Why did Overwatch fail?
Why did Overwatch fail?
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It didn't fail my nether region.
It became a meme, went through too many e-sports controversies, patches fucked it up, porn couldn't sustain it anymore and it just suffered a slow heat death
titty whore makes me jizz
Blizzard focused more on forcing it into the eSports scene than actually fixing what was wrong. As a consequence, Tanks dominate the meta, a sign that they absolutely refused to notice.
I would said movement and gunplay feels off but then again pubg, dayz, h1 and even apex have even worse gunplay so I have no idea.
>Blizzard in charge of balance
The correct answer is probably high workload per character.
>reworks within the first year
>no content
>recycled and tedious events
>loot box fixation
>forced diversity
>terrible balancing
>OWL focus
>OWL censoring
>Doesn't embrace the porn
>bleached thread
Haven't seen one of those in a while
forced esports but the skill ceiling is pretty low, so it's not gonna be really amazing to watch
fow 80 so when you're watching proplayers in fp camera, it's unbearable for everyone except for professional rollercoaster testers
barely any new content except lootboxes and occasional hero
blizzard can't balance for shit
stale meta
stale lore
mediocre netcode
stale gamemodes
no sp
identity politics
It didn't? It was a very successful game that has become less relevant since its release three years ago. That's fairly normal, only very few multiplayer games stay relevant longer than that.
They don't know how to balance, and every new hero released is designed to counter a hero they're having trouble balancing, resulting in a situation where if a hero on your team is countered by a hero on their team, you have to have that person switch or you lose.
It was set up to be the League of it's generation before it got cucked by PUBG and later buried by Fortnite. Unlucky timing with BR basically.
Ages ago there was Counterstrike and maybe Quake, and nothing else so people played those things for many years and came to like them despite all faults.
Now there's new shooters releasing each day.
Consumers consume, and move on.
Counter Strike from 1.6 to Source stayed relevant for all the years until the next version came. PLus it was expanding with new custom content as the years passed.
This, and inbetween hero releases they do Spin the Wheel patches, where they pick a random weak hero to be buffed to absurdity while nerfing the previous buffed hero to the ground
hey guys a friend of mine asked me to show him some mercy interracial porn, can someone help me? haha
What did they rework in the first year? I don't remember.
Biggest issue with OW is they are shit at balance and think hard counters are smart and cool instead of mindnumbingly boring. Also they have MASSIVE THROBBING COCKS for shields which slow down the gameplay and require balancing the entire game around. It's why every map centers around a few choke points and good teams never bother to contest anything but those chokepoints. Reinhardt needed a nerf on day 1 as he was a required pick in every team, but instead they just made more Reinhardts.
Is that a giant paper clip in her pants?
Homosexuals. They are cancer
Because I didn't get to impregnate all the girls in the game
Probably would have fared better with more porn.
Because they tried to make a product before making a good game and what money it did make only went to serve that original purpose
I don’t know if things are different now, last time I played was post Bridgette nerfs, but the game combined the worst aspects of a FPS with the worst aspects of a MOBA. What didn’t also helped was Blizzard desperately wanting to make Esports bucks with this game on the same level as peak League of Legends did. Frankly that shit reminded me of Firefall. Also it REALLY didn’t help that instead of adding worth while content or fixing shit they were too busy acting like prude soccer moms for like a solid year or two.
The event thats on now is really bad. They are losing it.
No D.va findom mode
Reinhardt being a core pick in literally every comp means he's too fucking strong and that the game is now balanced around him existing. They should've curbed that shit day fucking 7 but instead they left it how it is. From the absolute get-go he was the top pick as a tank and NOT having him is a detriment to your team if the enemy has one. So why not pick?
That's not regular game behavior though. Most games are released, make money, and then are left behind. That doesn't stop those games from being successful.
No story mode and no coop like Diablo. They need to bring wow classic to consoles as well there is a market for it now.
That mouse is really round... Also why does her joystick have a flared head?
>acting like prude soccer moms for like a solid year or two
Try "all the time after the first year". When Jeff said they are taking resources off of ADDING TO THE GAME to devote to combatting "toxicity" I knew the game was going to die shortly thereafter.
The same reason it succeeded: it was easy
MORE porn?
Hey bleached
You're a autistic hole of unfunny people.
Consider leaving life
You heard me.
There's a guy on trash who pretends to be a white cock loving d.va, they'll drain your wallet
It did? Are you sure?
It's all in the numbers.
Number one: Thats terror.
Number two: Thats terror.
The market dictates what's successful and what's regular game behaviour. If CS stayed relevent for so long, and still is, that means as a game is much more successful than Overwatch.
And CS isn't the only multiplayer game that managed to remain so relevant for so long.
Fucking exactly. I don't know how they did not notice this GLARING PROBLEM. Even worse, his ult was one of the most powerful in the game and could only be countered by another Reinhardt. The entire game revolved around him since release. The only time that changed was when diving became so disgustingly strong that you could just ignore Reinhardt entirely, but dive comp is even more braindead because all you do is run in as 6 and kill the healers.
Making bleached edits is my life's biggest regret.
Not a bad regret overall, guess I lived a good life
I have never played Overwatch and never will, I only jerk off to the porn.
Holy shit. I might start playing Overwatch again.
>two identical posts within thirty seconds
whites are sad, ugly creatures
My wife on the left.
Made for big white cock
Why does blizzard keep bending over backwards to support the competitive Overwatch community when they were perfectly happy to kill off Heroes of the Storm. The HoTS games were actually fun to watch, especially the march madness college brackets. I feel like blizzard knows what it's fans want, but deliberately fuck them over to only support what blizzard themselves cares about.
I haven't played since rez meta. That shit lasted like half a fucking year. Fuck that. I hear Brigette or whatever was even more cancerous.
I don't know if fail is the right word. Not every game needs to be something people are playing for 20 years. In fact games that last that long are either brilliant outliers like HoMM3 or addicting time sinks like WoW. I would say Overwatch was a success in that it sold a ton and was incredibly popular for a few seasons. I still boot it up for mystery heroes every now and then but they did waste the potential for longevity.
I just wanted black chicks on white dicks and instead I got blacked 2.0.
As it turns out, ults aren't fun in FPS games.
>no art of Sombra hacking in to D.Va's VR systems and reprogramming her into being a good, slutty gf
Fucking please. There were tons of half life mods like Action Half Life, The Specialist, Natural Selection, Day of Defeat, Sven Coop, TFC, and Firearms that were all very popular. Modern devs just don't enable modding communities like they used to, so you're kind of stuck with whatever they release.
bad design games like LOL, DOTA, cod if you suck you can get carried by any player class, in overwatch you cant carry normally unless you are godlike with classes liek support or tanks making the game only focoused on DPS if you havent one you lose the game, and im not saying a good tank or ofensive support cant carry agame by himself alone but its MUCH MUCH more difficulty do that in comparison with a dps where in other game each individual no matter the class can carry the game if you are good
So you wanted vanilla interracial from a raceplay kink and were surprised when you didn't get it?
Its too hard for the retards who waste all of their money on gatcha to be good at, who are the only people willing to piss all of their money on a game for sex appeal alone
It was always a cheap rip-off/cash-in/soulless corporate trash designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator casualfag. Unfortunately, even casualfags can detect this and they moved on to the next thing (fortnite)
The people involved were the most unlikeable bunch of people I've met. Not in like a racist way. But just how they acted, like being edgy was a personality post age 15, talked in nothing but the meme of the month, etc
Also, this
they're already out of the gene pool
Because Blizzard was way too slow with their content schedule. If you have a game with a lot of depth (whether mechanically, tactically, strategically or all three) you can get away with drip feeding content because the game itself is enough to keep people engaged for a long time.
Overwatch isn't like that. It's more of a League style game. In fact, it's even more casual than League. You need a constant flow of content to keep people interested in this kind of game, or the playerbase will just peter off.
They’re always on /trash/ every day
Overwatch has so much porn there's literally a wikipedia article about it.
I think the first few threads were just black chick on white dick and then it just sort of went all the way down.
Where can I find this person? What thread?
why, why god couldnt anyone around him tell him why wearing that shirt was a bad idea, not even one person, really?
I love my perfect wife Olivia
I wanna fuck DVa
What did you honestly think was going to happen though? Bleached literally took all of the cuck shit from blacked and UNO reverse carded it. It was going to fall to the cuckholds eventually
Sounds like they were pretty toxic.
its a bad game that only survived its first year because of all the porn it got
Bleached or ntr I guess.
I wouldn't bother though, they are one of the people who make these threads and talking to them is a chore
Spend enough time around the same boring kind of cunts and you just get tired of it. I guess that counts as toxic
Maybe because they don't see blacks as inferior. That's the funny bit with the sjwtardation. They are actually racists but overcompensate.
I mean as long as they're good at pretending to be D.va they can be as boring as they want. Thanks dude
goddamnit. I hate getting the weird boners.
Should have made it a hero looter shooter. The PvE is more fun then the PvP.
>bl**ched shit on Yea Forums getting posted this frequently
Question OP, how does it feel to know that you guys are officially worse than bl**cked?
Game would've been fun with a four player co-op story mode.
reminder to not answer this anymore, blizzard ips are long done if they need to ask you this question over and over again
>1) Map design based around chokes
>2) Fights based around chaining ultimates within these chokes, general sense of this back in forth of teams taking turns blowing their loads
These two traits have been consistent since launch, which is why I got bored and stopped playing within like 2-3 months after release. Now I got all these autistic "decline of Overwatch, why it's not fun anymore ; - ;" in my suggested videos, and they all pretty much list these two points (as if they were newly occurring) and then tacked on a third:
>3) Poorly designed new heroes
Everytime I told those cunts they were being like blacked they just ignored me, and now they are the same or worse
These are just supposed to be porn threads but retards offer their hot takes on managing a bad IP instead
Making tracer unironically made me lose a ton of interest in Overwatch.
Even worse is that Tracer wasn't even conceived as gay. During one of the earlier Blizzcons after the game's initial reveal, they had a question about whether or not any one of the characters were gay. And they actually answered yes, but that they hadn't decided on who.
Which is not only pretty ridiculous, but also means that at the time they hadn't decided that tracer was gay, but then they clearly made that decision and I lost close to all interest in her. Dodged a bullet by not ordering her nendoroid.
>Thinking Reinhardt is OP when Brig enables it all
Look at this brainlet
No they’re worse. Blacked shit is full of degenerates and cucks but at least they know that and embrace it. Bleached is the same shit except they act like they’re superior despite copying all there cuck shit from the fetish they claim to hate.
TLDR: blacked fags are degenerates but accepted it, bleached fags are degenerates that can’t accept it
Because Blizzard doesn't know how to balance and slowly turned a half-decent, 'fun with friends' game into an absolute fucking chore to play. They nerfed every hero that actually took skill while repeatedly buffing braindead ones and kept leading the game in a direction where every action you took had less and less impact as you have to break down the enemies' three different regenerating shields, wait out D.va's vortex of deleting everything you fire from the game, and then either instantly kill their supports in the backline or nuke through their tank's giant health pool in less than two seconds before their supports refill it and negate any damage you've done.
>Reinhardt being a core pick in every comp..
i like paladins ripoff of him
>game has a faster ttk so shield is even more valuable
>he has a gun, it does decent damage
>he has an instant heal for like 1/4 hp
>he has a grab that can stun for 2 fucking seconds, enough time for him to solo kill you
>his ult is a better version of another dudes ult that just lets him hitscan you with a grope beam that puts you in his hand so he can chuck you off the map and instakill
They unironically admitted during last year's PvE event that they 100% ripped off their PvE content from L4D
Who the fuck cares about shit like this?
Gameplay is what matters, fuck off.
Post your mercys pls
Incompent devs who can't balance shit.
Minimal content still after almost 3 years.
Recycled events
Too focused on trying to be seen as a goody 2 shoes
Totally not gambling boxes
Nearly no characterization to anyone.
Incomprehensible lore that obviously had no planning until people wouldn't leave them alone about it.
Using sudden lgbt representation conveniently whenever Blizz fucks up.
Activision/Blizzard is just all around trash and needs to burn.
More people probably care more for the game's porn than the game itself at this point.
mercy where you at?
whats with the number with colors around it
I've literally never seen a use for it in all of the mystery heroes games ive played
It didn't.
I'm here bro you are late
Where is the one with the dick?
They only added like 3 maps and heroes per year.
Normal people burnt out and moved on to the next big thing, which is Fortnite.
It didn't though
It can be summed up as "you have to play the game the way we want" design.
Classes are purposedly shallow and are designated to fill single predermined blizzard-mandated roles with blizzard-dictaded counter, and the moment some player has success playing outside the blizzard box they nerf it. This kills expression and inevitably lead to a stale and boring meta.
For an example, just compare Mercy to the freedom TF2 Medic has or almost any healer class in any similar game.
every new hero has been bad with blizz's obsession with cc, doomfist and brig being the worst
doomfist and brig are both annoying as fuck to play against
Post more lewd overwatch sluts
>Incomprehensible lore that obviously had no planning until people wouldn't leave them alone about it.
>Come up with a novel idea about a conflict between humans, sentient machine intelligences that are pretty much just robot people, and weird completely alien distributed AIs that view the former two as inferior vermin.
>Use this as a backdrop for why a specific character is on the roster
>Do absolutely fucking NOTHING else with it.
I don't fucking get it. MvM had been out for FOUR FUCKING YEARS by that point, and OW was from the beginning Blizzard just copying a bunch of shit from LoL and TF2 and smashing it together. Blizzard is ass at PVP and always has been, their strength has always been at making PVE universes.
They should've just cribbed MvM and had a team vs PVE mode, and a PVP mode where teams alternate between being the Heroes who are biological and villains who are robot copies of the heroes. Seriously, they could've even released two sets of cosmetics, half for the actual heroes and the other half for the robot copies of the heroes.
Who was in the wrong here?
the fuck? lucio has a gun now? What else did they rework?
No, that's the new hero, Bastille. He's a Haitian with a shotgun, pharah's ROCKET-JUMPING-IS-TOO-HARD ability, and a buffed up version of Soldier's AoE heal. He's the new support.
As shit as this game is, at least it produced some good porn. I could fap to Mei for the rest of my life.
Is it really just THAT difficult to give Zaria a decent skin?
Anyone with a working brain could tell that their on the same level
Also, when are they going to stop playing favorites and give some skins to Orisa or anyone else they've been neglecting? I like the game and all, but it's like the devs just keep going out of their way to disappoint.
>getting annoyed by race fetishism
Now you know how we feel seeing cucks posting all that blacked garbage.
lol. This almost as bad as when /weg/ shows up here
Bleached is the brainlet choice
Colonized is the patrician choice
Because I didn't fuck any girls while playing it ;_;
excuse me i just moved places and needed to get my setup done
stopped playing over a year ago, they ruined my favorite characters for (((balance)))
orisa has some really good skins, moira probably has the worst skins
Soldier didn't give me a free blow job when he drove me to Blizcon so my immersion was ruined.
Also, the average Fortnite player is a zoomer that never touched OW before.
I stopped playing two years ago but I like watching xqc sperg out while playing it.
whenever i see him in any kind of video, it reminds me of the zoomer meme
Imagine being those TF2 pros who immediately jumped ship only for OW to die in a couple years anyway
remember when they claimed d.va wasnt a dorito goblin that twitch streamed like the thot she is, and that she didnt actually play games
i do
>Reinhardt being a core pick in literally every comp
Winston, hamster, and Orisa are just as common for main tanks now days. Now granted there are only a couple maps where you are actually being a fucking retard if you pick Rein but I'd say everyone on the tank roster sees pretty heavy use except hog. With that being said if you want to bitch you should bitch about the off tanks, DVA has no real counters and is pretty much always useful, Zarya is just a dps that they gave too much health to.
They didn't give me a Mercy gf
sure don't worry
Imagine how tight his chastity cage is.
God, I wish that were me.
I wish it was you
Holy shit was it only 3 years ago? I feel like I haven't played in at least 5
Here you go, you horny ape.
very tight
Is there a Mercy main that is not a healslut sissy?
Keep wishing, a tranny suicide a day keeps the world sane.
ewwww google
I love my wife Mercy
Taking 4 months to make a character is really shitty, they should introduce custom loadouts already.
no such thing
But user, then the moba crowd would be confused
Haha yeah imagine giving up a game there is no money in for a $50,000 minimum salary in OWL. Bet they will feel real stupid real soon.
literally not possible
the mere act of fetishizing race prevents it
Why do people keep asking this question? They killed overwatch in development, the only reason it got any attention whatsoever was its crazy amount of polish upon release. You can polish a turd until it looks like a bar of gold all you want, but it doesn't change the fact it's still a turd. How they designed its heros is the game's most fundamental and completely uncorrectable problem. They're better off making a sequel and completely rethinking their rigid hero design philosophy.
Moba crowd already have lvl up and other shit, but since you can change characters mid match, custom layouts is a better options, only the casual crowd would be confused, but I doubt they would stop playing, they didn't until now
Maybe Zarya is just a shit design, ever think about that?
Name ONE TF2 pro in their shitty esports league
there are none you fucking faggot
it didnt fail, it was successful for a time and then died, just like it happens with literally all games now
I dunno, I never played it.
I heard that the gameplay had a very low skill ceiling and got bland really quickly, because of the very linear maps, the shields and stuns and heals making each battle a grind and reducing the effect of pokes, and the complete lack of user-made custom gamemodes.
Ster was
shadowburn, forsaken, harbleu, seagull, mineral,
maelaa, flippy, clockwork
there are more but I can't remember them all
Wasn't there some Medic main turned into a DPS player in OWL?
She has one, her barbarian skin is great
I don't understand how knowing ex pro tf2 players makes me a zoomer...
FPS have evolved to require at least some level of customization of your character in terms of gameplay to be successful. Overwatch was surviving on brand name and porn alone.
cute boy != trans
Nice try, but I don't actually play her.
But you play Overwatch, so your standards are shit all the same.
There is a reason these faggots hide their faces you pozed nigger.
Maybe 98% of the designs are shit, ever think of that?
So is her Halloween costume, but you have to admit that she has some of the worst in the entire game.
Because they are smart, never put your face on the internet
Rein is not the problem. D.Va being so ridiculously powerful and Brig existing are.
>tfw Bastion has too many good skins to choose from
Feels like they were flip flopping on who was fusing instead of absorption, and in the end my only problem is I can't have sex with her(them)
It's because they have a mans face and that doesn't play into their mental illness of wanting to be woman. Which is great, I love when statistics are in my favor.
nerfed roadhog into oblivion, instant uninstall
Also no map tools so we had very limited playing.
Ults are ultra gay
Are you talking about fernando? I think his ult was just Zenyattas ult, unless they changed it.
If it has dva and she is in pain in some way its good, nothing else matters.
Game was destined to fail from the design stage.
Its like Artifact from Valve, fundamentally flawed game that nobody cares for and its fucking garbage, but even them had the decendy to admit it failed and are working on reworking it.(even if nobody will play it anyway)
Blizzard just keeps throwing money at it hoping it will somehow take flight.
>no mercy with a chainsaw
I love Angela Ziegler!
Go to bed Genji
cute boy have man face of course, not the same thing bruh
Just fizzled out like a normal game, but blizz made some bad choices along the way as well that didn't help things. I got my fill in the beta and later tried it again during a free weekend only to have no desire to play after that period. Most friends I know that jumped on the hype train don't play anymore either.
Has this... thing a name?
It is for them, it kills them, literally.
Its funny because ALL blizzard games are only played by diehard drones nowadays.
most people with a functioning brain, even half functioning brain ,didnt buy into it or jumped ship already.
the saddest playerbase ever.
More like I ship her with Doomguy.
>t. Doomfan
That's nice
>New event out today
>Only McCree and Ashe got good skins
>The new PvE mode is far shorter than the others and not that great either
They really need to add things more often, not just every few months.
The worst part about Overwatch is what it could have been vs what it became.
2016 Overwatch was rough around the edges, but a bit more polish, proper balancing, and better community servers would have made it so much better.
Instead they fucked the balancing, fucked the community, and fucked everything else by pushing for Esports several years too early.
Then they turn around and complain about people being """""toxic""""" when their entire system is built from the ground up to put as many people of conflicting personality types together as possible.
There really is no hope for Overwatch anymore, any potential it had to be a long standing classic was snuffed out already.
10 years from now we'll be on the edge of 2030 looking back at what games came out in the 2010s and all Overwatch will be remembered for is it's numerous mistakes and countless porn.
I wanna make her a mother after marriage.
Blizzard wouldn't keep fucking with it and not let anything develop naturally.
>Certain niche tactics stop cropping up as competitive players develop a meta game
>Blizzard nerfs the fuck out of certain abilities, adds in new hardline rules or releases characters that are desperate attempts to hard counter shit
>Fans start enjoying characters and their quirks and doing silly shipping bullshit
>Blizzard starts swooping in and hardline defining sexuality of characters
>People started liking all the skins and victory poses
>Start burying more and more behind limited time events
They were basically a grownup yelling at kids for playing with their toys incorrectly. Eventually people just gave up.
was it ever good?
Based marriage user.
retard you have to center it before mirroring it
>tfw no daddy to bully my boipussy while I support him as Mercy OwO
It was always garbage.
Change my mind.
The level design was literally made with Rein in mind, not even Brig is that busted.
I always knew the Cell saga would fuck me up later in life
People calling overwatch bad are contrarian faggots
The game was tons of fun on its initial release when things were new and fresh, there was no set in stone meta and it was pure experimentation with all the characters etc.
Then it quickly degraded into a shitshow with bad developement choices, balance issues, forced meta, blizzard's SJW actions and just overall stagnation.
The porn is what's basically keeping it alive rigth now. Everybody's just waiting on for new waifus and improved blender models and better technology for 3d animations
She's the most perfect girl there is and I'll never stop loving her.
Man im just looking for deeper and more disgusting fetishes. Its a thing i have for dva or mei, i melted my dick to cgi dva vore and i want something more extreme.
I'm satisfied with wanting to impregnate Mercy
How long until VR is advanced enough to let me be Mercy for those anons that are desperately in love with her?
Blizzard cracking down in porn is the final nail in an already terminally ill game's coffin
the only true answer, everyone else can go home now
>Blizzard cracking down in porn
Didn't they give up on that? Haven't seen any articles about that since first month of launch.
Don't do it. You'll get the crazies that won't be able to separate the person from the character and they'll be psychotically obsessed with you.
No, it could not have been anything good. The reason it's shit is at its core; everything else you listed is just icing on the shit cake.
The reason Overwatch is a bad game is because instead of being built around skills that encourage you to outplay your enemy, it's built around skills that stop your enemies from doing things. Don't believe me? Look:
>stop bullets from hitting you
Genji deflect
Defense matrix
One of the many shields half the roster shits out
>stop enemy from moving
Junk trap
>stop enemies from using abilities
>stop enemy ults
>stop enemy from healing
Ana's grenade
Hack health packs
>stop enemies from killing you
Baptiste's stupid field
>stop enemies from advancing
Molten Core
Ice wall
>stop enemies from running away
Orisa's gravity bomb
Ice wall
The list goes on and on, but you get it. It's not based around skill, it's based around waiting for the right moment to trip up the opposition. People like to compare it to TF2 because they're both character shooters, but in practice, it's the absolute antithesis to TF2.
you can already do fullbody avatars in vrchat, so wouldnt be that hard. im sure theres already some people who do that
but as the other user said, dont do it
DVa had to be reworked to turn her into not a useless piece of garbage, and now she's on par with rein except mobile, which actually means "snaps the game in half"
Sounds great though, it's VR after all, so I can have my harem of attractive young men who obsess over me while pleasing me in whichever way I want them to
thats always why zarya will be the best overwatch character because she counters a lot of that shit, or at least she did back when i played. Wouldnt be surprised if they nerfed her ability to stop that shit
Even worse. Inevitably one of them will get jealous of the others and cause trouble.
They acted like it was already popular on releasing it. They didn't actually do anything to ground it as something that actually exists.
Imagine if Warcraft 3 released with no campaign, orcs just randomly have tauren and all that shit. Night elves just fucking exist all of a sudden. Arthas already has frostmourne and you might just get a cinematic of him picking up the sword if you're lucky. That's what overwatch is like for every single character, every single location and every single plot element. It's like spinoff to a game that was never made.
Man this event sucks
Overwatch would be in the same state as HoTS if not for the waifu porn scene, they lucked out hard.
Restricting fan creations was a retarded move.
It's hot watching white guys colonize jungle heathens, sure, but honestly there's something kinda' gross about women acting this way. Not entirely sure what it is. Maybe it's their lack of loyalty to their own people. Maybe it's because I expect women not to be outspoken about their prejudices. Maybe it's because interracial couples are actually disgusting and we're really just fetishizing each other, and if it really were something more, well, then she wouldn't be advertising she fucks white guys, she'd be advertising she wants to fuck ME, not the other 500 million.
I would say it's better than blacked, but that's saying absolutely nothing. I also hate to admit it, but it's rare that I see legitimately cute Asian girls in porn with white guys. Maybe the cute ones don't do porn, maybe the the cute ones don't like white guys, maybe the cute ones just don't do porn with white guys. I don't know, but honestly, AMWF has better-looking girls in it. Maybe that's unfair because I have a white female bias, but I don't feel like I do. It's still gross because it's interracial, but at least the girl's attractive.
Anyways, Overwatch was never good. It had a look and feel that was easy to digest for casuals, and as casuals do, they played it for a few months and moved on to the next pop success.
Even better, can see them struggle for my favor and choose the ones who come out on top
>It's like spinoff to a game that was never made.
That's a perfect way to put it
>not posting the best version
i do not like this
>Getting rid of the meme tat but adding a penis
Not usually this guy but can I just get the original fucking sauce?
They ruined Roadhog.
I wasn't affected by any of the lewds posted above, but this got me really hard and excited for some reason. I want to play with her cock while she fools around in VR
It's more like the Buu Saga than Cell though. Cell had a set route for his evolution. Buu took on characteristics of the ones he absorbed.
She has a couple good ones, like Barbarian, the Cyber one and the 80's one.
They just don't seem to want to give her any more good skins
>they know
AromaSensei drew that, and it does come with penis and vagoo versions. The meme tat is just a shoop someone put in.
>games with any gunplay at all are worse than game with straight line hitscan guns with invisible hitboxes floating a foot away from peoples heads
I wish I had quit earlier. Thankfully I haven't logged on in months.
I only play Mystery Heroes with my friend, mostly because it's the only mode she can tolerate, and I find I hard to disagree
we live in an omnic society.
>You will never purge filthy omnic scum
if they just included a detailed scoreboard everyone can see it would have reduced toxicity by so much from the start, but they are stubborn as fuck when it comes to that, and with their map designs that they never change or tweak (maybe once)
the new characters would have been better if instead they considered the weakest heroes when they made them, they kept adding more and more and more counters to heroes that had counters instead of empowering the weaker heroes in some way with new ones
What's his name again?
Nah, the fapbait stolen designs make up for more than 2%.
My perfect wife.
I think he’s talking about Kahn (or Khan, idfk the spelling)
You know that's got to suck for black guys who like vanilla.
Reminder of what?
I'll never forget my wife Olivia.
Her fuckin thighs, man. Her fuckin thighs
I want them wrapped around my head.
Actually, this is a blacked thread
Not enough porn
Good lord in heaven
should I fap to d.va or sombra