Mods really seem to hate Elder Scrolls treads nowadays

Mods really seem to hate Elder Scrolls treads nowadays.
Do you have any strong opinions on the race of Khajiits?

Attached: skyrim-kot.png (600x1000, 1.18M)

Built for human cock.

Dumb gypsies. They should be exterminated.

they make a good hot pots. don't even have to add a skooma in it.

Attached: klrksdgki4.png (499x702, 253K)

Khajiits are cool

Attached: khajiit.jpg (746x1280, 1.11M)

Do you know why Khajiit lick their butts?

Attached: Dar Jee.gif (500x342, 362K)

if coin then wares
else nothing
roll 1-100 if >50 then highwayman

Oblivion is truly a beautiful game.

mods dont hate ES threads what they do hate is having multiple furry bait threads up at once when usually one is the limit

Attached: khajiit_family.jpg (724x912, 325K)

damn argonians look like THAT?!?

Attached: khajiit_jonah-lobe-flow-jpg.jpg (1920x2129, 1.05M)

Attached: khajiit_monk.jpg (1300x650, 73K)

Attached: khajiit_stole_nothing.jpg (1920x1938, 1.51M)

Argonians have better racial bonuses.

Attached: khajit_alchemist.jpg (640x640, 54K)

Attached: khajiit types.jpg (1400x719, 439K)

Attached: khajiiti lunar calendar.jpg (1280x1154, 662K)

Attached: khajiit_by_apetron-d8kbero.jpg (849x940, 109K)

i've never once played a khajit or argonian. they just seem dirty

This desu.

Will 6 have more non-humanoid kots ingame?

No they retconned them out with Void Nights

maybe, especially considering the domesticated cats in Fallout 4

Attached: 21048-1541497083-519039286.jpg (2560x1440, 874K)

not for lewds

Have you noticed that Khadjiits constitute only a small part of Skyrim population?

Attached: 9101679.jpg (1920x1080, 403K)

Khajiit are for human men