to re-engage.

They're all gone, forever (Unable to Retrieve). Or last played 1000+ days ago.

>A homo
wanna erp? As a straight guy I've always been a little hesitant to give a try, but I'm open to new experiences.
I start us off:

Attached: 1554948180038.jpg (1280x1440, 179K)

Isn't that the exact opposite of what SE is doing, which people are complaining about? strange.

What SE is doing will cause a different kind of problem. They are expanding to make room for massive long term growth, which is unlikely. SB had a bubble at the start, but long term numbers went back down to a usual level

Well, if there's a chance that the influx of new/returning players will fuck up the servers, then they have no choice but to make room, even if it's only short term

You're obviously just shouting popular opinion because the only thing making pagos bad is the light farm, which you haven't even reached yet


My brain can't even comprehend what a blm does in seriyuu ex


>playing ERP mmos

>Not ERPing

Who do we have here?

Attached: ffxiv_17042019_140018_702.png (1280x720, 1.61M)

Looks like a guy you can trust.

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its so funny to me that they made the event hair and mount MGP

like some desperate attempt to give something to do to the people who dont have the MGP and have to grind for it now, to distract from the fact that this event you complete in like 30-40 minutes is all we get this month and is the last content update supposed to tide us over until the expansion

There's like 500 different fish, which ones actually make money besides the leve ones?

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He sure does.

Attached: ilberd.png (603x132, 54K)

rip crystal raiders
at least they can charge an arm and a leg for clears

>crystal raiders

all 20 of them

imagine being this wrong. The best minions are literally all obtained for free by the time you reach level 15 in the msq and get your airship pass. It's actually too much of a coincidence for me not to wonder whether it was deliberate.
If you disagree and are on aether, you are welcome to demonstrate how op these cash shop minions are to me, I'll give you a personal lesson

Attached: 1553798702671.png (500x632, 205K)

What are the best minions?

the ones in the bottom row, particularly the ones in red boxes.

Attached: 767634643654.jpg (626x148, 25K)

Cool. Is there any trick to really fucking up NPCs or do I just zerg rush them?

I personally prefer the puff of darkness for attacking in verminion

lower level fights are pretty basic, drop 4 bombs on their shield generator, have 4 mammetts stand around at their crystals, and fight off anything they send out with attackers of your choice

>get the pre-order earring to finally level monk and bbc
>but server isn't road to 60 anymore
I just wanted all the xp bonuses

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If it's just npcs, then just spam minions strong against arcana stones and attack them directly, dont bother trying to fight their minions. Practically all the minions with this attribute have 1 speed for balance reasons, only the wind-up kojin is the exception with 3, so it's bis if you have it (makes games go quicker too since you get there faster).
Otherwise, just spam any 10 cost minion with that attribute, 10 cost so you can field as many as possible. Most of the basic GC mammets fit the bill. Don't be too alarmed if the ai sits on their own arcana stones to defend too, just keep attacking any unoccupied ones. The ai's actually kind of dumb and will pull defenders away from their own stuff if you contest them for long enough, so just keep attacking.


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if last digits evens, shadowbringers kills classic wow.

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I don't see a problem here.
>start a fight as 3 DPS + tank
>swap tank->DPS and DPS->tank and Ultimatum/Shirk once tank gets low
>blow up everything in seconds
Alternatively, you could have one DPS swap to a healer when really necessary for a more reliable but less optimal run. It's not like people don't already do 3 DPS + tank or 3 DPS + healer runs.

Hugging Alisaie when

Attached: 1555252001188.png (500x368, 221K)

It's a lazy wave. They're saying hi, dipshit. You socially retarded baboon.

Imagine being this devoid of imagination. Just dye a full black set red and call it a day.

>monk and bbc
what did he mean by this

BLM is about preemtively positioning yoursef so you don't have to do exactly that, dodge AoEs. You absolute brainlet

>queue for leveling roulette
>it's always aurumn vale

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>Queue for 8man guildhest for the first time bonus since I only need a tiny bit of exp to get to lvl 50
>30min average wait time
>wait 80 minutes
>there's only 1 other DPS

It's actually not too bad, the most AIDS part of it is trying to get your rotation started back up in the second phase during the push. You can just slidecast back and forth slightly for the big blue bastard, save a proc/swiftcast for the other pushes, triplecast (or slidecast if you're just that cool) the circle/donut aoes, and manip yourself to your group when the stack comes out.

It's kinda movement heavy, but most of it is fairly minor, or in short bursts, which BLM can handle pretty well. It's really long protracted bits of movement (like panto 2 in o11s) or a bunch of smaller movements back-to-back (like most of final omega) that completely fuck BLM over and take some big brains to overcome.

I was expecting a duty of this. Not a fucking boring single player fight. I hate when they do single player events in an MMO.

wrong game

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>tfw Tataru securing us passage to Kugane was actually more useful than anything Lyse did the entire expansion

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>tfw watching the imaginary chocobo run over the obstacle course in the distance

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lyse was very helpful

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>gets cleaved down the fucking middle of her chest by an expert killer three times her size
>she's fine
Why didn't this worthless cunt just die?

Tataru's armor does more than make girls show off their thighs user

Obviously you meant

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Bullshit, I know it's only good for glamour because I have two sets of it

well, Yshtola and Alisaie's armor is real, you are already a legend and she knows you know about glamours

so other FF main characters can be in XIV as well?

Sure but it's always forced trash.
>Hurr I was doing X and then I suddenly ended up in eorzea lol how could this happen?

Why do all WoWfags seethe so much and always shitpost about FFXIV?

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Lightning, Noctis, Shantotto, and Iroha have crossed over in special events, yes. There are also XIV versions of the FFT and FFXII casts but they're not literally the same characters from another world.
At least Shantotto's made perfect sense because she was experimenting with interdimensional travel in XI.

You do know it's free til June right?

Giving every healer Shroud/Lucid was gay anyway, it wasn't that big of a change to have to introduce another oGCD for MP recovery on top of Aetherflow as a SCH since AF alone wouldn't cut it with the nerf, but instead it was just pointless homogenization
Protect was always just kind of there as "that buff spell that a lot of FF games have so we gotta have it too". Half an hour of effect, only needing reapplying upon KO, only really has a noticeable effect on tanks who have big defensive stats to begin with? Meh.

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>Protect was always just kind of there as "that buff spell that a lot of FF games have so we gotta have it too". Half an hour of effect, only needing reapplying upon KO, only really has a noticeable effect on tanks who have big defensive stats to begin with? Meh.
Protect should be made to function like it does in PvP and be WHM exclusive again. There, I fixed it.

>Mega darkness ball of darkness and destruction
>ouchie ouch

Protect will be an ogcd Stone Skin 2 for WHM so they can shield.

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This plus they should get shell that works the same way. That's how it was in the older games. Current protect has only the name in common with OG protect, fucking sad

>WHM: pvp Protect, physical only
>SCH: magic version of Protect
>AST: Disable from 3.55
>Cross-role: Stoneskin
>also WHM: Sacred Prism from 1.x

There, now all the bases are covered.

Stoneskin is worthless as a cross role. The other 2 healers can already shield and it just adds more busy work outside combat.

That's because he never did anything or made choices.

XV Noctis is eternally depressed and does what he's told using his handed down superpowers.
XIV Noctis is a cool if somewhat space dude dealing with depression who fights for his friends and uses his one gimmick (teleportation) to kick ass. One's a gifted character who never makes any choices for himself. The other is a likable, flawed person with one advantage but a whole lot against him struggling to express himself and help his friends. I want to play XIV Noctis' game, he's actually interesting.

Noctis is better in everything but the game he actually stars in.
RIP bro, your game had so much wasted potential.

>Regis dies
>Luna dies
>Noctis dies.
>Ghost throne.
>I feel nothing.

>Noctis sees a vision of Luna, hesitates, then steels himself and drives on.
>Cid and WoL hope Noctis takes care of himself, camera makes a knowing, melancholy pan out as WoL continues with their adventure.
>My heart stirs slightly.

This sucks.

The other ones are better because he's generic instead of despondent. This one actually captured what XV tried and failed to. That makes it hurt all the worse.

>Noctis was the best character in all of stormblood and he isn't even originally from this game and only got an hour of screentime
>That camping scene where Noctis and WoL talk about why they fight
He was an absolute bro, when was the last time we sat down with a friend and just had a bit of banter? This is the best shit

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The WoL was a bit too close to having a friend there so he had to go.

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No friends allowed.

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>The people who write XIV are great at character writing and normal stories, but are forced to shill characters they don't even want to use and extend plots forever because MMOs.
>The people who write mainline games are great at creating expansive universes and long term arcs, but suck at actual character writing and basic plots.
It's like some kind of sick joke. We're chained to the actions when even the writers would rather we play with Hoary and Tataru and even fucking Noctis.

We'll always have Tataru and based Raubahn.

Tataru is a molester.


That's fine, every good character has flaws.

>Good character

What's she looking at?


She's a very good support character who also seems like she cares a lot about the WoL which makes her endearing.

She has a defined personality, her traits influence how she acts, she actually has chemistry with others and she's been effectively used for drama and humor while neither lacking agency nor depriving other characters of their own.
This is more than I can say for most FF characters from the last 20 years.

>shilling your shitty opinion video

>hehe I'm a Jewish crybaby
Damn so deep.

way to show everybody you're a baiting cutscene skipper

Fuck off nigger, I'm not even a part of this conversation and I can tell you're a fucking cunt.

>he said jew :CCC
calm down Schlomo

Hrothgar? More like Hrothgay.

why would you project like this

Compared to "I'm a cat," "Destiny is Destiny," and "I babysit the prince," yeah. It is. Mostly because her avarice actually impacts how she acts and the development of the story without becoming the thrust of it. She's exactly how supporting cast members are supposed to work.

And based Pipin too

>trying this hard

Can we get yearly events to chill with FF characters? I want to hang out with Celes.

You think somebody who just called you a nigger would get upset over you saying jew? What kinda logic is that

Pipin barely exists.

I wish the Garuda fight would stick around. I want an EX version of that.

It's half baked even as a solo instance, it would take way more time and money to make it a proper raid.

Does anyone have that Asahi dialog edit picture from "even your face- it vexes me"

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>SCH: magic version of Protect
>Cross-role: Stoneskin

The money went to the mount no doubt.

To be fair it is a good mount

>cars still being parked in reach


FFXV was aesthetically pleasing.

NPCs see it on reddit and have to copy it so they can be in on the new epic hilarious fad

The Regalia is fine but I hate seeing a million of them running around everywhere. Shit is unsightly as fuck.


>ignoring Allagan inventions
>what is Garlemald
It was already there you just didn't pay attention.

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Holy shit you're autistic as fuck


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Complaining about having a car in FFXIV is pointless because the technology that the Allagans and Garleans have far surpass the technology required to make a car.
It's not even a regular car either, it's a fantasy car. It's the least inoffensive car they could have ever added.

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*establishes multiple stable time-loops to not only ensure your summoning happens and your summoners are born, but also ensure a megalomaniac goblin dies and you don't drain the whole world's aether*

>fatter cats and flying eggs and christmas bears and motorcycles are all fine
>the car of all things is jumping the shark
>when we even got an ingame explanation of cid reverse engineering the regalia and making his own

No, you're autistic cause you can't make an argument without shitty insults and typing in all caps

Omega was only perceived to be better because they shoehorned Midgardsomr into it and connected it to the main scenario. Also Omega-F.