I haven't played a Pokemon game since Silver

I haven't played a Pokemon game since Silver

which one should I play lads?

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Soul Silver

You played one, you played them all. Don't bother.

Don't, Pokemon became shit after Johto.

BW, then BW2 if you liked it.


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If you want a brand new adventure full of Pokémon you've never seen before, try out Black or White and then their respective sequel.

If you want the same experience with the same old Pokémon but with a fresh coat of paint, play HeartGold (Ho-Oh fits better into the narrative then Lugia in my opinion).

Black 2 or White 2
Pokemon Puzzle League

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>soul silver
>lacks soul, doesn't even have a silver lining
What did they mean by this?

Emerald of course

Gamefreak doesn't care about your Yea Forums buzzwords.

Black or White, Ultra Sun or Ultra Moon even though those are stupid easy

Emerald, platinum, White, White2.
You can also play if fire red and heart gold if you feel like playing a new version of Red and gold.

Monster mind

Emerald, Platinum, and BW2 are the only pokemon games you should play. Ignore everything else


FRLG, Emerald, Platinum, HGSS, BW, BW2. Everything afterward is pointless.

Stick with the classics, kid.
Gold and Silver are great and their remakes rock.
Anything else is like listening to post-Iron Maiden metal.

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Quick question since this is a pokemon thread. What the fuck is the point of underground? and how do I get internet play for WEP network pokemon games despite my net being WPA?

PokeMMO or TemTem when it comes out.

Singleplayer Pokemon games are completely identical to one another and garbage

Underground was a multiplayer thing where you make your own secret base and play capture the flag with other people.
You can also play mining/archeology minogame there to find shit like star pieces, shards that you can exchange for move tutoring, evolutionary stones, type plates and fossils.

Everything up to Gen 6 in order.

All the seething gen wunners.

I'd recommend you play in this order
OPTIONAL: Platinum
Black and White
Black and White 2

the rest is complete trash

Mystery Dungeon. The whole series.

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White is the best. Play her game.

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Emerald, Platinum, Black/White, Black/White 2.

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>OPTIONAL: Platinum
Why plat, if any game wpuld optional it would be BW?
I still think it's worth playing BW, because you get more out of BW2 and it's pretty good in it's own right, but I don't see why you would pick BW over plat.


don't bother with anything after 5

crystal and crystal clear are the only good pokemon games

Soul Silver
Heart Gold
Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire
Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon

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Go BW for a region with nothing but new Pokémon and their sequels, which actually gave you a balanced roster of older generation Pokémon, as well as a revamped region. Emerald, Plat and HGSS are also solid choices.

Why put Heart gold and soul silver in different tiers?
What jewish games are you playing, Wario?

This. Fairy type, megas, slow as fuck pacing, terrible frame rate issues, extreme hand-holding that would make even modern Mario & Luigi games blush, genwun pandering, terrible balance issues, and etc plague everything post B2/W2. Ignore any Pokemon game released after 2012, except for Super Mystery Dungeon if you're craving something as good as Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky.

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I concur. We've got a gentleman with refined tastes in this thread.

Games haven't changed since Gen IV. And the Gen IV changes sucked. Emerald was the last game worth playing. So either play Alpha Sapphire or just wait for the next Pokemon game on Switch.

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I could have sworn pikachu had black at the end of his tail

>Games haven't changed since Gen IV. And the Gen IV changes sucked. Emerald was the last game worth playing. So either play Alpha Sapphire
Christ user

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she did

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There's nothing wrong with Alpha Sapphire unless you're one of those crybabies who wanted Battle Frontier. Which they took Battle Frontier out because of crybabies like you complaining it sucked when Emerald was the latest game.

you start where you left off. so emerald, platnium, soul silver, black and white 1 and 2. dont bother with gen 6 and 7.

>Cutting the only remotely challenging part of pokemon is good.
Also I like how you say that all the changes in gen 4 sucked and then proceed to shill ORAS when that has all the changes gen 4 has, but also even more retarded shit like fairy types and mega evolutions.

giving you free legend pokemons and exp share was a mistake.

Platinum and Mystery Dungeon.
Yo-Kai Watch.

ORAS sucked dick. Bad framerate. Worse artstyle even tho the graphics are better. No Battle frontier. All opposing pokemon trainers were made weaker. The game gives you items every 5 seconds.

You have shit taste friend.

>and then proceed to shill ORAS
Recommending something is not shilling it. Because...

>when that has all the changes gen 4 has
That was my entire post. Every game since Gen IV has been the same crap with a few cosmetic changes. So if OP is going to get into Pokemon now, he might as well just play one of the latest games. It's all the same.

Ideally of course, he could go back and play LGFR or Emerald. But few people are going to do that.

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>Bad framerate. Worse artstyle even tho the graphics are better. No Battle frontier. All opposing pokemon trainers were made weaker. The game gives you items every 5 seconds.
Literally the same flaws of every game since Gen V.

But unlike ORAS, Plat and BW2 atleast have a good postgame.
ORAS nothing, unless you count using fly to hop from place to place untill it is time to catch fug and sweep Zinnia's team with it.
Hell I would say you would have had a better case if you recommended USUM since that has all the new BS ORAS had plus more.

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>BW1/2 are the best games so far
>You can't farm for stuff anymore since all online minigames are dead

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Sun and Moon were great through the main story, just fell flat instantly after that. Though, that's with EXP Share off or at least limited.

Flawless taste otherwise.

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>Cutscenes every 30 seconds on the first 2 islands

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>It's not 3 titles

I wanted to talk abou this for a while now.
Let's talk openworld pokemon.
I know open world is a big meme right now, but bear with me here.
Open world games are usually not that great, but I feel like if there is a franchise that can make it work it's pokemon.
A lot of the times in open world games the map might be huge and varied, but it is always empty.
There is no real incentive to explore, because usually your only rewards for exploring is finding some materials to craft some shitty items or a generic uninteresting sidequest.
You might be able to climb a mountain or discover some hidden forest, but there is nothing, there is no real reward other than the novelty of climbing a mountain or discovering a forest with nothing in it
But in the theoretical openworld pokemon game your reward for climbing that mountain is finding an onix that only spawns on said mountain or you find a shrine that houses celebi together with rare grassmons in that forest you discovered.
Your reward and incentive for exploration would be finding cool new mons.
I legit want to talk about it, because people always seem to either dismiss it or bring it up without saying why it would work or why it wouldn't work.
What are your honest thougts about it?

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>exaggerating for effect

>But unlike ORAS, Plat and BW2 atleast have a good postgame.
No, they don't.

So, just like Black/White. Every time you enter a new town or route, you have to watch a cutscene.

I'm the kind of person who really didn't mind waiting for save times in D/P and found catharsis in watching a Blissey's health drop from 100 to KO in those. I'm not in much of a hurry unless there's a legendary that I want a good nature on or something and there's cutscenes and shit before and after it. Fuck ORAS for that nonsense.

Also, with EXP Share limited, I ended up as underleveled the whole way as other games and the challenge level was quite acceptable. The regional dex was also pretty good for my tastes. The setting was also really nice and distinct and the girls are adorable.

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ORAS literally has no post-game. No battle tower, no repeatable gym match, and gimped pillar.

Go fuck yourself

So you're just baiting here is my last (you)
You got me good.

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Was a good idea 15 years ago
Bad idea now

Here's that (You) you worked so hard for

Soul Silver, Platinum, BW, SM

YOOOOOOOOOO can you battle with this? Maybe even gen shit through it?

>play DSi pokemon games
>network is WEP only

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Gen 6 may be shit single-player wise but you can't deny, PSS was kino. This alone shits on Lillieland.