Can we please get "have sex" filtered? Its getting just as cancerous as the s.o.y. meme was.
Dear Mods:
Other urls found in this thread:
have sex
Participate in coitus
>little anime girl reaction image
I wonder why people saying have sex bothers you so much.
Unironically agree, but then again I just came here to post this 6.
have sex
Ban anime posters while you're at it
ban anime to Yea Forums
we don't need that degenerate shit on our wholesome vidya board
People like you are exactly why it's used so much. It clearly strikes a nerve
have sex
Have sex with me
a lot of sentences have the words "have sex" joined together.
"I'd like to have sex with my waifu"
"I'd like to have sex change (sorry for poor english, i russian)"
you'd ruin the basic ability to form sentence for innocent parties
that looks kinda small doesn't it
have hand
the absolute state of involuntary celibates
Tené sexo, forro hijo de re mil puta.
suspiciously hairless
It already is, I got banned twice for using it now. Just report for low quality posting, both my bans were for that when I responded have sex. Also incel by itself is bannable for low quality.
Sad. Just pathetic. You should definitely be ashamed of yourself. No, honestly. You should rethink your life choices. "What happened so that my life would be lead to this point? Is this helping me or hurting me? Should I seek therapy?"
Get help. This is just sad. I'm disappointed in you, so is your parents, friends, family and everyone else. You could do better but you chose to fail. Just sad.
tenha sexo
Have sex.
>have sex
have sex
Suck my fucking ass.
Based and redpilled
Based but cunnypilled
>"have sex"
Words only 41%ers would use
Where's her pee hole
have a wholesome relationship with your tulpa waifu
>OP's feelings are so hurt he wants to censor other people's words
Its not our fault that you are sexually frustrated with real women so you cope by worshipping fictional ones.
the fact that these images look undeniably realistic makes me think lolicons are actually pedophiles without a hint of irony
Well no shit sherlock.
It's okay, user. Just have sex with me.
How do you know that image is of children?
The artists maybe.
Have sex
In other news; water is wet.
I have seen it getting deleted already, the place it comes from, Yea Forums, has also mods that ban it.
Have sex with children.
They are doing something, alright.
Because they're incels that literally do it for free.
They want to delete the thread because "Have sex" triggers them, but at the same time they enjoy the loli posting like the degenerate lonely fags they are.
this is a blue board please stop.
Expose this weeb with TGT.
Filter cunny also
when the watchmen themselves are pedos, who's watching the watchmen?
have sex
Have virtual sex with me!
Yes, user. Lolicons are pedophiles.
I am.
You do know what lolicon means right? And pedophile? By absolute definition, they are.
>all these pictures
imagine the smell
Have sex
Cope, incel
Lick a cunny, nigger.
Vaginas are disgusting
Cute and funnypilled
butts are better
post shota butts
Have sex
cringe honestly
What do you think making a post like this will accomplish?
And there is literally nothing wrong with being a pedo.
Video games are for little kids. Cunny is where it's at.
We should filter it to "hold hands".
Que te jodan
you're sexually attracted to minors. They can't consent, they are raped and forced into the pictures you jerk off to. There's a lot wrong with it.
Learn to "cope" with being an complete and utter waste of human resources. Like honestly, how can you even sit there typing away such assine comments with a sense of smug superiority when you know full well it's just an ironic facade to masquerade your blatant shortcomings as a person.
Did you fuck up in high school user? Did someone bully you to turn you into to such a whiney, whispy shitskin that you feel the need to post such sad comments on an image board? Is it because you were in the cool kid group but knew you didn't belong so you painfully tried to act as though you were one despite secretly being a full fledged homosexual?
Then you realize that a girl you liked fucked your best friend and now you can't help but think about the past and what could've been if you hadn't been such a sperg? Like the time she sat next to you and you tried asking her out on her facebook wall? Well did you!? YOU FUCKING DUMB SHIT.
Well guess what, she's gone and now you'll be alone, playing video games forever even though you don't like them and searching omegle /r9K/ tags just you can engage in human conversation because Yea Forums's anonymity just doesn't do it for you anymore whilst you cry yourself to sleep at 3am in the morning.
Go fuck yourself nerd.
Can't, or won't?
>nobody read the filename
you misunderstand OP, "have sex" is actually a line directed at dumbass poltards, who want to "progress the white race" but are incapable of getting women to fuck them.
The way I see it, "have sex" represents a great new sound in reminding /tard/ of exactly what they are.
being a pedo doesnt mean you WILL fuck a child
Make sweet love down by the fire.
Oh no think of the pixels.
Is this girl over 18?
Because I want to know if I can like this or have to be disgusted
Yeah, they are raped by voluntary stripping and masturbating in public webcam streams. Get on with the time, gramps. Kids love sex, and the ease of the internet access only proved it.
not an argument
>imagine the smell
I can just crack open a tuna can
Why would they do that when they obviously sympathize with the ideological background of the average user of “have sex”?
Also, get laid.
How do I get to the point of having sex though?
both really. You think every little girl wants your greasy fat paws on them?
Think back to childhood, girl's wanted to be around other BOYS they were attracted to. Not to be manhandled by smelly fat men touching their little vaginas until they're conditioned to think it's not bad as they get carted off in some windowless van to star in cp films and photoshoots
No, to "lick cunny".
2d isn't real
Just bee yourself.
>want to have sex
>no one will let me
What am I supposed to do?
No! It's immoral and mean.
I would if I didn't have to jump through hoops to get one and didn't face the shame of getting caught by police.
>You must ban this word because it triggers me, and I'm unable to not feed the trolls
If you have to ask it's already too late.
Sorry user but I'm a short twink boi not some actually manly man.
did not read lol
have sex
>tfw no virgin bf
also filter
or alternatively give out automatic range permabans for using these words.
yikes and cringepilled!
>mods delete anti-chinese thread in 4 minutes flat
>cunny takes 28 minutes to get deleted
You have to be really insecure to use filters, there are websites better suited to your kind.
Legal in vegas though I guess that is some hoop jumping if you gotta travel.
Is it just me, or are Yea Forums and Yea Forums like siamese twins?
I rarely visit Yea Forums these days but you guys seem to have the exact same shitty memes Yea Forums does, except you have less Brie Larson threads.
based mods
I just had sex last night.
What's the matter OP, you can't get any?
Cunny is too delicious.
Have sex basedboy
i'd rather them filter weeb since it's been getting thrown around more and more recently
"have sex' isn't that bad
You can't just filter a word like "based".
Imagine if you said something like this:
>The Crash trilogy based on the original games
and it's filtered to
>The Crash trilogy niggered on the original games
Based and seething can stay but the rest is Twitter shit.
this desu senpai
have sec
>real children are now converted into 2d anime children
the wonders of technology
when you have mods who don't do their jobs properly and an admin with a history of datamining, spying on his userbase and doing other nefarious things, you have to wonder what kind of order Yea Forums really has.
Like, there are some users here that don't believe every word they say is being monitored and sold to the highest bidder
moot filtered the word egg to duck though.
If mods dont stop the have sex spam, I swear I'll start ERP threads again
Seething is the number one way to detect projection though. Everything else is just twitter speak and can go though.
Video games?
Egg and s(oy) are different and not used on a constant basis, especially on a board like this. Unless you're a foodfag that no one cares about.
>25 yo virgin animecel getting triggered so easy
Have sex
No, wait, actually dont, i dont want you to diddle some little girl you fucking animephile
we are way past self moderation sadly. a decade ago you could always call buzzword spouters retards like they are. nowdays they outnumber the regular users by hundreds and when you do so you get billion copes and seething replies instead.
>he doesn't know
Never gonna make it.
And what is wrong with encouraging procreation, you fucking prude?
I'll take that as your explicit consent
>still up
jannies seem to like this one
3 minutes. They are getting faster.
I just get offended for my local women whenever someone tells me to have sex. Like, I'm an obnoxious and ugly retard. No one deserves that
Based cunnyposting lolichad
Posting anime pictures should be replaced with a random image
The only people who would be uniroically bothered by someone saying “have sex” are probably people who have never had sex
You cannot argue this
Please, I need some hope Yea Forumsros...
Congratulations, that's the entire point
Touch hands.
>its NTR handholding
Go to craigslist and go cougar shopping. Just make sure you bring your own condoms.
>the source is /dev/random
>the source is Yea Forums - Random
Sorry, I had to borrow this 6 from you. I'll return it later.
Don't be such a little bitch. Also, aquire coitus.
remember when Yea Forums used to laugh at people who got offended by words?
>user banned/warned for one post that doesnt break any rules
Says a lot. You fucking mods are pathetic. Kill yourselves. Depressing
I've never had sex, and probably never will.
You ableist scum
remove Yea Forums /r9k/ and Yea Forums
the site is fixed
Then what's the problem?
i would love if they filtered INCEL to chad
it would be so fucking funny
Wow, I didn't know we were on Reset Era. Fucking pathetic reason to delete a post.
Didn't they get rid of encounters. Where they posting now?
>not /pol/
Go back
KeK you fucking chads
Throw /pol/ and /lgbt/ in there too.
It's depressing when I think how many men on an anime website are using female sex shaming tactics on one another.
Then I remember they're all white early 20s numales and I laugh. Pathetic.
remove yourself incel
It's a drawing you retard. Drawings don't have an age.
>Legal in vegas though
no, its legal in nevada in every county OUTSIDE of vegas
Ah, yeah. My bad. Go there.
>Yea Forums complaining about the quality of posters on other boards
Yeah. Yea Forums has a lot of Chinese investors, so anything that goes against the Chinese Communist Party will have priority over drawings of naked children.
Kinda odd a Japanese person would sell out to the Chinese. I thought they hated each other.
have sex => have sex with me
incel => onii-chan
brainlet => baka
Fuck, I'm gonna make this filter myself.
What if I'm truly a forever alone man involuntarily celibate?
Things like incel and have sex trigger and offend me.
Where is my inclusiveness?
Hey, I think you dropped this 6
I got your six right here.
That Nevada guy who owned a bunch of brothels and was getting into politics died. I heard him on the radio as I was driving across the country.
The issue is you retards won't stop replying to it. Enter some random thread to see a "have sex" post with 20 (you)s
lol they only filtered the onions meme because it was directly attacking sony and nintendo man children(who moderate this board and keep 50 smash threads up at once)
>how about yo go actually have sex with me you fucking baka onii-chan
Fuck off were full, incel
Find a mate and make love
baka desu senpai (s m h t b h f a m)
This 6 is mine and I won't give It to you.
Witness me
Snatched it while you weren't looking
That's some interesting revisionism.
Pretty much. Saying nin(ten)yearold counts as spam and they won't let your post go through.
If moot were here this would already be the case
Have chess
you are all dumb fags, i stole your six and you didnt even realize
oh please you can't post Son*gger either
Let me show you how it's done
>Sad. Just pathetic. You should definitely be ashamed of yourself. No, honestly. You should rethink your life choices. "What happened so that my life would be lead to this point? Is this helping me or hurting me? Should I seek therapy?"
>Get help. This is just sad. I'm disappointed in you, so is your parents, friends, family and everyone else. You could do better but you chose to fail. Just sad.
Sad. Just pathetic. You should definitely be ashamed of yourself. No, honestly. You should rethink your life choices. "What happened so that my life would be lead to this point? Is this helping me or hurting me? Should I seek therapy?"
Get help. This is just sad. I'm disappointed in you, so is your parents, friends, family and everyone else. You could do better but you chose to fail. Just sad.
Dear op:
Could we please have a god damn video game thread for once?
But the mods don't delete a fucking meta thread. No ones gonna suck up to you fags by the way, can see why they call you trannies. Just like the Neofag trannie mods. Based user taking the fall.
have sex with me onii chan, you baka.
get a load of this fag
Unironically agree, i prefer the onions insults
This better be fake, although I think it's real since the mods have done some retarded shit lately
Filter it to Hold Hands
>onions lovers are also tranny lovers
Any websites to find locally hookers? I have cancer and need to have sex before I die.
I doubt it was just for having fun at trannies' expense, there are obsessed retards here who you get the impression post that trannies need to die 24/7
What the?! Being afraid of trannies is a bannable offense?!?
basedboy and cuck were spammed much more. "have sex" shouldn't even be a good insult but I think the influx of normalfags has made it so. Not just normalfags spamming this meme but normalfags getting triggered by it. Oldfags and losers who know they can't get laid wouldn't give a shit about this kind of things, they just joke with the concept of virginity and sex like the "My name is X and I hate everyone of you virgins"
They're not wrong though
Have six
I guess sex is sex, I'm not gay though... but I am running out of time.
please tell me this isnt real
>remove Yea Forums but not /pol/ or Yea Forums
Just reply "Bend over" to them. Simple solution. no need for reddit filters
How about they fucking filter "incel" already
there has literally never been a point where that word was used for anything but shitposting. Hell it isn't even a fucking word.
have sex
oh shit, the mad lad
so [/spoiler] y
Select all images with: Parking meters
This guy gets it
Neither are the guys telling you to have sex
execute intercourse.
filter it yourself or stop being a pussy.
I've had sex with trannies, it's gross and they don't always shave their hair off
t. seething incel
have sex
Why don't we filter every bad word that hurts my feelings? :(
Nobody should be able to hurt my feelings on Yea Forums!
PLEASE be in London
have sex
I've seen pictures of the mods I understand why they filtered soyboy
Pics or never happened
Have sex with trannies
so yboy
I'd like to have sex with that cute girl, if you know what I mean.
Have there been any notable wordfilters since m00t got cucked to death? I'm pretty sure only the site owner has wordfilter permissions.
yeah, say that outside of your basement, see what happens dumb faggot
Onions is post moot right?
great board
There’s so many incels on this board it’s a bigger offense here than compared to other boards with a more normie population
Have sex.
Reminds me of you dumb gamers and your n word
Dubs was the only weapon that good Yea Forums users had to kill non-vidya threads. Now they are gone because the powers that be thought it was a good idea. This made it easy for non-vidya threads to last a lot longer than they normally would have if we all united and tried to get dubs in order to derail it and kill it.
Sure, there were some newfags here and there that would make threads just about dubs, but those threads were easily destroyed by mods. You know what isn't destroyed by mods? Homo loving dick threads, feel threads, FUCKING THREADS TALKING ABOUT REDDIT and general non-vidya shit.
Dubs was all we had. Dubs is the one thing all of Yea Forums could really call its own, and no one else could take it away. Sure, reddit and 9faggers can steal our images like they always do, but they will never get dubs. The higher ups decided to take away dubs in the places that needed them most. The result? A new wave of cancerous crap. One unlike anything else we have seen before. So please, I say to those in power, and ask of you:
Bring back Patrick Bateman.
Because it's not just about the pleasures of doubles, and the shit threads that they kill, it's also a personal statement about the website itself.
sex with kaos!
have dubs
I would only have sex with a cute 2D loli
Have (written) sex.
Shut up! Delete this! Now!
And Hiro!! Fucking word filter "have sex" already, aaaaarggh!!!!!
>not having vr chat hookups
No. Wordfilters are now an appalling violation of free speech and not an amusing anti-cancer measure.
also filter incel to chad
feeling personally attacked OP?
should have monitored the thread for some good shit
of course that's a thing
Is that a boy?
please tell me that's a boy
I would love if they re-enabled dubs for April 1 or an anniversary or something, just for a day of fun. Sure the board wouldn't have a semblance of video game discussions on that day, but it's not like there is much even on normal days anyway.
based Yea Forums memes going over the finna Yea Forums jabronis
six is afraid of my seven
It's never said for no reason. We need somebody to fight against the people who are trying to turn Yea Forums into Yea Forums, which is basically just a porn dump now.
begone npc
>ywn have sex with [waifu name here]
okay, let me get home from work so i can.
You can just filter it you triggered zoom zoom.
>permabans in 2019
>that fucking IRL footage
have sex
>ever giving a shit
Pick 1
Based mods!
I better get going then. ;)
You have been visited by the Sleepy Sausage of Salzhausen! High quality meats and lucid dreams will come to you, but only if you post "Schlaf gut, Welpe!" in this thread!
is it true erp will diminish my incel tendencies?
Janitors probably want the mods to see this thread for some fucking reason, as if it's video games.
Play Gex
>I want to to have sex with !
>ywn have sex with
Damn, all that shit out of Yea Forums with one single filter?
Sounds like a win-win.
The madlad does it again.
This post changed my mind, make "have sex" an autoban.
Mods are redditors this isn't a meme moot purged the mod team and replaced them with well known redditors after failed
>remove Yea Forums
the fuck that will achieve?
Yea Forums is a porn board with less influence over the site than /gif/ nowadays
it's dead jim
Good for nothing pink little shit!
I would enjoy seeing my little lab rats fuss around if I were a mod too
Hell I'm not a mod and I enjoy seeing you lab ratties too
how the mighty have fallen
bigbrained centrist
Based and truthpilled
>remove Yea Forums
i dont go there but Yea Forums was literally the founding board of this site
they surely can't be bad enough that removing them is the only way to go, right? and even then, if we do remove them, they'll just come into other parts of the site to shit things up further
yeah, go take the bus and come to my home so i can tear your asshole appart twink, maybe we can play some videogames after.
Only to make way for better boards to rise with greater power
Yea Forumsirgins must not be insulted here
Incel too. Sometimes I take my filters off to check and I haven't missed a single good post. Every post with that term is an abhorrent shitpost
i really like that 3, haha, where did you get that one?
No, because the mods likely use it themselves and think it's a great insult.
>The only people who would be uniroically bothered by someone saying “soi” are probably people who have never ate soi
Just respond "give birth" or "seed a child" whenever they use it, since that's something they are demonstrably less likely to do.
It's not real
Right down to the get at the end.
It's fine. Just like onions or every form of u mad, it shows that the other person has no argument. So when someone replies with "have sex" you know you won the debate.
The only people who say “have sex” are probably people who have never had sex
You cannot argue this
>all this Reddit spacing
It's time to play "Irony, Shitpost or Both!"
What would you post this 4
Have sex
I’ve had sex
Your points been proven wrong
>Yea Forums
>but no /pol/
Sasuga Yea Forumstards
Your post wins. Ever heard of paragraphs?
Reddit spacing is when people double space single sentences that should be part of the same paragraph.
But of course you're baiting so... Kill yourself.
Lolifags are annoying as fuck.
Fetishfags in general are annoying with every other thread being a porn dump or ERP with discord link spam. All the 2D porn boards are barren wastelands because horny faggots can't go one second without going full OwO, even fucking /trash/ has more restraint than Yea Forums when it comes to this shit, probably more shitposters thinking they're hot shit because hehe look, nsfw content on a blue board.
Have sex is literally just another SEETHING and COPE.
The words are just the product of low effort shitposters being lazy, a large chunk of all posts on this board are just filler and (you) bait.
That being said it's best to just ignore them as they circlejerk and give each other (you)s
You haven't had sex, and my point has been proven.
Can't say Ninten(drone) either.
Fucking tranny kill yourself
MAGApedes don't really care that much about the white race, they just want to stir up shit.
The real white supremacists you will never get to call "incel" because they know better than to live on the Internet and are too busy running shit behind your back.
Just leaving this here
Thanks doc
>paragraphs are always double spaced
Found the illiterate. It's like you've never even seen that thing thing they call "a book."
The real white supremacists are too busy fucking their cousin and shooting empty beer cans.
god bless you doctor.
Imagine hugging kaos
was gamergate vidya related? Were mods right to remove it from Yea Forums? Were mods in on it?
I can prove I’ve had sex, you can’t prove I havent
Have sex
+1 NPC
I'd rather that "incel" get filtered instead.
This is retarded, anyone can say “have sex” regardless of if they have had sex or not, but the only faggots who’d be offended by it would be people who’ve never had sex
Paragraphs in books are indented to mark where they begin. Yea Forums posts cannot be indented and so a blank line is used to separate paragraphs.