Don't specifically go out of your way to romance a girl

>Don't specifically go out of your way to romance a girl
>She falls in love with your party member

Okay, that's kinda fucked up

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Other urls found in this thread:

That's life, man.

>party member fucks your mom if you don't boot him at the start

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Name literally 1 game where this happens, not more, not less

There's an easy solution to this problem, just get the "bad" ending where you get to kill them all in the end.

She's a good girl

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>Other party members loves her sister
>Who fucking dies
>by his hand
>to a soul devouring sword

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The best nina is BoF3 Nina

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>can't romance this girl, she is older than you!
>can't romance this girl, she is younger than you! (your party member can fuck her tho lmao)
>can't romance this girl, she is your step sister!
>can't romance this girl, she is a princess!
>can't romance this girl, because she wears glasses and has big tits!

Fuck you Cold Steel

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Closest I can think of is Grandia 3 where a brown dude steals your mom from the party

>Other party member dies when you're both kids
>He manages to survive
>Turns out he's your brother
>He speaks sense and wants you to join him living in peace and not threatening the delicate balance the world is in
>Put him down like an animal because you got tricked into assassinating the being keeping the world from turning into a fucking uninhabitable wasteland by her spiteful sister
Why is Ryu3 such a mongoloid?

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>mature girls wearing underwear meant for little kids
Why is this so sexy?

that was a shit translation though

in the Japanese version she just wants Ryu

Nina liking cray more than a friend is a mistranslation.

It was actually a mistranslation. She likes Cray as an older brother and in the manga she's all wet after Ryu.

>the being keeping the world from turning into a fucking uninhabitable
t. tyr

don't believe that bullshit for a second. The goddess didn't want to protect anything, she wanted to control it. She kept the world small intentionally for her own ends and tried to destroy the dragons because their power threatened her control over the world. If you played the 1st game then you know the goddess was not a good person, she was evil.

>Not fighting for freedom

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That's not Nina tho

Cope, she clearly got the BBC (big barbed catdick)

I'm pretty sure that by CS4 you can romance all of those.

>Mom is the best party member
>fall in love with some asshole and leave the party
>replaced by some literal who teenagers you meet randomly later.
Never been so mad.

You don't fuck Tali in Mass Effect 3, she fucks Garrus.
Both of 'em are good options so you're a beta if you don't want dinodick or maskpussy

Even the maid?

You snooze you lose

She was reformed, she realized nobody wins if the humans and their nukes and high technology destroy themselves or go to war with the Brood, who are basically walking nukes. One side had to be wiped out because one more war and they'd destroy the rest of the planet. Would you rather she didn't destroy the "peaceful" dragons, and then the retard humans attack them and they start defending themselves, leading to extinction of everything alive?
Also the only two people who claim Myria is up to no good are the two beings who gain the most from her death, her vengeful sister and a fucking tree who is the sketchiest entity in the entire series.

But Tali is not my mom


>Goddess pits the dragon clans against each other in a deadly war
>Light dragons stand up against and defeat her
>World is at peace

>Goddess's evil spawn tries to control and destroy the world
>Dragons seal it away and move their entire community to live just about him to keep an eye on the seal while awaiting the arrival of the hero who will destroy it
>The hero, again a dragon, arrives and destroy's the goddess's evil spawn, saving the world

>Goddess returns and the world suddenly begins turning into a lifeless husk
>Goddess uses this as an excuse to control everything
>Goddess sees dragons as the major threat to her control so she has them killed

>Surviving dragon awakes
>Learns the truth
>Confronts the goddess and defeats her to liberate the world from her evil

In no universe can any of these events be interpreted to mean that the goddess was good in any way. She started wars that threatened the world, when she was defeated she left an evil seed that threatened the world once again, and when she returned she began destroying the world and used it as a justification for instituting personal control over everything and attempting to eliminate the one race of creatures capable of stopping her.

Everything she has done has been evil.

>he doesn't know

From my perspective, it is the dragons who are evil.

>Confronts the goddess and defeats her to liberate the world from her evil
>Entire world becomes a lifeless husk and everyone has to live underground, starving and afraid
In before DQ is a different timeline/not canon

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Doesn't matter because Crow is canon

Sure if you ignore everything that actually happened in the goddess trilogy then I guess I could see you saying that. But there's no denying the influence the goddess's evil spawn had on the area around gate, coincidentally not all that different from the lifeless husk half the world became prior to BoF3. It's almost as if the goddess, left unchecked, slowly destroys the world and that only the intervention of the dragons protect it.

She is literal used goods in 5

Why does Ryu blushes when she says the line, though?

>party member becomes your mom because you don't fuck her

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Her name is MYRIA and she's evil period

how good is bof 2

Nope it was in the manga too. Though the manga also did take a few of it's own liberties.

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>Turns out he's your brother
What? No he's not. He's from the same clan as you but it's never stated anywhere that he's your brother.

First two hours are good. Last two hours are good. Everything in-between is filler pretty much. You do a bunch of random shit collecting party members and don't actually get back to the main point of the plot until the last few hours.

>In her final moments, Myria was in despair and believed that the world would soon end without her guidance.
Wow she sure sounds evil!

Of course she is evil, she's a woman

evil is as evil does. what myria does is evil.

She is inherently good and only wants the best for the world.

Stfu Myrianakin.

Mami's death still hurts me.


Imagine being a goddess who has every dragon hunted down and slaughtered and then hundreds of years later it turns out all it takes is one dragon to come along and push your shit in. That slut myria never even had a chance really. She's lucky the brood even let themselves get killed off without fighting back in the first place. Should've been obliterated along with her lacky guardians centuries ago

That's nice. You're wrong.

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It is the only good game in this shitty series. Play re-translation.

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Deity level deadman-switch.
If she created a force of destruction, and then held it back as a load-bearing boss, that doesn't make killing her the cause of the destruction.

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Oh fuck, he's here. Abandon thread everyone.

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Where are her pants?

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Play her game to learn about that. Breath of Fire II re-translation.

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>beat bad guy
>oh no in between games the bad guy won
>beat bad guy again
>rinse and repeat


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She is wearing pants

Breath of fire games aren't connected as much as autists want it to be.


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>Breath of fire games aren't connected as much as autists want it to be.
But they objectively are. BoF2 specifically states that deathevan is the seed of evil left by the goddess after the hero defeated her. Then BoF3 is explicitly a sequel to BoF1 with the goddess having returned and genocided the dragons.

On what grounds do you claim they aren't a connected story? There are inconsistencies in the localization (deis in Japanese became bleu in english then back to deis for bof 3 and 4, myria in Japanese became tyr in english then back to myria) but the games are connected. Those first three are anyways. Bof4 may be a prequel but who knows really

>falls in love with your party member

What the fuck are you talking about

Please kill yourself. I beg you, PLEASE end your own life.

Your game is shit, calm down sissy boy.

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Not very snek

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She makes up for that in other ways.

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Why? If they aren't getting with you, why shouldn't they get with someone else?
I'd feel terrible if I knew the reason that Tali or Garrus weren't fucking each other was cause they were both predestined for someone who wasn't interested in them

Literal cuck

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Well, specifically they aren't fucking because he's got calibrations to do, and she's from a species that's allergic to everything.
Seriously, immune systems don't work that way...

is the same problem with the WATCHMEN story, OZYMANDIAS "saved" the humanity with his actions but the true we overcome the COLD WAR and haven't nuke us each other (yet) because OZY lack more faith in humanity, the same lack of faith the GODDESS have with life, you cannot control life, life balances itself.

>my game
Its not my game retard.
I just want you to stop posting that ugly furry character in every fucking BoF thread.
So please just end yourself.

>it's fucking real

BoF3 loli Nina > BoF4 Nina = BoF2 Nina > BoF3 Adult Nina > BoF1 Nina > fuck dragon quarter
Shame I don't play fighting games.

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Looks nice.

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based actually insecure user

Playing it right now, it started off really strong with a actual clear goal and thread unlike the entirety of the first game but then it devolves into the same non-stop random disconnected filler. Also every single scenario is doujin bait I think they were chasing Dragon Quest.

>but then it devolves into the same non-stop random disconnected filler
That is almost the entire game unfortunately. The actual plot doesn't pick back up until you're asked to go to gate and investigate the dying forest.

Well, doesn't this just beat all...

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Are 3 and 4 still like that or do they at least respect your time a little better? The most infuriating shit is going into a place to have to be told you need to walk back out to go on a fetch quest to walk back in. The time stop tower at the end of 1 was fucking ridiculous.

BoF3 events feel more connected to the plot but there are still a ton of fetch quests and the game blueballs you with trying to get a ship for almost the entire middle portion of the game. Then when you get a "ship" it turns out to be crap and then you have to go do a fetch quest to get where you need to go.

4 i don't remember a lot from except that it felt short and ended suddenly.


BoF 1: Fast paced, fun, simple, a pure RPG with neat looking dudes
BoF 2: The objective and factual best one
BoF 3: Some tedious segments, slower combat, meh cast. Probably the worst one, but still okay
BoF 4: The best at presenting a story at the cost of being the worse as a game with far too many cutscenes many of which don't really add anything. Worst ending bar none.
DQ: Surprsingly good with an arlight story. Far too easy, though, by far the easiest in the series, since the chick with the gun can solo most enemies. Dragon meter and starting over were neat concepts that didn't really add much beyond making the Dragon go from the MC's heritage to some OP mary sue bystander. Best atmosphere in the series.


People like OP are the reason so many RPG characters are flat, one dimensional dick sucking yes men. They aren't allowed to have lives not revolving around the player on the off chance someone gets mad and feels like he got cucked because he didn't waifu a character. Fucking enjoy the waifu you picked instead being a selfish fuck and needing every girl to be free at all times because you're indicisive

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The MC falls in love with his spirit demon lord half.

Worst part is both of them are the best characters in the game

This, fuck Personafags in general for enabling shit like this. Ironically enough those guys got mad when FemMC in P3 was able to fuck everything without consequence but lose their shit if anybody else does it.

Come on user, if you're gonna bait you should leave at least some agreeable opinions.
If you lie about every single one it becomes too obvious.

>Everything I disagree with is bait
Seriously fuck off with this.

Justice for Teepo.

He's not lying though, that entire post is actually bait. The only thing missing was him praising the mobile game.

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Fuck off and give some actual arguments.

What the hell are you talking about? 4's ending was great. You're just mad about the Yuuna thing aren't you?

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That's a lot of words for "fuck you romance the blonde chick"
Which is still too many words for "shit franchise"

4's ending sucked. Nothing was resolved.

It's literal bait user. The point is not to argue with bait. Don't be that guy and fall for it.

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Okay, gonna go with you are baiting at this point.

It is what it is, user. Just trying to help you.

Nobody likes DQ Nina.

>worst girl is the canon love interest

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Maybe they should have had her wings hug her shoulders and function/s look like a cloak.
Then she spreads them out and you realize they are actually wings attached to her body.

>Fou's rampage is stopped
>The Endless are all sent back to wherever they come from
>Humanity is left to their own devices to either prosper or fuck shit up
sounds like a lot was resolved to me,mate. Maybe pay better attention.

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>Party Member betrays you

Attached: If 2B went Rogue.webm (720x406, 2.42M)

>Didn't join with Fou and annihilate your party ending.

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>Turning on based Scias, Ursula and Ershin
yeah, not happening.

Didn't have a PSX or a pre Dreamcast Sega unit in the 90s, What are the good RPGs and should I play Suikoden I before II?

I would. Honestly I think I like 1 a bit more than 2. The quality of life improvements 2 had where nice and all but holy fuck does the story flounder and waffle.

BoF2 has by far the worst dragon system which puts it into shit tier automatically.
4 undeniably has the best gameplay in series. And not only in series, it has the best turn based jrpg combat system only surpassed by Mana Khemia 2.

>don't go after a girl
Sounds like incel logic to me

>it has the best turn based jrpg combat system only surpassed by Mana Khemia 2
Jesus fuck no. It's not even close to something like trails of cold steel or trails in the sky. Both blow any bof combat system out of the water

I saw the village on fire and oink piggies scene, and was dying of laughter. Is more of the game like that?

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>Nina and Ryu are the same character in every game
Nothing in BoF3 indicates this Myria is the same as the one in the past

Plus here's how she talks when she's dying and no one is around to hear her (to her knowledge). This isn't something an evil person would say with their last breath

Luca's shit is constantly top tier. Problem is he gets killed about, a little more than halfways through and the final villain is just so fucking lame.

>an earth wall and craft spamfest
>being anywhere close to the combo system of BoF4 alone
Trails are basic as fuck in terms of combat system. Nowhere near BoF4.

>Nothing in BoF3 indicates this Myria is the same as the one in the past
Except Deis straight up calling her out.

Attached: deis 3.png (512x384, 240K)

Uh yeah for imprisoning her? Which was justified since they had a fundamental disagreement over how to run the world and Deis would have done the exact same thing.

She's a control freak, and all but the most insane think what evil they do is in pursuit of good ends.

Speaking of BoF themed costumes leaked for SFV

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>Nothing in BoF3 indicates this Myria is the same as the one in the past
Except for the elder of the dragon village outright saying that dealing with myria is a recurring problem that and multiple generations of dragon heros have fought her.

>They can take care of themselves better than you think
Deis really had no idea how wrong she was, huh?

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Right but she acts almost completely differently from 1 and her progeny in 2. Plus 2 implies that she died pretty hard. Now you could have her merely pretending even though nothing in the game indicates this, but maybe like Ryu and Nina she also reincarnated only able to do so after Deathevan, the last of her will and power, died.

>she acts almost completely differently from 1
She acts exactly the same as she was in 1. In the original game, she initially tried to come off as a caring and emotional woman. That's her whole shtick - She pretends to be a motherly figure but in reality she is evil, and when you reject her she shows her true grotesque form.

Compare how they act here

Technically they do the same things but the way they go about it is completely different. And then look at their post defeat scenes for more contrast.

You're talking about the difference between SNES and playstation. Dialogue in playstation and newer is always more wordy with generally better characterization, so I think that's what the difference represent more than any kind of substantive difference in who they are

Sounds like an assumption on your part. I mean hell, you can see in that she's doing more than just lying. She does care, to some degree, about the people.

Pretty much every SNES villain is portrayed as irredeemably evil. It isn't until playstation when characterization really improves to the point where final villains get nuance in their motivations.

>Asian man summons a new foulu
>continues turning people into torture bombs
>continues mass producing monsters which he even did using a goddamn princess and got away with
Literally nothing was resolved, that's the point, everything was caused by him and will be again as he's gonna simpy do the same thing again

Oerstead from Live a Live, Golbez from FF4, Dhaos from Tales of Phantasia, Psaro from DQ4, Arvis from FE4 (Evil but has a lot of nuance), the original Metal Gear games

There's probably more but you get my point.

Golbez was not the villain, the villain was Zemus/Zeromus. And he was most definitely irredeemably evil.

user, a story can have multiple villains.

Golbez was always a puppet of zemus, not the main villain.

>main villain

I don't feel so good

I specifically said final villains in my initial post.. So no there is no goalpost you fucking retard. That was always what I was talking about. God you're dumb.

A hyper-sensitive immune system IS allergic to everything. The Quarians don't have to be concerned with disease on its own: They stay more or less sterile and sealed. They need to be concerned because even the most minor pathogen that could be treated trivially with ME era tech can put them into a fatal fever or inflammatory attack.

As a Fiefag, I will never not be mad.


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They reset the romances between each game, so not a big loss any which way

This was actually a translation error.

In the Japanese version she explains to Ryu that she had loved Cray at one point but she knew he loved Alena and never acted further on her feelings.

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You're right, Golbez was not the main villain. Arvis wasn't either. To make up for it, I'll give you two other examples

Michael from SMT 1 is definitely a well intentioned extremist and so is Asura from the same game.

Can we revive him please?

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Only if you can beat him with Ryu solo again

>can't merge with Fou Lu and then let your ass get kicked by Nina and friends