This has not aged well

This has not aged well.

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FFVII looked bad even when it was the latest game. Yuffie was an annoying joke character from the start.


that implies it was good at the time

Yuffie does not age, she stays cute for all eternity


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it's a style dummy, they could draw with "better" proportions if they wanted to. if you don't like the style, well that's just like, your opinion man

>being really fucking ugly compared to the rest of the cast is just style bro


I get older, Yuffie stays the same age

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Best girl of FF7. Elena is 2nd and Miss Cloud is 3rd.

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>underage character is cute
You're going to jail, user

>pre rendered backgrounds means it looks good!
With a really ugly lego character running on top. And no indication where on the background you can walk. Also, they didn't market the game on the backgrounds. They marketed them on the FMVs. Which looked hilariously bad even when they first came out.

Yuffie as of right now is canonically 19. Eat shit pedoscreecher.

zoom zoom

You're right, it's aged fantastically.

shes not real so even if she wasn't over 18 it wouldn't even matter

You're not helping your argument here. Yes, the pre-rendered backgrounds look great, but at what cost? The image you posted is a literal corridor, where there is literally only room to take a few steps before hitting either end of the screen. Almost all of FF7-9's areas are designed like this. They are tiny and completely kill any sense of exploration.

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>ugly lego character

Attached: (hoo boy).gif (500x522, 1.78M)

Don't be talking shit about my wife, user.

>unzipped shorts
>exposed navel

still works for me buddy. that arm shield is the only dumb thing there

>abnormally shitty polygon with weird hoof hands
>pre-rendered backgrounds which look like complete shit unless you’re playing on a six inch CRT
FF7 has aged like dogshit. Just accept it

>always thought Cloud was nothing but an annoying edgelord thanks to early 2000’s memes and shit
>play through the game and find out that he’s actually pretty based
Poor guy deserved better from Square.

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>user, you come in here every day but you never order anything. You just sit and stare at me. What's up?

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that entire gen of early 3d games has aged like shit by those standards.

I was in high school when FFVII released and played it back then. As I've said many times, it looked bad even back then. Just like many PS1 and N64 games did. They were trying to push visuals far beyond what the technology could handle at the time. Square didn't even get it down until Final Fantasy VIII. And even then, it looked super pixelated and blurry.

You can claim I'm underage all you want, but it doesn't change the truth.


"H-have s-sex"

The *truth* is that the low poly models are really charming, just as the old sprites were.
100% not the guy we're getting in the remake.

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Can you fucking zoomers just leave FF7 alone.

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I love Yuffies Cunny!

just like ur mom lmfao

Well, most of them have to be honest. I feel like FF7 worse than most because the pre-rendered backgrounds and the fact the in-battle character polygons don’t look that bad, so the shitty hoof-handed dolls of the overworld map look even shittier by comparison

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Marlene's cunny

Please. Yuffie's first design is great. You could've at least chosen an actually overdesigned Nomura character.

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>tfw even Square themselves know how retarded this line was

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What did he mean by this?

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You are delusional if you deadass think FFVII is not the most baby casual barely above mediocre "video game" of its time, it popularized boring hallway simulators with next to 0 gameplay

I'm in no way a Tifafag but those tits are delicious

>The *truth* is that the low poly models are really charming, just as the old sprites were.
No, the truth is, the game would have looked better if they just used sprites. Like a game such as Suikoden did. The polygon models could have looked good, as we saw in Final Fantasy VIII and every other Square game after, but in FFVII they spent far more time on the pre rendered backgrounds and story during development.



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And you're a double nigger faggot kiddo fuck off, nobody gives a fuck about your opinion on a game older than you are.

Neither have you, roastie.

Yeah whatever, zoomer

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No. Sprites are timeless low poly was ugly then and is ugly now.

People who hate FF7 will never be able to experience it.
That is their curse, to live a half-life devoid of any fun or enjoyment.

He was based until he remembered he's not Zack


Best girl thread?

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She's the great ninja Yuffie!

I like her the best.

I'm 30. Whether you consider that old or not is up to you. I'm not the dude from before. 8 and 9 look much better than 7 though. 7 is probably the graphical low point of the series. It's good for other reasons.

People who hate Fortnite will never be able to experience it.
That is their curse, to live a half-life devoid of any fun or enjoyment.

I could go for a dip about now.

Stop arguing with the retard.

I was completely unaware that anyone on this green earth even remotely liked Yuffie until gaining internet access in 2002. Everyone I talked to before and after FF7's release either didn't mention her or didn't like her. To this day I still don't believe that there are people who actually like her. She's not a good character. She wasn't a good character when she debuted in 1997 and she's not a good character now in 2019, 22 years after her debut.

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If you were really 30, you'd know the problem isn't low poly, it's low resolution + interlacing.

>A good jrpg
It's funny when you think about it since Square Enix rejected Xenogears as the next FF because they were looking for something that a wide, casual audience could play and understand.

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dont make me dig up that "you're the most handsome guy here screenshot" FF8 was jaggie central but the cut scenes were on point at least.

Nice photoshop, faggot

>Play game on spanish
>It was translated by google traductor
>Even the switch version

Here, I’ll do it for you.

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When I was a kid I thought she had a fake arm and leg.

>top 5 in limit breaks
>kawaii af
>realistic personality for a girl
whats not to like faggot?

thanks user

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You and everybody you know have shit taste. Pretty easy to explain

Both FFVII and VIII has their flaws. Neither one was able to do what the developers were trying. But FFVIII at least had character proportions and looked good when not zommed up in selective screenshots. The style in FFVII is trying to imitate the earlier sprite based FF games, but looks worse than they did.

So, basically like pic related?

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They look charming as hell

i think its just so she can catch the giant shurikens without risking lopping her own arm off user

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None of them actually got her in the party.

It was an overworld sprite done on purpose in the tradition of final fantasy. Zoomer.

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truly best sempai


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Wrong by all accounts.

stfu retarded ass game journalist, go play overwatch

Only people who haven't played the game think Cloud is an edgy protagonist. He's just a confused manchild from beginning to end.

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>It was an overworld sprite
It's not a sprite. And it doesn't look anything like the previous games. Don't you look like quite the zoomer.

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Pretty much, he shrugs it off in the second half of the game a bit though. He is about as autistic as Yuffie at times.

>back before KH turned to shit
It hurts so much.

But KH was a joke right from the starting island.

No FF game has ever looked good. They still don't.
FF is shit and I'm glad I've completely skipped out on its boring casualness. It is literally for japanese normies.

The funny thing is that she's your teacher even though she only has a year on you.


Says deadass like some illiterate niggerloving faggot.

Based Cid

Yuffie has her own charms, being the most energetic of the group and just wanting her town to be popular again. Cloud helping her with her motion sickness by telling her how he dealt with both that and his claustrophobia in the past is a very nice moment.

I bet most people didn't even realize that Cloud and Tifa FUCKED before the last dungeon.

For fuck's sake a game stays exactly the same as when it was first released, unless it gets updated. THEY DON'T AGE

Ocarina of Time is not very good. It aged badly.

Holy shit where is the doujin for this scene.

>tfw this thread reminded me of that time I made my mom watch advent children with me

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Why the fuck would you subject your mom to that?


>ever getting straight doujins

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I hope you were a preteen.

Complaining about FF7 is the only thing that's overrated.


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What's she gonna do with that materia user?

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>They marketed them on the FMVs. Which looked hilariously bad even when they first came out.
You're full of shit lmao. The fmvs were groundbreaking at the time. So much so that it led square to pushing their tech further and ending up making spirits within, which again, was groundbreaking at the time tech wise compared to what anyone else was doing.
You can dislike it, but their fmvs were objectively anything but bad champ

I just don't like low poly shit period honestly. I thought it was a big step back from sprites. Call it growing pains.
And? At its worst 8 still looks way better than 7.

But that made him to most "at peace" protagonist we ever had in the franchise. His steps were so light after that. That's when he got wonderful.