Sekiro Thread
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Didn't know that fromsoft are white supremacists
Fuck, I lost the game...
what scene/character is this?
*picks you up*
How does From keep getting away with it?
because they are good
This triggers the nu-male
>Fighting Lone Shadow Poopfist and his boyfriend
>Got a good feel of the fight. This is probably going to be it
>Butt buddy is dead and first healthbar is down
>Fucker disappears
>Music stops too
>Walk towards where he was
>He pops back into reality, so does the music
>Back up
>Disappears again
>Walk forward
>He has all his health back
>So absolutely stunned I can't focus and die.
>reach Sword Saint Isshin last night
>fuck up for 3 hours, go to sleep
>wake up, fuck up for 3 more hours
>take a break, go to gym
>come back, beat him first try
Feels incredible, man. Hard as fuck until you learn how to deal with him, but it's so rewarding when you do. Easy mode my ass
Want to poll Yea Forums on this; which is harder: Isshin or Midir?
>Lone Shadow Poopfist
Someone should redraw this image with one Lone Shadow and a bunch of purple ninjas
hitting gym actually helps
>Admits it's not actually racist to make the sign
Good job playing into the hands of your own boogeyman.
cute usless retards
Yeah, this house right here.
Hey, thanks man. See you later.
can YOU kick a ball like that?
What's the type of sword Emma uses? Hilts are for pussies.
Why isn't there any porn of the blue ladies yet
All the porn energy got eaten up by the boring pedobait characters and monkey. There's even Corrupted Monk porn.
I thought Yea Forums liked feet tho
mfw i beat Owl 2 and it was the fucking second most fun fight i had after Genichiro
They do, just not quality feet.
based owl man
>fight burning bull
>die 10+ times
>fight Genchiro
>die dozen of times
>fight guardian ape
>die for 2 days straight
>fight owl
>fair fight but still die to him over and over again
>fight cursed nun
>can't even remember how often I died to her
>even managed to die to folding screen monkeys a few times because of how bad I am
>fight divine dragon
>first try, got hit only once
that boss fight felt so fucking cheap compared to everything else
>beat all the bosses fine
>choke and spill sphagetti on faceless
jesus i cant take it anymore anons
headless are too spooky4me
What's with his obsession with feet?
I haven't been to divine dragon yet but I think the fight is meant to be symbolic, to make you think "Oh shet I've beat a fucking dragon and I got the last piece to save my shota lord" but then you go back and still gotta kick some wrinkly ass, Miyahacki trollahacki
They moan really good when you kill them too. Underrated desu
Midir wasn't even the hardest boss in that DLC
Why was this bitch even there?
better question is why can't we molest her dead body
Who was harder?
better version
>on monk mountain
>dont know where to go
Am I fucking retarded? The head monk told me to go to the sanctum but it's just a looping cave with a cliff lookout. Am I missing a grapple location or something?
Ring the bell dipwad
go to the monk who talks to you and check before the giant gold buddha statue. you can interact with the little bell on the table to progess further
Why is he doing the racist sign?
I'm at the end of the game, Ashina Reservoir, do I really have to deal with this Ashina Seven Spears guy and this other samurai dude at the same time? fuck off from
You can run past them if you a bitch
use sneak candy shinobi
Thanks, haha.
If you can't beat him you probably can't beat Isshin. Just nut up and learn man. Don't aim for killing him the first few attempts, try to learn him. You're fucking immortal.
Just use Ninjutsu. You can either Bloodsmoke, or turn one of them into a puppet.
I did, they still see me before I can reach them
Not that user but I completely forgot this was a thing. Is it actually helpful a decent amount of the time?
It's great for thinning out annoying fucking enemies. I always used it to grind in Gun Fort by smoking the first shotgun guy then stealth killing the other two since you'll always get noticed without the smoke.
I use it fairly often, it's pretty nice.
do you have both sneak skills ?
you can sneak by coming at them from their sides
killed him thanks boys
Am I fucked if the old man died and the castle is being seiged and I haven't done anything with the snek hearts yet? The last thing I did with the loli was take her rice to Kuro
Now go slap the old man silly. Again tho, if you're having difficulties give up on trying to kill them actively and just work on learning how they move.
I like how this one is just LOCKED on you no matter where you are in the palace, she's looking right at you
Post hackey sack webms!
Fucked for what?
Good end
Eh, define good. You might be locked out of return, tho you could always visit rice loli real quick and see whats up.
Watching DSP play this game has really enlightened me to not only the complaints shitters have about this game, but about tons of other video games. For example: the camera. People have been complaining about cameras in 3D games ever since Super Mario 64, and I - for the life of me - could never figure out what the fuck they were talking about.
But then DSP enlightened me. If the camera moves without him desiring it to, he apparently completely loses where his character is. If he gets backed up into a wall or goes around a corner or something like that, he no longer knows where his character is.
I think that's hilarious. How can you not know where your character is? Is it a spatial intelligence thing? Where your camera is doesn't change where you or the enemy are, so how the fuck do you lose yourself? Or if you're backed against a wall and the camera gets fucked up so you can't see yourself...so? You know you're right under the camera and you can see the enemy. Why does it matter if you can see your character or not?
This has really helped me understand what I've been hearing for years. I kept thinking, "The camera in Kingdom Hearts is bad? The camera in Dark Souls is bad?" No. They're just idiots, who would be lost no matter what.
you mean true ending?
yes you are fucked
i was surprised DSP beat the game
literally thought he would be filtered
Ah damnit. What do I do with these snek parts then
1st for still not completed it because I got filtered at ape rape.
You don't "beat" him, the fight is just a beautiful setpiece and gives you one of his tears when you're done proving you deserve them.
At first I thought this was Tomoe. But then I realized she had already died and even had a gravestone.
it's the big budda statues in sunken valley
>How can you not know where your character is?
You can know, but the character won't move as intended and you have no way to know where the enemy you are targeting is due to the shitty camera.
It's bad design when you have to retarget an enemy because the camera fucks up and stops tracking him.
I haven't seen that. I'll acknowledge that I have experienced that in 3D games, but it's always because of things like walls. Which is why you stay away from them. Problem solved. It's not a problem for me, what the fuck is wrong with you? All of these games have the same fucking camera.
Look at this at 4:44:48
Wow. The camera turned around. Ergo............what? You're both right fucking there. Do you blackout if the camera moves? You're not turned around. You're not off camera. The enemy isn't off camera. Are you momentarily surprised by the distance between you two? Well, have no fear, because that doesn't fucking matter in a game where you parry everything.
What song is she listening too Yea Forumsros?
i hate dark souls games but sekiro has me intrigued
user, I want to play Sekiro again. I beat it more than a week ago, and I miss this game so much already. What can I do? Should I just do NG+++++++? The NG difficulty was enough for me desu, so I'm not looking for any extra challenges.
I was also thinking of starting just a new game, but I I feel like looking for all those player beads and stuff again might be annoying.
can any1 be filtered harder than this kid?
>didn't even do no charm + bell run
>but not looking for challenge
fucking choose 1
If you've already gotten the dragon tears, you're locked out of getting the snake viscera to get the return ending. Sorry mang.
>stunned for 3 seconds
>has like 40 attacks
What a faggot. Did he not invest in Mikiri Counter?
I'm assuming that's your channel or a friend of yours channel
are you talking to yourself?
I’m fighting Owl 2 on NG+ should I use a new save to fight him? I already have one close to getting to that fight. He does a lot of damage and my posture is shite, I feel like I should beat him in a regular new game.
The Distance by Cake or something that mildly hypes you up without being too loud
I don't think NG+ adds that much more damage desu; the boss is just hard
what an absolute idiot
>"I dodged it! WTFF!!"
>dodges and then gets hit AFTER he's done the animation
correct plz subscribe
nah it was on r*ddit, theres another clip where his dad calls him a faggot for yelling at this game
>game literally tells how to win against this type of enemy when you first encounter him
>also every enemy that can block will block your first 2 swings then counter attacks faster than your 3rd swing so you get punished for just wildly swinging your sword
>any normal person realizes this after a couple of "wildly swinging then dying"-moments
>ignores both facts
>wildly swings with his sword at enemy and, lo' and behold, after his second attack the enemy counter-attacks faster back and hits him
>complains afterwards that he's shit and doesn't understand this simple mechanic that goes like a red thread through the whole game
the fuck did he even do up to this point? Did he just sneak around and backstab everything so he never really fought any enemy? I thought he would start to cry
I think i want to see that, post the link amigo
Beat demon but Isshin is fucking me up on the third phase
Think this i my favorite from game
What the point of the insta death items? why would you ever want to die?
A better question is why can't you read properly?
i have dyslexia
>accidentally only talked once to the nigger, left the area then he's gone
>gave the white pin-wheel to the fat dumb monk
>can't find any others to send to the abandoned dungeon
I know you can send either of them to Doujun because friends of mine did it and we wanted to make different decisions. Are there any other NPCs later on I can send to their death?
Sucks to suck. It's literally right in the description.
Nope. just those two. You probably still have time to send the nigga tho.
no but you're not missing much. do it on your next playthrough
Brainlet here
I just used the kite in senpou temple to get to an entrance to the sunken valley, but I have no idea what to do here.
I can't jump down without dying. I watched a video and apparently the great serpent is supposed to be there, but it doesn't appear yet.
What do I have to do for it to appear?
>get to sword saint Isshin last night
>almost get to his third stage on my first try
>get demolished by him a bunch of times in a row
>finally beat him after a drawn-out sword-fight
Pure kino
Easily my favorite fromsoft boss. Owl 2 was great, but there was something else about running through the reeds parallel to each other and then facing off against each other in a heated sword fight. Not to mention the voice lines man
"How my blood boils!"
"Face me, Sekiro!"
Gun Fort.
genshiro #3 is not the last boss?
Because Owl 2 is by the numbers. It's a bit harder but it's also hella choreographed so once you get the dance down he shouldn't really touch you. SSI is wild man who actually brawls you and puts all your basic and advanced combat moves to the test.
The one where he uses lightning? No you're like right before halfway
Fuck snake eyes. Use the poison skip
the one where you meet him at the same place as the tutorial
That's not the gun fort familia.
Are you at the top of a tower?
That's like a third through.
He technically is his grandpa just does the rest for him
Skipping the bridge encounter to kill the serpent early can let you completely skip gunfort, and by extension the sunken valley snake eyes.
I just beat Isshin now and got the return ending. That was a fucking incredible last boss fight and definitely the best of the soulsborneiro or whatever the fuck they're called now
Booooooo. Keep that faggy skip shit to yourself, homo.
Owl ng+ without the charm is kicking my ass
I can't imagine phase 2 Isshin
That's a ballgazer you fucking moron. Stupid AND homosexual.
Owl definitely has the biggest difference in difficulty between ng and ng+ of all the bosses.
I'm trying to Platinum this game, but god damn these skill points get ridiculous. I still need about 25 of them and I'm already getting sick of the game.
If you're already about to die, you can kill yourself with the tooth and it won't put the black line through your resurrections. Which means you could resurrect again if need be without first getting another deathblow.
>that useless ult that consumes 9 bar
that fucked me hard man
You asked where to find the snake and he told you.
How does the Guardian Ape REEEEEE? Is he holding his decapitated face to his neck and screaming blood through it?
I honestly feel like giving up. This is harder than any boss.
NEET detected
Pretty much. It definitely goes out from the neck area since if you're behind him it's much easier to get away.
>beat SS Isshin first game, hard but worth it
>NG+, beat Owl 2, again hard but worth it
>fucking Demon is still putting his fiery foot in my ass
someone teach me how to survive, I get so nervous hanging out by his feet
i still dont get it. are you saying that you die and get a free resurrect?
I just beat Genichiro. God damn, that was one of the best fights in a videogame. It didn't feel cheap or artificial difficutly. I knew I could git gud at parrying with enough practise and way of tomoe was fucking easy, just one lightning reversal, 2 mikiro and a bunch of fire crackers and boom
>purple ninjas and red samurai BTFO of Ashina soldiers
oh wow. How did they manage to stand for this long?
Just beat Isshin after about 4 hours and a million tries. We're all gonna make it bros.
Time to start a different game because I'm already bored of Sekiro.
Nope. I'm employed
1. Isshin
2. Sekiro spends the whole game literally murdering every defense and Ace Ashina has up it's sleeve, including all of it's leaders, so when they attack they're pretty fucked
3. They always knew they were fucked eventually which is why Genichiro wanted the Divine blood in the first place
Basically if you get killed by a boss and resurrect yourself you will be locked out of another resurrection unless you performed a deathblow on them. Bite down allowed you to die and resurrect yourself without being locked out of another resurrection.
Sprint to the right when approaching him and he can't do shit.
thank you. i'm enlightened now. a very good item
Killing yourself with Bite Down or Tooth stops you getting the black mark, meaning you can essentially convert a Res node into a 50% heal as well as getting rid of negative status. You could almost consider it a less useful Divine Grass but once that replenishes over time.
It's situational but it's there.
If you want to do gravity skips you still need to use Contact Medicine, since you can't use Bite Down in mid-air.
am i the only one who killed 7 speras by jumping on him kicking him and slashing over and over again ?
I'm at Isshin and just noticed I only found 2 ninjutsu techniques. How many more are there?
>one of those Okami bitches uses a soccer ball to kill you
What the fuck Miyazaki?
I just want to say I love the number of ways they curveball players in this game. It feels like they had a lot of fun just brainstorming things to fuck with you.
>Monkey Trouble
>Monkey Trouble part 2 (Electric Boogaloo)
>Monkey Trouble part 3: Diddykong
>Iaijutsu man
>Isshin has a fucking spear
>and a gun
did anybody else find the 2nd kangz fight significantly easier than the first kang fight? second one felt like it spammed the easy to punish moves while having zero poise regeneration.
okay cool this is what I needed, I can never keep calm long enough to experiment and learn shit like this
Yeah I felt the same. The brown ape also gets stunned for an insane amount of time by firecrackers so it basically becomes a non-entity once you figure that out.
Three. You might've missed the last one; I believe it's after the 2nd Ape fight, if you go back you can use the Mortal Blade to kill the centipede on the corpse. Since you're at Isshin I'm wondering if that place is being occupied by... something else.
Only one ape can attack at a time.
They are programmed never to attack simultaneously.
Fire Umbrella also helps to dab on his AoE garbage, unless you have the Charm debuff in which case no shit he's kicking your ass.
That's a bold faced lie user.
It worked for me when I made the general assumption on NG+.
I had to be careful as soon as headless stopped attacking, or became vulnerable, the brown one was heading in to attack.
The apes' attacks never overlapped.
Well lucky you, because they both came at me like I insulted their mothers or something.
isshin was murdering them.
Ehh, it's vague. "Two can't attack at once" is sort of true in the sense that their aggression is reduced, but if one gets stuck in a long-winded attack animation then it won't stop the other from making a move on you. If they both decide to do a long gap closing combo after the other, then you can often get fucked.
Either way the fight is still easy, you can usually just Tanto+Shuriken Dixie Kong to death.
>even managed to die to folding screen monkeys a few times
Is it even possible to use those words in a sentence like that
Just beat Isshin, not as hard as you faggot meant it to be. Phase 3 is a joke and phase 2 is way slower and dodgeable than phase 1.
it's actually programmed for the brown kang to defend the white kang's vulnerability frames; so any time white kang uses a move that delays him brown kang steps in to slap your shit.
>locking prayer beads behind the purification ending
God I was pissed when I realized
you fucking retard
You don't have to pick purification in the end tho.
I read that you should run around behind him by his leading foot, which was almost always his left(your right), the only move he'd ever hit me with was the combo that started with the non-fire hand.
>Phase 3 is a joke and phase 2 is way slower and dodgeable than phase 1.
I keep saying this! But for some reason people act as if I am mad when I do.
Isshin is at his most troublesome in phase 1, and only gets easier and easier with each phase.
The final fight is unironically
Isshin P1 > Genichiro > Isshin P2 > Isshin P3 in terms of difficulty.
Defeat Phase 1 and you've practically won already.
>above anyone
You shouldn’t even take damage during his part
>Jobichiro not dead last
I never had trouble with him during the last fight, but that might be because I already knew his moveset from the last battle
It's not like Genichiro is hard or anything, but he is much more aggressive and more random than Phase 2 and 3 of Isshin.
Like I said, beat Phase 1 and you've practically won already. Because the rest is a joke once you know their moves.
Shit man, not that guy but I didn't even get enough chances at Genichiro to start perfecting him before SSI went down.
I found Phase 1 Isshin to be easier than Genichiro. However we probably played differently, in P1 Isshin I followed every successful hit with Praying Strikes and his posture drops faster than a bag of rocks, whereas in P2 and 3 I went for cautious chip damage.
demon of hatred isn't just a hard boss, he's a bad boss. in bloodborne or dark souls he would've been a good boss, but in sekiro he is a bad boss. you're taught that you should block and deflect for this entire fucking game, only to fight a boss where blocking and deflecting just isn't an option. this wouldnt be a problem if dodging was viable, but it's not. there aren't enough i frames on dodges to justify this retarded decision. you have to just sprint in and out constantly and pray that he doesn't throw his undodgeable fireballs in your general direction.
>only to fight a boss where blocking and deflecting just isn't an option
You're wrong here, but I agree overall. He's just out of place.
>you're taught that you should block and deflect for this entire fucking game
No, you're not. If anything it's silly elitists on Yea Forums or elsewhere telling you that. Just like Souls elitist shit on anything that isn't rolling.
The game does teach you to avoid attacks. And bosses like the bull etc are even meant to teach you how to run.
And dodging is super viable in Sekiro. The fact that you can't rely on iframes doesn't change that. Your mobility is like 10 times that of the Souls games so you actually have everything you need to dodge attacks wholesale instead of dodging through them with iframes. Run. Stay moving. That is a very legitimate option.
>part 1 above part 2
Holy shit you are retarded.If you're in his face, he does 3 parryable attacks, then you can hit him, and then sidestep or Mikri whatever move he does. The first phase lasts literally 30 seconds that way.
Be that as it may, the second phase does like the exact same thing over and over again in a loop and it's like impossible to mess up.
I wish the prosthetic tools were more useful in general. The only ones that are consistently useful are firecrackers, and there are some that are only useful in very specific circumstances. I think having more emblems at a time would also help
this is actually really amusing if you try it
Also, I feel like the Combat Arts that require emblems are also not very useful. I never use them in favor of spending emblems on prosthetic. honestly, I just use Ichimonji 90% of the time
Umbrella is actually the best prosthetic in the game, it's only actual downside is that it becomes useless with the charm debuff.
If not, then it's the best solution to every problem. AoE unblockables, attack spammers, wonky hitbox grabs - it's the silver bullet for every annoying thing in the game, and its offensive qualities aren't even that bad.
some games have really shitty cameras that get stuck in walls or wig out when near environmental objects
Dark Souls has an option in-game to disable the camera auto-correcting when something is between the player and the camera
Tales of zestiria has a notoriously shitty camera that gets stuck in trees, walls, buildings, etc. Mainly because that game has contextual battles, where you don't load into an instance when in battle, you just fight there on the overworld. This of course creates problems because the overworld is clearly not meant for battling in
okay yeah you can block and deflect SOME of his attacks, but you still take burn damage from the majority of them. it's just sad to see because normally FROM knows how to make fights that are tough but fair. doh is difficult because he's out of place and unfair with the games systems.
>inb4 git gud
i beat him yesterday, i still think he's the worst boss in the entire game
I've honestly never tried the umbrella for anything other than the gun fort approach. Unfortunately, I was planning for my next playthrough to be with the charm debuff. Does the umbrella deflect do more posture damage or have a larger than a normal deflect?
I thought the beat of a new pop song was playing when he died at first
>but you still take burn damage from the majority of them.
Maybe get the Phoenix Umbrella and stop being a retard.
>Got through snek canyon and beat the horseman in the castle after that
>Talked to Tengu dude to get a kill mission
>Got wrecked by a terror monster in a cave off in the other direction of the snake
>Ran out of beans fighting Lady Butterfly but feel like I can almost get her (have done the first phase perfectly a couple times)
Where should I go? Just keep fighting the old lady? It's fun so far.
Nigga you aren't supposed to block or deflect his fire moves. Just his actual limbs. Also the fireballs are easily dodged. You just run in an arc towards him. Again though, I agree he's out of place to the point of tedium in this game.
The most befuddling thing is that he verbally recognizes that what he is doing isn't particularly effective at all, and yet he insists to keep doing it regardless.
an idol should have appeared in horesman's arena. It is right next to a big door that you can progress through. Also, if you want a tip for butterfly without seeds Just run around the arena when she summons illusions. They will eventually turn into projectiles that try to hit you, but just keep sprinting.
Yeah, I was just sprinting around. And it seems like when she first enters phase 2 you can body her for a bit so she doesn't summon illusions right away.
Will check out the idol. Or look around for scrap metal to upgrade stuff.
Just beat him today. I saved a VOD, and I rewatched it, it was the most clutch thing I've ever seen.
There is a mod that tweaks some emblem costs if you're interested
Why does he have a benis though?
to me the christchurch guy wasnt even doing the WP shit, he was doing the gotcha game because hes a memer
>endgame Ashina is burning down
>half of Ashina's forces are fucking shitting themselves and cowering in fear
>decide to take pity on them and kill the red fuckers
>the ones still fighting attack me as well
What a bunch of fucking assholes, maybe I should have let the Red Guard penetrate your assholes after all.
>it's impossible to mess up
That's just a lie. I'm not going to pretend it's easy, he wrecked me many times. You can get in the groove of recognizing his moves, yes, but saying it's easier than phase one is just bullshit.
Beat Demon of Hatred after 2 days of trying. I've done absolutely everything else other than start the purification ending because I missed my chance so there's some fights I missed but I all set for the final stretch in the reservoir.
What's the cooldown on rice loli? I can grind for 23ish minutes (I watch Hulu in the background) and she still never seems to let me hold more than 1.
>there's rebalance mods already that make some useless shit like Ashina Cross better
Eat rice to get more rice.
Not that other user, but I also found Phase 1 harder than 2 or 3.
That is one thing that makes no sense imo, especially since there is a dying Ashina soldier that asks you to backup the troops
So just keep burning them and she'll start letting me stack them after a while?
You're still Genichiro's enemy as he is the commander of the troops.
1. He jumps up and slams the ground with his spear, then dashes forward with his swords and remains vulnerable for attack afterwards.
2. After being attacked he will push you away with 1 of 3 very similar moves.
3. If you've just got some distance between you he will just repeat step 1 and 2 again close to guaranteed.
The only exception to this is that he will sometimes rarely pull out his gun before step 1, but even when he does he will just follow that up with step 1. So just run to the side and avoid it.
Literally and unironically 100% of phase 2. 100%. Unironically. Every time. It's so ridiculously easy to manipulate his moves in this phase.
What the fuck am I doing wrong with the lightning counter on Isshin? Every time I jump and do the counter I always land before it fires off which fucks me over.
It's a timing thing. You actually have to jump pretty late into his animation.
You're jumping to early.
Somewhat related, do people ITT not play rhythm heaven?
Because I have terrible rhythm
Okay cool thanks, I've been saving them as a precious last resort item so no wonder I can't stack, I think I finally used my first rice against Isshin p2 in my first run. It's so fucking OP with the healing buff arts.
Also, what's everyone's favorite art to use in the air? I like Nightjar Slash.
Practice against the dumb ladies in Fountainhead, that's how I got my timing down
How did he beat it in three tries, when it took some of you all hours?
How long are you going to spam this, DSP?
Kodachi with plain hilt.
You're not wrong, but here's phase 1:
Deflect three times, then strike. He'll do either a thrust, zip away and do the 2 vertical strikes or the whirlwind slash, or the double ichimonji. The double and thrust can be sidestepped and punished, the others you can use fireworks. Done.
>died to the fucking monkeys
Are you a hype?
She's sleeping not dead.
How is this nigga so powerful when his bicep is almost as small as the hilt of his katana?
>even managed to die to folding screen monkeys a few times because of how bad I am
Please elaborate, user. Was it the ghost monkeys/fear buildup, or did you fall and not grapple? Those are the only possibilities I see.
Is this some turbo mode shit or just a sped up clip?
That is more difficult though.
I disagree, but whatever floats your boat user. I really hated his spear combo that ends in a Mikiri in phase 2 and I didn't bother baiting the jump attack or anything else.
Best thing in the entire game
White nationalists should fucking get into everything.
Talk about how much they like Marvel comics.
Talk about how much they like Star Wars.
Shit, talk about how much they like progressive video games.
Take it all back in a heart beat.
Digusting map.
Killing this bitch is always satisfying. Fuck you and your heat seeking Lightning balls.
Mad because you're going to get consumed by Largentina, aren't you?
>>Iaijutsu man
Lofi hiphop
nigga in the dojo
The "samurai" you see around ashina are conscripts and dojobabies.
Dunkey using speed hacks.
fucking moron zoomers
He never does that combo unless you're up close to him.
Other bosses or even just other phases of Isshin, does one of multiple attacks when you keep your distance. But Isshin phase 2 really just repeats that one move over and over again provided you keep your distance, and it leaves him vulnerable every time.
just use the fire upgraded umbrella dude
1000 times japanese folded muscles
Guys, why is Genichiro so based?
>inb4 jobber
>doesn't even try to use Kuro's sweat or other shota fluids for that sweet immortality
He really needs to think outside the box.
You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
You didn't grow.
You didn't improve.
You took a shortcut and gained nothing.
You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.
It's sad that you don't know the difference.
Speed running is unironically one of the worst facets of a hobby I know of.
>if you try and cheese Seven Spear by making him fall he goes 'nice try fag' and denies you your bead
If they can make the miniboss deny cheese like that why not the boss?
>>if you try and cheese Seven Spear by making him fall he goes 'nice try fag' and denies you your bead
Wait what?
If you use the branch to trick mr. long schlong you don't get anything when he falls off and have to reset with a statue to try again.
I used cheat engine on my third playthrough with triple damage and infinite spirit emblems, it was pretty fun for a while but I only got halfway through the game before it got too boring.
How do I get gud at this game? Had it for about a week and I'm still in the first area. Help me bros
Best combat art to midair? Trying to determine the best way to ultilize grapple attack because the basic RB/R1 feels unsatisfying, I want a good hammer drop or flying swallow or something.
Learn to parry/deflect. Hack at your opponent relentlessly if they're not a boss. Use your mobility.
This isn't a Souls game, it's Miyazaki's take on Ninja Gaiden.
how 2 demon of hatred 2nd phase? it's like he has mostly the same moves but the slight differences fuck me up
Happens with O'rin too, she fell off the bridge and respawned on me.
They are constantly fucking with DS/BB veterans. All the way down to the basic mechanics.
High Monk.
>no frog ninjas
Can you hit Owl out of the air with shuriken? I just got to him after returning to Ashina castle. His moveset is fairly easy, but I have a hard time trying to get his posture all the way up. I thought I might be able to hit him in the air with shuriken whenever he jumps back, but I haven't been able to land one.
I don't like this game. Why don't the devs make it more like games I like?
I'm mad that they gave us ZERO cosmetic freedom. I was hoping I could have a tengu mask or at least change my colour scheme
tips for fighting owl?
Try to stay calm under his feet, cause that's the safest place. He changes up his timings occasionally and you can still get hit if you're out of position, but his weird hitboxes means you can get lucky too. The rest of the fight is about avoiding his strongest attacks which are more predictable.
Sure is great to play on PC
Get his health down a bit for easier posture damage.
Same tip as any other boss. If you can't win, stop trying to kill them and just study them in combat for awhile. You're immortal, use it to your advantage.
I'm assuming you mean on top of Ashina.
You can take it slow if you like, wait until he jumps back, he'll then do an overhead flip slam which is very punishable if you dodge just before it lands.
The fight is easier than it looks. He attacks hard but quite slow, it's not a huge deal most times if you get posture broken. His dinky anti-heal move is a great time to regain posture or heal.
the big overhead slam is easily avoidable just by walking to the side. just like any boss, figure out when you can punish and when you can't. Develop a sense of when you're going to get shuriken'd and block accordingly, especially in the second phase when he starts combining poison bombs with shuriken.
>especially in the second phase when he starts combining poison bombs with shuriken
Does he actually do that? I loved his second phase because he completely stopped pelting me with shurikens.
I thought he swaps them out for poison instead?
But there are speed running categories based on not glitching.
how do i stop phase two monkey?
That's cool, but that's not the point. That webm and others like it are the obvious end result of pursuing speed running. It's not even about playing and beating games at this point, it's about outsmarting 1's and 0's. That's lame as shit.
Does it damage vitality? I'm looking for something to use against Demon after he does his jumping fire brap
How has no one made a samurai jack mod yet? I would do it if I wasn't retarded.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I thought that other post said he used both in round too. My b if I read that wrong.
Parry his overhead slam, loaded spear his head.
because jack's art style would look retarded in 3d?
I know the difference between honor and victory.
Learn when he's about to start screaming, and then RUN
Yeah, does a ton of damage to posture too. It's basically an infinitely better version of the jump counter.
Obviously not, or you'd realize the Sculptor deserves better.
literally would just be white robes with yellow skin
Alright guys time for the hard hitting questions, did Sekiro lose his anal virginity to Owl?
I don't think he's pretty enough to be a shudo boy desu.
Duly noted, thanks. I had no idea which combat art to use against Demon because he's so fast.
You're welcome. Not much point using combat arts against him at all to be honest, if you're running around his legs you'll hardly get hit at all and you can get by with just mashing attack and jumping at the appropriate times.
>mastered all of his attacks EXCEPT the fireballs throw (literally cannot dodge if you're in range)
>didn't have fire umbrella (because why would i upgrade it when the sword does the same thing at less cost)
>don't approach him when he jumps away
>he just runs up to me and does the fireballs
fuck that attack. they went out to make dark souls boss but didn't make that attack dodgeable.
Hug his left leg. Play it like a dark souls giant boss.
N-Nani?! H-He's fast!
Want to hear my Joker impression?
If you're far away you just have to run in an arc towards him and they can't catch you. I never had him do it when he was close but I'm sure a basic circle would have solved it.
So what must work on to succeed in this game? Bosses and small bosses keep shitting on me. I’ve only beat the drunk and the gate keeper boss. Mobs are a cake walk. Idk what I’m doing wrong. I have the main three prosthetics plus the fire crackers and spear. Four gourd uses and about 15 points mixed in shinobi arts and prosthetics.
>Idk what I’m doing wrong
Well how are you dying to them?
It's a tired cliche, but true: git gud. You just need to get a hang of how the game plays, and soon you'll be powering through bosses and feeling like a god.
I'd say hang in there until you beat Genichiro, when you do you will have understood the game.
why not?
You HAVE to learn the game. You're forced to learn it. There's no way around problem solving.
just use a stealth sugar to sneak up on his butt boy, puppet him, gang up on mini boss
ez as fuck
i just dont understand why monkeys, what do they represent, the sculptor is a monkey, monkey samurais, monkey gun, immortal monkey, puzzle monkey what does it all mean
They're just monkeys dude. I'm pretty sure they have monkeys naturally in Japan.
japan has a lot of monkeys
Yea I streamed it, if you want I can send you the video
Please do
>sculptor is a monkey
He's not literally a monkey
There's a lotta fuckin monkeys in japan nigga
The whole folding screen monkeys fight is even based on a pictorial maxim from japan of which you're probably familiar with; see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
Yeah there's 126 million of them
Damn son. That seems like a lotta monkeys for a little island.
What would you personally want to see in a sequel, be it mechanic or story-wise, assuming it would continue after The Dragon's Return ending, with Wolf taking Rice loli West?
no the (sorta) good monkeys
I may be misremembering but I'm pretty sure he poisons and shurikens rather than just shuriken. Basically what I'm saying is where you may have had a moment to breathe in the first phase, in the second he is aggressive and you have to anticipate any follow up attacks.
For more of the Prosthetics and Combat Arts to be useful.
Thats a fat cock.
Pretty sure it's a straw lady, not that it makes a difference.
the whole trip before and through fountainhead was following a journey a bride would've taken after just getting married. She's just some random bride.
Does this abomination exist in Japanese mythology
i'm at the part where you can fight seven ashina spears, where you first met the lord in the beginning of the game. can't get him down. what do you do when he stabs forward? even dodging doesn't seem to work. and what about that guy in the underground?
Do you have the mikiri counter skill unlocked? It's pretty much essential for many enemies. The way it works is you dodge towards enemies as they do a thrust attack.
I don't know why people are getting so worked up over this. Just because some sad insane incel racist fuck (who is going to die in a max psychiatric hospital drooling at the mouth unable to recall his own name) did a gesture, doesn't mean it has to be globally banned.
The worthless prick breathes as well, shall we ban that?
i have it unlocked. he backs away when i use it on him.
You have to whittle their health when you deflect shit man. Get it to about half and his posture will stop going down.
It still does a chunk of posture damage, He will also sometimes immoderately follow up being mikiried with a kind of scoop attack. Deflect that and he will stumble forward, allowing you to hit his back a few times
i know. but his moves are hard to read.
He has two variants after you makiri him where he jumps away or does a retaliation strike. Deflect the follow up strike to have him fall off balence and get a few hits in. Abuse firecrackers to drop his vitality down so your posture damage from jump attacks and counters stays longer. You can try to deflect his base attacks but it’ll wreck your posture so back off occasionally so you don’t get guard broken in a middle of a combo.
If you know where your issues are then you just need to keep hammering it out. If you can't deflect and guess his moves yet then don't even try to fight him. Just engage him and defend yourself while studying him.
>Game set in Japan
Genichiro upset me so much I haven’t played this game or any game for the past week or two. Gonna try him again on Friday.
Anyone else abuse divine absolution throughout the game? Instantly backstabbing enemies that are annoying to deal with and giving you ninjitsu on command,especially puppeteering, for group mini boss fights was great
thats wrong tho
I dont think I've used that thing a single time honestly
Don't worry. After a while you will wonder how you ever had trouble with Jobichiro
Oh fuck, I never actually thought about using the fans to get ninjitsus. I only really used it to farm monks
>No Lone Shadow skin
>Can't even do a model swap with mods because the Lone Shadow is taller than Wolf, so the proportions end up all fucked
It’s actually really nice because the turn around affect is large and allows group fights to be manageable if you know when it’s safe to pop it off
Same user here, two hours later I am on the final boss again in NG+, this time Shura though.
>If you kill Emma airborne Wolf grabs her before the falls so she doesnt hit the floor
I wonder if FROM will see that there are so many outfit mods so soon and consider adding a costume system in any kind of dlc or sequel
Requesting a webm
well i just abused firecrackers for the guy in the tunnel waiting for wolf. spear guy is next
The Monk is the one who adds them user.
Just mikiri counter, bro
I think he was referring to the OHOHOHOHOs the monk does
okay and what is that ghostly thing near the senpou temple in the cave? when i'm around it i can't really move too well. how the fuck do i beat that nigga.
>was too much of a pussy to fight Demon first run
>just got him down to 1/2 his 3rd bar despite making some silly mistakes while drunk
I think I can do it guys, the MonHun instincts are kicking in.
For a while, I honestly thought that was background noise of monkeys.
Either wait or get real good at countering his wonky ass moves.
The Headless, they're optional minibosses, and yeah, they're a big pain in the ass. Confetti helps you deal damage to them, the purple gourd helps prevent Terror from killing you. Block their attacks perfectly to prevent terror build-up, jump away when they teleport so you don't get grabbed, and wail on them with confetti active. They each drop a reusable item that works like on of the candies, but uses spirit emblems and lasts half as long.
are there actually people who didn't get this?
I think most people have only heard "see no evil" or "see no evil, hear no evil", "speak no evil" gets left out from what I've seen
And I am back.
Holy shit, Emma and Old Isshin are way way better final boss fights than Jobchiro and Young Isshin, their movesets were cooler, clearer and more fun to hit and parry back.
The only thing I dont get is why wolf becomes Shura, if he follows the iron code its like killing his emotions, kinda the opposite of Shura.
I think I am done with the game, killed all the bosses and everything I could, I am formatting my pc, is there a way to save my save in case of dlc?
He kind of does a similar thing when you kill her normally, he goes and grab her before letting her go for the final time.
Requesting any drawfag to turn pic related into Guardian Ape
Confetti makes it so you can damage him and you take no damage/fear upon deflection.
So to beat him you have to pop a confetti, you will likely need 1 for each of his death blows, and then you need to flawlessly parry his wonky ass bullshit or die. You will have limited confetti early on but you get an unlimited supply later in the game.
The next From game casualfags can't complain, more and more are actually beating this game, I've seen a ridiculous amount of platinum achievement posts, saying yayyyy i did it I beat hard game! I best gamerr!! They probably still will though.
75% of his moveset is invalidated by running straight at him, veering slightly left, until you can spam attack in his crotch.
For the other 25%
If he raises a leg: Parry
If he jumps up: Sprint directly away from him, jump and then spam grapple.
If you see the red warning sign: Jump
Fireballs: Don't get hit
Ring of Fire: Spam malcontent whistle
He's literally a dark souls boss
>"""Lone""" Shadow
working on corrupted monk pepe
i will try
I feel like i saw someone saying lone shadow was a shit translation. Lady Butterfly definitely is
>shoves hand up your ass and rips your soul out
Pshh.... nothin personnel....Shinobi...
Isshin with his spear jumps will frequently cause this to happen for me. Normally in other boss fights I didn’t mind it but it’s happened to me each time I get to phase three, that’s not fucking cool especially when I’m locked on.
Why did the Sculptor become the demon of hatred? He seemed like a chill dude
aCTUALLY, he's ripping out your bladder.
>Get to NG+
>Every boss/subboss does a trillion posture damage, EVEN ON PERFECT DEFLECTS
wtf? Are you supposed to start dodging now? That's boring af
>Every boss/subboss does a trillion posture damage, EVEN ON PERFECT DEFLECTS
Thats a lie if you are perfect deflecting.
Now your poise takes forever to go down, I agree.
Hold guard, man. Perfect deflect won't even breaks your posture.
I got him to phase 4 tonight, but by that time I had one gourd and I’m just learning phase three spear nonsense.
Genichiro is the most frustrating part of the whole boss imo if you don’t do him perfect you don’t have much of a chance
didn't even think of making Jinsuke Pepe
but i wanna make it just for this
>This turned into a smashboard again.
Can I hung out with you guys for the next few days?
Literally the first general killed me (after the three wolves, in the outskirts) after several perfect deflects, then fail-blocked once into posture break. Granted I fucked up by not looking at my bar but still
No Kuro's charm - I'm legit thinking on pussying out tho
i thought it was tomoe honestly. I'm pretty sure its the woman that got married in the cave behind where you fight fake corrupted monk.
You could always use the fire shield and just attack with it once the fire dies down.
That guy does 1 hit like every 20 seconds, literally how. Did Genichiro taught you nothing? Fucking spam that R1 button, you shouldnt be dying to those bosses.
is this his revenge for being cucked?
Beat the ogre first
I'm currently stuck on Lady Butterfly. i must've died at least 50 times to her first form only to find that she had a second form. Any tips?
I understand that I'm supposed to dodge and counterattack, but I haven't' really gotten the hang of dodge-countering yet. Back in the "real world" I just beat the cavalary dude, that was a fun fight.
I just beat the game 3 times, I think I am done with the game but these threads are comfy.
Explore Ashina, no sense to bang your head against a wall, reach the top of the castle and kill the boss and then comeback to butterfly. It will click.
So you're telling me if Wolf has his bladder ripped out but resurrects to kill Headless, he no longer has a bladder?
Or does his bladder rejuvenate upon resurrection?
I decided to get the Shura ending first, but Isshin is remodeling my shithole. How do I git gud against him?
SIDESTEP. When he does his charging attacks just sidestep for free damage. Besides that, just deflect, he is Emma on steroids.
>Cool flashy move
>Does no damage
>immediately wrecked by enemies
Thats most skills in a nutshell.
>fighting both doujun and the samurai with bell demon, no kuro's charm, no prosthetics and on NG+
literally impossible
It was messy and I burned all my healing but I beat the Demon.
Damn those monk dudes don't fuck around.
Does that work for the grapple attack too? His and Emma's grab gets me literally every fucking time.
Nooo beat it again, Genichiro will be lonely :(
Are you supposed to be able to fight two shotgun samurai at one time? I eeked past the ones in that cave at the gunner fort in Sunken Valley but I'll be a little upset if From didn't design this so that you can fight both of them head-on without cheesing.
>spending 5 skill points on some shit combat move that requires emblems to use
>spending 5 skill points to permanently increase your Attack Power with the Demon Mask
I think the obvious choice is clear.
More power.
Sidestep but BACK. Crazy but will work.
How many hours did it take you all to beat this game? I'm still fighting Isshin at 65 hours in.
at least it's better than this translator fix mod
that modder came up here how he bragged he fixed everything but turn out it was just gaijin translation
Like 25 to 100% and do both Shura and normal ending. Fuck skills tho.
I'm at Isshin but I been going around doing a sweep on skills and mini bosses I missed or saved for later.
I'm at 57 hours.
I was in that thread; pretty funny. Was very obvious it was him by the responses
i was wondering
why is one man so fucking angry about
literally what mod..
then he started changing subjects when people accused him if hes modder
I just bought the game and I am already stuck at the drunkard fuck. He's not even a boss. Fuck.
now i'm fucking pissed at this cannon faggot in the cave. my god. i fucking died A billion times.
Get fire, clean the mobs, ask for the samurai help and just throw some oil at the guy.
Just fucking deflect.
well user to cheer u up
he's mini boss
clear the area mob around fat man
and then call samurai san to help you
have a great day
Like 67, I took my sweet ass time though.
"just fucking deflect" what the hell do you think i'm doing?
My playtime was 56 hours. Took me about 6 to beat Isshin the Sword Saint, then I chose not to start the next run. I haven't done DoH yet.
toddarina will lie to me again
Then do it fucking better, bullets take half of your heart or 30% of your posture bar if you just guard, use your brain and think which one is better.
NG took me around 50h for Return ending. I spent lots of time exploring or just dicking around every area. Bosses didn't take much time tbqh.
Answer me you fucking posers
not deflecting right at right moment
you can with based puppetteer ninjutsu
>Implying I've fought Genichiro yet
I keep getting lost lol
I would stealth one, having iddle bullet enemies is not smart.
but i'm not guarding, i am deflecting everything.
He's at the the top of Ashina Castle.
Then why are you dying? Just pull a smoke, firecracker, mist raven or fire.
You have tools, fucking use them.
You can totally still do the ending as long as kuros gotten the rice from rice child, even if you've killed the dragon, I did it myself. Go back to rice girl and talk to her until she mentions lord kuro and leaves. If shes sitting in pain give her fruit. Go back into the four monkeys room to find her again and talk to her there and continue her story with her instructions.
user genichiro is ez
after u beat him
game difficulty goes down dramatically
u can do it
beat that faggot
surprised normies think this is the "stance"
bobbying like this will get punished by
based hesitation man
If you do that your deflect frames decrease exponentially.
No you don't understand I've tried to get to him but keep accidentally discovering every other area in the game. I'm not avoiding anything
>quadpost of truth
ow that's fine then
beat some other mini bosses
because some mini bosses disappear
when game progresses at certain point
i finally fucking beat him. you people are retarded and unhelpful. you could have fucking told me that before he shoot i should dodge and hit him. also the second fire ability did work well to keep his health going down to keep his posture up... might as well just finish this game without asking for faggots help
Oh shit, I have been here for 8 years and I never gotten trip, much less quads.
do you
Nigga blocking the bullets is a god damn free action, even better, hit him when she is about to hit since its a guaranted stagger.
Because those bosses are piss easy? Literally one grab attack that can be avoided by jumping back. The rest you can block or deflect.
>coming to Yea Forums
>expecting every answer to be legit advice
How much of a dumbass are you? And you never thought of dodging at all? Jesus
You can deflect the grab too.
You can fucking jump kick the guard too.
they are not piss easy. so far all the mini bosses are harder than the actual bosses, but i only beat lady butterfly and the horserider. plus i have the bell demon active.
i can't make out what his dad says after he calls him a faggot the second time
>"i called you a faggot because *unintelligible*"
>Enemy does lightning attack
Most minibosses are easy later on. Giraffe and Dojo Elites are one trick ponies. The rest is reused.
is jinzas jizo statue do anything? or is it another pendant
Is a Jinzo statue but with lore, there are a lot of items like that in the game.
He is the third toughest boss in the game.
Demon of hatred is number 02.
Papa isshin is I
Meanwhile DSP beat him in 15 mins sitting on his ass
Git gud
Lost guy here again, is there anything else to do at the gun fort? I beat centipede guy and there's a locked door. What gives?
You get that key later. I believe you must beat Genichiro first
Nigga what are you talking about? I had my second playthrough be Gintama.
but what did they mean with the lore? was niggarai lord sakuzas kid?
So I continue, a wandering samurai. I've gotten four prayer necklaces and still haven't beaten Genichiro. I keep trying to make it to the top of Ashina Castle but whenever I think I find the path up I get sidetracked
>Look for trainer or modthat makes you invincible and all your damage become zero to have infinite pure kino fights
>0 result
Damn, why does no one think about this?
Why no cute kunoichis in this game?
How to get O'Rin to become my gf?
>kuro sneezing in the library
>kuro making you rice balls
>loli giving you rice
>giving loli persimmons
>fatty playing with ghost children
Why is this game so cute?
Are you Lord Suzaku?
Getting sidetracked ain't a bad thing. That's just more beads to improve stats with unless you're going after headless, which don't drop them. Play until you feel like you want to beat Genichiro, but that fight does lock a lot of the game away until you do it.
Tenchu had good waifus.
>ignore her texts
>stabs you
>when you accidentally pull it off
Too bad she was a villain and got sliced open.
It's Sakuza you mong.
Remove basket so I can rate her.
Voice is pretty bonerrific.
I need one that also makes you deal 0 damage to bosses too
>auto pickup enemy drops
This should be in the game t b h
This was unironically one of the hardest fights ever without charm and bell
What's under the basket?
u can disable
go to inventory
Yes. No you stuck forever with Hard Mode until the end. Good luck.
It's too late, your game is cursed now. Making a new save won't help, reinstalling won't help, may as well uninstall.
Nope. You can undo it, just ring it in you inventory to undo it. Come back to ring the big bell at any time to activate it when you want. It makes the game harder but increases drop rates
Don't tell him fucker
shit i ruined the kek
my bad boys
EOPs are pathetic tbqh
I feel like he says something like "cause of that dick crawling on your chin"? Either way, kids a massive spergy faggot. Sekiro isn't even that hard. Pretty much every fight besides Isshin and Owl 2 can be cheesed.
It means you can farm more loot
What does it eat?
Is Genichiro close to all the jumping rooftop shuriken guys? Where the fuck is "the top of Ashina castle" supposed to be?
The literal roof.
is sekiro realistic
>posture's almost breaking but so is the orin
>doesn't hold deflect to restore posture
>losing and raging over the easiest miniboss in the entire game
who is this guy
>Where the fuck is "the top of Ashina castle" supposed to be?
If you have to ask, you aren't there.
check out Jinsuke fight
thats the magnum opus of this autist
Masanagi was the strongest lone shadow wolf kills right? So tengu killed his brother masanari for wolf at the serpent shrine? When you eavesdrop masanagi he makes it seem like masanari was even stronger than him and tengu stabbed the guy with his own katana.
Isshin was really a badass to handle purple fuckers like that while sick, he was terminally ill playing batman and the rats still couldnt touch him.
yep, I come back to life all the time my dude
my second memearrow was meant for his jinsuke fight, you have to be a special kind of bad to lose to a boss's whose only gimmick is to slash things twice quickly.
I only use the x16 exp for this because i dont like to grind, a-am i stll gud?
I'm ashamed to admit that this guy's explosive attack consistently fucks me up.
beat that jinsuke 2nd try, first one was just seeing what he would do. He takes so much posture damage from deflects.
>Masanagi was the strongest lone shadow wolf kills right?
canonically yes, but for some reason vilehand was the hardest one for me because masanagi's posture breaks much faster.
Not enough giant enemy crabs sadly.
If you beat Genichiro and Sword Saint Isshin legit, yes. I can understand not wanting to grind in an otherwise good game
5 hours in. I'm tired of killing dudes with swords and spears. Does the game ever develop much enemy variety?
Once he throw the dust, immediately step/jump back. Don't let yourself get cornered.
Grinding all the skills won't beat the game for you, so if you beat the game, you're still gud.
get midair attacks and icihimonji double
>stuck on Owl
Leave, just leave. Don't git gut, just uninstall the game and forget about it. Also, fuck you. This community goes too easy on casual babies. Companies catering to lowest common denominators like you are the reason why gaming is so shit in this day and age.
go kill Oni
>beat Owl 2nd try
>now on Owl 2
good thing he's ending exclusive and i'll never see him again after this run
New bread bros when?