The attitude displayed here perfectly encapsulates why Americans, in general, cannot appreciate Japanese games
The attitude displayed here perfectly encapsulates why Americans, in general, cannot appreciate Japanese games
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Why do we need to appreciate Japan's shitty culture? We beat their asses in WWII.
>>it's a food analogy thread
enjoy your salmonella tho
Sorry, too busy actually cooking my eggs to care.
>they eat raw fish
>they eat raw eggs
Did it never occur to them that they might be uncivilised barbarians?
Because I cook my food like a human being? Fuck them then
American would put ketchup in there tho.
>Americans cannot appreciate Japanese games
>Japan has been the biggest influence on the USA since the 1980s
>biggest consumer of Japanese products outside Japan
You don't get salmonella from healthy hens.
Any caveman can cook with a fire. Being able to eat raw food without getting sick is a telltale of civilization because it implies very good hygiene.
Japs are the ones who put ketchup on omelettes.
>on an anime website
>anime created by japan
lad, they're planning their revenge
Sure is videogames around here
they are more civilized than you mohamed
t. era/reddit faggot who'd rather have a thread about ecelebs and twitter screencaps
eating raw food is anything but civilization
found the barbaric American
appreciate their games, you swine
they are eating raw food while I don't, so the outcome of this discussion has already been decided before you even thought about replying
Funny, the most civilized places in the world are the ones where raw food is the most common. Raw herring is very common in Holland for example. Of course, if anyone tried that in America they'd get sick because they have the hygiene of an uncivilized third world shithole
Japan is a more civilized nation than the majority of Western civilization. Ever been? It's so peaceful and proper, and by comparison, our countries feel like third-world ghettos in the middle of civil wars.
should have had her pour gravy on cookies at the end for maximum american
yes, they are more civilized, you're not
end of discussion
Raw food is dangerous if it's from unhealthy animal. Modern civilizations have hygiene to keep livestock healthy and clean that's why eating raw food is absolutely civil
So another example is steak tartare. In America eating that would probably make you sick, so you have to cook it like the cavemen that you are. In Europe you can go to pretty much any decent restaurant and order it, and you won't get sick. Because being able to eat raw food goes along with civilization.
same goes for anal sex
>if you don't like shit you probably love vomit.
but user eating raw eggs is a sign of pure strength in the good Ol' USuvA
What does this have to do with Japan's obsession with tedious poorly written JRPGs?
100% this
only an advanced civilization would be able to prepare, serve, and eat raw food as if it it were cooked
And America also influences Japan. We've been on and off lovers since before WW2. And after we nuked them, they love us now and vice versa.
Not that guy but, I’ve been, and it’s a chaotic polluted dump environmentally speaking. Great technological focus though. You could call it civilized by definition, but it’s still dirty.
Sora to Umi no Aida
Between the Sky and Sea
What is the "raw eggs" of video games?
What amine is this?
Nutritionally, cooked eggs are better.
you need to appreciate the raw taste of the writer's prose
I'd assume something that it's safe to play as long as it's fresh and it's also not that common to play?
why? does fire add vitamins to the egg?
>cracking raw egg over rice
even cavemen cooked their food though.
advanced civilization? They eat their food with sticks, the least efficient way to eat food
Of shit they're subverting our retards into weeb corp
what? I also pray before eating because I am not an atheist animal.
probably indie games that were made and completed within a year
It makes the proteins more easily digestible, I think. Same with meat. That's why humans "invented" cooking in the first place. You get much more nutrition from cooked meat compared to raw meat.
kek, dumb stupid (possible tranny) weeabooo
Not that user but cooking does something to the proteins and increases their bioavailability or something. You get more proteins per serving, I think it's twice as much. Vitamins are always lost through cooking, not gained.
advanced civilizations can afford to be inefficient when it's a pleasurable activity
>not liking "arroz con leche"
ITT: literal weebs who are trying to argue that eating raw food is actually the peak of civilisation, and of course Japan is more civilised than every country on Earth combined.