Who are some good video game streamers you watch? Pic related.
Who are some good video game streamers you watch? Pic related
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Man rip to this man's career.
Wait, what the fuck happened
Did he do it? Is he on suicide watch?
Literally nothing. Those are either lyrics or he was just looking for attention.
The cops showed up and they got a ticket for wasting police time. Old news. Move on
This man is sick and needs help. Either that or he's a complete attention whore.
Didn't he just pull something similar a few months ago?
>all these youtubers/streamers/e-celebs getting """depressed"""
Why is it that I don't give a damn? If it were literally anyone else, I'd at least feel sorry for then in some way or form. Not these others though, not even a bit
This nigga needs to seek help. What the fuck is wrong with him?
Why does this guy sound like he browses Yea Forums?
He used to browse Yea Forums back then
I thought he went to a hospital
All these "HE NEEDS HELP" posts.
It's been resolved you underaged faggots. He's been exposed as an attention whore and is charged with wasting police resources. Learn how to Google you fucks
The madman actually did it? Jesus Christ.
>threats to former Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aimé.
>"Savonarola! I'm going to kill myself!"
>Etika last tweeted at 5:06 a.m. EDT Tuesday., claiming he will “shoot himself in the head.” Alice also tweeted throughout Monday night and Tuesday morning as well, claiming to have “voice recordings” that can prove to doctors he is “not okay.” She then tweeted at 5:16 a.m. EDT that police arrived at Etika’s apartment building and that he was sent to the hospital (though she would not confirm where).
>Etika called Alice because the pair dated from 2011 to 2017 and “have been friends since” she said. He claimed he wanted to “fix” her and help her “become a god,” though she is unclear what he meant by that. “Overall, I'm just relieved I didn't go home after he kicked me out,” she said of the incident.
I kinda chuckled from his posts, not gonna lie here. This nog is definitely on drugs.
Apparently he got checked in to a hospital by one of his friends.
Really, one of the big issues is that being a big-time streamer is more of an emotional toll than people want to admit. I remember an interview with some big ex-streamer, he was going on about how your life changes, you mostly talk to people online, but they really aren't your friends they way IRL people are.
I mean, frankly Etika probably has other long-standing issues, but I imagine that streaming almost every day for fucking years has taken a bit of a toll
He also posted xenoverse porn on his youtube fucking twice and now his channel got deleted
DSP and LTG are the only acceptable answers
Ninja and Nick J. Fuentes
>He even acknowledges that even hinting at suicide was a bad idea last time
>Just does it again, not even 6 months later
I don't understand. I'd say that he's gonna lose fans, but nobody's really going to care either in a week
Even his fans can't be that naive, right?
Unironic fucking Chad. Fuck these clown pigs.
>all of these incels hating on BASED Etika
Etika has fucked more bitches and has infinitely higher test than any of you. Unironically have sex.
>zoomers on Yea Forums actually worship this retarded nigger etika
everybody that I've seen is either done completely or done for now
Spoony still has people giving him fucking $500 a month and that nigga hasn't made videos in years. Etika will always have supporters, maybe just not as many as before.
>he doesn't know
Etika has been our guy forever you virgin freak
Bruh he's trolling all y'all lmao you wh*Tebois keep falling for the bait EVERY TIME LMAO
does this mean etika is ok with white people calling him nigga?
Yea Forums never liked Etika. He's always been a c-list streamer who didn't know shit about the games he claims to be a fan of. The only reason he ever got a fanbase was because he would record himself chimping out to Smash reveals.
Etika is honorary white
>big-time streamer
he rarely streams and when he does stream its literally just him reading the thousands worth of donations that spout his shitty channel memes ( le ebic joycon boyz) while he spends 15 minutes watching a 2 minute youtube video.
I would legit watch Etika reacting to Etika's suicide attempt
There's still gonna be a lot of people wh ostick around just to see how things play out and he'll maybe even gain some people who are also just curious or just want a new lolcow.
>he would record himself chimping out to Smash reveals.
So he's /oneofus/ but Chad enough to livestream it?
I used to watch this guy
Oh damn I was dissapointed that he didn't do it last breakdown. Hopefully he actually does it this time. Preferably live.
LMAO, Etika is an alpha male who's fucked more bitches than your fat wh*Toid ass has ever done. Unironically have sex.
bruh that stream was lit bruh
etika is black, he loses by default.
Wtf i love Etika now
It's so fucking obvious that this dumb mother fucker is on drugs. Just keep the shit away from him and get him some help. Alice is a fucking retard. What does everyone expect when all he does is drink and go blowing through all of his cash partying and only showing up to stream when he needs money? Dude's drugged out of his mind.
lol u mad
Etika: drugs are good guys, just be an adult and don't abuse them like me and you'll be fine.
Also Etika:
Saw him in Brooklyn the other day, he's fine. He was definitely on drugs when he did all that shit. Pretty cool guy in person.
These posts are getting a little boilerplate
nothing wrong with poppin a xan and going out bruh you should try it sometime wh*Tey
Streaming as a job does seem to fuck everyone up after a while
Dont even have to be big, ive seen sub 100 viewers people going nutty. Niggas spend too much time online and box themselves into bizzare mental states
There's a series of videos that show how must of those "poor depressed people" are actually being sponsored by a mental health organization. Pretty much getting money for toying with actually depressed people in their audience.
u in bushwick mein nigga?
Based and redpilled. Unironically /ourguy/. More balls than you or the average Yea Forumsirgin ever have.
So is this valid or what?
It doesn't take balls to tweet about killing yourself every few months and not do it. In fact that's the most pussy shit I've ever heard.
That tweet does not contrdict his statement, since he mention that using drugs in a non-abusive way won't harm you, unlike in Etika's case.
You just don't understand because you're a boomer. He's proving he's better than anyone in this clown world and he knows it.
Fucking based Etika
he allows people to type nigga and nigger in his chat, you can even put nigger in the text when you donate to him
Etika's friends are gonna come out and say what the fuck ever they can to make sure people don't leave.
As for the actual question, yeah it COULD be valid but seeing as he also did it a few months ago I doubt it.
No the guy that posted this is fucking retard if he thinks anything about Etika's behavior over the last 4-5 months is ok. These are the kind of retarded individuals that end up falling for cult shit. Etika needs to get locked up in mental institution or rehab. The guy shows signs of drug abuse and schizophrenia. Anybody saying that he's ok are fucking retards.
Epic shitpost. Been watching Etika since his early sm4sh shit. He seems like he can be a cool guy, but he's definitely a lolcow.
All of these.
Been thinking this was the case for years. I know he's said he's had some shit going on in his life, but there's no way his money keeps vanishing like that after how much people donate to him. Dude also gets like no sleep at all it seems.
The funniest thing is that alot of his fans are saying they wont donate or follow him anymore.
Fuck off boomer
People literally said that after the last freakout too. Though I'm assuming people are more serious this time.
>third eye shit on IG
I checked his insta and i dont see cringey weed ramblings, what is this referring to?
Drugs are bad, okay
Who the fuck is Alice.
>he thinks Yea Forums hates based etika
Etika's ex-girlfriend
t. Xanlet
i have 0 confidence in myself and hate every part of who i am. by instinct i try to be like other people and i can't help myself.
i tried seeking help through counselling/therapy but it's been ~4 months and i don't feel any better. what should i do?
Stop trying so hard. Thats all.
This dude basically gets paid by white teenage boys for allowing them to call him a nigger
Based and redpilled. /ourguy/
i can't help but try. i talk to people who are confident and happy with who they are while i struggle to find something to talk about sometimes or voice my opinion. i hate myself but i don't know how to love myself.
hey etika start working out. Same thing happens to me because i have extreme eczema and working out really does help.
>start working out.
nigga have you seen how built Etika is? No shit he works out.
what in the fuck
is he going literally insane?
Bruh Etika could fuckin lift ya scrawny azz up if he tried lmaoooooo
Nah mane he know he too good for dis clown world u just dont understand u boomer
keep going or switch therapists. Work on yourself, like the other user said working out helps a lot. Start changing little things in your life until you figure out whats causing you the most trouble.
When he gets back online he is going to get mad at the clown faces. He threw a fit at the one guy saying not to donate to him.
He probably honkposts tho so ur probably wrong
Move along nigger the true streaming king is here
Choose one and only one.
thanks. other than clothes (which is arguably more shallow) i don't have a problem with my appearance. i just hate my personality.
do you think working out would help that as well though?
>hating a Based Chad Black Man
Cringe and bluepilled
You've got to learn to be comfortable with yourself before you can actually love yourself.
understand that theres nothing wrong with you and actually trust yourself to be yourself around people. Understand you aren't a shitty person and your voice and opinion matter just as much as anybody elses. You're perfectly fine the way you are now, you just have a bunch mental barriers making it very hard to express yourself to others.
Just learn to be comfortable with who you are and get rid of your ego, don't try to be what you THINK is suppose to be you, just be you. Once you trust yourself you can love yourself. You aren't an inherently shitty person you just have problems expressing yourself to others.
Took me a while to realize what was going on
I wish he actually did it
thanks, this is one of the best answers i've gotten
>etika is actually Eric
Could you imagine?
He's said he used to browse Yea Forums a long time ago.
>I can attest to how hard weed can hit on an empty stomach and an empty ballsack.
nigga sans clown
OP where do you watch Etika? I have no idea where he went when he got his Youtube nuked like a year ago and I really liked him :(
I used to do the same shit on Twitter when I was a chronic weed smoker. Probably skunk weed was what made me hear voices and made me believe some weird shit inside my head that it made me self harm believing that I was saving the world. Psychosis>Mild form of schizophrenia, this man needs some meds and needs to stay in mental hospital for awhile. Cut off from the internet entirely
He always streams on youtube on a youtube channel called etika frfx.
It got deleted because he posted porn... again
do you have a link to what he posted
it was some really shitty lookin sfm of rex fukin pyra and mythra
>no chinks
>no crackers
One job you double nigger
Finally. Good fucking riddance
It’s more psychosis than schizophrenia or drugs. In fact I seriously doubt this is drug.
sucks because he was finally doing consistent streams now
Clown world
i was gonna call this guy a nigger but after seeing hes based
Seething. Please cope.
He’s browsed it multiple times. I’ve even been in a few threads with him.
I'm crying at how hilarious this is. He is doing this shit AGAIN. How he keeps getting away with it?
and nothing of value was lost
Damn he was even sent to the hospital by the police, even if he did this for attention there is obviously something wrong with in his head.
It’s honestly like a tv show at this point. Can’t wait for him to return to streaming and then have another breakdown in a few months and see everyone lost their shit once again
>How he keeps getting away with it?
Considering that this is the second time he went on a drug rampage, he’ll obviously be put into rehab.
Well his sub count dropped from nearly 900,000 to 200,000. I’m not sure how much it’ll drop this time if he ever makes a THIRD account. My guess is it’ll level off at around 100,000 to 50,000.
Holy shit, he's an attention whore but you have to admit his tweets are funny as fuck
>Savonarola! I'm going to kill myself! You lot certainly have already. Shame on you all, silly humans.
You'd be surprised.
Yeah, fucking dat fucking spic memology
This nigga is genuinely fuckin insane
did we talk about mixed greens yet
he did a great job and i'm proud if him!
Everyone has seemingly been pretty nonchalant about it. They’re all annoyed at it rather than “freaked out”
what the fuck
At this point I still dont really believe he is crazy, just a really good conman.
So if he comes back and his fans just forget about this episode AGAIN I will be honestly impressed.
it really was the weed nigga gotdamn
Zoomers are defending their nintendo hero hard. How are they going to explain the missing 25 dollars to their mommy. Mom I donated money to a drug addict! He makes good videos!
>"You have to eat ALL the greens."
>I am a god, you are supposed to do what I say
Dude, what
Etika when he comes back
What the fuck is wrong with Nintendofags?
This is exactly what I was thinking
do you think those kids parents keep up with who their kids burn money on?
If making sure your bitch doesn't become a fat mess like her mom is crazy, I don't think I want to be sane.
he was entertaining to watch, but for his own good I really hope he doesnt come back ever.
>be nig
>i must nog
>literally another version of the bowl of eggs story
For real, this is the face of Nintendofags.
I knew you gotta have a mental problem to still support Nintendo.
Fucking fat black chicks isn't an achievement user. And if he had sex outside of relationships he wouldn't be so obsessed with porn.
He’s definitely on drugs.
The whole “I am a god” shit sounds like schizophrenia though. Unless this is just an eleaborate 4D troll move.
I like watching his randomizer streams. I like runnerguy too but all he does is gay bingo shit.
I don’t know who’s brain is more fucked up. Etika who does a shit load of drugs and is so fried that he thinks a god and forced his ex to fasting or user that’s so insecure about zoomers that he constantly shitting on them even if they’re nowhere in this thread.
Zoomers are everywhere retard, you’re probably a zoomer and you don’t even know it
Wasnt he always?
The few times I watched his streams I remember many times he talks about how him and one of his youtuber friend do drugs or whatever.
He looks a bit like Mos Def. Definitely has the Brooklyn genes.
Typical sign of someone going through a psychotic episode. Schizophrenics say shit like this all the time.
Everyone thought he was on drugs last time this happened, but he wasn’t. The dude is just mentally unhinged. Fucked in the head.
Seething Zoomer
He dropped acid and went on a rant on Twitter saying really edgy shit. D
Family thought somthing was up and called the police
this is you.
Like always the retarded fans that want to feel like they have an Evelyn friend will keep coming back. It’s all staged.
based nigger
And people say I have problems.
She said they were smoking weed. Marijuana can fuck with your head pretty bad if you already have mental issues.
judging by the responses, probably the anti-zoomer anons.
Imagine being such a boomer and STILL falling for this kind of bait. Fucking boomers.
Where are the proofs
>etika is sane
bruh this aint drugs
No it cant. He was doing acid or shrooms
He is saner. But not when hes high.
If anything it sounds like he's OFF his meds
He's just being an attention whore, sad considering he's pretty likable and had a lot of people who watched his shit
Yes it can, I have first hand experience. I didn't have a manic episode like him though.
Jamie pull up that Howard Stern bit for me
it can just not with casual use
climbing the thc ladder with constant use and it an lead to psychosis and pronouncing whatever's wrong with your brain
but that shit just goes away when you stop taking the stuff, considering the state of his episodes it probably is something more like psychedelics
This was the last video he posted before his channel got deleted (again). It’s speed up because he slowed it down for whatever reason.
Reminder to report this shit for advertising and off topic.
>man has a mental breakdown on social media
>all the responses are cartoon memes
the decline of western civilization
Etika is Nintendo, sweety.
It's real both times. He just has mental issues.
>Etika comes back after last crazy episode
>do a few streams, one of those a 24 hour stream
>he probably made thousands of dollars in donations
>"hmm how do I get myself a vacation?"
>make videos talking about the future of his channel and how he will make a lot of videos to compensate his fans
>but that was just part of the ruse, as he pretends to go in another mental break down episode to use as excuse to not make videos anymore
You cant fucking fool me, nigga. I've been on the internet to long. I know how you e-celebs work!
what did he mean by this
His fans are absolutely brain dead, yes.
The reddit's gone into a fucking mess. First time this happened it seemed to just be japes. Now legitimately something's wrong with him and the only thing the reddit is doing is going "REEEEEEEE HOW DARE HE HAVE MENTAL PROBLEMS"
imagine thinking this explanation sounds reasonable
His community may have been unfunny and rather not likable, but at this point, Etika's head is so far up his own asshole that you might as well not reply to his shit seriously.
The fact that Etika is allowed to make a living off doing fuck all makes my blood boil. I really don't see the appeal of his personality and how he managed to gain such a huge following of people who support his lazy and dishonest behavior.
Thats part of the shit storm but not the right part. People are pissed because they're coming round to the fact that their just feeding his drug addiction and at least barely streams. Sure mental health is bad. But now we have a patient whose actually got a community supporting his fucked up lifestyle.
>Genuinely hate this faggot like few others on the internet
>Can't even enjoy his break down because it's most likely another PR stunt
How fucking high is he?
He used to spam his channel on Yea Forums and /vp/ back in 2013 when people were hyped for Pokemon XY.
Holy shit. Dude is legit whack in the head
Then do it you fucking faggot, except you won't because truly suicidal people just get down to their business on their own
>Lets just delete this reddit
i dont know man, whats the problem here?
Why tho?
Isnt that only for fat whales who cant lose weight due to laziness?
damn, this all seems so backwards. I'd expect Yea Forums to be acting like that and reddit to be the ones trying to explain it rationally, not the other way around. really goes to show you how reddit is literally just fucking retarded at this point.
It's just children and retards who think BLACK MAN FUNNY. He doesn't give a fuck about any of them.
It's the same story as DSP.
His fans are people who are the same type of person he is, they know their absolute faggots and waste of space, so they all crowd around one guy and support them like a sort of "See! He's like me and he's an e-celeb!"
Literally No proof of acid usage.
Mental health is a serious problem.
Imagine cross posting reddit here.
Fuck off
or perhaps people are tired of his shit and calling his bluff
Everybody who lives off streaming eventually breaks
It's fake so they can shill for BetterHelp
So basically you're butthurt because some random streamer is making money streaming
exercise reasons.
Youcan only cry wolf so many times before people get tired of your shit. He promised that he’d never do something like this again, not even half a year later he does it again. He should honestly just forego having an internet presence at this point so others don’t have to deal with his baggage.
>that grunting
is that laughing? is that crying? is that brain breaking? what the fuck IS that
I had no idea stern made fun of him.
This is etika but with nintendo
Can I post my stream channel here? Mostly do platformers, Multiplayers and Borderlands as of late.
I only watch him the same reason I watch LTG. He's fun to laugh at how retarded he is. This drug shit is comedy gold.
>E-Celebs aren't video games ree
Then again. All the rest of Yea Forums is nothing but shitposting, waifu fags and stuff so.
>Vinesauce + Jabroni Mike
Shout outs to Ahoy, Ross Scott, Raocow, Kikoskia. They make good YouTube Vidya content.
I would of put Dunkey but outside of his main videos, his streams are dead air.
>I get to enjoy every second of someone I hate breaking down real time
I love the internet
alice saying that they arrested him, and dragged him to a mental hospital. he also resisted arrest and was screaming out his apartment window.
I just finished watching ZFG's stream. He just did BetterOoT. Which is cool because you see him get further into the run (since he's running against a less good time), but at the same time it's obviously not the real game so if he gets a PB then it's obviously not as important.
But yeah, I watch his stream pretty often, it's interesting learning about how that game works.
>randomiser streams
Can't even remember the last time ZFG did rando, must be a while ago now. I did watch one of his rando runs on YouTube like a couple / few months ago. But in recent weeks he has solidly done vanilla OoT plus BOoT. And of course there was that phase of trying to do something on the Brawl demo of OoT within the 5 minute time limit.
>Reddit actually not being the naive sheeps they are for once
I hope they actually delete it.
thats a very lame shiny tbqh
I'd say it's a mix of crying and laughing.
Thread theme:
>even while having a total mental collapse, he zooms in on the feet of a cute Asian girl
gotta give him props. even to the very end he maintains excellent taste
Have you actually watched one of his streams? Even if you're watching him to laugh at him the shit he pulls is genuinely frustrating. He barely plays the game and spends 80% of the stream reading donations in a bored fucking voice. It's a fucking trainwreck.
Yea Forums what game should I stream?
Tekken 7, Blazblue Cross Tag Battle, Danganronpa 1 (First playthrough), Wings of Vi Demon mode, Wings of Vi Mortal Mode (Flawless Boss Battle Attempts), Furi Furier Speedrun under 2 hour attempt, Final Fantasy 6, Final Fantasy 5, Final Fantasy 13, Risk of Rain 2 playing with others, Stunt Race FX, StarFox Assault, Scott Pilgrim VS The World (via PS3 Remote Play), Gravity Rush 2, Nier Automata
>his subscribers are going to drop even more when he opens up a 3rd account
>he's not going to be able to support himself on YouTube anymore
>he's going to have to get a real job (and not a very good one)
Good, now the lazy nigger is going to have to learn what it's like making a living when you're not getting handed thousands of dollars from retards for free. If he doesn't an hero, that is.
>relax guise he's just not eating and sleeping while binging drugs, no need for alarm!
>Reddit: He has a history of faking wild stunts for exposure, this is clearly fake
Its not really the best, they could of made the fur light pink like they did for other Shiny animal mons but I prefer this to them just making it green or making it an ugly colour.
>He has a history of faking wild stunts for exposure, this is clearly fake
No he doesn't
If you wanna get views streaming fighting games, you better be good at it and play competitive for hours. That is a sure way to get an following.
Otherwise you stand no chance against other streamers.
holy fucking kek this nigger is so based
Yea Forums is pretty much just the place where all the edgy retards from reddit get shipped off to.
This wasn't even a year ago you underage kike
>He has a history of faking wild stunts for exposure
Ah, so he's autistic like the Pickle Rick guy
I like soda and greek.
And that wasn't fake? Are you dumb? He doesn't have a history of anything. He's just a dumb nigger with mental issues
Should I play Guilty Gear Xrd since there are hardly any people streaming that? Perhaps older Fighting games? Every other modern Fighting game streaming on twitch is saturated.
no switch niggas
He was just HANDCUFFED, not arrested you dumb fuck. Everything else you said is true though.
lol he spat on his ex girlfriends pizza
Difference is Pickle Rick guy was a one time skit and he didn't ever pretend it was real.
Etika is far worse
He never said he was arrested, he simply resisted.
Working out isnt so much about your appearance, it makes you feel better physically and emotionally. I know, it sounds crazy, but it's a VERY good way to combat depression-like symptoms
>fakes a suicide
>"haha it was pranks"
>people still watch him anyway.
I hate how this man became a meme. Acting like an actual monkey and smashing his stuff up because 'the character from the game is in another game'
This was obviously him going manic. Its happening again. I swear ever since this happened he's been feeling off in his streams videos and even in his thumbnails. like the mother fuckers been hiding some loco under the surface so nobody figures him out until now.
lol meltdowns r great
stern is a dumb fucking boomer who has the most predictable 50+ year old response to anything internet or meme related. who fucking cares what he thinks?
Thats the thing, even if its saturated you can still get a following if you are actually good at the game.
Fighting games, and especially shit like LOL and battle royals, as long as you play daily in a competitive way you eventually get some viewers out of it.
But its a daily grind. If you can manage, it might really pay off and you get free to play other games while keeping most of your viewers still interested.
How can you hate this guy? This is great
How about we make threads about him AFTER he kills himself?
He's literally possessed by a demon
Yeah but just like every other faggot i ignore them until something they do affects me or the stuff i like or use
He only takes a suicide in this breakdown
>pretend it was real.
He’s currently locked up in a funny farm, and a according to people that know him he has a history of drug abuse and mental issues. His ex even said he was screaming out his window before the cops came over and cuffed him.
It's fake
>He’s currently locked up in a funny farm
Citation needed
>bring my holy water
>he declared himself to be a demon
This is a fucking parody.
How the hell are people taking this shit seriously?
>girlfriend literally brings holy water and a rosary to meet him
Seriously is she also retarded?
Why would you even keep seeing the guy at that point? She gotta be stupid, or she really needs that Etika Network easy money machine.
And somewhere, Metokur is shaking his hands knowing he has enough new material for a new Internet Insanity.
Read the thread you utter retard
Yeah, being a fake friend for the shallowest people on earth for a living is a sad existence. They're just whores taking advantage of peoples weaknesses. But goddamn is it lucrative,
she's nuts too it seems
for me its tyler1, the best twitch streamer
I think that's his ex girlfriend